1934: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


First New Year’s Revel Since Repeal Is Orderly; The Gayest In 14 Years

LaGuardia Moves To Clean Up City; Starts Hunt For Graft In Bureaus; Tammany Organizes The Aldermen

LaGuardia Asks Albany To Give Him Full Power Over The City’s Finances

‘New Deal’ Is Here To Stay, President Tells Congress; Sees Recovery Under Way

Roosevelt Spending $10,569,006,967 To June 30; New Borrowing 6 Billion, Plus 4 Billion To Retire Maturities

Lehman Warns LaGuardia He Asks Too Much Power; Rejects A ‘Dictatorship’

LaGuardia Ready To Fight For Powers Of Dictator; Drafts Reply To Lehman

LaGuardia Tells Lehman He Plans No Dictatorship; Decries ‘Political’ Move

Gov. Lehman Again Rejects LaGuardia ‘Dictator’ Plan; Invites Mayor To Confer

Postal Records Burned On Orders Of Secretary Of Brown, Clerk Swears

Lehman And Mayor Agree On Economy Bill Granting Power To Estimate Board

Roosevelt Forces Crush Economy Revolt In House; Gold Profit Plan Studied

Roosevelt Claims Power To Capture Reserve Bank Gold

President Confers Tonight With Congress Committees On His Monetary Program

President Will Ask Power To Take All Monetary Gold As Step To Revalue Dollar

President Plans 50 To 60-Cent Dollar And $2,000,000,000 Equalization Fund From Profit On Impounding Of Gold

Hostile Tammany Forces Resist LaGuardia’s Bill In Both Albany Chambers

Gold Bill Constitutional, Cummings Tells Senate; Early Passage Expected

Byrd Arrives at Little America; Amazed by Vast Upheaval of Ice

Steingut Sees President, Promises To Aid Lehman Pass City Economy Bill

House Passes Gold Bill, 360-40 Rejecting Changes; New Financing Taken Up

Germans Flout League As Nazi Tide Threatens Austria, Saar And Danzig

Time Limit On Gold Bill Is Urged By Owen D. Young; Support For It In Senate

Treasury Asks $1,000,000,000 Through Usual Methods; Senate Gets The Gold Bill

Welfare Island Raid Bares Gangster Rule Over Prison; Weapons, Narcotics Found

Change In City Bill Looms As Workers Fight Pays Slashes

Reich And Poland Sign A Peace Pact

Grave Crisis In France As Government Resigns Over Bank Scandal Riots

Nazis Ease Budget By Forced ‘Gifts’ To Party Treasury

LaGuardia’s Bill Fought By Assembly Democrats; Lehman Demands Action

Nation Honors President At 6,000 Birthday Dinners; He Voices Sincere Thanks


Britain And Italy Offer Two Plans To Rearm Reich

Washington Acts To Avert Exchange War On Dollar; Stocks Rise, Bank Rate Cut

W.P. M’Cracken Arrested By Order Of The Senate In Air Mail Investigation

Taxi Strikers Seize Cabs, Rip Off Doors And Force Theatre Crowds To Walk

Taxi Strike Is Settled As LaGuardia Intervenes; Extra Fare To Be Divided

LaGuardia Asks Taxi Code As Men Reject Settlement; Hotel Pickets Fight Police

Shouting Mobs Riot All Night In Paris, Storm Chamber, Demand Government Resign; Police Fire At Them; 10 Killed, 500 Injured

Riots Subside As Daladier Quits And Doumergue Is Called To Paris; Strong Non-Party Cabinet Planned

Kidnappers Free Bremer On Payment Of $200,000; Wide Manhunt Is Pushed

Air Contracts Canceled; Army To Carry The Mails; M’Cracken Evades Arrest

M’Cracken Stays In Home Of Senate Officer As Offer To Surrender Is Rejected

Nazi State Fights Catholic Church To Curb Its Power

129 Austrians Killed In Civil War; Socialists Declare General Strike; Dollfuss Bans Party; Nazis Lie Low

Government Is Winning In Austria; Socialists Fight On, Hundreds Dead; Model Vienna Apartments Shelled

Socialists Renew Fighting After Retreat In Vienna; Dollfuss Offers Amnesty

Brown Denies Mail Deals Involved Any Illegality; He Will Testify Monday

Vienna Quiet Again; Nazis Woo Rebels

King Albert Falls To Death Climbing Peak Near Namur; Body Found, Wound In Head

King’s Death Stuns Belgium; State Funeral Thursday; Fell Climbing Peak Alone

Vast Crowds In Brussels Bow Before King’s Coffin As Body Reaches Palace

9-Inch Snow Cripples City; Suburbs Cut Off For Hours; Travel Hit In Whole East

50,000 Dig City Out; Many In Suburbs Still Snowbound

King Albert Laid To Rest By Sorrowful Belgium; His Son Takes Oath Today

Leopold Ascends Belgian Throne; Pledge to Serve Nation Cheered

House Votes Air Mail Bill After Acrimonious Debate; Farley Contradicts Brown

9 Dartmouth Students Die In Fraternity House From Monoxide Poisoning

City Battles 9-Inch Snow; Rail Tie-Up Maroons Towns; Zero Cold Is Likely Today

Johnson Meets NRA Critics, Proposes 12-Point Revision; J.W. Davis Scores New Deal


Pu Yi Ascends Throne Of Manchukuo Empire In Centuries-Old Ritual

Roosevelt Asks Free Hand On Money In Coming Year; New Labor Plan In Senate

Roosevelt Offers Philippines Plan, Removing Army

Dillinger Escapes Jail; Using A Wooden Pistol He Locks Guards In Cell

Dillinger Eludes Hunt In 4 States; ‘Kill’ Order Issued

New Deal Permanent, President Says; Asks Higher Pay, Shorter Hours, Now; Supreme Court Upholds Price Fixing

Code Delegates Hesitate To Cut Hour, Raise Pay, Without Price Increases

Roosevelt Urges Return Of Mails To Air Companies Under Strict Safeguards

Tariff Rule By Roosevelt To Aid Foreign Trade Asked By Hull, Wallace And Roper

Roosevelt Will Suspend Liquor Quotas To Reduce Prices, End Bootlegging

President Orders The Army To Fly Mail Only On Routes That Don’t Imperil Fliers

Army Grounds Mail Planes To Wait For New Schedules; 20% Further Cut Forecast

House Votes Bonus, 295-125, After Disorderly Debate; Defeat In Senate Expected

Manny Strewl Convicted Of Kidnapping O’Connell; Banghart Gets 99 Years

Air Inquiry Post Declined Sharply By Col. Lindbergh

Samuel Insull Vanishes; Greeks Start Wide Hunt; Cabinet Crisis Expected

Lindbergh Assails Air Mail Measure Before Senators

5,000 Fight Police In Harlem Streets

Mussolini Urges German Rearming To Avoid Disaster

12 Industrial Credit Banks Sought In Roosevelt Bill; Silver Bloc Wins In House

President Wins Auto Strike Delay; Rail Managers Accept His Pay Truce; Trade Board Assails NRA Steel Code

Roosevelt Hears Case Of Auto Manufacturers; Rail Men Will Arbitrate

Police Quell Taxi Rioters In Sharp Times Sq. Battle After A Day Of Violence

Settlement Of Auto Strife Expected To Be Announced By The President Today

Premier Warns France To End Civil War Threat; Sees Danger Of Invasion

Violence Renewed By Taxi Strikers Who Reject Poll

Roosevelt Wants ‘Teeth’ In Stock Exchange Bill; Seeks Speculation Limit

House, 310 To 72, Overrides Roosevelt’s Veteran Veto; Close Senate Vote Likely

Senate Overrides Veterans Veto, Crippling Whole Economy Program; 29 Democrats Desert The President

State Senator’s Letters Indicate Associated Gas Paid For Political Work

Wide Inquiry On Utilities To Be Demanded In Albany; Move To Impeach Thayer


Dillinger Shoots Way Out Of Trap

Turkish Cabinet Decides To Give Up Insull To U.S. After Hearing In Court

Wide Public Utility Inquiry Sought In The Legislature; Thayer Offers Explanation

4 1/4 Liberties Refunded At 3 1/4 In New Treasury Financing; Record Set By State Bonds

Hitler Lieutenant Refuses Bid As Harvard Commencement Aide

Assembly Votes City Bill; Drastic Curbs On Mayor; Lehman Utility Plan Upset

Rioting Minneapolis Mob Forces Council To Yield To Demands For Relief

Two Norwegian Towns Engulfed By Waves as Cliff Falls Into Sea

Fists Fly At Rally Of 9,000 Nazis Here

NRA Settles Motor Strike, Workers Getting 10% Rise; Johnson Goes To Roosevelt

Wirt Names ‘Satellites’ Of Brain Trust As Source Of His Revolution Story

Wide Inquiry On Utilities Voted By Albany Senate; Thayer Examiner Named

Bar Acts To Oust Justice Kunstler; Calls Him Corrupt

Senate Passes The Tax Bill To Raise $481,000,000 More; President Welcomed Back

Russia And Italy Slash Payrolls In Economy Wave

President To Ask Congress To Vote $1,500,000,000 Relief; Seeks Adjournment May 15

Authenticity Of Letters Is Admitted By Thayer; Stock Deal Profits Told

Japan Warns Powers on China; Threatens Force to Put End to Aid

Paris Breaks Off Arms Talks, Asking Return To Geneva

Curry Foes Confident Of Ousting Him Today; He Pins Hope On Hines

Tammany Ousts Curry, 14 1/3 To 10 1/6; He Accuses Allies Of Disloyalty; Steering Committee To Be Named

Roosevelt Men To Guide Tammany On Leadership; Party Harmony The Aim

Dillinger Is Surrounded In A Forest In Wisconsin; National Guard Called

Dillinger Escapes Posses After Two Running Fights; Two Killed, Five Wounded

Roosevelt Chides Nation For Not ‘Thinking Ahead’; Scores 30-Day Panceas

Machado Is Hunted Here On Extradition Warrant; Murder Charged In Cuba

Radium Is Found in Thunderstorms, Drawn From Earth and Rained Back

City Charter Revision Bill Voted As Legislature Closes In Rumpus; Drinking At Bars Is Also Enacted

Choate Finds Bootlegger Is Active Despite Repeal; Illicit Output Colossal

Berlin Is Jammed For May Day Fete; 2,000,000 To March


Our Envoy Informs Japan We Desire Treaties Be Kept; Affirms Our Rights In China

4,000 Reds In Barricades Defy The Police In Paris; New York May Day Quiet

Johnson Plans New Drive To Revive Interest In NRA; Not To Rely On Penalties

‘Time To Stop Crying Wolf,’ Roosevelt Tells Chamber; Asks Cooperation Instead

Gunmen Kill Policeman, Shoot Down Two Other And Wound 4 Civilians

Cunningham Dies; Fusion’s Control In City Menaced

Germany Now Submits Traveler To Thorough Search on Leaving

Britain Opens Trade War On Japanese In Colonies; Cuts Textile Buying 57%

Nazis Free Fault-Finding Editor; Allow the Press Limited Liberty

M’Goldrick Made City Controller; Long Tammany Foe

Large Banks Plan To Pay Depositors In Harriman And Settle Federal Suit

Huge Dust Cloud, Blown 1,500 Miles, Dims City 5 Hours

Pier Men Quit Here; Mobs On Coast Riot

Gettle Is Hunted In Gang Hideouts Of Los Angeles

Robles Girl And Gettle Safe Home; Child Chained In Pit Under Cactus; Six Seized As Gettle’s Kidnappers

Three Gettle Kidnappers Sentenced To Life Terms On Quick Pleas Of Guilty

Silver Program Decided, Adding Metal To Reserve At President’s Discretion

President To Ask Congress For Far-Reaching Reforms, Both Social And Economic

Roosevelt Asks Control Of Arms, Chaco Embargo; British Speed Air Defense

Bulgaria Turns Fascist In Coup Aided By The King; Socialist Leaders Seized

Darrow Board Finds NRA Tends Toward Monopoly; Johnson Condemns Report

Mob Of 1,000 Raids Jersey Nazi Rally

President Asks Silver Base Be ‘Ultimately’ 1 To 3 Gold; Wants 50% Speculation Tax

Barrow And Woman Are Slain By Police In Louisiana Trap

Two Slain, Score Injured, As National Guard Fires On Toledo Strike Rioters

Nazis’ Left Pushes Anti-Rich Crusade

Exchange Bill Agreement Provides New 5-Man Board, Flexible Curb On Margins

Roosevelt Ends Regulation Of The Service Industries, But Keeps Code Labor Rule

Roosevelt Bars The Sale Of Arms To Foes In Chaco In Move To Stop Warfare

U.S. Court Refuses To Enjoin Weirton On Labor Election; Reverse For NRA And Unions

Roosevelt Hails New Unity In Nation In Gettysburg Battlefield Speech; Reaches City To Review Fleet Today


President Reviews Great Naval Pageant; 81 Warships, 185 Planes Sweep Up The Bay, Thrilling City Throngs With Might Of Fleet

Throngs Flock To Fleet As City Welcomes Navy; 100,000 Are Turned Away

Relief Bill Gives President Funds Netting $6,000,000,000; He Acts At Once On Drought

125,000 Board The Fleet, While As Many More Fail; 2 Drown, 38 Prostrated

British ‘Suspend’ Payments Pending War Debt Revision; Note Denies Repudiation

Dr. Luther Accused In Inquiry On Nazis

Roosevelt Denies Danger Of Famine In Crop Disaster

Large Corporations Rush To Reorganize On Terms Of New Bankruptcy Law

Roosevelt Sets Security For Homes, Jobs, Old Age As New Deal’s Objectives

Berlin Suspends Payment 2 Weeks On French Trade

Wide Hunt Nets No Trace Of Plane With 7 Aboard; Feared Smashed On Peak

Plane Found With 7 Dead On A Peak In Catskills; Crashed In Woods In Fog

Hull Proposes To Britain Debt Payments In Goods; Lays Basis For Negotiation

Peek Shows 22 Billion Loss For US In Foreign Accounts; Asserts We Must Buy More

Reich Suspends Payments On All Its Foreign Debts; British Retaliation Likely

Il Duce And Hitler Agree On Freedom For Austria; Oppose Rival Ententes

Drive To Adjourn The Congress Fails As Senate Recesses Until Tomorrow; Roosevelt Labor Compromise Voted

14 Killed, 60 Hurt As Radicals Shoot At Havana Parade

Congress Adjourns Sine Die After Voting Housing Bill; Helps Labor And Farmers

Hindenburg Backs Papen In Nazi Cabinet Dispute; Move For Monarchy Seen

Liner Dresden Wrecked On A Rock Off Norway; 4 Die As Panic Grips 980

Anti-Nazis Break Into Harvard Yard

Reich Limits Purchases To Daily Foreign Income As Trade War Threatens

U.S. Offers $10,000 To Get Dillinger

Hitler Threatens Counter-Boycotts Of Other Nations

Gesture By Italy Disturbs Albania

Roosevelt Sets Up Board In Longshoremen Strike; Talks On Radio Tomorrow

Hitler Halts Move To Ban Stahlhelm; Papen Aide Seized

Hull Puts Blame For Debt Default On Nazis’ Policies

Heat Of 97 Kills 3 Here; Throngs Sleep In Parks; Torrid Wave Grips Nation


Hitler Crushes Revolt By Nazi Radicals; Von Schleicher Is Slain, Roehm A Suicide; Loyal Forces Hold Berlin In An Iron Grip

Hitler Executes More Rebel Chiefs; Revolt Deaths Put As High As 200; Kaiser’s Son And Papen Prisoners

Hitler Firing Squad Active All Day; Fate Of Hundreds Still Uncertain; Hindeburg Publicly Hails ‘Victory’

Hitler Flies To Consult Hindenburg After Getting Papen’s Resignation; Reich Facing Grave Economic Crisis

Resentment At Executions Spreads In Germany; Papen Keeps Nominal Post

2 Killed, 115 Are Injured In San Francisco Strike; Troops At Waterfront

Hitler To Reform The Storm Troops, Chief Peril To Him

Hitler Sets Truce For July In Reich, Leaves For A Rest

Hess Appeals To French To Keep Peace, But Dares Anyone To Attack Reich

Hitler’s Storm Troops To Be Disarmed, Reduced From 2,500,000 To 800,000

Soviet Abolishes Its Secret Police

Johnson Offers One Code For All Minor Industries In NRA Clean-Up Program

Johnson Hits Nazi Killings; Says They Justify Fight For Free Press In America

Hitler Justifies Killings As ‘Reich’s Supreme Judge’; Defies Boycott By World

General Strike Tomorrow In San Francisco; Food Is Already Scarce, Services Stopped; Tie-Up May Extend To Portland And Seattle

Unions Will Ration San Francisco, Feeding City In Designated Cafes; General Strike On This Morning

Strike Paralyzes San Francisco Life, But Unions Allow Entry Of Food As Troops Help Police Keep Order

Strike Leaders Seek Arbitration, Asking That Roosevelt Intervene; San Francisco Vigilantes Raid Reds

Strike Now Collapsing In San Francisco Area; Shots Fired At Wagner

General Strike Called Off By San Francisco Unions; Troops Ready In Portland

50 Are Shot In Minneapolis As Police Fire On Strikers; Gas Routs Seattle Pickets

Ford Puts Trust In ‘Pioneer Spirit’ To Bring Recovery

Dillinger Slain In Chicago; Shot Dead By Federal Men In Front Of Movie Theater

Government Bent On Wiping Out Rest Of Dillinger Gang

Record Heat Grips West; Deaths To Date Put At 700; Chicago 105, St. Louis 110.2

Austrian Nazis Kill Dollfuss, Revolt Fails; 147 Plotters Held, Martial Law In Effect; Italian Army, Navy, Planes Ready To Act

Savage Fighting In South Austria; Starhemberg Orders Nazi Round-Up; Italy Holds 48,000 Men On Frontier

Austrian Nazis Routed In Provinces; Vienna Quiet, But Heavily Guarded; Italy Ready, Does Not Expect To Act

Austria Rebuffs Germany By Inaction On Von Papen; Duce Reported Urging Her

Shuschnigg Head Of Vienna Cabinet, Foe Of The Nazis

Yugoslavia Cautions Italy On Intervention In Austria; ‘British Frontier’ On Rhine


Hindenburg Is Gravely Ill, Hitler Summons Cabinet; Dollfuss Slayers Hanged

Von Hindenburg Dies At 86 After A Day Unconscious; Hitler Takes Presidency

Hitler Takes Presidential Power, Ending Title; Army Swears Fealty; Ratifying Election Set For Aug. 19

Manchester Bars Sales To Germans

Hitler Is Pressed To Give Assurance He Is Not Radical

Hitler Bars War; Asserts That 1918 ‘Was Lesson To Us’

65 Miles Of Torches Light Route Of Von Hindenburg To Tomb At Tannenberg

Roosevelt Visibly Moved In Tour Of Drought Area, Pledges Government Aid

Mrs. Antonio To Die In Chair Tonight

Roosevelt Nationalizes All Silver At A Price Of 50.01 Cents An Ounce; Promises Nation Broader New Deal

Estimate Of Grain Crop Is Lowest In 30 Years As Result Of Drought

Dr. Beebe Descends 2,510 Feet In Ocean

Nazi Bishop Defied Again By Pastors; Arrests Reported

Greater Drought Relief Is Studied By Roosevelt; Would Bar Profiteering

Kidnappers Seize Ontario Brewer, Demand $150,000

Roosevelt Takes Charge Of Drought Aid, Warning Food And Grain Gougers

1,200 In City Prison Rebel For 7 Hours

Hitler Declares Hand Was Forced By Hostile World

1% Tax On Gross Incomes, Some Mortgage Aid Voted As Legislature Adjourns

Hitler Endorsed By 9 To 1 In Poll On His Dictatorship, But Opposition Is Doubled

Hitler Aims To Win 10% Who Voted ‘No’ To The Nazi Cause

Gang Robs Armored Car In Brooklyn Of $427,000; Wide Hunt In 5 States

Capone In A Cell On Alcatraz Isle

Soviet Sharply Demands Japan Cease ‘Aggression’ And Free Seized Rail Men

Reciprocal Pact With Cuba Favors Island’s Sugar, Rum And Many Of Our Products

Dorothy Thompson Expelled By Reich For ‘Slur’ On Hitler

Hitler Opens Saar Drive, Urging France To Expect German Victory In Vote

Strikers Eligible For Aid, Federal Relief Heads Rule; City Business Tax Delayed

Treasury To Use Profit Of $2,800,000,000 On Gold In Balancing The Budget

Time To Use Profit On Gold Indefinite, Says The President

Reich Can’t Pay Any Debts For Years, Says Schacht; He Demands Cut In Total


Textile Strike Is Extended To Wool, Worsted Trades; 650,000 Now Are Affected

Textile Peace Effort Fails; Silk Workers Ordered Out; New Ruling On Bargaining

Richberg Predicts 5,000,000 Families Will Be On Relief

Southern Textile Tie-Up Is Put At 50% By Unions; Profit Held New Deal Aim

Textile Tie-Up Short Of 50%; Unions Strive For Recruits; Some Violence Is Reported

Roosevelt Names Board Of Three To Mediate In The Textile Strike; Two Dead, 24 Shot In Riots At Mills

Reich Is Revealed Building U-Boats In Foreign Plants

Coolidge Aides Divulged Our Gun Designs To Help Produce Foreign Orders

Morro Castle Burns Off Asbury Park; 200 To 250 Are Listed As Dead Or Missing

182 Dead Or Missing In Morro Castle Fire; 375 Survivors Listed, 94 Bodies Recovered; Officers Will Testify At Inquiry Here Today

Morro Castle Fire Was Incendiary, Ship Officer Testify At Inquiry; Line Puts Dead At 87, Missing At 50

Chief Engineer Quit Ship, Did Not Go To Fire Post; Conboy Holds Crew Here

Radio Chief Lays Delay In SOS Call To Captain; Reveals Strife On Voyage

Rhode Island Legislators Balk Move For U.S. Troops; Governor Sees Red Revolt

City Halts All Cash Relief After The Aldermen Reject LaGuardia’s Business Tax

All Needy Will Be Fed, Mayor Promises City; Federal Funds Cut Off

Textile Mills In South Plan To Reopen Today Under Guard Of Troops

Endeavour Wins First Race, A Test Of Men And Yachts; Fleet Acclaims The Victor

Lottery And Relief Taxes Voted By City Assembly; May Yield Only $15,000,000

Mayor Coll To Lottery As Opposition Mounts; Public Hearing Granted

Lindbergh Ransom Receiver Seized; $12,750 Found At His East Bronx Home; The Mystery Solved, Police Declare

New Jersey Prepares Murder Charge Against Hauptmann In Kidnapping; Linked To Lindbergh Ransom Notes

Lindbergh Returning Home To Aid Hauptmann Inquiry; Woman Accomplice Hunted

Grand Jury Inquiry Opens In Hauptmann Case Today; Lindberghs Flying Home

Col. Lindbergh Saw Aide Of Man Who Got Ransom; Handkerchief Sole Clue

Hauptmann Admits Noting Condon Phone And Address; Lindbergh Testifies Today

Hauptmann Is Indicted As Lindbergh Testifies; More Ransom Cash Found

Hauptmann Bail $100,000; Col. Lindbergh, Disguised, Sees Suspect Questioned

Blade Made By Hauptmann Found Hidden In His Cell; Insanity Plea Is Forecast

Trade And Income Taxes Made Law By LaGuardia; Other Levies Are Likely


President Asks An Industrial Truce To Give NRA Labor Plans Fair Trial; A.F. Of L. Wants NRA Strengthened

City Plans 1% Income Tax, Also Levies On Estates And Mortgage Interest

Navy Men To Guard Liners On Voyages

Detective Bureau To Be Reorganized

End Of Boycott And Price-Fixing Considered By NRA

85 Slain In Spanish Strike; Radicals Cripple Country; Catalans Seek Secession

Catalonia State Secedes, Resisting Spanish Troops; Fierce Battle In Madrid

Revolt Is Crushed In Spain; 500 Dead; Barcelona Yields

Col. Lindbergh Identifies Hauptmann By His Voice; Murder Indictment Voted

Yugoslav King And Barthou Assassinated By Croatian As Ruler Lands In Marseilles; Europe Shocked, Fears Grave Complications

Aides Of King’s Murderer Sought Through Europe; Sad Boy Ruler Starts Home

Inadequate Guard For King Stirs New Crisis In France; Yugoslavs Attack Italians

Companions Of Assassin Linked To King’s Death; French See Wider Plots

Reich Denounces U.S. Trade Treaty; Asks A New Pact

1,156 Stay In Mine In Suicidal Strike

Hauptmann On The Stand Shouts Denial Of Murder; He And Wife Offer Alibi

Mrs. Stoll Is Found Alive; Insane Kidnapper Named; His Wife Got The Ransom

Hunt For Stoll Kidnapper Pressed, High Bail For Wife; Victim Bound When Captive

Brain Electricity Heard By Surgeons

Hauptmann Taken To Jail In Jersey; Appeal Rejected

Episcopal Bishops Favor Information On Birth Control

Scott And Black Leading By 8 Hours At Singapore; Dutch Fliers 2D, Turner 3D

Pretty Boy Floyd Slain As He Flees By Federal Men

Dutch Fliers And Turner Finish Second And Third In Air Raice To Melbourne

Bankers Greet Roosevelt With Ovation As He Offers Cooperation For Recovery

‘Jafsie’ Reported To Have Identified Hauptmann In Cell

Japan Takes Firm Stand For Naval Equality Now; 1935 Parley Is Imperiled

Roosevelt Action On Lynching Asked

Siam Hopes King Will Keep Throne

PWA Asks $12,000,000,000 For 5-Year Works Outlay; $5,000,000,000 For Housing

‘Hunger Marchers’ Routed At Albany; Rioting In Denver


Richberg Put Over Cabinet In New Emergency Council; Roosevelt To End Pay Cuts

12,000 Put In Exile As Soviet Enemies

Roosevelt Backs Lehman, Evasive About Copeland; Moses Broadens Attacks

Big Crowds Cheer Lehman And Moses At Rallies Closing Their Campaigns; Chiefs Of Both Parties Confident

Australian Fliers Reach California From Hawaii, Finishing Pacific Flight

3 Die, 27 Wounded As Bullets Sweep Political Parade

New Deal Scores Nation-Wide Victory; Lehman Wins, Legislature Democratic; Taylor Victor, Reed And Sinclair Lose

New Deal Victory In Nation Grows; Republicans Win 3 Governorships; Redistricting First New York Aim

Flandin Forms Ministry As Doumergue Steps Out; Paris Quiet Under Guard

Terrorism In Saar Shown By League

City Borrows $1,000,000 To Avert Relief Crisis; Plans New Taxes In Week

Betty Gow Coming To Face Hauptmann

Foreign Exchange Curbs, Excepting Those On Gold, Are Lifted By Treasury

City College Ousts 21 Student Rioters

Roosevelt Bars Plans Now For Broad Social Program; Seeks Job Insurance Only

Capital Business Parley Today Expected To Speed Support Of The New Deal

Income Tax Like State’s Now Is Planned By City; Whole Program Fought

Italy And Austria Seek Reich Pledge

President Sees The Nation Developing All Its Power After Model Of Tennessee

Japan Asks Ratio Of 5-4-4 On Navies, Favoring Britain

U.S. Proposes Arms Pact For Control Of Traffic By A World Commission

Light From Brain Glows In Darkness

Record Arms Fund Approved In Tokyo

U.S. And Britain In Accord As Navy Talks Reach Crisis; Japan To Denounce Treaty

U.S. Note Protests Reich’s Treatment Of Creditors Here

Nazis Secretly Cut Storm Troops; Transfers Swell the Reich Army

City To Vote 2% Sales Tax; Rise In Utility Levy Likely; Program To Net $58,000,000

Aldermen Vote New Taxes, 2% On Sales, 3% On Utilities, And Levy On Inheritances

Outlaw Nelson Found Dead From Slain Officers’ Shots; Dutch Schultz Surrenders

Bolivian Army Reported In Flight On All Fronts; May End Long Chaco War


Laval Bids Hitler To Show By Acts He Favors Peace

Borah Asks Republicans To Reorganize The Party To Give Liberals Control

Socialist Leaders Sanction Lining Up With Communists

France And Reich Agree On A Saar Payment Plan; Pact Protects Minorities

Pacific Fliers Missing After SOS Near Hawaii; Wide Search For Them

Code System Will Stay, Richberg Tells Industry; Admits NRA Fell Short

Davis Says Japan Upsets Security Of All In Pacific; Fears Costly Naval Race

Big Powers Halt War Talk In Yugoslav-Hungary Row; Tense Situation On Border

Nation-Wide Raids Jail 560 In Federal Narcotics Drive; 15 Arrested In New York

Yugoslavs Disturb League By Threat Of Lone Action, But They Cease Expulsions

President Demands Drive By All Forces Of Nation To Solve Crime Problem

14 Dead, 40 Hurt, 50 Missing In Lansing, Mich., Hotel Fire; Many Legislators Victims

Roosevelt Will Ask Laws To Take Profit Out Of War; Baruch To Offer Program

Borah And Nye Demand End Of ‘Big Business’ Tie In Republican ‘New Deal’

Job Insurance By States, With A Federal Subsidy, Roosevelt Council’s Plan

Russian Arrests Spreading Terror

Six Changes In NIRA Sought To ‘Achieve’ Labor Benefits; Ickes Moves To End ‘Waste’

Federal Board Rebuffs Utility Request To Join Test Of Validity Of TVA

Roosevelt Confers Today On New York Utility Rates; $82,000,000 Write-Up Bared

Court House Fired As Troops Kill 2 In Lynching Mob

Zinovieff and Kameneff Seized In Soviet Killing, London Hears

Army Sees A Peril In Nationalizing Munitions Plants

Red Troops Cross Manchurian Line And Are Encircled

Christmas Spirit Enlivens The City; Aid For Destitute

President Calls On Nation To Show Courage And Unity; City Has A Gay Christmas

15 Dead, 40 Hurt In Wreck; Crack Limited And Extra Collide At Hamilton, Ont. 

Plot To Kill Stalin With Foreign Help Linked to Assassin

16 Killed In Blast On Workers’ Train

Einstein Offers New View Of Mass-Energy Theorem

Japan Denounces Treaty; Hull Reaffirms Our Policy; Britain And U.S. In Accord

Rescuers Near 4 Fliers On Adirondack Mountain; Food Dropped By Planes

News source: New York Times

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