1942: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Manila In Peril As Reinforced Foe Closes In; M’Arthur Fights On; Ship Evacuates Wounded; Russians Win Kaluga, Report 6 Corps Smashed

M’Arthur Unites His Lines For Crucial Stand; Hitler Reported On East Front To Stem Rout; U.S. Bans Sales Of Automobiles And Trucks

Manila And Cavite Base Fall, Army Fights On; 26 Nations Pledge All Resources For Victory; Russians Gain, Nazis Build Home Defense Lines

60 Planes Bomb Corregidor, Damage Slight; Wavell Named Unified Commander In Pacific, With Brett, Hart, Pownall, Chiang As Aides

Corregidor Downs 4 Of 21 Raiders; Manila Occidentals Maltreated; Foe Gains In Malaya And Borneo

U.S. Fliers Hit Enemy Battleship And Sink Destroyer Off Davo; M’Arthur Repels Foe On Luzon

President Says We Will Carry War To Foe; Asks 60,000 Planes, 45,000 Tanks This Year; Foe Gains In Malaya; Nazis Losing Crimea

Roosevelt Submits Budget Of $58,927,902,000 And Asks At Least $9,000,000,000 In New Taxes; More Malaya Landings Loom; Russians Push On

Sevastopol Reports Siege Ended; Wake Toll Now 7 Tokyo Warships; British Retire Further In Malaya

Japanese Penetrate Malaya Line; Chinese Gain Foothold In Canton; Russians Press Wide Offensive

Japanese Continue Malaya Gains; Storm Kuala Lumpur From Rear; British Strike At Foe’s Airfields

Japanese Invade Dutch Indies At Two Points; U.S. Fliers Join Defense, Hit A Battleship; M’Arthur Repels Attack; Russians Gaining

Allies Hit 2 Japanese Cruisers, 2 Transports In Bitter Fighting At Indies Invasion Points; Enemy Pushes Within 150 Miles Of Singapore

U.S. Guns Win 24-Hour Luzon Duel; Japanese Take Indies Oil Island; British Destroying Malay Riches

Tanker Torpedoed 60 Miles Off Long Island; Navy Picks Up Survivors, Warns All Shipping; British Mass In Johore; M’Arthur Repels Foe

Wells At Rio Urges Axis Break; U.S. Submarine Sinks Tokyo Liner; Second Sinking Here Unconfirmed

Navy Sinks Five Japanese Ships; British Check Enemy In Malaya; Nazis Prepare For Spring Drive

Japanese Gain In Singapore Drive; U.S. Sinks Three Ships Off Tokyo; Invaders In Heavy Luzon Attack

Raiders Set Fires At Singapore’s Navy Base; British Hold Burma’s Premier In Tokyo Plot; Third Ship Torpedoed Off The Atlantic Coast

U-Boats Off Coast Hit 4th Ship After 22 Die In Blazing Tanker; Australians Attack In Malaya

U.S. Fliers Sink Cruiser Near Philippines; Russians Take Mozhaisk, Nazis’ Line Sags; Argentine President Bars Axis Break

All American Republics To Break With Axis; Two More Ships Torpedoed Off Coast, 46 Dead; Burma Invasion Gains; M’Arthur Repulses Foe

Foe’s Ships Off Australian Isles; New Drive Pounds M’Arthur Line; U.S. Speeds Men, Arms To Pacific

Navy Reports Victories Over Submarines; Russians Gain 65 Miles In North To Kholm; Dutch Fliers Hit 4 Warships, 4 Vessels

Roberts Board Blames Kimmel And Short; Warnings To Defend Hawaii Not Heeded; Fleet Strikes In Indies; M’Arthur In Peril

U.S. Navy Sinks Five Japanese Transports; Dutch Planes Hit 3 Ships; M’Arthur Routs Foe; U-Boat Torpedoes Norse Tanker Off Jersey

New A.E.F., Thousands Strong, In North Ireland; U.S. Submarine Torpedoes Japanese Carrier; Lehman Proposes 25% State Income Tax

Six To Ten A.E.F.’s Abroad, Says President; Aid Speeds To Orient; Foe Gains In Malaya; Churchill Sees U.S. Air Attacks On Reich

Canadian Ship Sunk, 250 Missing; 71 Saved, 17 Of Them Americans; enemy 40 Miles From Singapore

M’Arthur’s Guns Smash Infantry Attacks; West Borneo Invaded; Macassar Toll Up; Russians Take Rail City In Donets Basin

Enemy 18 Miles From Singapore; Hitler Threatens U-Boat Drive; Eire Says We Violate Neutrality


Japanese Lay Siege To Singapore Island; British Give Up Strategic Burmese Port; Dutch Battle Enemy For Amboina Base

U.S. Pacific Fleet Batters Japanese Bases In Marshall And Gilbert Isles; 11 Planes Lost; Corregidor’s Guns Smash Invasion Flotilla

M’Arthur Beats Off Two Divisions; Burma Line Firm Under Pressure; Japanese Menace Isle Near Java

Japanese Raid Java, Pound Surabaya; Bomb Singapore On 4th Day Of Siege; M’Arthur Defeats Landing Attempts

Aid On Way, Wavell Tells Singapore; M’Arthur Parries Blows At Flank; Axis Regains Derna On Libyan Coast

Singapore Silences Foe’s Guns In Duel; U.S. Fighters Over Java Bag 2 Planes; Japanese Span the Salween In Burma

M’Arthur Blasts Foe’s Guns, Ignores Plea By Aguinaldo; More Invaders Reach Luzon

Dutch Sink Cruiser And Transport; Rangoon Has Its Worst Night Raid; Big Ship Torpedoed Of Hatteras

Japanese Land On Singapore Isle; Open All-Out Drive On M’Arthur; U-Boat Sinks Another U.S. Tanker

Fire-Swept Normandie Keels Over At Pier; 1 Dead, 128 Hurt; Blaze Termed Accident; Enemy Nearer Singapore; Batavia Raided

Singapore Tottering, Fights 100,000 Of Foe; Japanese Gain In Indies, Converge On Java; Claim Burma Advance; M’Arthur Pressed

Singapore Scorns Surrender, Fights On; Foe Grips Celebes; Chinese Help In Burma; 15th Ship Is Sunk Off Our Atlantic Coast

Nazi Fleet Escapes British In Dover Fight; U.S. Navy Sank 16 Ships In Marshall Raid, Including Carrier, Cruiser, Destroyer

Singapore’s Water Supply Cut, But Defenders Stabilize Lines; Failure At Dover Angers Britain

Japanese Parachutists Attack Sumatra; Singapore Defenders Are Pressed Back; R.A.F. Smashes Enemy Drive In Burma

Singapore Surrenders Unconditionally; Churchill Asks Unity In Hour Of Defeat; Foe Pours Into Sumatra, Strikes In Burma

U-Boats Raid Dutch West Indies, Sink Tankers; U.S. Planes Attack; Japanese Win Hold On Sumatra

Japanese Closing Pincers On Java; Churchill Says Dover Fight Crippled Nazi Ships And Eased British Position

New Burma Defense Is Pierced; Japanese Bomb Australian Port; U.S. Fliers Pound Indies Invaders

Churchill Reorganizes War Cabinet; Adds Cripps, Sends Beaverbrook Here; British Flank In Burma Forced Back

Bali Invaded In Pincer Drive On Java As Allied Bombers Smash At Fleet; British Counter-Attack In Burma

Allied Forces Strike 19 Japanese Ships In Sharp Sea, Air Battles Around Java; Vichy Brings Battleship Dunkerque Home

Churchill Shifts Cabinet Again, Drops 5, Picks New War Minister; Allies Fight Foe On Java Flanks

Submarine Shells California Oil Plant; Roosevelt Sees Allies On Offensive Soon; Japanese Bali Invasion Fleet Smashed

189 Die In Wreck Of 2 Navy Ships In Gale On Newfoundland Coast; New Retreat Imperils Rangoon

Rangoon Ablaze, India Prepares; U.S. Fliers Victors In Java Fights; 56 Enemy Ships Sunk By Our Navy

U.S. Submarines Hit 4 Enemy Ships; M’Arthur’s Raids Edge Foe Back; Russians Trap New German Forces

Allied Fleet In Naval Battle With Japanese In The Java Sea; Enemy Bombs An Indian Island


Japanese Land On Java, Battle Defenders, After Allied Fleet Defeats First Attempt; British Parachute Troops Raid French Coast

Japanese Drive Into Java From 3 Beachheads; Gain 40 Miles At One Point, Pounded From Air; Allies Blast 26 Ships, But Own Loss Is Heavy

70 Enemy Ships Nearing Java Under Attack; Wavell Leaves Indies To Command In India; Our Army Reorganized In Three Sections

Navy In Pacific Foray Bags 16 Of 18 Bombers; Foe Driven Back 7 Miles In One Java Sector; R.A.F. Attacks Factory Areas Around Paris

Japanese Gain In Java, Command the Air; M’Arthur Planes Sink 3 Big Enemy Ships; 500 Dead And 2,000 Wounded In Paris Raid

Japanese Announce Occupation Of Batavia; Cut the Last East-West Railroad On Java; M’Arthur Air Raid Killed Thousands Of Foe

Dutch Make Last Stand In Central Java; Big U.S. Force Reported In South Pacific; British Check Japanese Drive In Burma

Japanese Smash Bandung Lines As The Java Radio Is Silenced; Offensive By U.S. Is Seen Near

Japanese Invade New Guinea At 2 Points; Claim Rangoon, And Push West In Burma; Java Silent, Reported Surrender Denied

Foe Clearing Path To Australia; Reports 98,000 Give Up In Java; Six Ships Hit By U.S. Submarines

Japanese Take Third New Guinea Port; British Join Chinese In Mid-Burma; Eden Charges Hong Kong Atrocities

Invasion Ships Menace Port Moresby After U.S. Fliers Help Smash 7 Craft; Tirpitz Flees Air Attack Off Norway

Allied Fliers Slow Australia Drive; U.S. Submarine Bags 4 Ships Off Japan; Brazilian Crowds Smash Axis Shops

Enemy Fleet Off Solomon Islands Near Our Australian Supply Rout; R.A.F. Pounds Kiel And French Bases

Twelve Warships Lost By Allies In Java Sea, 5 Of Them Cruisers; Japan Loses 7 Damaged Or Sunk

Hitler Predicts Soviet Rout This Summer, Admits Delay; Russians Report Advances

3d Draft Lottery Tonight To Affect Nine Million Men

M’Arthur In Australia As Allied Commander; Move Hailed As Foreshadowing Turn Of Tide; Third National Army Draft Begins In Capital

23 Japanese Ships Blasted By Allied Fliers; Toll Off New Guinea Includes 12 Warships; Strong Enemy Force Moves North In Burma

Japanese Crossing New Guinea As Pace Of Aerial War Increases; Men From 45 To 64 Register April 27

M’Arthur Ordered To Take Offensive; Japanese Press Advance In Burma; Russians In Staraya Russa Suburbs

Sharp Skirmishes In The Philippines Seen As Opening Of Japanese Drive; Malta Shoots Down 14 Nazi Planes

Allies Smash 23 Planes In Day Off Australia; Foe Raids Inland; Bataan Scorns Demand To Yield

U.S. Submarines Hit 6 Ships Off Japan; British Sink 11 In The Mediterranean; Port Moresby Blasted In Biggest Raid

U.S. Fliers In Burma Smash 40 Planes; 54 Enemy Bombers Pound Corregidor; 2 American Destroyers Lost Off Java

U.S. Navy Raids Wake And Marcus Islands; Smashes Bases In Foray Deep In Enemy Seas; Foe Takes Andaman Isles; Flanks Burma Unit

3 Enemy Columns Advance In Burma; M’Arthur Pledges ‘We’ll Win Or Die’; R.A.F. Pounds Ruhr And French Coast

Chinese Retake Toungoo Airdrome; Reinforced, But Face Rising Pressure; Recalled Units Man Australian Lines

British Raid St. Nazaire U-Boat Base, Ram Dock With Exploding Destroyer; Japanese Fight Way Into Toungoo

Dominion Status Offered To India After War If She Cooperates Now; Bataan Repels Heavy Enemy Thrust

Warships Battle On Arctic Rout; Allies In Australia Claim Air Rule; Pacific Council Set Up In Washington


British Force In West Burma Cut Off; Chinese Hold New Line Near Toungoo; Indian Rebuff To Cripps Is Indicated

Foe Takes Outposts In Bataan Attack; Defenders Make 2 Mindanao Forays; British Cut Burma Ring, But Fall Back

Japanese Land Close To India; Cut Bataan Line, But Enter Trap; Cripps Sees Hope, Prolongs Stay

Langley, Destroyer, Tanker Sunk By Japanese In Southwest Pacific Battles; 700 Lives Lost; U.S. Flying Fortresses Bomb Fleet Off Burma

U.S. Submarines Sink A Cruiser, Torpedo 6 Other Japanese Ships; 12 Enemy Planes Are Shot Down

75 Japanese Planes Raid Ceylon; R.A.F. Downs 27 And Hits 30 More; Foe Makes Small Bataan Gains

Japanese Bomb 2 Ports In India; Gain In Heavy Fighting On Bataan; 300 R.A.F. Planes Raid Nazi Plants

Bataan Defenders Forced Back Again; Enemy Reserves Exact Heavy Losses; British Retire To New Line In Burma

Marshall And Hopkins Arrive In London To Discuss American ‘Expansion’ In Europe; Japanese Forces Pound New Line On Bataan

Japanese Capture Bataan And 36,000 Troops; Sink Two British Cruisers; Italians Lose One; India Reported Agreeing On Native Council

Wainwright Saves 3,500 On Bataan; Japanese Cruiser, 2d Ship Sunk; British Carrier Lost Off Ceylon

12,000 Japanese Landing On Cebu, As Guns Hammer At Corregidor; Cripps, Rebuffed, To Leave India

Allied Fliers Hit Japanese Carrier; Corregidor Bombed 12 Times In Day; Foe Pushes On Toward Oil Of Burma

Big Japanese Fleet In Bay Of Bengal; Includes 3 Battleships, 5 Carriers; Corregidor Guns Blast Ships, Tanks

Vichy Reinstates Laval At Nazi Demand; Rejects U.S. Note; Leahy May Be Recalled; Fighting Goes On At 4 Points In Philippines

U.S. Planes From Australia Raid Manila, Sink Japanese Ships At Cebu And Davao; Washington Halts Aid To French Africa

U.S. To Fix Stand On Vichy Today; Laval Picks Aides; Unrest Rises; Foe Invades Panay In Philippines

Japan Reports Tokyo, Yokohama Bombed By ‘Enemy Planes’ In Daylight; Claims 9; Big Raids Over France; Leahy Is Recalled

Kobe And Nagoya Bombed, Japanese Say; Fire Damaged Laid To 60 ‘American’ Planes; U.S. Planes Raid Rangoon, Chinese Retire

Tokyo Factories Reported Hit In Raid; Two New Alarms Keep City On Alert; Gen. Marshall Returns From London

U.S. Seizes 4 Plane Plants Of Brewster Corporation; Poor Management Charged

Chinese Smash Ahead In West Burma, But Allies Gird For A Triple Attack; New Zealand To Be In New Naval Zone

British Commandos Raid Boulogne; Nazis Shoot More Hostages In Paris; Chinese Driven Back On Burma Fronts

U.S. Bomber Down In Soviet Far East After The Tokyo Raid, Says Moscow; 3 Japanese Drives Advance In Burma

R.A.F. Carries Out Record Attacks On Rostock Plane Plants, Flushing; Japanese Advance 80 Miles In Burma

U.S. Troops Land On New Caledonia; Japanese Push Ahead In East Burma; R.A.F. Again Sets Fires In Rostock

Hitler Now Looks To ‘Next Winter’; Gets New Power Over His Officials; R.A.F. Blasts Rostock, Skoda Plant

$25,000 Income Limit, Ceilings On Prices, Stable Wages, Taxes, Asked By President; Foe Races On In Burma; New Rostock Raid

Sales Prices, Rents, Service Charges Frozen; Roosevelt Sees Axis Cracking, Pledges Fight To Victory Through ‘Work, Sorrow And Blood’

Japanese Reach Lashio In Burma, British And Chinese Face A Trap; R.A.F. Pounds Kiel And Trondheim


Lashio Falls, Fighting Rages Near By; Stalin Says He Seeks No Foreign Soil, Hails U.S. And British Aid Against Foe

Hitler-Mussolini Meeting Followed By Fascist, Crown Councils In Rome; More German Gestapo Sent To Italy

Manadalay Captured, Japanese Claim; Chinese Repulse Foe On Burma Road; U.S. To Supply Arms To Iran And Iraq

Foe Strikes Up Burma Road To Within 30 Miles Of China; Moves Inland In New Guinea

Madagascar Occupied By British; U.S. Warns Vichy Not To Resist; Raids Left 7,000 Dead In Rostock

Corregidor Surrenders Under Land Attack After Withstanding 300 Raids From The Air; British Hit Madagascar Base; Vichy Resists

10,000 Prisoners In Manila Bay Forts; British Close In On Madagascar Sea Base; Japanese Advancing Deeper Into Yunnan

Great Naval And Air Battle Rages In Pacific; U.S. Navy Sank 7 Japanese Warships Monday; Madagascar Base Surrenders To The British

Japanese Repulsed In Great Pacific Battle, With 17 To 22 Of Their Ships Sunk Or Crippled; Enemy In Flight, Pursued By Allied Warships

U.S. Fleet Hunts Battered Enemy; Chinese In A Surprise Attack, Threaten Japanese Burma Line

Churchill Warns Nazis Of Gas Reprisals; Chinese Say Foe Is Routed On Burma Road; U.S. Reveals Army Bombers Raided Tokyo

Nazis Open Drive In South Russia; Battle Raging On Burma Road; U.S. Sinks 3 More Japanese Ships

Fighting Severe On Crimean Front; Germans Sink 3 British Destroyers; Chinese Beat Back Yunnan Invaders

Nazis Drive Russians Back In Crimea; Soviet Opens An Attack On Kharkov; Vichy Sees ‘Grave’ Martinique Issues

Russians Break Line At Kharkov, But Fall Back Again In Crimea; Martinique Disarming Warships

Russians Still Gain At Kharkov, But Are Hard Pressed In Crimea; U-Boat Sinks Ship Off Mississippi

Russians Widen Drive Against Kharkov; Churchill Sees The Beginning Of Victory; Freed Writers Reveal Axis Discontent

Russians Flank Kharkov, Claim Toll Of 12,000; Fierce Rear Guard Battles Rage In Crimea; Nazis Challenge Big Channel Sweep By R.A.F.

Big U.S. Force Arrives In Ireland With Tank Units And Heavy Guns; Nazis Stiffen, But Russians Gain

Nazis Take Offensive Below Kharkov; Doolittle, Leader Of Raid On Japan, Says Navy Yard, Plane Plant Were Hit

Russians Report New Gains As Nazis Throw In Reserves; R.A.F. Smashes At Mannheim

Russians By-Pass Nazi Forts Into Plains Near Kharkov; Japanese Cruiser Is Sunk

15,000 Nazis Killed As Russians Check Foe Near Kharkov

Russians Give Up Kerch Peninsula, Hurl Back Nazi Attacks At Kharkov; Reich Rift Reported, Food Chief Out

Soviet Army On Defensive In Battle Below Kharkov, But Claims Gain Before City

Nazis Hurl Waves Of Tanks Into Battle Below Kharkov; Russians Report Lines Hold

Soviet Reports Nazi Attacks Parried; Reich Claims Ring Tightens In South; U.S. Air Chiefs Plan Blows At Germany

Nazi Tank Force Moves East In Libya; Somervell Joins London War Parleys; Bomb Wounds Reich’s Chief In Prague

Nazi Tanks Push Toward Tobruk; Mexico’s War Entry Imminent; Brazil Attacks Axis Submarines

Our Soldiers Will Land In France, Marshall Tells West Point Class; British Repel Libyan Tank Attacks

British Counter-Attacking In Libya; Russians Claim Kharkov Offensive Thwarted A Nazi Drive For Rostov


1,000 British Bombers Set Cologne On Fire; Use 3,000 Tons Of Explosives In Record Raid; Germans Are Hurled Back In Bid For Tobruk

Cologne Death Toll Put As High As 20,000, With 54,000 Hurt; Nazis Raid Canterbury; Axis Tanks Struggle To Escape In Libya

R.A.F. In Third Major Raid On Germany; Libya Drive Curbed, Rommel Makes Stand; Roosevelt Asks War On 3 Axis Satellites

Japanese Bomb Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Twice; R.A.F. Hammers Ruhr And Northern France; Rommel Drives Wide Wedge In Libyan Line

Japanese Battleship And Carrier Damaged, Many Planes Shot Down In Raid On Midway; Big R.A.F. Forces Bomb France, Fire Bremen

Severe Damage Inflicted On Japanese Fleet In Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers, Transports; Foe Retires From Midway; Battle Continuing

2, Perhaps 3, Japanese Carriers Sunk With All Their Planes, Nimitz Reports; 3 Battleships, 8 Other Warships Damaged

Japanese Destroyer Sunk, Two Cruisers Hit, U.S. Destroyer Lost, Most Of The Crew Rescued; Enemy Withdraws, Midway ‘Section Is Quiet’

U.S. Flier Saw 3 Enemy Carriers Afire; Big One Among Those Lost Off Midway; British Urge French To Quit Seacoast

U.S. And Britian Pool All Production And All Food Resources For Victory; Sevastopol Repels Heavy Nazi Attack

U.S. Denies Threat To Aleutians; Japan Admits Some Sea Losses; Nazis Attack in Kharkov Region

Soviet And Britain Sign War And Peace Pact; Molotoff And Roosevelt Plan For 2d Front; Army Fliers Blasted Two Fleets Off Midway

Japanese Make Landings In Aleutian Islands; Enemy Lost 15 Warships In Coral Sea Battle, U.S. Lost 3, Including The Carrier Lexington

U.S. Bombers Strike In Black Sea Region, Reported Attacking Rumanian Oil Wells; New York Cheers Parade Of War Might

Sevastopol Beats Off Nazis; German Kharkov Push Held

U.S. Fliers Blast 6 Ships In Aleutians; 3 Are Cruisers, Carrier Reported Hit; Red Navy Shells Nazis At Sevastopol

U.S.-British Fliers Cripple Italian Navy; Sink Big Cruiser, Set 2 Battleships Afire; Russians Counter-Attack At Kharkov

Convoy Loss Big, British Report; 35 U.S. Bombs Hit 2 Battleships; Axis Is Repulsed Around Tobruk

Churchill Here For Talks On Second Front; British Retire In Libya, Tobruk Again In Peril; Sevastopol Throws Back New Nazi Attacks

Roosevelt, Churchill Chart Course; British Retire To Egyptian Border; Sevastopol Repels Heavier Drives

Axis Troops Reported In Bardia; Nazis Advance In Kharkov Area; Timing Of 2d Front Parley Issue

Tobruk Falls, Axis Claims 25,000 Prisoners; Germans Drive Wedge Into Sevastopol Lines; Japanese Ashore On Kiska In The Aleutians

Roosevelt, Churchill Map Massing Of Power; Hopkins Forecasts ‘Third And Fourth Fronts’; Sevastopol’s Peril Grave, Foe’s Losses Rise

Russians Fall Back At Kharkov, Plug Breach In Sevastopol Line; U.S. Bombers Blast Libyan Base

Russian Marines Land In Crimea In Surprise Move To Aid Sevastopol; Nazis Turn To British Flank In Egypt

Axis Drives 60 Miles Into Egypt; U.S. Sets Up European Command; R.A.F. Raids Bremen ‘In Force’

Germans Gain, Red Armies Hold Intact; Rommel’s Forces 30 Miles From Matruh; Churchill Returns Safely To England

FBI Seizes 8 Saboteurs Landed By U-Boats Here And In Florida To Blow Up War Plants; Allies Pledge Moves To Relieve Russians

Matruh Battle Rages As British Attack; Nazis Open A Third Offensive In Russia; New List By Navy Of Foe’s Midway Losses

Matruh Lost, British Reinforced By U.S. Planes, New Zealanders; Americans Bomb Enemy On Wake


Foe 100 Miles From Alexandria As British Retire From El Daba; Russians At Kursk Strike Back

Germans Report Capture Of Sevastopol; Battle Joined 70 Miles From Alexandria As British Make Stand In Desert Corridor

British Sweep Around Axis Flank In Egypt, U.S. And R.A.F. Fliers Deal Smashing Blows; Churchill, Admitting Peril, Is Upheld, 475-25

British Strike Again At Rommel As He Withdraws To Reorganize; Russians Admit Sevastopol Fall

U.S. Fliers Strike In Aleutians, Bomb Nazi Airdromes In Holland; British Continue Attack In Egypt

British Attacks Force Back Rommel; R.A.F. Smashes At His Supply Routes; Nazis Hammer Wedge Into Soviet Line

Nazis Advance To Don Rail City; British Power Rising In Egypt; 3 Enemy Ships Sunk In Aleutians

Berlin Reports Voronezh Taken, But Moscow Says Fight Goes On; Artillery Duel Rages In Egypt

Russians Strike Back Near Voronezh, Beat Off Nazis On East Bank Of Don; Soviet Submarine Torpedoes Tirpitz

Nazis Sweep Ahead East Of Kharkov; Heavy Push Stalled In Voronezh Area; R.A.F. 2-Ton Bombs Blast U-Boat Base

Nazis Take Rossosh, Cut Railway; Smash Across The Don In Force; Fierce Fighting Rages In Egypt

Russians Slowing German Advance, But Nazis Widen Front On The Don; British Push Ahead 5 Miles In Egypt

Germans Deepen Don Salient; Take 2 Towns, Voronezh Holds; R.A.F. Planes Raid Danzig By Day

Nazis Smash Line At Voronezh, Gain In Offensive Near Moscow; British Navy Fires Port In Egypt

Nazis Advance Again In South Russia; Vichy Rebuffs U.S. On Moving Flotilla; Japan Lost 20 Of 80 Ships Off Midway

British Hold New Axis Drive In Egypt; Russians Pry Apart Voronezh Pincers, But Evacuate Two Towns To South

Major Tank Battle Joined In Egypt; Soviet Takes Initiative At Voronezh; U.S. Ends Conslar Ties With Finland

Russians Recross The Upper Don But Germans Drive On In South; British Repel Attacks In Egypt

Germans Push On In South Russia But Defenders Of Voronezh Gain; Allies Blast Rommel’s Supplies

Russians Abandon Voroshilovgrad But Slow German Drive On Rostov; British Inch Ahead In Lull In Egypt

Russians Seize Bridgeheads In Bitter Voronezh Battle; Soviet Raids Fire Nazi Port

Russians Still Retreat, But Hit Back; Japan Loses 3 Warships In Aleutians; Leahy Named Roosevelt’s Chief Aide

German Armies Drive A Deep Wedge Between Rostov And Stalingrad; British Gain On Whole Line In Egypt

Russians Continue To Fall Back On Rostov; British Forces Push Ahead Slowly In Egypt; Hull Sets Limits On ‘Freedoms’ After War

Russians In Desperate Rostov Stand As Germans Claim City’s Capture; British Wrech Matruth, Axis Port

Russians Pushed Back In Streets Of Rostov; More Germans Cross Don In Caucasus Drive; U.S. Submarines Sunk Five Japanese Ships

Fierce Fight For Rostov Continues; Reds Resist Lower Don Crossings; R.A.F., Russians Bomb German Cities

Supreme Court Is Called In Unprecedented Session To Hear Plea Of Nazi Spies

Nazis Push South Of Rostov, Hurl More Men Across Don; Japanese Set Back In Papua

Court Gets Spies’ Defense; They ‘Escaped’ To The U.S.; Biddle Upholds ‘War’ Trial

Russians Push Back Foe In Don Bend; Fight Off Assaults South Of River; 4 More U.S. Air Generals In England


Nazis Push On In Western Caucasus, But Drive On Stalingrad Is Stalled; R.A.F. Strikes Foe Hard In France

British Bombs Smash Duesseldorf, Pound At Railway Lines In France; Germans Still Gaining In Caucasus

Nazis Slowed Below Rostov, Reds Clean Up Fifth Column; Allies Seek Joint Command

Saboteur Verdict Given To President By Seven Generals

Nazi Sweep On In Caucasus And Advance In Don Elbow; Shift Civilians In The West

Stalingrad Is Menaced From South As Germans Advance In Pincer Move; Gandhi Offers A Free India As Ally

Russians Again Forced Back On Two Fronts In Caucasus, But Advance West Of Don

Nazis Gain 80 Miles In Caucasus, Plunge Ahead Below Stalingrad; Our War Output Behind Schedule

Navy Attacking Solomon Islands, Shells Enemy In The Aleutians; 6 Nazi Spies Die; Gandhi Arrested

Fierce Battle Still Rages In Solomons; Navy Meets ‘Considerable Resistance’; Riots Flare In India; Nazis Claim Maikop

Americans Force Landings In Solomons; U.S. Cruiser Sunk, 5 Other Ships Are Hit; Russians Fall Back; Indian Riots Spread

Americans Hold Ground In Solomons; ‘Outpunch’ Counter-Attacking Foe; Nazis Plunge Deeper Into Caucasus

Marines Gain Hold On 3 Solomon Islands; Ships And Planes Waging Bitter Fights; Russians Again Pushed Back In Caucasus

Marines Cut Way Inland In Solomons; Foe’s Grip On Tulagi Reported Broken; Nazi Drive For Grozny Gains 50 Miles

Marines Tighten Grip In Solomons As Navy Keeps Supplies Flowing In; Russians Retire At Don, Gain In North

Nazis Strike Hard For Stalingrad But Are Slowed In Caucasus Battle; Tokyo Concedes Solomons Setback

Russians ‘Scorch’ Oil Field In Retiring From Maikop; U.S. Fighters Sweep France

U.S. ‘Established’ On Solomons; Our Bombers Strike In France; Churchill Sees Stalin On Plans

Russians Fall Back Near Stalingrad; German Caucasus Drive Veers South; British Change Middle East Command

U.S.-Allied Troops, Tanks Raid Dieppe 9 Hours; More Than 1,000 Planes Aid In Land Action; 182 Nazi Craft, 95 British Hit; Krasnodar Lost

British Hail Dieppe As Invasion Test; One Destroyer Lost, Nazis’ Air Toll Up; Russians Hard Pressed At Stalingrad

Marines Repel Attack In Solomons, Kill Or Capture Foe’s Whole Force; U.S. Raids Island In Gilbert Group

Brazil Declares War On Axis; Nazis Force Don Bend Crossing; U.S. Submarines Bag 4 In Pacific

Stalingrad’s Peril Mounts As Nazi Tanks Cross Don; Brazil Seizes Spy Suspects

Nazis Make 50-Mile Gain In Caucasus; Twin Drives Closing In On Stalingrad; Fortresses Raid France Without Loss

New Sea-Air Battle Raging In The Solomons; U.S. Hits 2 Carriers, Battleship And Cruisers; Germans Smash Harder At Stalingrad Lines

U.S. Blasts 6 Ships In Solomons; Foe Lands At Tip Of New Guinea; Nazis Driven Back Near Moscow

Foe Quits Tulagi Area, Sea Battle Halts; Russians In Rzhev, Hold At Stalingrad, Bomb Berlin; Americans Raid Rotterdam

R.A.F. Bombs Widely In Germany; Fortresses Raid French Plant; Reds Stiffen Around Stalingrad

Red Armies Hold In The South And Push Offensive In The North; U.S. Fliers Hit 3 Ships In Pacific

Japanese Forces At Milne Bay Crushed, Trapped Enemy Being Driven Into Sea; Reds Attack At Stalingrad, Bomb Reich


Rommel Launches New Attack In Egypt; Stalingrad’s Lines Dented In The South, But Russians Advance On Enemy’s Flank

British Check Rommel’s Thrust, U.S. Planes Aid Ground Forces; Nazis Gain On Stalingrad Flank

Stalingrad Line Again Pierced; British Hold Desert Defenses As Fliers Blast Rommel’s Units

U.S. Fights New Landings In Solomons; Sinks Cruiser, 4 Other Ships In Pacific; Nazis Advance North Of Stalingrad

Russians Check Stalingrad Drive; Rommel Again Retires in Africa; Budapest Bombed For First Time

Allied Bombs Fall Across Europe; Stalingrad’s Defenders Hold Fast; British Still Edge Ahead In Africa

Nazis Pushed Back Above Stalingrad, Claim Novorossiisk, Black Sea Port; 10th Fortress Raid Costs 2, First Loss

President To Congress: Curb Prices Or I Will; Will Take War To Germany, He Tells Nation; Nazis Gain In Frontal Attack On Stalingrad

Churchill Pledges Full Aid To Soviet; He And Roosevelt Hit At 2d Front; Nazis Gain Anew West Of Stalingrad

Russians Retreat Again At Stalingrad; Japanese Gain Menaces Port Moresby; All 1,600 Saved As U.S. Transport Burns

Russians Yield For 4th Day; British Attack Madagascar To Stop Island’s Aid To Axis

Russians Stem Stalingrad Assault But Yield Novorossiisk Naval Base; Duesseldorf Is Battered By R.A.F.

Stalingrad Defenders Give Ground To Southwest But Hold Elsewhere; More Japanese Land In Solomons

Foe Gains Below Stalingrad And Claims Entry Into City; Renews Attack At Voronezh

Federal Workers Put On Draft Basis Under Orders Of Manpower Board; Congress Gets 2 Anti-Inflation Bills

Japanese Strike Hard On Guadalcanal; Marines Holding Under Sea, Air Blows; Stalingrad Army Repels Spearhead

Nazis Fight In Outskirts Of Stalingrad; U.S. Fliers Strike In Aleutians, Solomons; Carrier Yorktown Sunk After Midway

Nazis Halted Within Stalingrad; R.A.F. Raids Ruhr, 39 Planes Lost; U.S. Sinks Four Japanese Ships

Germans Widen Grip In Stalingrad, But Russians Retake Some Streets; 116 Are Executed In Paris By Nazis

Fortresses Rout A Japanese Fleet Off Solomons, Bombing Battleships; Defenders Hold Inside Stalingrad

Stalingrad’s Armies Hurl Nazis Back; Counter-Attacks Win More Streets; R.A.F. Flies 1,200 Miles to Raid Munich

Russians Drive Forward In One Sector; Nazi Guns Pour Shells On Stalingrad; Germans Claim Two Caucasus Towns

Germans Wrest Two Streets From Stalingrad’s Armies; Japanese Cruiser Is Blasted

Russian Flank Drive Gains; Volga Warships Shell Foe; British Raid Deep In Libya

Russians Gain On Flank For Second Day And Hold In Other Stalingrad Sectors; R.A.F. Smashes Baltic U-Boat Yards

Russians Take A ‘Valuable Position,’ Repel All Attacks At Stalingrad; Enemy Transports Hit In Solomons

Russians Still Smashing Forward On Germans’ Flank At Stalingrad; Willkie Appeals For Second Front

Each Side Makes A Gain In Stalingrad; Russians Balk Attacks To Northwest; Report 4,000 Of Enemy Slain In A Day

U.S. Fliers Bag 42 Planes Without Loss And Hit 2 Cruisers In The Solomons; Nazis Advance On Rim Of Stalingrad

Red Army Smashes Attacks; Allies In New Guinea Regain Ridge On Port Moresby Road


Hitler Says Aim Now Is To Hold Gains; Promises Stalingrad Will Be Taken; Nazi Tanks Push Russians Back At City

Nazis Gain In Day’s 6th Push At Stalingrad’s North Edge; Russians Advance In South

President To Fix Wages, Farm Prices Today; Signs Anti-Inflation Bill, Giving Him Power; U.S. Forces Bag 12 More Ships In The Pacific

Roosevelt Freezes Wages, Rents, Farm Prices; Names Justice Byrnes Economic Director; U.S. Troops Move Out To A New Aleutian Base

Stalingrad’s Armies Keep Initiative; Second Front Vital, Stalin Declares; Goering Tells Europe Reich Eats First

More Japanese Land On Guadalcanal; U.S. Bombers Keep Kiska Under Fire; Stalingrad Holds Off New Nazi Drive

Russians’ Flank Offensive Rolls On; Roosevelt, Churchill Silent On Aid; U.S. Hits Japanese Cruiser In Solomons

Foe Quit 2 Aleutian Isles, Navy Thinks; Russians Hold Nazis, Push Own Attack; Allies Plan To Punish ‘War Criminals’

Naval Planes Damage 5 Japanese Ships Surprised In Solomons, One A Cruiser; Nazis Abandon Storming Of Stalingrad

Stalingrad Stands Off Attackers, But Germans Strike For Astrakhan; 100 Big U.S. Bombers Batter Lille

U.S. Fliers Sink Warship, Damage 2, But Guadalcanal Foe Is Reinforced; Russians Dig In Inside Stalingrad

Stalingrad Assault Halts, But Nazi Reserves Move Up; Drive In Caucasus Pressed

President For Drafting Youths At 18 Years; Says Our Offensives Will Aid Russia, China; 3 U.S. Cruisers Sunk In Early Solomons Fight

6 Enemy Ships Sunk In Solomons Battle; Landing Is Balked; Marines Extend Hold; Congress To Lower Draft Age This Week

Foe Is Landing On Guadalcanal After Shelling Of U.S. Positions; U.S. Plans 7,500,000 Army In 1943

Japanese Press Heavy Solomons Drive; U.S. Troops Reinforce Marines’ Defense; Russians Fall Back In North Stalingrad

Foe Lands Guns, Shells Marines, Sends Big New Fleet To Solomons; Stalingrad’s Army Again Retires

No ‘Full-Scale Land Fighting’ Yet, Our Losses In Solomons ‘Minor’; Russians Stem Stalingrad Drive

Foe Massing For Guadalcanal Attack; Loses All Of 14 Bombers In One Raid; Three Japanese Cruisers Believed Hit

Japanese Shelled By U.S. Ships, Lose 19 Planes At Guadalcanal; London Expects Mrs. Roosevelt

U.S. Fliers Hammer Japanese Troops; Land And Sea Battles Still Delayed; Russians Beat Off Stalingrad Blows

2 American Destroyers Are Lost, 2 Of Foe’s Ships Hit In Solomons; Russians’ Attacks Regain Ground

Americans Repel Japanese Test Push, Bomb Foe’s Positions On Guadalcanal; Russians Rip Into Two German Flanks

U.S. Fliers Hit 10 Ships At Rabaul, Believe Cruiser, Destroyer Sunk; R.A.F. Starts Huge Fires In Genoa

Allies Gain In Big North African Offensive; British Bombers Batter Milan, Turin, Genoa; Halsey Replaces Ghormley In The Solomons

Planes Blast Axis Line In Egypt; British Torpedo 12 Italian Ships; Guadalcanal Repels 5 Thrusts

Japanese Open Major Attack On Guadalcanal; Hit Carrier, Sink Destroyer; Wasp Lost Sept. 15; Willkie Demands Second Front, Burma Drive

U.S. Army Repels Japanese On Guadalcanal; Fliers Sink 2 Destroyers, Hit A Battleship, But Foe’s Sea Front Off Island Is Unbroken

Guadalcanal Island Battle Subsides; Enemy Losses Heavy Relative To Ours; British Tanks Win In African Clash

Americans Repel 3 Japanese Thrusts, Bomb Enemy’s Guns On Guadalcanal; Nazis Gain In Stalingrad At High Cost

Japanese Fleet Quits Solomons; U.S. Fliers Damage Enemy Carrier And Hit Battleship Or A Cruiser


U.S. Carrier Sunk In Solomons; Bombers Destroy Foe’s Cruiser; British Press Assault In Egypt

U.S. Navy Struck 7 Major Ships In Battle East Of The Solomons; M’Arthur’s Planes Hit 7 Others

Allies Retake Kokoda On New Guinea; Marines Gain In Guadalcanal Attack; Russians Fall Back In Mid-Caucasus

Dewey Elected Governor In State Sweep; Poletti In Doubt; Fish And Coudert Win; Republicans Make Wide Gains In Nation

Rommel In Full Retreat, Tanks, Guns Smashed, General Killed, Another And 9,000 Prisoners; Republicans Imperil Control Of Congress

British General Announces Complete Victory As Fliers Pound Rommel’s Retreating Army; Foe Reinforced East Of Guadalcanal Field

British Overtake Fleeing Nazis, ‘Chop Them To Pieces’ At Matruh; Trap Italians; Stalin Confident

American Forces Land In French Africa; British Naval, Air Units Assisting Them; Effective Second Front, Roosevelt Says

U.S. Seizes African Beachheads And Airports; Vichy Navy Resisting; Algiers Capitulates; Petain, Protesting, Severs Relations With US

Our Troops Sweep Past Oran, Move On Tunisia; Fight At Casablanca; British Land At Algiers; Giraud In Command Of French Aiding Allies

Hitler To Take Over All France And Corsica; Our Troops In Oran, Speeding Toward Libya, Tanks In Casablanca; Roosevelt Tells Plans

Axis In South France, Fleet’s Fate A Mystery; Petain Stand In Doubt; Morocco Capitulates; U.S. And Nazi Forces Race To Occupy Tunisia

U.S.-British Army 50 Miles From Tunisia; Darlan Asks Vichy Navy To Go To Africa; Our Fliers Hit 4 Troopships In Solomons

French Troops Fight Germans In Tunisia; Allies Cross Border; British Pass Tobruk; Navy Downs 30 Of 31 Planes In Solomons

Series Of Naval Battles Rages In Solomons; Washington Reports Losses By Both Sides; Tunis Fighting Intense As Allies Approach

Allies Battling Nazis At Bizerte; New Guinea Pincers Close On Foe; Enemy Strikes Hard At Solomons

U.S. Smashes Japanese Fleet In Solomons; Sinks 23 Ships, Damages 7 In 3-Day Battle; Allies Fight Way Toward Tunisian Base

Allied Chutists In Tunisia Paving Way As Ground Columns Advance On Bases; Roosevelt Says Tide Of War Is Turning

Allies Spreading Over Tunisia; Drive From Lake Chad Reported; Petain Turns Over Rule To Laval

Allies Drive 35 Miles From Bizerte; Toll Of Enemy Ships In Solomons Rises; Nazis Defeated In Caucasus, 5,000 Dead

Allies Close In On Tunis, Bizerte, As Nazis Dig In 30 Miles Outside; Japanese Routed On Guadalcanal

Allied Forces Moving In To Hit The Axis At Bizerte And Tunis; R.A.F. Again Bombs Turin Plants

Russians Open Offensive At Stalingrad; Gain 40 Miles, Cut Rail Lines, Kill 15,000; British Batter Armored Unit In Tunisia

Dakar, West Africa Joins Allies; Air Action Slows Tunisia Push; Russains Drive Deep In Don Loop

Nazis’ Grip On Stalingrad Broken; 15,000 Slain As Soviet Push Gains; Brisk Fighting Spreads In Tunisia

Stalingrad Vise Closing On Foe; Nazis Admit A Break Near Rzhev; Aerial Blows Traded In Tunisia

Russians Cut Off More Nazi Troops; Take Dozen Towns, Gain In Stalingrad; British Column 15 Miles From Tunis

French Scuttle Fleet, Ruin Its Toulon Base, Fight Nazis Moving To Seize Last Stronghold; General Attack Begun On Bizerte-Tunis Line

Red Forces Break Through German Lines In Three Places On The New Front At Rzhev; Axis Is On The Defensive In Tunisia Battle

Churchill Tells Italy To Oust Leaders Or Face Shattering Allied Air Blows; Russians Break Nazi Don Defense Line


Germans Slow Soviet Advances; Allies Deepen Breach In Tunisia; Collapse Of Italy Is Forecast

Planes Pound Tunisia Without Let-Up As Allied Units Pierce Axis Defenses; Russians Push On In Bitter Battles

Allies Repel Strong Attack In Tunisia; Mussolini Urges Italy Not To Weaken; Knox Puts Japanese Losses At 5 To 1

U.S. Sinks 9 Ships At Guadalcanal, Loses Cruiser, But Bars Landing; 2-Day Tank Clash In Tunisia Ends

Allies Meet A Setback In Tunisia; Regroup Forces; Tank Battle Rages; Russians Advancing On Two Fronts

M’Nutt Named Manpower Dictator Of Nation; Allies Retire In Tunisia, Beat Off New Attack; Navy Reveals Damage Done At Pearl Harbor

U.S. And 7 Allies Raid Europe In Biggest Daylight Attack; French Strike In The Sahara

Tank Battle Rages In Tunisian Hills As Air Struggle Grows In Intensity; Allied Ships And Planes To Use Dakar

Allies Drive Back Foe Near Tebourba; Air Struggle Crucial, Arnold Asserts; 15 Warships Still Afloat At Toulon

Enemy Warship Sunk, 3 Hit By U.S. Fliers In Solomons; Allies In Tunisia Gain Power

Hitler Changes Army, Air, Navy Chiefs; Himmler Aide Commands Land Forces; U.S. Tanks, Guns Brace Allies In Tunisia

Two Axis Tank Columns Beaten Back After Making Deep Push In Tunisia; Japanese Again Repelled Near Buna

Allies Repel All New Tank Attacks By The Axis In Northwest Tunisia; Planes Batter Naples, Turin, Rouen

Rommel Again Retreats To West As British Oust Him At Agheila; U.S. Hits 5 Japanese Destroyers

Allies Take Buna On New Guinea, Balk Enemy Landing Above Gona; Fliers Prod Rommel’s Retreat

Rommel’s Mines Slow British Pursuit; Japanese Forces Land North Of Buna, But Allies bomb Them Without Let-Up

British Battle Rommel’s Rear Guard; Heavy Allied Raids Snarl His Lines; Darlan Disavows Ambition, Tells Aims

British Cut Rommel’s Desert Army In Two And Maul His Encircled Armored Forces; Flying Fortresses Blast Bizerte And Tunis

Resumption Of A-B-C Gasoline Sales On A Reduced Basis Likely Monday; Rush Orders To Africa Cause Dearth

British Army Advances 40 Miles Into Burma, In Drive To Oust Japanese From Colony; Russia Starts New Major Offensive On Don

Soviet Drives Converging In Don Bend; U.S. Planes In Deepest Raid On France Down 40 German Craft At A Cost Of 6

Germans Retreating ‘In Disorder,’ Russian Drive Advances 15 Miles; Allies Pierce Enemy’s Buna Line

Russians Seize ‘Several Dozen’ Towns, Put Nazi Loss At 55,000 In Don Drive; R.A.F. Rains ‘Block-Busters’ On Muich

Soviet Army Flanking Rail Junctions, Pushes 12 Miles More Toward Donets; Allies Hit 10 Ships In Mediterranean

Darlan Shot Dead By Frenchman In Algiers; Roosevelt Brands Act ‘First-Degree Murder’; Russians Open Fourth Offensive In Caucasus

Giraud Expected To Succeed Darlan; French African Chiefs Act Today; Russians In New Kotelnikov Drive

Giraud Chosen Darlan’s Successor; British Regain Vital Tunisian Hill; Russians Within 105 Miles Of Rostov

Rationing Of Canned Fruits, Soups And Vegetables Starts In February; Halt In Retail Sales To Come First

Soviet Tide Surges About Kotelnikov; 12-Mile Advance Nets Score Of Towns; Japanese Cruiser Smashed At Rabaul

Red Army Captures Kotelnikov And Widens Offensive To South; Allies Lose Key Height In Tunisia

Giraud Arrests 12 To Balk New Plot To Assassinate Him And U.S. Minister; Russians Push On Below Stalingrad

News Source: New York Times

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