1936: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Swedes Are Slain As Italians Bomb A Red Cross Unit

Lehman Asks State Action To Set Up Social Program By Increasing Liquor Tax

Congress To Meet At Noon; Roosevelt’s Speech Tonight Stirs Bitter Partisanship

Roosevelt In Message Dares Critics To Seek Repeal Of New Deal Laws; Condemns War-Making Autocracies

Roosevelt’s Attack Opens 1936 Campaign In Earnest; Europe Sees No Oil Boycott

World Jewry To Be Asked To Finance Great Exodus Of German Co-Religionists

Supreme Court Finds AAA Unconstitutional; 6 To 3 Verdict Dooms Other New Deal Laws; Roosevelt Studies Upset; More Taxes Needed

Farmers Called To Capital To Draft New Aid Program; Cotton Faces ‘Worst Crisis’

Roosevelt Asks Aid Of All For ‘Progress And Ideals’; New Farm Policy Drafted

Democrats Set Convention For June 23 In Philadelphia; $200,000 Bid Win In ‘Auction’

House Passes Bonus, 356-59; Soil Conservation Is Basis Of New Farm-Aid Program

Hauptmann Loses Plea To Court For Clemency; Talk Of Seizing Condon

Early ‘Little Rains’ in Ethiopia Destroy Roads, Halting Italians

Lehman Asks No New Taxes, Retains Emergency Levies; Budget Put At $308,667,248

Hauptmann Loses Plea For Federal Court Writ; Hoffman Still Undecided

Lights Out, City Paralyzed For Hours North Of 59th St. By Power Plant Failure

Ellsworth And Aide Alive And Well In Little America, British Rescue Ship Radios

Ellsworth Tells The Story Of Flight Across Antarctic; Battled A Raging Blizzard

George V Grows Weaker, Heart Strain Increasing; Family At His Bedside

President Extols ‘T.R.’ As Defender Of Social Justice

King George V Dies Peacefully In Sleep; Prince Of Wales Becomes Edward VIII

Edward VIII Is Proclaimed, Receives Fealty Of Nation; George’s Funeral Tuesday

Five Powers Join In Pact To Offer A United Front Should Italy Attack One

Zero Cold Kills 3 Here; No Relief Till Tomorrow; 13-State Area Suffering

House Swiftly Overrides Bonus Veto By Roosevelt; Senate To Act On Monday

Makale Line Cut In Bitter Fighting, Ethiopia Asserts

Italians Push On In South; Foes Retreat 268 Miles; Fight Continues In North

Bonus Bill Becomes Law; Repassed In Senate, 76-19; Payment Will Be Speeded

George V Is Buried With Regal Pomp As Nation Grieves

‘Grass Roots’ Open War On New Deal; Boom Talmadge

Plan For Big Tax Program Discussed At White House To Offset Budget Losses


Huey P. Long’s Widow Is Named To Fill His Seat in the Senate

Inflationists Adopt Plan For Drive In Both Houses If Tax Is Asked For Bonus

Poland Boycotts Oil Embargo Talks At Geneva Today

Repeal Of Three Farm Acts Recommended By President; House Gets Revised Aid Bill 

President Moves To Cancel Billion In Unused Credits; End Of ‘Priming’ Indicated

Olympics Begin Today in Germany; 80,000 to Witness Winter Sports

Hitler Opens the Winter Olympics; U.S. Defeats Germany in Hockey

Slug ‘Mint’ Raided; Ton of ‘Coin’ Found

Britain Is Doubling Her Defense Plans To Offset Germany

Germany Insists She Owns Colonies Lost In World War

4 Powers Fix Cruiser Limit At 8,000 Tons For 5 Years; Battleship Accord In View

Nazis Strike Blow At Catholic Youth; 150 Leaders Jailed

4 Killed, 38 Injured In Panic As Lexington Av. Cafe Burns; 8 Dead In Fire At Lakewood

6 Fire Deaths Laid To Lax Supervision And Diners’ Panic

Japan Now Finds Soviet Hits Back In Border Clashes

Roosevelt Asks Parley On Pan-American Peace To Meet In Buenos Aires

80,000 Ethiopians Routed By Foe In 6-Day Battle; Italians Gain In North

Supreme Court, 8 To 1, Backs TVA On The Sale Of Power Produced From Wilson Dam

$338,600 Gold Cache Is Seized In Raid on Deposit Vaults Here

Hauptmann Is Resentenced to Die; Leibowitz Suddenly Quits the Case

Spain Threatened By Martial Law As Leftists Riot

London ‘Tin King’ Jailed For A Year

Foreign Propaganda Here Is Denounced By Borah; He Again Urges Isolation

3 Legislators Are Named By Lehman On The Radio As Blocking Crime Bills

Eden Wants Britain Strong To Prevent European War; Rome Hints Of Reich Deal

Militarists Attempt Coup In Japan; Two Cabinet Leaders Assassinated; Emperor Calls In Osumi, A Liberal

Loyal Army And Fleet Control Tokyo With Rebels Treating For Peace; 80 Reported Dead In Street Fighting

Rebels Hold Posts In Tokyo; More Troops Move To City; All Night Talk On Cabinet

Tokyo Rebels Surrendering After Ruler Orders Force; Strict Censorship Revived


Okada Alive, Holds Post; Relative Slain Instead; Revolt Leader A Suicide

Italians Shatter Armies Of North In Bitter Fight; See War’s Climax Past

Italy Gets Choice Of African Peace Or Oil Sanctions

Strike Parley Deadlocked With 1,300 Buildings Tied Up; 5,000 In Wild Park Av. March

Strike Parley Is Futile; Less Violence On 4th Day; Dodge Calls Union Chiefs

Building Strike Spreading; Owners Bar ‘Closed Shop’; 35 Hotels Now Threatened

Reichstag Meets Today To Hear Hitler Outline New Stand On Locarno

Hitler Sends Troops Into Rhineland; Offers Paris 25-Year Non-Aggression Pact; France Mans Her Forts, Britain Studies Move

League Acts Friday On Rhineland; France Moving To Combat Hitler; Mussolini Reported Seeking Deal

Locarno Signatories To Act Today; Eden Would Try Hitler Peace Plan; Paris Censor Covers Troop Moves

French Bar Deal With Reich; Transfer Talks To London To Put Issue Up To Baldwin

France Remains Adamant As Locarno Powers Meet; British Seek Compromise

4 Locarno Powers Condemn Reich For ‘Clear Violation’ Of Treaties; Hitler Refuses To Quit Rhineland

French And Belgians Offer To Moderate Rhine Stand For British Military Help

Reich Invited To Parley As Locarno Powers Press For Franco-British Pact

Hitler Accepts League Bid In Terms France Rejects; British Still Expect Deal

League Bars Hitler Terms But Grants Him Equality; He Is Expected To Accept

14-Foot Flood In Johnstown Paralyzes Business Area; Waters Sweep Cumberland

Floods Sweep 12 States, Maroon Thousands; Pittsburgh In Darkness, All Traffic Cut Off; New England Hard Hit; Johnstown Deserted

134 Dead, 200,000 Homeless In Floods; Wheeling Deluged, Washington Hit, Wide New England Area Is Cut Off

Flood Paralyzes Hartford; Wide Ruin In New England; Waters Elsewhere Recede

Cold And Blizzard Hamper Relief In The Flood Areas; Crest Has Passed Hartford

New England Floods Fall; Hartford Under Troop Rule; New York Buffeted By Gale

Mussolini Nationalizes Key Defense Industries, Holding War Is Certain

Hitler Rejects All Terms But Promises New Offer; League Ends London Talks

U.S. And Britain Exchange Pledges Of Naval Parity; Limitation Treaty Signed

Reich Won’t Halt Arming On Rhine Pending Parleys

Hitler Ridicules Powers’ Demands In Plea To Nation

Germans Ordered To The Polls Today To Vote For Hitler

Hitler Gets Biggest Vote; Many Blanks Counted In; 542,953 Are Invalidated

Hauptmann’s Plea Fails; ‘No Stay’ Says Hoffman Of The Execution Tonight


Hauptmann Gets A Stay For At Least 48 Hours At Grand Jury’s Request

Execution Of Hauptmann Set For Tomorrow Night; Further Delay Possible

Jurors Drop Wendel Case; Hauptmann To Die Tonight Unless He Gets A New Stay

Hauptmann Put To Death For Killing Lindbergh Baby; Remains Silent To The End

Emperor’s Army In Flight, Pursued By Italian Planes, After A Stubborn Battle

Planes Follow Up Routed Ethiopians; Italians Press On

350 Killed By Tornadoes Over Wide Area In South; Property Damage Heavy

Italy Gives Pledge She Will Not Bomb Ethiopian Capital

Commission To Rule Europe Urged In French Peace Plan; 25-Year Status Quo Asked

Italy Admits Plan For Puppet State In Occupied Area

One Killed, 4 Hurt By Mailed Bombs At Wilkes-Barre

Troops Save Negro From Georgia Mob

League Of Nations In Americas Urged By 3 Latin States

Britain To Eschew Armed Sanctions Against Italians

$50,000,000 Art on Ship Aground Near Gibraltar En Route to China

Italians Occupy Dessye; Go 120 Miles In Five Days; Trade Cut By Sanctions

Italy Defiant On Terms, Tries To Bar The League; Drives On To Addis Ababa

League Peace Efforts Fail; Britain, France Avert Break By Deferring Oil Sanctions

Ethiopia’s Peril Now Grave, Writer Finds At The Front; Emperor Can Still Fight

One Dead, Two Left in Mine Have Only 10 Hours to Live

Two In Mine Near Rescue; Hears Picks Of Men Cutting Through Last Rock Wall

Slides Delay Mine Rescue; Workers, Weary, Press On

2 Men Rescued From Mine After 10-Day Entombment; Robertson Asks For Steak

Press Fight Urged To Keep Radio Free From Censorship

Detective Called By Druckman Jury, Commits Suicide

Roosevelt, Here, Defends Cost Of ‘Rebuilding’ Nation; Urges Lehman Re-Election

New City Charter Offered; Council Of 39 Is Created To End Board Of Aldermen

Goering Dictator Of Reich Finances To End Quarrels

Roper Says Government Will Support Business If It Cooperates On Jobs

$803,000,000 Tax Bill Wins By Vote Of 267-93 In House; Business Attacks New Deal


Senators Move To Increase Tax Bill Yield $190,000,000 After Plea By Morgenthau

Force 40 Times That of Electricity Is Discovered in Hearts of Atoms

Emperor In Flight, Capital Looted, Ethiopia’s Resistance Collapses; Foreigners Guarded In Legations

Shooting Mobs Ravage Addis Ababa; American Woman Among Many Slain; Britain Turning Away From League

Italians Reported At Addis Ababa; Legations Beat Off Many Attacks; Hull Directs Ours Be Abandoned

‘Ethiopia Is Italian,’ Says Mussolini As His Troops Occupy Addis Ababa; Quick Action To Protect Legations

Eden Asks League Reform; Italy To Annex Ethiopia; Bars Protests Or Parleys

Annexation Of Ethiopia Planned For Tomorrow; Italy Runs French Road

Dirigible Reaches New York At 4:55 A.M. In Record Flight; Goes On To Lakehurst Base

Italy Annexes Ethiopia; King Becomes Emperor And Badoglio Viceroy

Population Of U.S.A. 127,521,000 Last July 1, Up 3.9% in 5 Years

Robinson Taken By G-Men; Admits Stoll Kidnapping; Public Enemy Slate Clean

Revised Tax Plan Offered With Roosevelt’s Approval; Inflation Fought In House

Frazier-Lemke Bill Beaten In The House By 235 To 142 After Warning On Inflation

Baldwin Seeks Reforms In League To Bring US In, With Germany And Japan

Rise In Income Tax To 5%, 18% Rate On Corporations, Now Favored By Senators

30 Hurt In Clash Of Seamen Pickets And Police At Pier

Germany Exudes Air Of Well-Being

High Court Voids Guffey Coal Law As A Violation Of States’ Rights; Resettlement Loses A Test Case

Broader Powers Sought By Drukman Grand Jury In Appeal To Gov. Lehman

Lehman Not To Run Again; Blow To Party In State; Jackson Likely Candidate

18% Corporate Income Tax And 7% On Undivided Profit Agreed On By Senate Group

Axes Smash Clubs In Kansas Dry Raid

Many Deaths Laid To ‘Black Legion’; Klan Link Charged

Officers of Black Legion Hunted By the Police in Michigan Deaths

Black Legion Men Held Without Bail On Murder Charge

Reich Puts 276 Monks on Trial, Accusing Them of Immorality

Senate Bill Gives Roosevelt Sole Control Of All Relief; New Snarl Over Tax Plans

Washington To Get Black Legion Data

Seamen End Strike, Fearing Cause Lost

Thousands Parade In City As America Honors Dead; Roosevelt At Arlington


15 Escape as TWA Airliner Plunges Into a Chicago Lot

Supreme Court, 5-4, Voids State Minimum Wage Law; Another Blow, Says A.F. of L.

Canton Demands War on Japan; Seeks to Rally Whole of China

Parker Sr. Is Arrested In Wendel Kidnapping; Will Fight Extradition

France Crippled By Wider Strikes; Blum Is In Power

Landon Continues To Gain, May Dictate Platform; Borah Won’t Support Him

‘Stop Landon’ Groups Fail To Unite, Awaiting Expected Attack By Borah; Vandenberg Rejects Second Place

Vandenberg And Borah Begin Drives To Stem The Rising Tide For Landon; Liberal Platform Demand Grows

Landon Sweep Is Checked By New York Group After Borah Blocks Combination Against Him; New Yorkers Bar Mills From Platform Post

Keynoter Denounces Roosevelt Policies, Demanding Tax Cuts And Balanced Budget; Landon Men Take Control Of Convention

Hoover Excoriates New Deal As Fascism, Demanding A ‘Holy Crusade For Freedom’; Currency Plank Pledges Stabilization

Republicans Name Landon Unanimously; He Accepts Platform, Adding Own Ideas

Knox Nominated For Vice President, Hamilton Chairman, Convention Ends; Landon Prepares Vigorous Campaign

Japanese Land In Fukien As Canton Demands War; Two U.S. Ships Sent South

Barring of 3 Philadelphia Pastors Brings Walkout by Presbyterians

Inventor Is Slain Near Jersey Home; Footprint A Clue

Moore Murder Key Is Seen By Police In Jersey Suicide

Reich Has Air and Sea Strategy To Make A Blockade Impossible

Eden Smashes Sanctions; Says Alternative Is War; Firm On Mediterranean

4 Workers Killed, 12 Hurt In Crash Of Bronx Building

Congress Ends Its Session, New Tax Measure Enacted; Filibuster Kills Coal Bill

Smith Heads Group Calling On Democrats To Repudiate Roosevelt And The New Deal; Progressives Find Wagner Platform Weak

Loyalty To President Intensified By Revolts, Giving Him Complete Control In Convention; Move To Draft Lehman To Hold New York

Farley And Barkley Win Ovations For Roosevelt; Platform To Reassert Farm And Trade Policies; Lehman Expected To Run On Social Security Issue

Robinson Rallies Democrats With Defense Of New Deal; Committee Considers Platform Supplied By President; Roosevelt Expected To Draft Lehman After Convention

Democrats Adopt Platform Continuing New Deal; Favor Constitutional Amendments, If Necessary; Convention Abrogates Century-Old Two-Thirds Rule

Roosevelt Nominated By Acclamation; Demonstrations For Him And Lehman

Roosevelt To War On ‘Economic Royalists’; Hailed by Throngs In Acceptance Ceremony; Garner Named As Weary Convention Closes

Steel Chiefs Defy Union; Pledge Resources To Bar Closed Shop In Industry

Bond Gang, Directed From Prison, Trapped Here In ‘Perfect Crime’


Lehman Yields To Pressure, Will Run For Third Term; Roosevelt Hails Decision

League Is Leaving Ethiopia To Fate; Split On Reforms

Pope Orders World Drive To Raise Film Standards; Urges Boycott Pledges

Clashes In League Hold Up Disposal Of Ethiopia Issue

Nazi Mocks League In Danzig Hearing

Danzig Rift Turns Poles From Reich; League Test Seen

Lewis Opens Union Fight To Organize Steel Men; Ready For Long Warfare

Relief To 134,000 Families Planned For Drought Area; Roosevelt To Visit Region

Heat Kills 120 In Nation, Increases Crop Losses; No Real Relief In Sight

Heat Records Shattered With 102.3 Degrees Here; Nation’s Death Toll 245

30 Die Here In 100 Heat, No Early Relief In Forecast; Western Crops Cut 40%

Rain Fails To End Heat Here After 72 Die In Four Days; Relief Forecast In West

Austria Pledged Hitler In Secret To Build Up Army

Break In Heat Wave Is Seen; Tugwell Go To Dakotas To Start Vast Relief Move

Rain And Cool Weather Move Slowly Eastward; Heat Deaths Near 3,000

United States Olympic Team Sails For Games Amid Rousing Send-Off

Edward Escapes Assassin As Policemen Block Aim Of Man At London Parade

Cantonese Leader Flees From China; Rising Collapses

Spain Checks Army Rising As Morocco Forces Rebel; 2 Cities In Africa Bombed

Rebels Gain In South Spain; Civil War Rages In Cities; Two Madrid Cabinets Fall

Revolt In Madrid Crushed; Fighting In Other Cities; Armed Masses Aid Cabinet

Rebels Win In North Spain And March Toward Madrid Where Red Rule Impends

Rebel Successes Reported In Spain; Checked In Madrid Drive, However; Consuls Tell Of Americans In Peril

Landon Pledges Strict Economy But Full Relief To Those In Need; Great Throng At His Notification

Landon Gets Wide Praise; Buffalo Speech In August To Open His Drive In East

Rebels Lose Fight In South Halt Their Push On Madrid; Retain 28 Of 50 Provinces

Queen Mary Sets Record For the Atlantic Crossing

Soviet Will Cut Imports to Add Gold Reserves for War Defense

Spain Orders Churches Confiscated; Control Of All Industry Is Decreed; Rebels Advance Steadily On Capital

Spanish Armies On Move For Six Major Battles; Madrid Sees Long Siege

Rebels Rush Men To Front For New Drive On Madrid; 2,000 Foes Slain In Ambush


Frances Asks 3-Power Conference For Neutrality In Spanish Crisis; Rebels Advance In Drive On Madrid

Spanish Rebels Now Drive to Capture Ports In North; Madrid Campaign Is Held Up

Threee Cities In Spain Fired By Intense Left Bombings; Rebels Advance On Madrid

Reich Warship Blocks Fire Of Spanish Ships At Ceuta; Reported Landing Sailors

U.S. Captures 4 Events; Owens Sets Jump Record

Owens Completes Triple As 5 Olympic Marks Fall

Germans Aroused By Left Shooting Of Four In Spain

Loyal Ships Fire Algecieras, Cut Off Foes In Morocco; Rebel Cruiser Ruins Gijon

Franco Promises A Liberal Regime, Favoring No Class

Loyalists Kill 800 Rebels In Battle Outside Madrid; Franco Forces Drive North

Corn Crop Worst Since ’81; Relief on ‘Disaster’ Basis

32 German, Italian Planes Reach Rebel Army In Spain; Drive to Sea Begun In North

Rebel Defeats Reported In Drive To Sea In North; Air Raid On Madrid Near

Planes Bomb San Sebastian; Leftists Ready To Kill 700 If Warship Shells The City

U.S. Reduces Duties On Reich Imports

733 Executed In Madrid, 7,000 Others In City Seized; Rebels Near Port Of Irun 

Rebels Slaughter Badajoz Leftists, Execute 1,200; Houses In Flames; Two Armies Drive On Reds In Malaga

Rebels Shell San Sebastian And Irun By Land And Sea; New Battle On Near Badajoz

Italy’s Planes Ready To Help Rebels If France Continues Aid To Madrid; Capital Prepares For Early Attack

Increase In Drought Jobs Ordered By Roosevelt; He Will Ask More Funds

Reich Orders Its Warships Near Spain To Resist Force; Madrid Reports Victories

Rebels Losing In Battle At Cordoba, Prepare For Drive On Madrid Today; Germany Sends A Protest To Russia

Rebels Launch Drive, Attack Toledo, Fighting Within 40 Miles Of Madrid; Loyalists Meet The British Demands

Franco Stakes All In Drive To Take Madrid In 5 Days; Air Raid On City Reported

Germany And Russia Ban Arms Exports To Spain; Rebel Planes Bomb Irun

Roosevelt, If Re-Elected, May Call Kings, Dictators And Presidents To Great Power Peace Conference

Geoghan Blames Valentine For Drukman Case Fiasco; Lehman Joins In Questions

Geoghan Refused To Act In Murder, Valentine Swears

Hitler Suspends Trials Of Monks

Rebel Flier Bombs Heart Of Madrid; 17 Are Wounded

President Makes Protest To Both Sides In Spain Over Bombing Of Warship


Machines Speeds Picking Of Cotton

$1,000,000,000 Rise In Deficit For 1937 Seen By Roosevelt; Relief May Cost $500,000,000

Fall Of Irun Is Imminent As Rebels Take Outposts; Diplomats To Seek Truce

Roosevelt Meets Landon In Cordial Drought Talk; Governor Offers His Plan

Anarchists Destroy Irun As City Falls To Rebels; Report Hostages Escaped

Fort Guadalupe Taken By The Spanish Rebels; Fuenterrabia Also Falls

Roosevelt Offers His Plan To Meet The Drought Crisis; For Jobs Rather Than Dole

Paris To Multiply Arms On Big Scale In Reply To Hitler

Reform Of The Government Is Planned By Roosevelt; Bureau Regrouping Studied

Hitler Disavows War Aim, Asserts Right To Colonies As Nazi Conclave Cheers

50,000 With Spades March For Hitler, Pledging Loyalty

Nuremberg Tense As 400 Planes Fly; Red Scare Grows

Landon In Final Maine Plea Scores Attempt to Control Business By The NRA And AAA

Hitler Warns Reds Millions Of Nazis Are Ready For War

Germans Planes Turn Tide To Rebels In Madrid Drive; Terror In Capital Revealed

Tammany Wins In City Poll; Brunner And Streit Victors; Couzens Behind In Michigan

Battle Rages At Maqueda, Southern Key To Madrid; TNT Laid To Raze Alcazar

Hurricane Batters Coasts Of Carolina And Virginia; Many Towns Are Evacuated

54 Lives Lost As Hurricane Sweeps Atlantic Seaboard; Gale And Rain Batter City

Hurricane Sweeps Out To Sea, Sparing New England Coast

Bomb Wrecks Newspaper And A Church In Havana; Four Killed, 27 Injured

Both Roosevelt And Landon Pledge New Aid To Farmers; Congress To Get Loan Plan

Landon Promises Farmers Cash Benefits To Equalize Aid of Tariff To Industry

Shanghai Area Occupied By Japanese Naval Force After Killing Of A Sailor

Rebels Storm Toledo Today; Flood Is Loosed Upon Them

French Cut Franc A Third On Monday; Gold Suspended; Parliament Called; Washington And London Cooperating

U.S. Backs Up Franc Deal, Buying Soviet Bank Pounds; Swiss, Dutch Will Devalue

Toledo Captured By Spanish Rebels; Alcazar Relieved

State Republicans Score New Deal; Opposition To Bleakley Crumbles; Democrats Center Fire On Landon

Roosevelt Hits ‘False Issue’ Of Communism; Repudiates Any Support By Its Advocates; Bleakley And Gov. Lehman Are Nominated


Landon Based His Attack On Security Act On Report To Group Backed By Filene

Ex-Gov. Smith Declares For Landon; Roosevelt Sees Budget Balanced By Higher Revenue Without Tax Rise

Yanks Crush Giants, 18-4, A World Series Record; 45,000 See Second Game

Foes Deadlocked In Hard Fighting

Paris Police Check Reds’ Foes In Riots; 1,500 Seized In Day

Landon Advocates Anti-Lynching Law

Lehman Opens Campaign With Attack On Bleakley; Calls Program ‘Supine’

Soviet Threatens To Help Madrid Unless 3 Powers Cease Aiding The Rebels

Fair of 1939 Will Depict The ‘World of Tomorrow’

Powers In Row Over Spain As Soviet Presses Charges; France Will Not Aid Russia

New 4-Point Farm Program Is Outlined By Roosevelt; He Asks Election Of Norris

Rebels Push Drive To Outflank Foe North Of Madrid

3 Powers Make Gold Deal; Exports To Central Banks To Stabilize Money Rates

Loyalists Battle Foe For Key Town; Rain Bogs Rebels

Roosevelt Says He Saved Business From Ruin And From Monopolies; Landon Sees Recovery Retarded

4 Union Leaders Accused In ‘Riots’

Hoover Charges Faking In Accounts Conceals Huge Government Expense; Roosevelt Hits Out At Wall Street

Madrid Is Cut Off By Rail From Sea In Swift Advance

Rebels 18 Miles South Of Madrid; Capital Is Ready

President Quits Madrid; Rebels 16 Miles From City; Soviet Plans ‘Drastic Step’

Landon Assails Roosevelt As Seeking ‘Planned Society’; 50,000 At Los Angeles Rally

Roosevelt Likens His Tax Program To That For Which We Fought In ’76; Landon Cheered By California Trip

Soviet Retreating On Threat To Help Leftist In Spain

Roosevelt Pledges Private Profit And Private Enterprise To Business; Landon Scores Attack On His Record

Soviet Accused By Britain Of Shipping Arms To Spain; Italy Also Called Violator

Germans Will Be Forced to Read Only Books by Hitlerite Authors

Landon Says ‘Little Man’ Must Pay New Deal Bills; President Talks To Negroes

Tammany Fights Charter And Proportional Voting; Landon Hits Farley ‘Spoils’

City Throngs Cheer Roosevelt And Landon As They Open Final Battle For The East; Republican Candidate Greeted By Smith

Landon Challenges Roosevelt To State Aims On AAA, NRA, Unemployment, Relief And Budget; President Hits Drive To ‘Sabotage’ Security

Roosevelt Sets Security For All And End Of Inequalities As His Aim; Landon Campaigns In West Virginia


Roosevelt Defies ‘Organized Money’ Foes, Pledges Continued Fight For New Deal Aims; Landon, Closing, Promises Happier America

18 Vessels Tied Up Here; Strike Hits Other Ports; U.S. Ready To Intervene

Millions In Nation To Go To The Polls Today After Final Word By Roosevelt And Landon; Both Party Chairmen Confident Of Victory

Roosevelt Sweeps The Nation; His Electoral Vote Exceeds 500; Lehman Wins; Charter Adopted

Roosevelt’s Plurality Is 11,000,000; Gains 14 Seats In House, 5 In Senate; Vote Here Held Blow To Tammany

Madrid Is Shelled As Rebels Push On Into The Suburbs

Government To Quit Madrid With City’s Fall Imminent; Moors Drive Over Trenches

Battle In Madrid Suburbs; Cabinet Flees To Valencia; Tells Leftists To Fight On

Great Battle For Bridges Halts Rebel Madrid Drive; City Is Bombed And Shelled

Rebels Shift Their Attack, Threaten Madrid In North; Try To Cut Valencia Road

Roosevelt Repeats Pledge Not To Propose New Taxes; NRA Licensing Plan Studied

Leftists Recapture Town 4 Miles South Of Madrid; Capital Holds Foes At Bay

Madrid Drives Foe From Key Bridges; Insurgents Pause

Planes Fight Over Madrid; 4 Rebel Craft Fall In City; Loyalist Offensive Gains

Air Bombs Kill 53 At Defense Parley In Madrid Square

Rebels Reported In Madrid, With 3 Columns Advancing; Loyalists Say Drive Failed

Fires Dot Madrid As Bombs Kill 60; Foe Is In The City

Berlin And Tokyo Negotiating Pact To Combat Reds

Rome And Berlin Recognize Spanish Rebel Government; Leftists Open New Attack

Italy Ready To Give Franco Any Aid Needed For Victory; Guns, Planes Pound Madrid

Britain Avoids War Moves; Will Keep Aloof On Spain, But Would Defend France

Loyalists Hem In Rebels In Pitiless Madrid Fight; Icy Rain Checks Bombers

Fleet At Cartagena Raided By ‘Foreign’ Submarines, Madrid Communique Says

Britain Forbids Her Ships To Cary Arms To Spain; Refuses Right Of Search

Britain Sends Submarines To Patrol Spanish Waters As Franco Affronts Eden

Berlin-Tokyo Pact Signed; London, Paris Call It Blind To Conceal New Aggression

Soviet Dares Reich To Try Aggression; Says It Will Fail

Spain Appeals to League Against Reich And Italy; Council To Call Meeting

Litvinoff Sees Armed Bloc In Berlin-Tokyo-Rome Deal; Madrid Reports New Gains

Drive On Capital Of Rebels Made By Leftists In Spain; Russia Has 7,000 War Planes


Reich Now Fears Japan Pact Imperils British Relations; New Battle Outside Madrid

Roosevelt Calls On The New World To Unite To Help The Old Avert War; For American Bloc Against Attacker

Edward May Abdicate Throne Today, Refusing To Break With Mrs. Simpson; Britain Is Astounded By The Crisis

Edward VIII Shows No Sign Of Yielding In Crisis; Sees Baldwin, Consults His Mother And York; Abdication Still Considered Likely Outcome

Cabinet Hears King’s Answer To Baldwin At A Forty-Minute Early Morning Session; 60 M.P.’s Back Edward; Mrs. Simpson In France

King Held Certain To Quit Morrow; Churchill Asks ‘Time And Patience’; Mrs. Simpson In Cannes; Yacht Ready

Cabinet Gives Edward VIII More Time; Aroused Public Opinion Forces Delay; Crowd Demonstrates In Downing St.

Edward VIII May Give Up Mrs. Simpson; She Makes Offer To End The Affair; King Is Still Undecided, Baldwin Says

King And Baldwin Hold 5-Hour Talk, But No Decision Is Yet Indicated; Doctor And Lawyer Fly To Cannes

British Ready For Abdication Today; Await Baldwin Common Statement; King Visits Mother In Secluded Lodge

Edward VIII Renounces British Crown; York Will Succeed Him As George VI; Parliament Is Speeding Abdication Act

Edward Sails From Portsmouth On Yacht After Broadcasting Farewell To Empire; Parliament Votes The Accession Of George VI

Chiang Kai-Shek Is Prisoner Of Mutinous Shensi Troops, Demanding War On Japan

Ex-King And ‘Alien’ Set Rebuked By Canterbury; Exile A Guest In Austria

Hitler Tells Nazis To Cease Attacks Upon Christianity

Chiang Lives, Says Nanking; Aide Is Seeking To Free Him; China Orders Martial Law

Young Roosevelt Saved By New Drug

Britain Will Keep Five Old Cruisers; War Danger Cited

Americas Promise United Opposition On Threat To Peace

Eden Urges Reich To Check The Flow Of Troops To Spain

Taxi Bandits Routed at Plaza; Auto Man Saves His Wife’s Gems

Gomez Impeached, 111-45; Ouster In Cuba Held Sure As Senate Overrides Veto

Gomez To Defend Acts In Cuba Today At Trial In Senate

Reich Cautioned By Paris On Sending Men To Spain; Assurances Are Reported

Nazis Face Choice On Sapin As British Wean Italy Away

Gen. Chiang Freed; Arrives In Nanking; Ex-Captor On Way

Berlin Calls On Madrid To Release Seized Ship, Cargo And 3 Passengers; Paris Is Ready To Make Concessions

Pope Pius Suffers Increase In Pains; Doctors Stand By

Newark Dark For Hours As Fire Cuts Off Power; Business Is Shut Down

Neutrality Law Revision Is Speeded By President To Halt Arms For Spain

Pope Much Better After Long Sleep

News source: New York Times

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