1938: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Roosevelt Cuts Silver To 64.64 Cents; Denies Drive On All Big Business; FTC Acts On Building Supply Costs

Roosevelt Drafts Program For New Session Tomorrow; Census Shows 7,822,912 Idle

Capital Eagerly Awaiting Roosevelt Message Today; Congress Convenes At Noon

Roosevelt Asks Capital And Labor To Cooperate In National Recovery; Denounces Abuses By Small Groups

Roosevelt Asks Business To Join Him In Controlling New Industrial Production

1 Billion Deficit In 7 Billion Budget; Defense Outlay Raised To $990,000,000; President Cites Slump, World Unrest

15,000 Cheer Hague For Ban On C.I.O.; ‘Reds’ Are Defied

Roosevelt Deal With South Wins Support Of Wage Bill; Rail Rate Basis Is Involved

Roosevelt Pledges Fight To Finish On ‘Autocratic’ Business Minority; Lehman Urges Party To Be Realistic

Japanese Leaders Fail To End Clash On Policy In China

Ludlow War Referendum Is Defeated In The House As Roosevelt Scores It

Industrialists See Basis For ‘Better Understanding’ After Talk With Roosevelt

President Asks 46 Leaders Of Business To Conference; ‘Self-Policing’ Plan Is Seen

Chautemps Cabinet Quits After 9 Socialists Resign; Fall Of Currency Is Issue

Roosevelt Insists On The Dissolution Of Holding Companies, Banks Included; Hears Plea For Recovery Policy Soon

Stanley Reed Goes To Supreme Court; Known As Liberal

6,000,000 Found Ill In Day By Survey Of National Health

Fixed Liquor Prices Ended Here by National Distillers

Earle Will Ask The Government To Take Over Anthracite Mines

Roosevelt Plans A Council To Help Formulate Policy Coordinating All Interests

King Farouk Makes Farida His Queen; Wild Fete In Cairo

Whole TVA Is Ruled Valid, Its Power Program Upheld; Auto Men Pledge Changes

Violent Magnetic Storm Disrupts Short-Wave Radio Communication

Chinese Reds Firm For A Revolution, Army Leader Says

SEC Bans Short Selling; Says 11 Exchange Men Led Shorts In Falling Market

Roosevelt Fights Pay Cuts; Holds Industry Must Lead The Way To Reduce Prices

Roosevelt Stand On Wages Brings New Congress Drive For Business Tax Relief

U.S. Protests Anew To Japan On More Outrages In China; Embassy Official Slapped

President Asks Battleships, Cruisers, More Army Funds, In Great Defense Program

600 Seized In Raids As Police Hit Back At Hold-Up Gangs

Anti-Lynching Bill To Give Way Today For Housing Action


Torpedo Sinks British Ship Off Spanish Coast, 11 Lost; Swedish Neutral A Victim

Britain Sends 8 Warships After ‘Pirate’ Submarine; Calls Powers To Confer

Dixie Davis Seized As Rackets Chief On A Tip To Dewey

‘Small Business Men’ Score New Deal And It Works; Ask Tax Relief And Economy

Hitler Assumes Control Of Army; Retires 15 Generals And Shifts 25; Ribbentrop Made Foreign Minister

U.S., Britain And France Will Call On Japan For Data On New Warships By Feb. 20; Want 35,000-Ton Treaty Limit To Stand

Japan May Reveal Navy Plans To U.S., But Not Under Pact

Niemoeller Trial Opens in Secret; He Clashes With Reich Attorney

Japanese Attack Shifted In North To Entrap 400,000

Anti-Jewish Edict Voided In Rumania

Patriarch Forms Cabinet As Anti-Semitic Regime Of Goga Falls In Rumania

Carol Gives Army Control In Nation; Press Is Censored

Japan Refuses To Reveal Naval Data; U.S. Expected To Exceed Treaty Limit; Britain Prepared For An Arms Race

Austro-Reich Pact Reported As Step To 4-Power Accord

Gold Sterilization Policy Eased To Cheapen Money And Add To Bank Funds

Austria Capitulates To Germany; Pro-Nazis Get Key Posts In Cabinet; Berlin Hails Unity Of Two Nations

Berlin Outlines Policy For Austria; Sees A Reorganized Central Europe; Gloom Pervades Vienna; Nazis Freed

Secret War Debt Parley Held In The White House; New Proposals Opposed

Hitler Expected To Decree Pan-Nazi ‘Monroe Doctrine’; London-Rome Pact In View

Austrian Issues Split British Cabinet; Eden And 2 Others Threaten To Quit; Europe Tensely Awaits Hitler Speech

Hitler Demands Right Of Self-Determination For Germans In Austria And Czechoslovakia; Eden Resigns In Crisis Over Britain’s Policy

Commons Backs Chamberlain Policy, As Eden Scores Yielding To Threats; New Talks With Italy Start Soon

Chamberlain Calls League Impotent; He Wins 330-168 Victory In Commons; French Decide To Speed Armaments

China Carries War To Japan As 12 Bombers Fly There; 3 Formosa Cities Are Raided

Free Austria Guaranteed, Schuschnigg Tells Diet; Hitler Ready To Quit Spain

Battleship Best Weapon For US, Roosevelt Insists; Sees Air Peril Overrated

Spy Ring In U.S. Army Bared; German Girl, Two Soldiers Seized As Foreign Agents

Spy Hunt Pressed By Agents On Trail Of Two More Here


Hitler Again Orders Nazis Here To Quit Bund and All Such Groups

City Sets Record Tax Rate; House Bill Approved, 17-7; Lehman’s Program Passed

26 Lives Are Lost As Throngs Flee California Flood

144 Dead Or Missing In Pacific Floods; 20,000 Homeless; Huge Property Loss; Los Angeles And Wide Area Isolated

82 Known Dead, 128 Missing In California Flood Debris; Wide Area Still Isolated

6,000 Taxi Drivers Locked Out; Row With Union Halts 50 Fleets

Rebel Cruiser Torpedoed In Spanish Naval Battle; British Rescue 400 Men

Chamberlain Wins Commons’ Backing On Foreign Policy

Roosevelt Acts On TVA; Calls In Three Directors To Present Facts To Him

‘Third Basket’ Tax Defeated By Wide Margin In House; New Revenues Are Sought

Wide Disorders In Austria; Troops And Planes Moving; Reich Seen Directing Nazis

Nazis Seize Austria After Hitler Ultimatum; German Troops Invited To Maintain Order; Seyss-Inquart Chancellor; Powers Protest

Hitler Enters Austria In Triumphal Parade; Vienna Prepares For Union, Voids Treaty Ban; France Mans Border; Britain Studies Moves

Austria Absorbed Into German Reich; Hitler Commander Of United Armies; Miklas Ousted; Plebiscite On April 10

Hitler Enters A Cheering Vienna; No Force Can Part Us, He Responds; Britain Sets Up New War Service

Loyalist Spain Begs Help Of France, Admitting Situation Nears Collapse; Paris Sees New Nazi-Fascist Menace

France Wins British Pledge Of Mediterranean Navy Aid; Will Not Intervene In Spain

Polish Army Set To Invade Lithuania Unless Demands Are Accepted Today; ‘Clericals’ Are Arrested In Vienna

Poland Stands By Her Ultimatum; Lithuanian Cabinet For Acceptance; Powers Bring Pressure To Avert War

Lithuania And Poland Decide On Peace; Hitler Would End Czech-Soviet Pact; Hull Scores Austrian Coup, Accepts It

Times Bureau Aide Jailed In Moscow; Assisted At Trial

Morgan Defies Roosevelt; Refuses To Resign His Post Or To Retract TVA Charges

A.E. Morgan Dismissed From TVA By Roosevelt; H.A. Morgan Now Heads It

Selfish Few Block Nation, Roosevelt Says In Georgia; Scores South’s Low Wages

British Would Aid France; Bar Czech Pledge, But Say They Might Have To Fight

Roosevelt Holds Out Haven To Oppressed Of All Lands Within Quota Provisions

Goering Is Acclaimed in Vienna; Warns Jews Must Quit Austria

Rebels Invade Catalonia In Day Of Smashing Drives; Rome Warns Paris Of War


Reorganization Bill Passed By The Senate, 49 To 42; New Deal Wins On Utilities

U.S. Protests To Mexico On Seizure Of Oil Plants; Britain Supporting Action

President Has No Inclination To Be A Dictator, He Asserts; ‘Lacks The Qualifications’

Reorganization Wins Test In Turbulent House Session; Passage Tomorrow Sought

House Rebels At Speed On Reorganization Bill; Vote Off Till Next Week

Compromise Stems Revolt On The Reorganization Bill, But Legality Is Questioned

Insurgents Take Lerida; Nearing Tortosa In South; Madrid Heavily Shelled

$1,000,000 Racket In Taxicabs Bared As 5 Are Indicted

Mayor Ends Cut In Relief After Council Votes Taxes; New Levies Start Monday

Innitzer Retreats on Nazi Appeal After 2-Hour Talk With the Pope

Socialists In Riot At French Senate Over Blum Rebuff

House Kills Reorganization Bill, 204 To 196; Vote Called Lack Of Confidence In President; New Public Works Drive In Recovery Program

Senate Passes Its Tax Bill; Votes To Forbid Exemption Of Future Treasury Bonds

Hitler Is Backed By 99.08% Of Vote In Poll On Empire

Roosevelt Plans Appeal To Nation As Garner Balks At ‘Pump-Priming’; Railroad Relief Put Up To Congress

New Deal Spending Decided In White House Conference; Split With Garner Denied

Senators Revolt As Roosevelt Acts To Save Surplus, Capital Gains Taxes; Recovery Program Also Faces Fight

Roosevelt Asks Expenditure Of $5,000,000,000; On Radio, He Urges ‘United Nation Will’; Congress Expected To Accept His Program

Spanish Rebels Reach Sea, Cutting Loyalists In Two; Occupy 16 Miles Of Coast

Anglo-Italian Pact Signed In Rome; Italy To Quit Spain When War Ends; France Moves For Deal With Rome

Carnegie Relative Vanishes In Plane

Rebels In Tortosa; Retiring Loyalist Blast All Bridges

Moves To Check Spending Are Started In Congress; Glass Attacks Program

End Of Surplus Profits Tax To Relieve Unemployment Asked In Report To Senate

Organs Live Days In Lindbergh ‘Pump’

Modified Surplus Tax For Two Years Retained In Senate-House Compromise; Senate Wins On Capital Gains Levies

Nazis to Purge Vienna Library; ‘Non-Aryan’ Works to Be Burned

Russia Rounds Up Religious People; Archbishop Held

Prague Rebuffs Henlein; Bars Pro-German Policy; Stands By Its Alliances

16 Business Leaders Offer Cooperation For Recovery; Roosevelt Sees Ford Today

Talk With Roosevelt Fails To Change Ford’s Opposition To Government In Business

Britain And France Agree On A Defensive Alliance; Unified Commands In War

Roosevelt Asks Inquiry On Monopoly; Says Private Power Leads To Fascism; Rules Committee Blocks Wage Bill


NLRB Acts To Reopen Cases Of Ford And Republic Steel; Follows Rebuke To Wallace

500,000 Throng Fair At Music Festival; Many Turned Away

Commons Votes Rome Pact; Chamberlain Extols Duce As Hitler Starts For Italy

Mussolini Greets Hitler In A Resplendent Rome; 300,000 Applaud Visitor

Roosevelt Backs Lifting Arms Embargo On Spain; Congress Agrees It Fails

Italy’s Navy Holds Review For Hitler, Biggest Since War

Wage Bill Forced To Floor By Petition In The House; Early Passage Is Doubtful

Invasion Of Jersey City Halts As Hague Crowds Gather To Bar Speeches

Italians Air Power Is Shown To Hitler In Rome Farewell

Ford Mexican Unit Closed By Strike; Labor Pact Asked

Sit-Down Strike Is Ruled Illegal; State’s Power Upheld in Illinois

Brazil Crushes A Revolt; Vargas Family Fights Off Fascist Guards At Palace

Hughes Appeals To Lawyers To Seek Qualified Judges; Roosevelt Sees New Spirit

U.S. Drops Plan To Repeal Arms Embargo On Spain; Franco Forces Advance

Mussolini Says Fascists Will Fight Together To End If Democracies Make War

Gains By Japanese Admitted By China; Tactics To Change

Farley Creates A Furor In Pennsylvania Primary By Asking Vote Be Split

C.I.O. Beaten By Earle Ticket In Pennsylvania Primary; Pinchot Loses In ‘Comeback’

Pennsylvania Results Blow To New Deal And Its Chiefs; Republicans See New Hope

Gerson Disclaims Part In Name Shift; Defends Marxism

Government Demands Court Rehear The Stockyard Case; Jackson Assails ‘Reversal’

Czechs Put 400,000 Troops Near Borders Of The Reich; Two Sudeten Germans Slain

Firm Stand By The Czechs Eases Tension In Europe; Nazi Troops Withdrawing

Long Henlein-Hodza Talk Leads To Hope In Prague; Reich Troops Again Retire

Henlein Breaks Off Talks, Renewing Tension In Prague; New Troop Moves Reported

J.J. Hines Arrested By Dewey As Policy Racket ‘Fixer’; Released In Bail Of $20,000

New Deal ‘Purge’ To Have Next Test In Iowa Primary

Roosevelt Scores Tax Bill, Asks Revamping Next Year; It Becomes Law Unsigned

Mandalay Sunk In Collision In Fog With Linder In Bay; 314 Rescued By The Acadia

Levine Boy’s Bound Body Washed Ashore On Sound 94 Days After Abduction

Peace Is Pledged As Nations Honors Dead Of Six Wars


Wallace Is Again Rebuked By Court In Stockyard Case; Labor Board Wins On Steel

Senators Allow Roosevelt $125,000,000 In Direct Relief; Resent Plea For Free Hand

Senate Refuses To Prohibit Use Of PWA Cash To Compete With Private Enterprises

Senate Votes Pump-Priming; Bars Earmarking Of Funds And Control By The States

Thomas Is Routed As Riot Halts Speech In Newark; 400 Police End Fighting

Canton Is Bombed For Seventh Time; 300 More Killed

Gillette Winning In Iowa Over Wearin In A Primary Testing New Deal ‘Purge’

New Deal Presses ‘Purge’ Despite Defeat In Iowa; Roosevelt Backs Hopkins

Canton Is Ablaze Under New Raids; Casualties 8,000

Insurgents Bomb 3 Ships As London Studies Reprisals

Hague Testifies Red Pilots Forced Ban On C.I.O. Rallies; Denies Free Speech Is Issue

U.S. Acts To Check Sale To Japanese Of Our War Planes

Wage And Hour Bill Ready; Social Importance Hailed; Workers Can Go To Courts

Rail Legislation Dropped In Drive For Adjournment, Set For Tomorrow Night

Congress Passes Wage Bill, Drops Lewis’s ‘Blacklist’; Hopes To Adjourn Tonight

Fight On Flood Control Bill Upsets Adjournment Plan; Lewis Loses On ‘Blacklist’

Congress Adjourns Sine Die; Members Off For Campaign; Session Spent $12,000,000,000

Lehman Warns U.S. On Wiretapping

Anti-Jewish Drive Covers All Reich; Arrests Mounting

30 Dead, 10 Missing, 65 Hurt In Train Crash In Montana; Bridge Sags In Cloudburst

U.S. Jury Indicts 18 As Spies In Reich Government’s Pay; Secret Service Head Named

Lehman To Run For Senate; La Guardia Group Protests; Bennett In Governor Race

Louis Defeats Schmeling By A Knockout In The First; 80,000 See Title Battle

Lehman Calls For Purge Of Relief Rolls In State; Favors Curb On Spending

Roosevelt Plans Active Primary Role, Speaking Out For ‘Liberal’ Candidates; Rebukes Hague, Labor And Business

Italy Sends War Warning As Loyalists Talk Of Raids On Bombers’ ‘Home Bases’

100% Stalin Vote Ends Soviet Poll

Dewey Victory On Seizure Seen In Albany Debate

Dunnigan’s Search Plan Loses, Dewey’s Favored; Smith Aids Republicans

New Deal ‘Purge’ Said to Seek Control of House Rules Group


Roosevelt Warns Nations All Must Help Keep Peace; Extols Our Civic Liberties

Two Confess Murdering Snyder For Racketeers; $25,000 ‘Fixing’ Reported

Fugitive General Agitates In Japan For Stalin’s Fall

President At Gettysburg Sees Victory Near In Battle ‘Fundamental As Lincoln’s’

France Occupies Isles Off Hainan; Tokyo Perturbed

320 Die As Floods Sweep Kobe, Japan

War A Year Old, Gen. Chiang Urges Japanese To Rise

Arabs Clash With British On Trans-Jordan Border; Palestine Violence Grows

Roosevelt Aids Campaigns Of Barkley And Bulkley; Explains New York Deficit

Roosevelt Calls On Voters In Oklahoma And Arkansas To Elect Liberals To Office

Dewey Convictions Excel All Records Of Predecessors

President Hails 5 Texans, Makes Governor A Judge, Keeps Silent On Connally

Roosevelt In Colorado Gets Workers’ Plea He Run Again; Ignores State’s Primaries

Hughes Flies Over Canada After Brief Fairbanks Stop; Due Back Today, Inside 4 Days

Hughes Ends World Flight, Setting 3-Day, 19-Hour Mark; 20,000 Cheer Arrival Here

Hughes Acclaimed Wildly By Crowds; Gets City Honors

Pope Pius Assails Super-Nationalism As Breach Of Faith

Efficiency of the Nazis Stretches A ‘Moving Day’ to Two Months

Corrigan Flies To Dublin; U.S. Officials May Wink At Forbidden Hop In ‘Crate’

Hitler Asks British Amity As King, Cheered In Paris, Stresses Ties With France

‘Pickaback’ Plane Spans Atlantic After Take-Off From Bigger Craft

U.S. Demands Arbitration Of Mexican Land Seizures; ‘Neighbor’ Policy At Stake

Britain And France Reject Hitler Sudeten Deal Offer Because It Omitted Czechs

Torrential Rains In The East Cause Heavy Damage; 8 Dead; New York Suburbs Flooded

Plane Rips Crowd, Kills 34, Hurts 150 At Columbia Fete

Gov. Earle Exhorts Legislature To Bar ‘Judicial Invasion’

Youth 11 Hours On Ledge Leaps 17 Floors To Death As Thousands Watch Him

Britain Threatens Action To Protect Interests In China

TVA Head Upholds $680,000 Land Deal As Part Of Program

Pope Warns Italy Not To Hit Church In Race Campaign

Davis Will Plead Guilty And Testify Against Hines; Paroled In Care Of Dewey


Japan Claims New Rout Of Russians On Frontier; 250 Casualties In 2 Fights

103 Indicted Here In An Alcohol Ring; 6 Policemen Held

Soviet Hurls Six Divisions And 30 Tanks Into Battle With Japanese On Border

Japan Fears Raid, Cities Darkened; Fighting Renewed

Japan, Soviet Talk Peace But Moscow Insists Foes Must Accept It’s ‘Border’

Corrigan Captivates City; 1,000,000 Roar An Ovation In His Parade Up Broadway

Soviet Planes Raid Korea, Bombing Railway To Sea; Japan Threatens Revenge

Bolt Kills 3 At Riis Park, Injures 15, Repeating Tragedy Of A Year Ago

Fighting Is Heavy At Changkufeng; Japan Claims Hill

Soviet Artillery Blasts Enemy On 4-Mile Front; Japanese Await For Big Drive

Russia And Japan In Truce, Hold Lines Now Occupied; Agree To Delimit Border

Plane Here From Berlin In 25 Hours Without Stop After A Secret Take-Off

Organizing South’s Wealth Vital To Sound Prosperity, Report To Roosevelt Says

Roosevelt Puts O’Connor And Tydings On Purge List; Left Wing Pressure Seen

Fascist Influence Growing In Mexico; U.S. Trade Suffers

Security Acts’s Expansion Promised By Roosevelt; ‘No Short Cut To Utopia’

Roosevelt Urges Defeat Of O’Connor And Tydings; O’Connor Accepts Fight

Hines Pointed Out In Court As ‘Fixer’ In Policy Racket; Gang Aid For Dodge Charged

Defiant Witness Is Jailed As He Charges Dewey Aides Forced Him To Accuse Hines

Policy Chiefs Say They Gave $15,000 To Tammany Drive, Put Hines Club On Payroll

Pope And Fascists Reach New Accord On Catholic Action

Tydings, Fighting Purge, Assails Federal Activity; Tells Of Vote ‘Terrorism’

Witness Places Hines Aides At Policy Racket Quarters; Dewey And Pecora In Clash

Roosevelt Says G.O.P. Voting In The Democratic Primary Violates Political Morals

Dodge Saw Hines Get $3,000 From Gang, Weinberg Says ; Leader Says Witness Lies

Riding Master Says He Saw Hines With Schultz In 1935; Weinberg’s Story Attacked

Weinberg, Ending Story, Denies He Slew Schultz; Brothwell Is Unshaken

Hitler Warned By Britons That An Attack On Czechs May Result in World War

British Cabinet Is Called In Growing Czech Strain; Envoy To Berlin Returns

Britain Preparing To Warn Germany Anew To Shun War

Curry Swears Hines Asked And Got Police Transfers, Also Nomination Of Dodge


Davis On Stand Says Dodge Blocked Inquiry On Racket; Tells Of Gang Aid At Polls

Hitler Bars A Czech Truce; Henlein Takes Plane Home With New Counter-Demands

Berlin Sees No Early Crisis; Hears British Are Assured No Sudden Action Is Planned

Sudetens May Ask Berlin To Send Aid In Autonomy Fight

Cardinal Hayes Dies at 70 In Sleep at Country Home

Czechs Draft A ‘Last’ Offer; Concede Much To Germans; Henlein Stands By Demands

Reich Can Defy Blockade, Hitler Tells Nazi Rally; Silent On Czechoslovakia

Henleinists Break Off Negotiations Over ‘Attack’ On A Sudeten Deputy; Reich Attitude Reported Stiffening

Sudeten Outbreaks Add To Tension; Benes To Make Radio Talk To Czechs; British Still Debating Their Stand

Germany Will ‘Capitulate To No One’ Hitler Tells His Nazis At Nuremberg; Formal British Warning Reported

Goering Pledges Germans To Protect The Sudetens; Hitler Gets British Views

Nazis Insist On Annexation; Sudetens Want Plebiscite; Hiter To Tell Aims Today

Hines Mistrial Is Ordered After Month’s Testimony; Dewey Rebuked By Pecora

Czechs Ignore Henleinist Ultimatum To Lift Martial Law In Sudeten Zone; Britain, France Press For Plebiscite

Chamberlain Off By Plane To See Hitler; Will Make A Personal Plea To Avert War; Prague Firm As Sudetens Battle The Police

Chamberlain Has 3-Hour Talk With Hitler; Paris Sees General Peace Conference Likely; Czechs Order Henlein Arrested As A Traitor

Czechs Will Fight To Hold Territory, Britain Is Told As Premier Returns; Hitler Awaits Pressure On Prague

British Cabinet Is Divided; Daladier Going To London; Czechs Decree Martial Law

Britain And France Accept Hitler Demands On Czechs; Will Ask Benes Today To Surrender German Areas; Prague, Incredulous, Regards Action As A Betrayal

Czechs Delay Decision On Partition; Ask French Attitude If They Refuse; Britain Seeks A Gesture From Hitler

Britain, France Give Prague Hours To Submit On The Peril Of Immediate German Attack; Czechs Are Declared Determined To Resist

Czechoslovakia Decides To Give Up; Crowds Protest, Cabinet In Peril; Chamberlain To Demand Guarantees

Storm Toll 462; Thousands Homeless; 250 Killed In The Providence Area; New England Still Battles Floods

Chamberlain Sends Hitler Terms To Czechs; Prague Completes Mobilization In 6 Hours; Paris Cabinet Orders Partial Mobilization

Czechs Have Until Oct. 1 To Accept; Hitler Aids Polish-Magyar Demands; Daladier Flying To London Again

Roosevelt Appeals To Hitler And Benes To Negotiate; British And French Premiers Also Plan Plea To Reich; Terms Unacceptable; Hitler Talk To Attack Czechs

Britain Pledges Aid If Czechs Are Attacked; Also Guarantees Surrender Of Sudeten Area As Hitler In Speech Keeps Peace Door Open

Roosevelt Appeals Again To Hitler As Hope Wanes; Reich Sets Attack For Saturday, Denies New Deadline; Britain Mobilizes Navy; Chamberlain Makes Final Plea

Hitler Warns War Moves, Calls 4-Power Conference; Meets Mussolini, Chamberlain And Daladier Today; Munich Talk May Cover Whole European Situation

Four Powers Reach A Peaceable Agreement; Germans To Enter Sudeten Area Tomorrow And Will Complete Occupation In Ten Days


Britain And Germany Make Anti-War Pact; Hitler Gets Less Than His Sudeten Demands; Polish Ultimatum Threatens Action Today

Czechs Yield Area To Poles; British Naval Chief Quits; Europe Studies Alliances

Hitler To Accompany Army Into Sudeten Area Today; Britain Reassures France

Chamberlain Defends Pact Lends 10,000,000 To Czechs; Plans Talk With Mussolini

Geoghan Bank Accounts And Records Of 44 Aides Subpoenaed By Herlands

Benes Resigns Presidency On New German Pressure; Turn Toward Fascism Seen

Chamberlain Policy Upheld, No Conscription, No Election; Slovaks Obtain Autonomy

U.S. Asks Italy To Respect Rights Of American Jews; Retaliation Here Hinted

Vienna Nazi Mob Storms Cardinal Innitzer’s Home; He Is Reported Injured

Hitler Announces He Is Demobilizing Army Reservists

Soviet Fliers Denounce Lindbergh As ‘Hired Liar’ for German Nazis

Japanese Launch South China Drive In Hong Kong Area

Japanese Ships and Planes Blast Way for Invasion of South China

Geoghan To Be Superseded In Brooklyn Graft Cases; Lehman Plans Full Inquiry

Lehman Promises To Serve Full Four Years In Office; He And Poletti Spurn Reds

Reich Impressed By U.S. Arms Plan; Baruch Denounced

Jerusalem Center Of Arab Attacks

Six Priests Seized By Nazis In Vienna; Prelate Is Curbed

7,200 Police Records Stolen At Brooklyn Headquarters; Sought For Graft Inquiry

Search For Thief Narrows In Brooklyn Police Scandal; Amen Gets ‘Free Hand’ Today

Brooklyn Inquiry Widened; Lehman Orders Amen To Act In Looting Of Police Files

Police Lieutenant In Jail As A Looter Of Records; ‘Traitor,’ Valentine Says

U.S. Navy Ignores Warning By Japan Of Peril Of Bombs

Aerial Bombs Hit A British Warship In Japanese Raid

Lehman Charges Falsity And Vilification To Rival; Dewey Assails O’Connells

Roosevelt Assails Dies Committee For Airing Charges Against Murphy; Chides Press On Wage-Hour Reports

Roosevelt Warns Nation Must Arm In World Of Force

U.S. Note Demands Japan Respect Rights In China; Insists On The Open Door

Germany Deports Jews To Poland; Seizes Thousands

Germany Ceases Deporting Jews Pending Parleys

Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama As Fact


18,000 At Labor Rally Here Hail Lehman And New Deal; Dewey Widens Racket Drive

Dewey, In Pledge To Labor Says Democrats Betray It; Lehman Sees Issues Evaded

La Guardia Will Support Governor; Lehman Calls Rival Civil Service Foe; Dewey Pledges Utility Rate Action

Dewey Declares Governor Fought Drive For Clean Government Here; Lehman Calls Crime Issue Hypocrisy

Roosevelt Appeals For Gov. Lehman, Wagner, Mead, Murphy Of Michigan; Links G.O.P., Fascists And Reds As Foes

Dewey Replies To Roosevelt Appeal; Charges Schultz Was Flynn Deputy; Lehman Says Foes Raise Race Issue

Race For Governorship Held Close; Wagner, Mead Lead On Election Eve; Mayor Denounces Religious Issue

5,000,000 Ready To Vote In State Today; Both Sides Confident In Close Finish; New Deal Facing Test In The Nation

Gov. Lehman And His Slate Elected; Big Republican Gains In The Nation; Earle, Cross Lose; Murphy Trails

Coalition In Congress To Halt The New Deal Urged As The Republicans Appraise Victory; Gain 80 In House, 8 In Senate, 11 Governors

Nazis Smash, Loot And Burn Jewish Shops And Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt

Nazis Warn Foreign Press ‘Lies’ Will Hurt Reich Jews; Arrests Run To Thousands

Reich Bars Jews In Trade; Fines Them Billion Marks; Cardinal’s Palace Stoned

Extremists Sway Nazis And Jews Are Menaced With More Drastic Rule

Washington Calls Envoy From Berlin; Chamberlain Plans To Ask Roosevelt To Join In Movement To Rescue Jews

Roosevelt Condemns Nazi Outbreak; ‘Could Scarcely Believe’ It, He Says; London Studies Jewish Colonization

British Ministers Approve Opening Colonies To Jews; Financial Aid Sought Here

Nazis Are Defiant As Rath Is Buried; Hitler Is Silent

Germany Recalls Its Envoy To Explain ‘Singular’ Stand Of Roosevlet On Nazi Acts

President Asks For Prayers For ‘Unfortunates’ Abroad; La Guardia Scores Dictators

Reich Police Raid Foreigners’ Homes In Hunt For Jews

Britain Offers Reich Jews Land In Africa And Guiana; $100,000,000 Fund Is Sought

Paris Receives Hitler Bid For ‘Good-Neighbor’ Ties; Chamberlain There Today

Kennedy Helped Censor Newsreel, Commons Learns

British And French Agree On Strong Home Defenses; Will Build Great Air Fleet

Pope Suddenly Stricken, But Condition Improves; His Doctors Are Hopeful

Daladier Decrees Rail Mobilization To Combat Strike

Japanese Building Bases At Shanghai

President Returns Phillips To Italy; Silent On Germany

French Troops On Guard As General Strike Begins; Blum Summons Deputies


Daladier Defeats Strikers; Will Press His 3-Year Plan Of ‘Economic Mobilization’

Daladier Decides To Call Parliament Into Session; Many Strikers Dismissed

France Protests Strongly To Italy On Land Demands

Germany Creating Ghettos For Jews Under New Decree

Latin Americans Demand Pact To Ban Use Of Force After Property Seized

Reich And France To Sign Anti-War Treaty Today; Paris Firm Toward Rome

France And Germany Adopt A ‘Good Neighbor’ Policy; Sign New Non-War Treaty

Mussolini Calls On Hitler For Assurance Of Backing In His Claims On France

France Increases Guard As Riots Spread In Tunis; Libyan Arabs Back Italy

Eden Calls On Democracy To Face World Challenge; 4,000 Give Him Ovation Here

Memel Vote Today Is Hailed By Nazis As Move To Reich

World Climate Growing Warmer, Say Russians, Citing Actic Data

Burns, Comedian, Pleads Guilty To Charges of Jewel Smuggling

Envoy And 35 Nazi Boycott Chamberlain At A Speech Rebuking The Berlin Press

Britain Warns Italian Pact Bars Any Attack On Tunisia; France Not To Yield ‘An Inch’

4th U.S. Note Demands Reich Exclude American Citizens From Anti-Jewish Decrees

Coster Ends Life By Bullet; 3 Chief Aides Are Unmasked As His Brothers And Jailed

U.S. Obtains ‘Proof’ Of Big Arms Trade By Coster Concern

Many in Reich Deplore Excesses, But Fear Keeps Them Muzzled

Coster Contract To Sell 2,000,000 Rifles Revealed; Dewey Indicts 3 Musicas

Deranged Man Fells La Guardia, Who Fights Back, at City Hall

Coster’s Note Put Blame On Himself; Brothers ‘Stooges’

U.S. Rejects Reich Protest Over Ickes In Blunt Terms; Says He Uttered Our Views

Reich Press Turns Fire On Roosevelt For Jewish Award

21 American Republics Sign Pact To Resist Aggression; Warning To The Dictators

New Deal ‘Waste’ Denied by Eccles As He Assails Byrd

Paris Note Warns Rome Not To Invite Anyone To Mediate

Three Are Seized In Blackmail Plot Aimed At Coster

France Doubling Forces To Protect Somaliland; 2 Warships Are On Way

Chamberlain To See Pope On Plan For World Bloc To Oppose ‘Pagan Force’

Reich To Build Submarines Up To Parity With Britain; Jolt To Chamberlain Seen

News source: New York Times

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