1937: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


33,400 Men Are Made Idle; ‘Sit-Down’ Strikes Close 7 General Motor Plants

General Motors Faces Shutdown In All Plants; Union Bars Local Deals

Germans Stiffen Attitude On Spain; Fire On A Steamer

Britain And Italy, In Accord Hold Spain Must Be ‘Intact’; Reich Would End Ship Clash

Reich Openly Mustering Its Public Against Spain; Rebels Gain Near Madrid

Federal Conciliator Tries To Arrange A Conference To Settle The Auto Strike

Roosevelt Calls On Courts To Help Adapt Constitution To Our Needs; Lehman Stresses Social Security

Reich, Italy To Halt War Aid Only If Others Leave Spain; British Fleet To Gibraltar

Paris Moves To Balk Reich As Troops Go Into Morocco; Army And Navy Made Ready

Rebels Close In On Madrid Under Heavy Gun Barrage; Say Defense Is Weakening

Britain Bars Volunteers To Spain; Calls On Other Nations To Do Same; Franco’s Drive On Madrid Is Halted

24 Hurt In Flint Strike Riot; Police Battle Street Mobs; Governor Rushes To Scene

President Asks 105 Bureaus Be Put Into 12 Departments, Creating 2 Cabinet Posts

Auto Peace Talks To Be Held Today, But Clash Looms

Germany And Italy Decide To Back Final Franco Drive Before Armed Aid Is Halted

Court Picks Negro To Defend Green

$14,000 Gold Ingot Missing From Ship

Auto Strike Parley Off; Strikers Stay In Plants, So G.M.C. Bars Peace Talk

Rebels Close On Malaga After Hard 2-Day Battle; Il Duce Moves For Peace

Soviet Tries Radek And 16 On Saturday As Trotsky’s Aides

Roosevelt Pledges Warfare Against Poverty, Broader Aid For ‘Those Who Have Too Little’; Throngs See Inauguration In Pelting Rain

Auto Peace Talks Collapse; Sloan Quits As Lewis Calls On President To Back Union

150,000 Homeless In Floods; 16 Dead, Damage In Millions; Water To 72 Ft. At Cincinnati

Cold Grips Flooded Areas, Food And Shelter Scarce; 300,000 Flee Rising Waters

Ohio River Flood Disaster Grows; Fire Adds To Peril In Cincinnati; Roosevelt Directs Vast Relief Move

Whole Towns In Flight As Ohio Still Rises; Cincinnati Paralyzed, Flood Nearing 80 Feet; Martial Law In Louisville As Chaos Spreads

Flood Crest Nears The Mississippi, With Levees Threatened In Sweep; Mile Upon Mile In Wake Desolate

Flood Slowly Recedes On The Ohio, Leaving More Than 900,000 Homeless; Army Ready To Aid On The Mississippi

Tension Eases In Flood Zone With Levees Still Holding; Ohio Valley’s Danger Past

Mississippi Rises; Flood About Cairo At Critical Stage

Hitler Retracts ‘War Guilt’; Demands Former Colonies; Says ‘Surprises’ Are Ended


13 Plotters’ Pleas Futile In Moscow; All Will Be Shot

Troops Surround Plants Following Riots In Flint; Whole State Guard On Way

Court Orders Strikers Ousted Today; Men Wire Murphy They Won’t Submit; Lewis Goes To Detroit To ‘Face Crisis’

Auto Parleys Deadlocked; Talks To Be Resumed Today; Mobs In Flint Defy Sheriff

Auto Deadlock Unbroken But Murphy Reports Gain; Roosevelt Insists On Peace

Roosevelt Asks Power To Reform Courts, Increasing The Supreme Bench To 15 Justices; Congress Startled, But Expected To Approve

Court Reform Faces Fight, But Passage Is Forecast; Views Of Justices Sought

Roosevelt By Promise Of NRA And AAA Revival To Push Bench Reform

Compromise On High Court Sought By Some Leaders To Have 2 Justices Retire

Court Compromise Pressed As Opposition Increases; House Starts Action Today

Auto Sit-Down Strike Ends; Agreement Will Be Signed At 11 A.M. To Quit Plants

Strikers Quit Auto Plants; Operations Resume Monday; $25,000,000 Rise In Wages

Roosevelt Seen Planning Public Appeal On Courts To End Congress Revolt

Glass, Wheeler Denounce Court Plan As La Follette Broadcasts In Its Defense

Cummings Scores ‘Hysteria’ On Roosevelt’s Court Plan; Senate Revolt Is Spreading

Democrats Press Search For A Court Compromise; President Is Unyielding

Britain Announces A Record Program Of Naval Building

2 Amendments Proposed To Limit Court’s Powers; A.F. Of L. Backs President

6 Dead, 10 Hurt In Explosion Aboard Battleship Wyoming; Shell Bursts In Gun Breech

Sandhogs’ Leader In Strike Is Slain At Home In Jersey

Rosoff Seized As Witness In Strike Chief’s Murder; Refuses To Go To Jersey

Roosevelt Aides Muster To Test Court Strength; Nye Denounces Program

Rollo Ogden Dead: Editor of The Times

Reich Business Fights 4-Year Plan; Will Present a Warning To Hitler

City Bar Assails Revision Of Court As ‘Indefensible’

Borah Asks Amendment Giving States Control Of All Social Programs

Gas Barrage Ousts Fansteel Strikers In A Short Battle

Gas Bombs Injure 36 In Six Movies; Audiences Routed


Pastor’s Death in German Prison Causes Stir Among Protestants

High Court Backs Gold Ban; 5-To-4 Ruling Aids New Deal; Spirited Debate On Revision

Carnegie Steel Signs C.I.O. Contract For Pay Rise, 40-Hr. Week, Recognition; Deadlock On Naval Orders Broken

C.I.O. Drives On To Unionize The Entire Steel Industry; Independents Raise Wages

President Puts Court Plan On Basis Of Parity Loyalty; Says Problems Can’t Wait

France Ends Curb On Gold To Regain Vast Sum Abroad

Foes Of Court Bill Reply To President, Assail ‘Deception’

New Yorker Is Awed and Shocked In the Fog of a Dust Bowl Storm

Cruiser Sinks Spanish Ship That Outran U.S. Arms Ban; Passengers And Crew Safe

Roosevelt Asks That Nation Trust Him In Court Move; Resents ‘Packing’ Charges

Cummings Opens the Drive Before Senate Committee For Passage Of Court Plan

U.S. Takes Reich To Task Over Attacks In Press On La Guardia Incident

3 Senators Score Court Plan Here As Peril To Nation

Pittman Plans A Switch To 15 Permanent Judges, With Amendment Later

Hints Radio Chains Aid Court Change By Discrimination

Court Orders C.I.O. Strikers To Leave Chrysler Plants; Murphy Plans Enforcement

Detroit Strikers Defiant; City Faces General Tie-Up; Murphy Gets Hotel Accord

Murphy Warns Of Force As Strikers Defy Court Order At Detroit Plants; Sit-Ins Hotly Denounced In Senate

500 Pupils And Teachers Are Killed In Explosion Of Gas In Texas School; 100 Injured Taken From The Debris

School Deaths Under 500; Some Families Have Lost All Their Children In Blast

6,000 Chrysler Sit-Ins Defy Gov. Murphy To Use Troops; General Strike Threatened

7 Die In Puerto Rico Riot, 50 Injured As Police Fire On Fighting Nationalists

Hughes Against Court Plan; Wheeler Says It Originated With ‘Young Men’ Last Year

Chrysler And Lewis Meet Murphy In Lansing Today; 60,000 At Defiant Meeting

Lewis Agrees To Evacuate C.I.O. Sit-Ins From Chrysler Factories By Morning; Workers Voting On Order Of Leaders

7 In Cafe Racket Guilty; Dewey Scores A Victory In Industrial Gang War

Police Hero Named As Racketeers’ Spy On Staff Of Dewey

Synagogue Swept By Fire In 82d St.; Incendiary Hunted

A.F.L. Brands Sit-In Strike Illegal Property Seizure; Chrysler Deadlock Holds

Minimum Wage Law Constitutional; Supreme Court Switch Due To Roberts; Glass Excoriates Roosevelt’s Plan

Robinson Says Bitterness Drove Glass Into ‘Error’; Lehman Plans Wage Talks


Paris Ready To Ask Step To Withdraw Aliens In Civil War

Move To Condemn ‘Sit-Ins’ Starts Sharp Senate Clash; New Michigan Strike Wave

House Moves For Sit-Down Inquiry Over Opposition Of Administration; C.I.O. Starts Purge Of Red Membership

15 Fast Russian Planes Cause Havoc In Cordoba; Swoop Low In Brief Raid

Dog’s Police Stunt Kills Patrolman

Senate, 48-36, Blocks Move To Declare Sit-Ins Illegal; Guffey Coal Bill Passed

Chrysler Strike Is Settled; 65,000 Will Return To Work; New Parleys Over Details

Farmers Oust 500 Sit-Ins In Battle At Hershey Plant; Henry Ford Bars All Unions

House Bars Sit-In Inquiry, 236-149, In Stormy Session; Ontario Clamps Ban On C.I.O. 

Ontario Expects Showdown Today On Openings G.M. Plant; A.F.L Union Adopts C.I.O. Plan

Premier Bars ‘C.I.O. Agitator,’ Breaking Up Oshawa Parley; Union Opens Campaign Here

Shots From C.I.O. Office Wound 9 of Rival Union

Supreme Court Upholds Wagner Labor Law; Hailed by Friends And Foes Of Bench Change; Unions See Sweeping Progress Within A Year

Roosevelt Still Presses His Bill To Change Court; May Take A Compromise

Taxis Slash Rates a Third; Operators Defy Police Ban

C.I.O. To Leave Strike In Oshawa To Local Unions; All I.M.M. Ships Face Tie-Up

Katonah Bandits Caught By Sheriff In Nebraska After Kansas Gun Fight

7th Suspect Taken Here In Gang Raid On Katonah Bank

Roosevelt Message To Ask $250,000,000 Cut In Expenses; Balanced Budget Now In ’39

27 Nations Start Spanish Patrols; Valencia Defiant

Roosevelt Asks Economy; Spurs Congress To Action; Taxes Deferred Until 1938

Italy Held Unprepared to Protect Austria Against a German Coup

Mussolini Blocks Vienna Monarchy; Bans Military Aid

50 Hurt In Strike Battle At Stockton, California; Hershey Outvotes C.I.O.

Hirsch, In Nazi Jail, Resigned To Death

Vast German Fair Is Built In Secret To Rival Paris Fete

Herndon Set Free By Supreme Court

15% Cut In Appropriations Proposed As Session Goal; Roosevelt Reported For It

Reich Priest Gets 11 Years In Prison

Nazi Regime To Try 1,000 Monks In War Against Cathholics


Rebel Battleship Is Sunk By Spain’s Loyalist Fliers; Cruiser Also Put To Flight

Hitler Defies Church Foes; Warns He Will Fix Morals; Soviet Shows Army Power

6,000 Called Out In 11 Film Crafts; Actors Hesitant

Pulitzer Prize for Novel Won by ‘Gone With Wind”

Anarchists In Open Revolt Against Barcelona Regime; Italy And Reich Shape Bloc

Barcelona Quells Anarchist Revolt; Cabinet Is Altered

Hindenburg Burns In Lakehurst Crash; 21 Known Dead, 12 Missing; 64 Escape

Washington Starts Airship Inquiry; Death Toll Reaches 33; Lehmann Dies; Germany Will Continue Air Service

U.S. Navy Names Own Board To Investigate Airship Fire; 2 More Die; 30 In Hospitals

Coronation Week Opens As Rain Drenches Crowd; Notables Throng London

Gay London Is Prepared To Crown King Tomorrow; He Dines 400 Notables

Million Line Royal Route In Morning Mist As Procession Starts For King’s Coronation; World Notables Gathered In Westminster

George VI And Elizabeth Crowned In Abbey; Millions Of Their Subjects Acclaim Them; King, On Air, Pledges Service To The Empire

Aid Of Queen Mary For Royal Wedding Sought By Windsor

Roosevelt, Back, Demands Passage Of His Court Plan And $1,500,000,000 Relief Fund

Foes Of Court Bill Insist Roosevelt Aids Their Cause

Communists Block Cabinet For Spain And Premier Quits

15 Democratic Senators Now Demand Showdown With Roosevelt On Court

Van Devanter, 78, Retires; Adverse Court Bill Report Voted By Committee, 10 To 8

J. Henry Roraback Kills Self By Shot

French and German Historians Agree to Purge Texts of ‘Poison’

Basic 40-Hour Work Week, 40 Cts. Hour Minimum Pay, Planned In Federal Bill

Eckener Lays Airship Fire To Static and Leaking Gas

John D. Rockefeller Dies At 97 In His Florida Home; Funeral To Be Held Here

Supreme Court Backs Security Act On Job Insurance, 5-4, Pensions, 7-2; Roosevelt Asks A Wage-Hour Law

Italian Jews Told To Uphold Fascism Or Leave Country

Ford Men Beat And Rout Lewis Union Organizers; 80,000 Out In Steel Strike

I.R.T. Signs Pact With C.I.O.; 14,000 Get 10 P.C. Pay Rise; Davey Acts For Steel Peace

26 Hurt In Chicago Riot As Police Fight Strikers Marching On Steel Plant

Reich Battleship Set Afire By Spanish Loyalist Bombs; Italians To Fire On Planes

4 Killed, 84 Hurt As Strikers Fight Police In Chicago


German Warships Shell Almeria, Killing 20, In Revenge For Bombing; Berlin, Rome Quit Neutral Patrol

Italian Warships To Halt Vessels Carrying Arms For The Loyalists; Hull Appeals To Reich And Spain

British Push Safe Zone Idea As Tension On Spain Wanes; Reich War Minister In Rome

Roosevelt Now Considering Compromise On Court Bill; For Action At This Session

Early Action On Court Bill Now Expected In Congress; President Criticizes Bench

W.J. Henderson, 81, Killed By Bullet

Catholic And Nazi Youth Clash In Munich, 10 Held; Hitler Warns The Church

C.I.O. Seizes Michigan Capital To Protest Pickets’ Arrest; Snarls Traffic, Shuts Mills

Monroe, Mich., Calls Citizens To Arms To Guard Men Returning To Steel Jobs; Fights In Ohio As Pickets Are Disarmed

C.I.O. Power Strike In Michigan Ends; Gov. Davey Calls Steel Peace Parley; Police Battle Rioters In Youngstown

Monroe Deputies Smash Picket Lines And Allow 500 Men To Return To Jobs; Youngstown Seeking Special Police

Monroe Asks Martial Law As C.I.O. Calls Rally There; Youngstown To Keep Order

Gov. Murphy Orders Troops To Protect Monroe Today; Cambria Mill Still Running

Lewis Calls Mine Strikes To Halt Steel Mills’ Coal; Troops Keep Monroe Peace

Senate Report Rejects Court Plan As Needless And ‘Dangerous’ Proposal

Roosevelt Says The Steel Companies, Agreeing Orally, Should Sign Pacts; Davey Plan For Them To Do So Rejected

Johnstown Mayor Appeals To Roosevelt To Intervene; Ohio Plants Seek To Reopen

Roosevelt Names A Board To Seek Steel Strike Peace; Moves To Open Mills Go On

Back-To-Work Drive On In Strike Zone; Youngstown Plans To Reopen Its Mills; Republic Scores ‘Status Quo’ Anarchy

Earle Blockades Johnstown Plant; Steel Officials Ignore Closing Order; City Is Under Rule Of State Police

Catholic Schools Are Shut By The Nazis In All Bavaria; Thousands Of Children Out

Roosevelt Asks Steel Plants Not To Reopen; Gov. Davey Orders Troops To Keep Status Quo After Operators Quit Mediation Conference

Strike Mediators Hopeful As They See Rival Leaders; Quiet Day At Steel Mills

Reich And Italy Quit Patrol; Nazi Ships Mass Off Spain; Rome Sees Pledges Ended

Mediators Ask Face-To-Face Parley Of Steel Leaders And C.I.O. Officers, But Republic And Youngstown Refuse

Chamberlain Sees Danger Of War In Spanish Crisis; Urges Europe To Be Calm

Gov. Davey Says Miss Perkins Asked Steel Chiefs Be ‘Held Till They Sign’; She Explains She Suggested Subpoena

German Veterans Cheer For George At Rally In Reich

Michigan Limits Picketing, Curbs Outside Agitators; New Roosevelt Policy Seen

Public Tired Of Both Sides In Strike, Roosevelt Feels; Blasts Shut Cambria Plant


Japanese And Russians Reported Massing On Amur After Soviet Ship Is Sunk

Soviet Urges Withdrawal Of Both Sides At Border; Issues Big Defense Loan

Miss Earhart Forced Down At Sea, Howland Isle Fears; Coast Guard Begins Search

Storm Turns Back Plane Sent To Find Miss Earhart; Several Radio Calls Heard

Earhart Heard By Honolulu; Definite Signals Reported From Flier By Coast Guard

Earhart Searchers Arrive At Point Reported Given By Plane On Radio; Transatlantic Fliers Reach Goals

Earhart Search Shifting To Southeast Of Howland After Fifth Fruitless Day

Warship’s Planes Start Search For Miss Earhart; No Definite Signal Heard

Colorado’s Planes Again Hunt In Vain For Miss Earhart

U.S. Agrees to Sell Gold to China In Move to Aid World Currencies

95.6 Heat Kills 25 More On 4th Torrid Day Here; Brief Respite Promised

Fifth Day of Heat Wave Kills 38 Before Thunderstorm Cools City

Fighting Continues In China; Big Japanese Force Moving; Tokyo Sends Stiff Demands

Revolt Against Court Bill Grows With House Joining; Copeland Chides Roosevelt

Senator Robinson Dies Suddenly; Senate Faces Fight On Leadership And Fate Of Court Bill Is Doubtful

Roosevelt Demands Fight For Court Change Continue; Says Nation Backs His Aims

Sharper Fight On Court Bill Follows President’s Letter; He Is Neutral On Leadership

Revolt Within Tammany Imperils Copeland Race; Republicans Lean To Him

China’s Chief In The North Makes Terms With Japan; Agrees To Withdraw Army

Lehman Calls Court Plan Dangerous And Asks Wagner To Vote Against It; Proponents, Resentful, Press Fight

Court Change To Be Shelved For Present, Capital Hears After White House Parleys; Roosevelt Sees Both Rivals For Leadership

Court Bill Drives Collapses; Foes To ‘Write Own Ticket’; Barkley Made Leader, 38-37

Court Bill Is Killed, 70 To 20, As Senate Galleries Cheer; Lower Court Change Likely

City to Liberalize College System Under Fusion-Controlled Board

Wilson In A Rage Over Earle ‘Spies’

Japanese Planes Bomb The Chinese In New Outbreak

Japanese Troops Cut Off In Peiping, Many Killed; Tokyo Plans Stern Action

Battle For Peiping Begins; Chinese Are Pushed Back; One Regiment Annihilated

Chinese Attack At Tientsin; Foreigners Seeking Safety; Peiping Defenses Bombed

Air Raid Spreads Ruin In Tientsin As Chinese Battle With Japanese; Garrison Is Trapped Near Peiping

Chinese Routed By Japanese In District 100 Miles Wide; Tientsin Uprising Crushed


Japanese Batter Tientsin As Chinese Still Hold Out; ‘Puppet State’ Is In Revolt

30 Soviet Churchmen Are Tried On Charges of Fascist Plotting

Sullivan Heads Tammany, Pledges Aid To Copeland; New Deals Foe In Saddle

Roosevelt Hints Justice Will Be Nominated Soon; Borah Sees No Vacancy

Whalen Drops Out Of Race; Mahoney Will Replace Him; Copeland To Continue Fight

Japan Threatens A Wider Conflict; Warns Foreigners

Senate Passes Housing Bill With $4,000 A Family Limit; New Court Bill Up Today

Senate In 59 Minutes Votes Changes In Lower Courts; Session End By Aug. 21 Seen

Japanese Occupy Peiping To Set Up Rule By Army; Nanking’s Threat Defied

Japanese Navy Men Slain By Chinese Near Airfield; Shanghai Situation Tense

Maylor And Copeland File For Republican Primary; Rival Democrats In Race

Revolt In Congress Blocks Chief Roosevelt Measures; Democrats Lead Uprising

Senator Black Nominated As Supreme Court Justice; Quick Confirmation Balked

Shanghai Battle Goes On As Rain Halts City Fires; Chinese Planes Attack Ship

Chinese Air Bombs Kill 600 In Shanghai; 3 Americans Among The Foreign Dead; Hull Sends Plea To China And Japan

Japanese Forces Attack Shanghai In Early Dawn By Land, Air And Sea; U.S. Evacuating Women And Children

Shanghai Battle Rages During Night; Casualties Heavy; Troops Pouring In; Thousands Of Foreigners Seek Safety

Black Confirmed By Senate, 63-16; Debate Is bitter

Roosevelt Assails Critics As Enemies Of Democracy; Stands By Present System

Chinese Thrust Foes Back In Fierce Drive At Shanghai; U.S. Insists River Stay Open

U.S. Flagship Hit, 1 Killed, 18 Injured; One-Fourth Of Shanghai Is Burning; Chinese Take Offensive In The North

Japanese Air Bombs Spread Fire And Terror In Shanghai; Raid On Nanking Is Repulsed

60,000 Troops Battling Near Peiping In Drive By Chinese To Regain North; 400 Killed In Shanghai Foreign Zone

Shanghai Bomb Dead 195, Wounded 475; Chinese Set Fires To Block Japanese; Hull Again Makes A Plea For Peace

Japanese Set Nankow Trap, But Are In Peril At Peiping; Firing At Shanghai Intense

Japanese Blockade Coast Of China To Foe’s Shipping; Mass For Shanghai Push

Japanese Fliers Shoot British Envoy; London Is Considering Sharp Action; Tokyo May Search Foreign Vessels

Hull Warns Japan And China On U.S. Ships And Nationals; Britain Preparing Demands

Japanese Bombs Kill 200, Wound 400, In Sudden Plane Attack On Shanghai; China Offers To Take Hull Peace Plan

Sharp British Note Demands Redress For ‘Inexcusable’ Wounding Of Envoy; China And Russia Enter Anti-War Pact

U.S. Warns Ships To Avoid Shanghai After Chinese Bomb Big Dollar Liner; Warships Ready To Save Americans


Japanese ‘Big Push’ Ready At Shanghai And In North; China Apologizes To U.S.

Japanese Win Air Control, But Are Held Up On Land; Bitter Battle At Woosung

Chinese Bombs Upset Japanese Plans To Land Troops And Guns For Drive; Warships Will Escort Our Shipping

Chinese Put Troopships To Fight, Bar Japanese Landing At Shanghai; Big Guns Pound Whole Enemy Line

Three Powers Ask End Of Warfare Around Foreign Areas At Shanghai; U.S. Will Oppose Aggressive Nations

Japan Opens Big Offensive On Whole Shanghai Front; Chinese Lines Hold Firmly

Russia Charges Italy Torpedoed Two Of Her Ships

Russia Wants Indictment Of Italy At Parley; Objects To Bid To Reich; London And Paris To Act On ‘Piracy’

Reich, Italy Reject ‘Piracy’ Parley; Britain, France Determined To Act; U.S. Warns Ships In Mediterranean

‘Piracy’ Parley Opens Today; Britain Would Curb Soviet; Rome And Berlin Stay Out

Nyon Powers Act To Suppress Piracy; To Patrol Mediterranean By Zones; Russia Threatened To Take Own Steps

Britain And France Get Patrol Duty With Way Open For Italy To Aid Them; Roosevelt Determined To Avoid War

Soviet ‘Cleansing’ Sweeps Through All Strata of Life

China Appeals To League, But Avoids Charge Of War; Army Retires At Shanghai

Rosevelt Named Black Unaware Of Link To Klan

British Insurers Now Put Curb On Trade To Orient; Japanese Gain In North

La Guardia And Mahoney Defeat Copeland In Heavy Primary Voting; Upsets In Tammany Leaderships

Roosevelt Renews His Fight For Whole Social Program; Challenges Foes On Court

British Destroyer Attacked By Plane Off Coast Of Spain

Colmery Warns Legion On Perils To Democracy; Convention Opens Today

Legion Urged To Help Avoid War; Warned On Nazi And Red Perils; World Mood Dangerous, Hull Says

2,000,000 In 5th Ave. Cheer Legion In Great Pageant; 85,000 In 18-Hour Parade

U.S. In Sharp Note To Japan ‘Objects’ To Nanking Raids; Fifty Planes Attack City

20 Chinese Cities Bombed; 2,000 Casualties In Canton; Japanese Halted At Paoting

Britain Expresses ‘Horror’ Of Bombings, Talks Boycott; Our Fleet To Stay In China

80 Japanese Planes Bomb Nanking For Seven Hours; 200 Killed; Heavy Damage

Russian Note Warns Japan To Spare Nanking Embassy; Protests Worry Japanese

Japanese Submarines Sink Fishing Junks; Hundreds Die; 22 Nations Condemn Raids

Soviet Envoy Flying Home From China, Aims Secret; Hull Backs League’s Step

Black Hints He Won’t Resign, Parries Questions On Klan; Now Drafting Radio Speech


No Hint By Black Of Details Of Talk Over Radio Tonight

Black Admits He Joined The Klan; Quit, Then Ignored ‘Unsolicited’ Card; Cites Record As Liberal In Senate

Black’s Senate Silence Still Puzzling Capital; His Seating Now Awaited

London Mob Raids Fascists’ Meeting

Justice Black On Bench As High Court Receives Protests On Seating Him

Roosevelt Urges ‘Concerted Action’ For Peace And Arraigns Warmakers; League Committee Condemns Japan

U.S. Condemns Japan As Invader Of China; Drops Neutrality Policy To Back League; Geneva Calls Meeting Of 9-Power Nations

U.S. To Join 9-Power Parley, But Avoids Taking The Lead; Japan Will Stand By Policy

Chamberlain Pledges Cooperation To End Horror Of Two Major Wars; Japan Makes Reply To U.S. And League

Mussolini Rejects Parley On Volunteers In Spain; Britain To Keep Door Open

France Is Turning From Plans To Aid Spanish Loyalists

Black Suit Barred By Supreme Court; Labor Hearing Set

Roosevelt Calls Congress For Nov. 15 To Act On Pay, Hours And Crop Control; For ‘Balanced Abundance’ In Nation

British-French Ships Act To Bar Taking Of Minorca; Italian Parley Plan Wins

Rival Airplanes And Guns Bring Terror To Shanghai; Chamberlain Courts Italy

Roosevelt For Mediation To Stop Warfare In China; Eden Asks Italy To Recede

U.S. Joins Far East Parley But Retains Independence; Davis Is Our Soul Delegate

Chinese Air Fleet Bombs Foes’ Ships In Six Large Raids

Airliner Crashes On Utah Mountain; 19 Believed Dead

Landon Asks Republicans To Cut Roosevelt Power; Objects To One-Man Rule

Italy And Germany Agree To ‘Token’ Withdrawals; Commission To Go To Spain

Danzig Nazis Link Free City To Reich; End Center Party

Hitler Receives Windsors Simply

Both Sides Claim Gains At Shanghai In 4-Day Battle

Tokyo Flier Raids Riders; Briton Dies; Americans In Peril

Reich to Rally World’s Germans In Support of the Four-Year Plan

Japanese Capture Chapei; Area A Mass Of Flames; Chinese Ranks Mowed Down

Strong Chinese Line Halts Foes’ Big Push At Shanghai; U.S. Guns To Fire On Planes

18,000 Cheer Mayor In Plea To Retain Honest City Rule; Mahoney Presses Red Issue

Japanese Shell Foreigners In Shanghai, Killing Britons; Threaten To Widen Attack

Rival City Tickets Predict Victory; La Guardia Aide Sees 750,000 Majority, While Mahoney Forces Expect 350,000


Mayor Expected To Sweep His City Ticket Into Office; Borough Results In Doubt

Record Mayoralty Vote Today Likely; Thugs Rounded Up; Police At All Polls; Candidates Campaign To The Very End

La Guardia Is Re-Elected By 454, 425; Dewey, M’Goldrick And Morris Win; Fusion Controls The Board Of Estimate

Brussels Parley Develops Move To Align Democracies In Resistance To Dictators

Hitler To Mediate In Far East War; Both Sides Accept; Armistice Likely; Brussels Powers To Question Tokyo

Hitler Mediation In China Now Held To Be Premature

Italy Joins Japan And Reich In Pact Against Communism; New World Line-Up Is Seen

Flow Of Gold Now Away From U.S.A.; Credit Base Firm

Chinese Quit Shanghai Area, Burn Buildings In Retreat; Rome Pact Arrouses Soviet

Japanese Bombing Nantao To Rout Trapped Chinese; Many Civilians Are Slain

Brazil A Corporate State; Vargas Takes Full Power; Washington Is Concerned

Chinese End Fight In Shanghai Area; Harried In Retreat

Stronger Front To Japan Sought In Brussels Parley; British Seek Reich’s Amity

Mild Criticism Of Japan Is Drafted By 19 Powers; Action Is Left To Future

Congress Convenes Today With Its Course Uncertain; Revolt On Taxes Possible

Congress Puts Business Aid To Fore After Roosevelt Asks Tax Revision; No Specific Program Yet In Sight

Congress Program Snarled, With Filibuster In Senate And Disorder In The House

Move To Repeal Profit Tax Makes Headway In Senate; Roosevelt Program Lags

Grim Throngs Quit Nanking As Troops Move To The Front

Chautemps Victor As Chamber Hears Of Hooded Menace

Business Aid To Be Enlisted By President For Housing; Soft Coal Prices To Be Set

Senate Farm Group Drafts Bill For Five-Crop Control; Defies Roosevelt On Cost

Roosevelt Moves To Limit Congress To His Program; Leaders Pledge Tax Delay

Business Pressed To Aid Recovery; House Committee Acts On Tax Relief; SEC Again Warns Stock Exchanges

Edison Groups Plan Outlay Of $112,000,000 In Two Years After Talk With Roosevelt

Franco Hastening Plans For Attack

Roosevelt For Tax Revision ‘When Congress Is Ready’; Prepares Housing Message

300 Henchmen Of Marinelli Questioned By Grand Jury After Round-Up By Dewy

French In London Find British Favor Appeasing Of Reich

President Asks 16 Billions Be Spent In New Housing; Would Pare Building Costs


Call For Cut In Road Funds Starts Revolt In Congress; Willkie’s Utility Plan Told

Lehman Orders Marinelli To Answer After Dewey Files Three New Charges

House To Act On Wage Bill As It Is Forced To Floor; Its Fate Is Still In Doubt

U.S. Troops Halt Invasion Of Our Arena In Shanghai; Japanese Abandon Raid

$800,000,000 Budget Slash Reported On Capitol Hill; $500,000,000 Cut In Relief

Delbos Reassured Of Desire Of Poles To Resist Fascism

Japanese Reach Nanking; 90 Planes Bomb The City; Sun’s Tomb Surrounded

Du Pont Sees 3,000,000 Jobs If ‘Fog’ On Taxation Is Lifted; Budget Shows Expense Rise

Industry Offers Recovery Program, Addressing Special Plea To Labor; Brookings Urges Profits Tax Repeal

Industry Invites New Deal To Join It In War On Slump; Hopkins Adds 350,000 To WPA

Roosevelt Road-Cut Plan Defied By House Chairman; President Gives Rail Stand

Italy Leaves The League; Great Crowd Cheers Duce In Pledge To Back Peace

U.S. Gunboat Sunk By Japanese Bombs; 1 Dead And 15 Hurt 18 Missing; British Warship Hit, Seaman Dead

U.S. Demands Full Satisfaction From Japan, With Guarantee Against Further Attacks; Thought Ships Chinese, Admiral Explains

Hull Note Demands Formal Redress Ignoring Earlier Japanese Apologies; New Peiping Regime To Rule Shanghai

Japanese Air Chief Ousted For Bombings On Yangtze; Tokyo To Send U.S. New Note

Panay Attack Deliberate, Yarnell Report Indicates; Our Protests Broadened

U.S. Naval Display Reported Likely Unless Japan Guarantees Our Rights; Butchery Marked Capture Of Nanking

Hirohito Gets Panay Facts; He May Answer President; Note Will Deny Ships Fired

Col. Hashimoto Ordered Panay Firing; Political Influence Bars Punishment Of Leader In 1936 Army Coup In Tokyo

Tokyo Militarists Delay Guarantees Asked By U.S.; General Defends Troops

Roosevelt Bars Peace At Any Price; Landon, Knox Pledge Unity In Crisis; Japan Warned By British Premier

Japan Denies Army Fired Intentionally Upon Panay; British Alert At Hong Kong

NLRB Finds Ford Guilty Of Violating Labor Law; He Plans Fight In Courts

Japan In New Apology Says Guilty Have Been Punished; Hangchow Reported Taken

America Accepts Japan’s Apologies, But Insists On Future Safeguards; Blockade Of Tsingtao Is Declared

Fall Of Tsinan Is Reported As Japanese Drives Go On; Hull Note Relieves Tokyo

Scientists Called To Rally Humanity Against Warfare

Roosevelt For Larger Navy; Voices ‘Growing Concern’ As Trend Of World Events

Razing Of Tsingtao Begun By Chinese; Reprisal Is Likely

Roosevelt Is Backing Drive For Cut In Monopoly Prices; Fight To Finish, Says Ickes

News source: New York Times

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