1935: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


City Greets The New Year In One Of The Gayest Moods; Festive Places Crowded

Japanese Is Seized In Florida As Spy 

10 Hauptmann Case Jurors, 4 Women, Quickly Chosen; Col. Lindbergh A Spectator

Col. And Mrs. Lindbergh On The Stand; Mother Identifies Baby’s Garments; Father Says He Heard Ladder Crash

Col. Lindbergh Names Hauptmann As Kidnapper And Taker Of Ransom; Cool In 3-Hour Cross-Examination

Condon To Say Hauptmann Is Man Who Got Ransom; Defense Will Name Four

Reich Army Is Supreme As Sole Military Force Under Pledge By Hitler

Miss Gow Firm In Her Story Of Night Of Kidnapping; Identifies Baby’s Clothes

Hauptmann Near The Scene With Ladder, Says Witness; Linked To Ransom Note

Condon Names Hauptmann As ‘John’ Who Got Ransom; Parries Defense’s Attack

Breckinridge Backs Condon Who Acted On His Orders But Opposed Ransom Deal

Expert Says Hauptmann Wrote All Ransom Notes; $14,600 In Bills Identified

Miss Earhart Flies Pacific From Hawaii In 18 1/4 Hours; Finds Oakland Despite Fog

Saar Plebiscite Orderly As 98% Cast Their Votes; Nazi Total Is Put At 80%

Saar Goes German By 90%; League Deliberates Today; Anti-Nazis Already Fleeing

Saar Nazis Hail Victory As Foes Go Into Hiding; League Decision Today

Break At San Quentin Ends In Recapture, Warden Dying; 2 Bremer Kidnappers Slain

‘You Stop Lying,’ Hauptmann Rages At Federal Agent

Woman Says Hauptmann Limped After Kidnapping; ‘You’re Lying,’ Wife Cries

Nazis Open Drive to Regain Memel; They Report Lithuania Mobilizing

Lindbergh Ready To Testify Again To Clear Servants

Hauptmann Not At Work March 1, 1932, Books Show; ‘Sudden Wealth’ Traced

Ladder Put Into Evidence After 15-Day Struggle; 2 More Name Hauptmann

Expert Traces Tool Marks On Ladder To Hauptmann, Part Of Wood To His Attic

Hauptmann Takes Stand, Swears He Was At Home Night Ransom Was Paid

Admissions By Hauptmann Open Cross-Examination; Shaken By Bitter Attack

Huey Long Troops Force His Foes To Surrender; Martial Law Declared

Hauptmann Faces Crucial Test Today Of His Composure

Hauptmann Admits Lying And Says Wilentz Lies Too; Still Protests Innocence

Hauptmann’s Own Letters Discredit Story On Fisch As Cross-Questioning Ends

Three Hauptmann Alibis Backed By Wife On Stand; Another Witness Wavers


Hauptmann Alibi Backed By Two More Witnesses; Clash On Writing Expert

Witness Says He Saw Fisch With Sharpe Girl And Baby; Expert Aids Hauptmann

Lindbergh To Take Stand In Rebuttal In Aid Of Servants

Reich Invited As An Equal To Negotiate Arms Pact; Berlin Cool To Proposal

6 Alibi Witnesses Fail To Appear For Defense; Friends Back Hauptmann

Cafe Man Swears Fisch Was At Bronx Cemetery; Five More Fail To Appear

Expert Found No Prints Of Hauptmann On Ladder; Developed 500, Police None

Lumber Man Denies Rail Is From Hauptmann Attic; Defense Will Rest Today

Fisch Took Home Only $500 Sister Swears In Rebuttal; Hauptmann Alibi Attacked

Mrs. Morrow Last Witness; Backs Alibi For Her Maid; Jury May Get Case Tuesday

Oldest Known City in The World Believed Found in Mesopotamia

Reilly Accuses Servants, Charges Police Frame-Up In His Final Plea To Jury

‘No Mercy,’ Wilentz Plea; Intruder Shouts At Court; Case Goes To Jury Today

Hauptmann Guilty, Sentenced To Death For The Murder Of The Lindbergh Baby

Lehman Budget Adopted; Next Year’s Income Tax And Gasoline Tax Raised

Japan Would Make China Accept Loan To Dominate Trade

Mayor Plans To Operate Key Buildings In Strike; Tries To Avert Walkout

Service Strike Ordered In 1,000 Buildings Today; Police Leaves Cancelled

Court Backs Government On Gold; 5-4 For Bond Payment In New Dollar; Business Surges Forward, Stocks Rise

Roosevelt Studies Move To Protect Government Fully On Any Gold Suits

Roosevelt Asks Renewal Of The NRA For 2 Years; Bill Drawn To Plug Holes

Berlin American Church Closes; Curb on Funds Imperils 2 Others

Mrs. Roosevelt Is ‘Perturbed’ By Verdict in Hauptmann Case

Military Centres Rise Near Berlin In Strict Secrecy

Hitler Dares Hate Of Foes In Hailing Nazi Party’s Birth

Nation’s Business Best Since 1933, Led by Autos, Steels and Textiles

Morgan’s 900 Miniatures To Be Auctioned in London

NRA Loses Twice In Courts; 7A Voided In Weirton Case; Soft Coal Code Also Upset


Policy Ring ‘Higher-Ups’ Hunted As Mayor Orders Gambling And Vice Drive

Saar Gives Hitler Delirious Ovation As It Rejoins Reich

French Dismayed As Pound Tumbles; Talk Of Devaluing

Greek Revolt Spreads; Rebels Now Hold Crete; Reserves Are Mobilized

U.S. Court Rules Albany Violates Interstate Law In Control Of Bulk Milk

240 In Vice Squads Shifted To Spur Racket Campaign; Courts Aid, Set High Bail

13 Subpoenaed As Court Charges A New Vice Ring; Immunity Offer By Dodge

20 Policemen Face Inquiry In Search For Policy Leaders

Greek Fleet Goes To Battle Rebels; Big Losses In Army

Havana Swept By Gun Fire; State Of Siege Proclaimed, With General Call To Arms

Treasury Uses $642,000,000 Gold Profit To Retire All National Bank Notes; Calls In Bonds, Reducing Public Debt

Threats Sent To Jurors And Rackets Prosecutor; First Indictments Voted

French Bill Calls for Big Warships To Rival Vessels of Italy and Reich

3,000-Year-Old Archives Found; Data Confirm Biblical History

$34,000,000 Profit In Year By Phillips Utility Group, Mack Committee Is Told

U.S. Arrests 2,000 In Surprise Raids On Nation’s Gangs

Germany Creates Army Of 500,000, Orders Conscription, Scraps Treaty; Entente Powers Confer On Action

500,000 See Hitler Review Military Parade In Berlin; Reich Arrests 700 Pastors

Britain Protests To Hitler; Will Send Simon To Confer; Washington Also May Act

Britain Lines Up 2 Powers Behind Program At Berlin; French Demand Firmness

Police End Harlem Riot; Mayor Starts Inquiry; Dodge Sees A Red Plot

Germany Rejects Protests Made By France And Italy; Seeks New Deal In Europe

Secrecy On 859 Pay Rises Is Laid To Relief Bureau; Graft Rife, Hodson Says

Senate Votes Work Relief, 68 To 16, With Amendment To Expand Silver Currency

Poland Rebukes Germany And Now Turns To France; Britain’s Envoys In Berlin

Hitler Insists The Soviet Imperils Peace Of Europe; Asks Austrian Plebiscite

Berlin Parleys Fruitless; End In A Warning By Simon; Memel Case Enrages Reich

British See Crisis Nearer As Cabinet Hears Simon; Nazi Fury On Memel Rises

Russia Asks Cooperation To Avert The Peril Of War; Commons Questions Simon

Senate Gets New NRA Bill Rushed To Avert Strikes; Labor Clauses Stronger

Ethiopia Refuses To Deal With Italy


Power Shortage Found in Nation; Board Warns of Wartime Peril

Pope Warns War Would Be Insanity; Appeals For Hope

House And Senate Clash On Drastic Bills To End All Profiteering In War

Austria To Increase Army; Plans Two-Year Service; Poland Bars Eastern Pact

Pretty Girl Mends Stocking Run To Show the Supreme Court How

5 Billion Relief Bill Voted; President Ready To Speed Record Peace-Time Outlay

La Guardia Is Reorganizing Control Of The City Relief; Czar To Supersede Hodson

Nazis Balked In Danzig, Falling Short Of 2/3 Vote; Poles Protest Terrorism

Adolf S. Ochs Dead at 77; Publisher of Times Since 1896

Francio-Russian Alliance Within League Reported; Britain To Avoid Pledges

Wilgus Is Heard On Relief; Roosevelt Sets November For Peak Of Huge Spending

British Stand By Entente As Powers Meet In Stresa; Want Move By The League

Reich To Give Peace Pledge But To Avoid Security Pact; Stresa Solutions Speeded

Danubian Parley In Rome Is Decided On At Stresa; Franco-Italian Deal Near

3 Powers Agree To Resist Future Treaty Violations; French Protest To League

Widespread Air Alliances Are Developing At Geneva As League Gets Arms Issue

Reich Sponsored By 3 Powers, As Germans Warn Smaller Countries

League Censures Germany, Moves To Apply Sanctions For Future War Threats

Reich Protests To Britain Over Geneva ‘Betrayal’; London Will Ignore It

U.S. Sharply Protests to Germany Against Discrimination on Debts

7-Alarm Fire In Brooklyn Floods I.R.T. With Smoke, Fells Many In Manhattan

2,471 Die In Formosa Quake That Wrecks 6,671 Homes; Army Quickly Gives Relief 

Huge Soviet Force Near Manchukuo

600 Die In Quakes In Northern Iran; 3 Towns Leveled

Berlin’s Gains in Air Bring Rival Capitals in Easy Reach

Germany Begins a Drive To End Non-Nazi Press

15,000 Nazis Rally Against Churches And For Paganism

12 U-Boats Built And Germans Push Training Of Crews

President In Talk To Nation Promise To Expedite Relief; Emphasizes Social Security

British Reply To U-Boats Likely To Be New Arming; Nazis Reopen Kiel School


Robot Plane Sets Mark From Coast

NRA Extended 10 Months In Senate Committee Vote; Lynching Bill Is Dropped

M’Donald Pledges British Air Arming And 3-Power Unity

France And Soviet Agree On Quick Aid In Event Of Peril

400 Die In Floods At Bahia; Gunfire Stops Avalanche; Large Buildings Destroyed

Goering Permits Writer To Glimpse German Air Gains

Britain Acclaims Ruler In Pageant Unsurpassed In History of The Empire

Senate Passes Bonus Bill With Two Billion Inflation, But It Might Hold Veto

Miss Earhart Sets Mark In 2,100-Mile Air Dash From Mexico To Newark

46 Naval Planes Take Off On Hawaii-Midway Flight; Storm Is Reported At Goal

President Welcomes Byrd Home As Guns Boom Salute to Explorer

450 Planes Ready To ‘Attack Hawaii’

2 Die In Navy War Game, One As Destroyers Crash, Other In Dive Of A Plane

Lawrence of Arabia Dying After Crash on Motor Cycle

Mussolini Warns Powers To Leave Ethiopia To Italy

Einstein Is Silent As He Gets Medal

Billion Allotted On Works; Roosevelt Backs NRA Plan For Two Years’ Extension

U.S. To Own Reserve Stock And Control Bank Credit Is Morgenthau Proposal

Soviet’s Big Plane Crashes, Wrecked By Stunting Craft; 49 Killed In Two Machines

Pope Bids British Rejoin Church; Canonizes Two English Saints

Roosevelt Sets $19 To $94 As Monthly Relief Wages; Divides Nation In 4 Groups

Hitler Pledges Respect For Versailles Borders; Suggests Limiting Arms

House Overrides Bonus Veto, 322-98, Despite Strong Speech By President; 1,500 Business Men Ask NRA Renewal

Senate Kills Cash Bonus, Sustaining Veto By 8 Votes, But Campaign Begins Anew

Italy Submits To League On Ethiopian Arbitration; Britain Sways Mussolini

Mussolini Warns Italians May Fight

Reich Developing Fast-Moving Army

All NRA Enforcement Is Ended By President As Supreme Court Rules Act And Codes Void; Whole New Deal Program In Confusion

President Will Appeal To Nation With A Formula To Salvage NRA; Industries Act To Retain Codes

Roosevelt Firm For Law To Retain NRA Principles; Appeals For Speed Pour In

Conflicting NRA Views Pressed On Roosevelt; Labor Reports Pay Cuts


20,000 Die In Indian Quake; Wide Area Is Devastated; 43 British Airmen Victims

Washington Studies Plan For A Quick Amendment Of Federal Constitution

Kidnap Suspects Elude Capture In Long Chase, Enter Oregon Bad Lands

Normandie Hailed By Throngs Here; Sets New Records

Roosevelt Will Keep NRA, Stripped Of Basic Powers; Cash Bonus Fight Dropped

Power Strike In Toledo Is Ended By Union Vote After Government Plea

Baldwin To Be Premier In British Shuffle Today; Hoare For Foreign Office

House Votes NIRA Extension Cutting Roosevelt Power; Transport Control Pushed

Mussolini Defies Britain And Likens His Policy To Hers

China Is Removing Troops And Japan Delays Action; U.S. Warships Go To Area

‘Grass Roots’ G.O.P. Pledge Defense Of States’ Rights; New NRA Pushed In Senate

British Get Reich To Limit Its Navy In All Categories

China Ignores Ultimatum; Japanese Troops Massed; Occupation Today Feared

Roosevelt Insists Congress Enact His Reform Program; Final NRA Vote Due Today

Skeleton NRA Is Extended; New Move On Hours And Pay; President Pushes Jobs Aid

Italy to Seize All Silver Money For Use in Ethiopian Campaign

President Sets Up New NRA And Picks Staff To Run It; $300,000,000 White Collar Aid

Britain Consulting U.S. On North China Crisis; Japan Reduces Forces

347 Convicts Hold Kansas Prison Pit; 9 Guards In Peril

Roosevelt Asks Inheritance Taxes And Other Levies On Big Fortunes; House Passes Wagner Labor Bill

Democrats Will Not Push Roosevelt’s Tax Program At This Congress Session

British Ask Soviet To Discuss Navies; Paris Cool To Eden

Eden Finds Paris Firmly Opposed To German Navy

Navy Pact Details Left In Abeyance Until Wide Parley

Roosevelt In Sudden Move Demands Immediate Action On Wealth-Sharing Taxes

New Tax Program Pressed Despite A Revolt In House; Yield Is Put At $340,000,000

Hasty Tax Action Dropped As President Denies Order To Pass Bill By Saturday

Lehman Calls 4 Lawyers To Parley As All Decline To Head Racket Inquiry

Roosevelt Refuses To Drop His Fight On Holding Units; City Power Plant Blocked

Hoover Not A Candidate For The 1936 Nomination, G.O.P. Senators Are Told


Nazi Prison Camps Soften Discipline

House Defeats Roosevelt, 216 To 146, On ‘Death Sentence’ In Utilities Bill; New Test In A Vote Of Record Today

House Orders Inquiry Into Lobbying By Friends And Foes Of Utilities Bill After Beating President Again 258-147

Blockade Of Italy Reported Studies By British Cabinet

Einstein in Vast New Theory Links Atom and Stars in Unified System

President Rejects Ethiopia’s Appeal For Peace Effort

U.S. Advises Its Citizens To Begin Leaving Ethiopia; 125 There, 113 In Missions

Britain Expected To Drop Her Effort To Curb Italy; Rift With France Deepens

37 Dead In Up-State Floods, 7 Missing, Many Homeless; Damage Is Put At $10,000,000

Federal And State Help Rushed To Flood Victims; Death Toll Rises To 41

Italy Said To Ask Part Of Ethiopia As Price Of Peace

Hull Joins With Powers Combating War In Africa; Tells Italy Of Concern

Hull Backs Kellogg Pact As Basis Of Our Policy; Reminder To Italy Seen

Coup By Heimwehr Looms In Austria As Chancellor Is Injured In Auto Crash

Mussolini Faces Ruin If He Yields In Africa Dispute

Jews Are Beaten By Berlin Rioters; Cafes Are Raided

AAA Processing Tax Illegal, U.S. Appeals Court Decides; State Rights Held Violated

League Prepares To Meet This Month On Ethiopia; Emperor Suggests Deal

Reich Strikes At Catholics; Rules Attacks By Priests Are Assault On Nazi State

Anti-Semite Police Chief Named To ‘Purge’ Berlin Of Jews And Communists

Priests Who Assail Nazi ‘Purge’ Today Will Be Arrested

Catholic Priests Silent On Nazi-Church Dispute, Except In South Germany

British End Naval Quotas But Seek To Limit Fleets; Propose A Parley In 1942

Anti-Semites Firmly In the Saddle As Persecution Spreads in Reich

Nazis Threaten Foreign Reporters For ‘Lies’ On Anti-Semitic Drive

Mussolini Offers Conciliation Plan In Ethiopian Row

Reds Rip Flag Off Bremen, Throw It Into Hudson; 2,000 Battle The Police

Berlin Holds La Guardia Has Broken Trade Treaty; Washington Regrets Riot

Ethiopians Attack Italians In Darkness, Killing Forty; Emperor Replies To League

Racket Inquiry On; Grand Jury Picked And Dewey Sworn

Nazis Widen Religious War; U.S. Regrets Persecutions; Berlin Protests Riot Here


Democrats Move To Defy President On Charity Tax; He Assails ‘Thrifty’ Rich

‘Death Sentence’ Defeated Again, House Voting 210-155; Republicans Delay Tax Bill

Big Power Yield To Italy On Ethiopian Arbitration And Call New Conference

Japan To Protest New York Cartoon

Goebbels Warns Of Greater Drive On Foes Of Nazis

Nazi-Catholic War Openly Declared; Pope Sees Trouble

New Deal Foe Is Victor In Rhode Island Election; Roosevelt Tax Aims Given

Strike By Unions Is Begun In Fight On WPA Pay Here, Threatening Wide Tie-Up

5 Slain At Toulon, Disorders Spread In French Strikes

President Bars U.S. Relief To All Who Quit WPA Jobs; More Strike On City Works

Income Tax Exemptions Cut By Senate Committee; Surtax To Apply At $3,000

Hitler Says Reich Is Ready To Meet Any Outside Peril

Senators Retreat On Taxes; Cut In Exemptions Dropped; Yield Now Set At $250,000,000

Senators To Investigate House’s Coup On Hopson; Refused To Tell Income

Senate-House Rift Grows As O’Connor Holds Hopson, Ignoring Contempt Order

Senate Passes Its Tax Bill; Bans New Federal Issues Of Tax-Exempt Securities

Will Rogers, Wiley Post Die In Airplane Crash In Alaska; Nation Shocked By Tragedy

Italy, In Parley, Demands Control Of All Ethiopia; War Believed Inevitable

Ethiopia Parley Collapses As Mussolini’s Reply Is ‘No’ To Anglo-French Proposal

Italy Bars All Peace Talk; Britain Weighs Sanctions, Wants To Know Our Policy

Demand To Vote U.S. Neutrality Now Halts The Rush Of Bills In Congress; London Acts Tomorrow On Ethiopia

President Acts In Neutrality Issue As House Balks After Senate Votes; Britain Won’t Act Without France

Roosevelt Agrees To Bar War Arms Sales To Feb. 29; British To Wait On League

House Votes Neutrality; British Move Plane Ship; To Act Firmly In Geneva

Britain Is Sending Warships To Suez; Neutrality Voted

U.S. Protests To The Soviet Over Reds’ Activities Here; Warns Of The Consequences

74th Congress Adjourns After Roosevelt Warning; AAA To Lend 10c On Cotton

Soviet Rejects U.S. Protest; It Denies Any Responsibility For Action Of Comintern

Italy Warns Of Dangers If Sanctions Are Applied, But Reassures British

Young Queen Astrid Killed As King’s Car Hits A Tree; Leopold Slightly Injured

German Flies Plane by Leg Power, Bringing Dream of Icarus Nearer


Italy To Call 200,000 Men Making 1,000,000 Under Arms; Her Reply To Sanction Talk

Reich Bishops Tell Catholics To Obey ‘God And Not Men’

Liner Dixie On Florida Reef; 260 Passengers Are In Peril As Hurricane Lashes Keys

Seas Prevent Rescue Of 351 On Dixie; Captain Radioes That All Is Well; 75 Veterans Reported Dead In Storm

Hurricane Toll Exceeds 200; 164 Taken From The Dixie When Gale Halts Rescues

Italian Envoy Walks Out As Ethiopian Makes Reply; Soviet Asks League To Act

League Names Conciliators, Italy Yielding To Pressure; British To Act For Security

Truce While League Talks Reported Pledged By Italy; Pope Sees Hope For Peace

Doctor Shoots Huey Long In Louisiana State Capitol; Bodyguards Kill Assailant

Senator Huey Long Dies Of Wounds After 30-Hour Futile Fight For Life; Troopers Guard Louisiana Capitol

Long To Get State Funeral; Gov. Allen To Run ‘Machine’; Foes See Chance To Beat It

Britain Demands League Act ‘Against Aggression’ And Pledges Her Support

Hull Invokes Kellogg Pact In Plea For Ethiopian Peace; League Awaits Laval Stand

Laval Puts France Behind League; Unity With Britain Isolates Italy; Rome, Stunned, May Leave Geneva

Italy Bars Compromises; Seeks Anglo-French Rift; League Rushes New Plan

Reich Adopts Swastika As Nation’s Official Flag; Hitler’s Reply To ‘Insult’

Britain Is Sounding Powers On Sanctions Against Italy; De Valera Pleads For Peace

Italians Give Ray Of Hope They Might Yet Negotiate On ‘Reasonable’ Conditions

League Peace Proposals Give Italy A Part In Development Of Ethiopia; Britain Dispatches More Warships

Rome Expects Mussolini To Reject League’s Plan; Geneva Studies Next Step

Italy Wavering As France Warns Rome Against War; May Ask New Negotiations

Italy Leaves Door Open In Rejecting League Plan; Rome Looks For New Offer

Mussolini Might Now Take Mandate Under The League; London Denies Any Threats

League Firm On Peace Plan As The Ethiopians Accept It; Rome Cabinet Meets Today

League Council Tomorrow Takes Up Mussolini Reply; Rome Hopeful, London Firm

Ethiopians Are Mobilizing In The Frontier Provinces; Fascist Rally Likely Today

League Decides To Invoke Sanctions If Italy Resorts To War On Ethiopia; Next Move Is Now Up To Mussolini

Roosevelt Pledges Navy To Maintain Treaty Ratio, Building If Others Do So

Hurricane Wreaks Havoc In Its Passage Over Cuba; Sweeps East Of Florida

Britain Promises To Resist Any Aggressor In Europe; Rome Now Sees War Soon


Italy Ready To Begin War In Africa When Mud Dries; 30,000 Troops On The Way

Britain Asks French Stand If Italy Attacks Her Navy; Thinks Ethiopian War Sure

Big Italian Force Invades Ethiopia; Mussolini Rallies 20,000,000 Fascisti; Roosevelt To Keep US ‘Unentangled’

Italian Airplanes Bomb Adowa And Adigrat; 1,700 Casualties Include Women And Children; League Council Acts On Sanctions Tomorrow

Italians Press Advance On Adowa; Fighting Reported On Other Fronts; League Group Reports Against Italy

Adowa And Adigrat Still Hold Out After Three Days Of Fierce Fighting; League Acts On Aggressor Tomorrow

Adowa And Adigrat Fall To Italians; Other Armies Advance In Ethiopia; Roosevelt Limits Travel On Ships

League Council Finds Italy Guilty; Moves To Invoke Sanction At Once; Italians Fortify New-Won War Lines

Italian Column Closing In On Aksum; Mountains Near Adowa Are Shelled; League’s Experts Work On Sanctions

Hauptmann Loses His Fight For Life In Appeals Court

51 League Nations Condemn Italy; Name Committee To Apply Sanctions; Action Worries The Italian People

League Puts Arms Embargo On Italy, While Lifting That Against Ethiopia; Rome Reports Thousands Desert Foe

Italians Decide To Hasten Advance In Hopes New Ethiopian Defections; League Drafts A Financial Embargo

Mussolini Annexes Adowa; Italians Advance In South; League To Bar Basic Goods

Aksum Yields To Italians Without Firing A Shot; League Cuts Off All Loans

Italians March On Makale; Planes Raiding All Fronts; League Tightens Embargo

Britain Refuses To Withdraw Fleet; Rome Sees Intent To Stop Mussolini And Increased Peril Of European War

Anglo-French Relations Strained As British Demand Flat Reply On Aid; London Resents Pro-Italian Trend

Powers Halt Mediterranean Crisis; Britain And Italy To Reduce Forces; France Pledges Naval Aid To British

50 Nations Vote Boycott Of All Italian Exports; Cut Off ‘Key’ Materials

Ethiopians Trap 500 Foes; Italians Push Air Attack; Britains Hastens Armament

Italians Advance In South; Britain Checks Arms Ships; League Invokes Paris Pact

Peace Parley Is Expected As Hoare Tells Commons Sanctions Can Be Avoided

Schultz Is Shot, One Aide Killed And 3 Wounded

Schultz Dies Of Wounds Without Naming Slayers; 3 Aides Dead, One Dying

Baldwin Warns Sanctions May Mean Naval Blockade; Wants Our Attitude First

U.S. Pledges Moral Effort To Aid The League On Peace; Italians Press On Makale

France Accepts Sanctions; Geneva Expects Our Help; Italians Advance In North

Italians Make Big Gains On 400 Mile Line In South; Drive In North Delayed

Mayor Orders War To End Gang Power; Chiefs Are Hunted

Germans Protest Churchill Attack As Libeling Hitler


League Moves To Enforce Italian Boycott By Nov. 15; Anti-British Riots In Rome

$416,861,000 Net Price Set For Transit Lines In Pact; City And I.R.T. In Accord

Italians Begin New Drive In North Toward Makale; Sanctions Start Nov. 18

120,000 Italians Advance 25 Miles Toward Makale; No Resistance So Far

3 Dead, 64 Hurt In Miami As Hurricane Hits City; It Sweeps Out Into Gulf

Republicans Win Majority Of 14 In State Assembly; Geoghan Elected In Brooklyn; County Reform Voted; Foes Seek Rebuke For The President And The New Deal

Kentucky Democrats Win; Party’s Lead Here 360,000, Despite Loss Of Assembly

Italians View Makale From Camp On Heights; Ready To Enter At Dawn

Italians Gain On 3 Fronts; Take Makale And Gorahai; New Drive Begun In North

Japanese Troops Invade Shanghai To Avenge Killing

Italians In 130-Mile Drive Approach Jijiga In South; Expect Long Delay In North

Army Men Rise 74,000 Feet On Flight In Stratosphere, The Land Gently On Farm

Ethiopians Report Victory In Fierce Battle In South With Many Of Foe Killed

Anti-British Riots Flare Up In Egypt; Two Dead, 88 Hurt

250,000 See Quezon Sworn As Philippines President; He Warns Foes Of State

Hull Warns War Traders They Violate Our Policy; British Curb Sanction Foes

Italy Sends Staff Chief To Speed War In Ethiopia; De Bono Is Called Home

Fierce Ende Gorge Battle Described By Eyewitness; Sanctions In Force Today

‘Siege’ Of Italy On; Anti-British Riot Balked By Troops

Ellsworth Off On Flight Over Antarctic Wastes To Byrd’s Little America

Ethiopians Repel Foe At Sasa Baneh, Massacring Many

Ethiopia Waging Hopeless Fight, Foreign Observers Are Convinced

Government As A Creditor Puts Pressure On Shipping To Halt Our War Exports

Italy May Leave League If It Extends Sanctions; Ethiopians Seize Towns

2 Women Patients Die, 36 Saved In Fire at Sanitarium in Jersey

Martial Law For Brazil Is Proclaimed By Vargas; Rebels Lose Pernambuco

Washington Not To Relax Effort To Curb War Trade; Italian Protest Expected

Italy Orders Army Moves To Warn Europe Of War; Makale Retreat Reported

Reich Declares All Men 18 To 45 Army Reservists

France, Britain Warn Italy Of Unit In Facing Attack; Sanctions Session On Dec. 12


Chinese In North Give Up, Concede Autonomy Plan; Will Detach 2 Provinces

Britain And France Draft A New Offer To Mussolini; Would Halt Oil Boycott

Ethiopians Report Somaliland Drive Has Carried To Sea

Evasion To Be Prosecuted, Hull Tells Arms Traders; Britain Stands By League

Anglo-French Peace Plan Proposed As Alternative To Sterner Curbs On Italy

U.S. And Britain Warn Japan On North China Activities; Hull Cites Treaty Rights

Italian Air Raid Wrecks Dessye Palace, Hospital; 32 Killed, 200 Wounded

Lindberghs Still Believe in Guilt Of Hauptmann as Child’s Slayer

New Ethiopia Peace Terms Fixed By Hoare And Laval As Final Offer To Italians

U.S. Asks 20% Naval Cut As London Parley Opens; Britain And Japan Cool

British Accept Peace Plan With Slight Modifications; It Goes To Rome And Addis

Ethiopia To Reject Terms, Envoy Forecasts In Paris; Storm In Britain Over Plan

Eden Gets League Council To Act On Ethiopian terms; Oil Sanctions Are Shelved

Peace Plan Held Doomed As League Publishes Text; Eden Prepares To Fight It

Democrats Search Old Files to Show Hoover Has Shifted

Peace Plan Revolt Rises; Little Entente Will Join Scandinavia In Opposition

Republican Convention In Cleveland On June 9; Party Chiefs Confident

Italians Are Forced Back As Battle Opens In North; Laval Is Upheld On Terms

Hoare Resigns, His Peace Plan Dead; Eden Admits Its Defeat At Geneva; Mussolini Renews Defiant Attitude

Baldwin Sustained 397-165 After He Confesses ‘Error;’ League Drops Peace Plan

Britain Rushes Egyptian Forts To Bar an Invasion From Libya

I.C.C. To Reduce Rail Fares To 2 Cents A Mile Maximum With 3 Cents In Pullmans

Lindbergh Family Sails For England To Seek A Safe, Secluded Residence; Threats On Son’s Life Force Decision

America Shocked By Exile Forced On The Lindberghs; England To Guard Arrival

President Urges Christmas Spirit Of Peace And Unity

Pro-Tokyo Official Slain In Shanghai; Japanese On Guard

Supremacy In Air Is Hitler Answer To British ‘Feeler’

Laval Fall Today Expected As Deputies Cheer Demand To Back Britain And League

Ethiopian Armies Battle Italian Forces In North; Laval Upheld 296 To 276

Deals On Colonies May Give Germany Portuguese Lands

Mussolini Acts To Calm Home Unrest By Pleading Difficulties In Ethiopia

News source: New York Times

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