1932: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Six More Bombs Discoverd In 4 Cities; Point To Nation-Wide Anti-Fascist Plot; Government Spurs Hunt For Terrorists

Japan Takes Chinchow, Entering On Schedule After Chang Withdrawal

Cruisers To Become ‘Little Battleships’; Navy Alters Design

Gandhi Sent To Jail; Party To Be Banned; All India Quits Work

Hoover Asks Speed On Relief Bills; Congress Chiefs Pledge Quick Action; Democrats Offer Their Tariff Plan

Raskob Urges Democrats To Unite On Wet Problem; Poll Is Heavily Anti-Dry

Roosevelt Calls For New Leadership In Nation, As He Cites State’s Needs; Message Urges Emergency Tax Rise

Stimson Insists On Rights In Manchuria Under 9-Power Treaty And Kellogg Pact; Invites The Other Signatories To Act

Seabury Charges Culkin Embezzled Public Funds, Calls Hastings Paid Agent

Walker Asks Federal Aid, Denounces Bank ‘Squeeze’ On $90,000,000 Loan To City

Mob of 12,000 Frees 3 Prisoners in India; Wife of Gandhi is Placed Under Arrest

Senate Votes Reconstruction Bill, 63-8, But Rejects Walker Plea For City Aid; Mayor Orders Cut In Municipal Costs

Roosevelt Asks 100 Per Cent Increase In Tax On Incomes And Gasoline Sales To Meet Large Deficit Faced By State

European Problems Dropped By Hoover; ‘Home Job’ Put First

Nation’s Democrats Rally For Victory; Roosevelt Calls For New Tax System; Hoover To Run, Spokesman Announces

Dr. Butler Assails ‘Stupid Isolation’ In Plea For League

‘Militant Drive’ Ordered To Obtain League Adherence

China Will Demand Sanctions By League Against Japanese

Japanese Planning A ‘Free’ Manchuria Dominated By Tokyo

City Gets $12,500,000 Loan For 11 Days At 6 Per Cent; Further Bank Aid Likely

Bankers Agree To Lend City $350,000,000 On Walker Pledge Of Strict Economy; Albany Quickly Passes Charter Relief

Germans Seek Truce At Home For A Year Without Elections

Hoover Reconstruction Plan In Effect; President Signs The $2,000,000,000 Bill; Dawes To Begin Operations Next Week

Gov. Roosevelt Enters Race For Presidency In North Dakota Primary

Seabury Finds City Needs New Rule With Non-Partisan Head To End Graft; Will Call Upon Legislature To Act

Crisis Near At Shanghai; Japanese May Block Port; Hoover Studies Situation

Shanghai Certain Japan Will Strike; Tension Increases

Washington Consults London On China; Tokyo’s Ultimatum Ends At 5 A.M. Today; Martial Law In Shanghai Foreign Area

Japanese Unable To Occupy Shanghai Despite 13-Hour Land And Air Attack; Stimson Asks Tokyo To Tell Intention

Japanese Forced Back At Shanghai; Great Area In Ruins, Hundreds Slain; League Acts, U.S. And Britain Protest

Japanese Seize Part Of Foreign Area In Shanghai And Terrorize Residents; China Asks Aid, Makes Threat Of War


Our Asiatic Fleet, 1,600 Men, Sent To Shanghai; British Also Act; France And Italy Back Policy; Fighting Is Renewed In City; Battle Near Harbin

50,000 Chinese Troops Reach Shanghai; Japanese Shell Nanking And Land Men; Britain Joins U.S. In Vigorous New Note

Powers Unite In Peace Move For China, But Tokyo Objects To Some Proposals; Japanese Planes Again Bomb Shanghai

Washington Pledges 100 Per Cent Aid For Safety Of Shanghai Settlement; Tokyo Rejects Peace; Battle Goes On

Japanese Land Big Guns, Pound Chapei; Chinese Planes Engage Foe Near City; Tokyo Sends Infantry; Harbin Taken

Japanese Sailors Fail To Take Chapei; Tokyo Is Sending An Army Of 22,000; League Observers Report On Shanghai

Big Guns Reopen Battle At Shanghai; Chinese Mobilize 100 Fighting Planes; Japanese Troops Land At Woosung

Japanese Advance On Woosung Forts As Navy Makes New Attack At Chapei; Tokyo Asks Foreign Rule In 5 Cities

Japanese Mass On Chapei; Checked Around Woosung; U.S. Upholds 9-Power Pact

Chinese Hold Off Enemy On Three Lines Of Attack; Inouye Is Slain In Tokyo

Action To Aid Bank Credits And Free Billions In Gold Agreed On At White House

Congress Gets Credit Expansion Bill; Hailed As Marking End Of Deflation; Stock Prices Up $3,000,000,000 Here

Fighting In Shanghai Threatens To Widen; Firing Worst Yet

2,000 Killed And Wounded In Fierce Woosung Fight; Japanese Land 10,000 Men

Chinese Mass Big Army At Shanghai As More Japanese Troops Are Landed; League Envoys Report ‘State Of War’

Shanghai Expects Battle On Two Fronts Tomorrow; Powers Try To Prevent It

Tokyo Says Stimson Plans Stern Note; Warning By League Invokes Article X; Japanese Shell Foe, Issue Ultimatum

Chinese Join Peace Move;, But Say They Won’t Yield Unless Japanese Retreat

China Will Reject Japanese Demands; Troops, Planes, Guns Ready For Battle; Manchuria Proclaims Separate State

Japanese Open Shanghai Offensive; Each Army Claims The Advantage After A Day Of Stubborn Fighting

Chinese Cling To Lines Under Terrific Attack; Kiangwan Village Changes Hands Three Times; Japanese Troops Press Assault Behind Tanks

Japanese Push 2 Miles Past Kiangwan, But The Chinese Hold Fast To Village; Vote In Japan Backs Military Party

Chinese Drive Foe Back At Shanghai; Their Guns Set Fires In Foreign Area; Japan To Rush Troop Reinforcements

Japan Speeds New Army To Shanghai; Chinese Drive Enemy Back Two Miles; Tokyo Stands Firm In Reply To League

Stimson Holds Pacific Treaty Broken; Sees Tokyo Voiding Naval Pact Ratio; Japanese Again Try To Take Kiangwan

Chinese Claim Victory In Night Battle After Hardest Open Fight At Shanghai; Tokyo Contradicts Stimson On Treaties

Chinese Drive Enemy Out Of Mioshin, Blocking Move To Bottle Up Kiangwan; Japanese, In Raid, Down Three Planes

Japan Lands Fresh Troops At Shanghai; Again Offers Truce If Chinese Retreat; Kiangwan Holds Out As Foe Makes Gain

Peace Negotiations Begun At Shanghai; Prospects Of Accord ‘Fair,’ Tokyo Says; Fighting Goes On, New Drive On Chapei


Demands Of Japanese And Chinese Balk Peace Moves At Geneva And Shanghai; New Drive Is Opened Against Chinese

Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped From Home Of Parents On Farm Near Princeton; Taken From His Crib; Wide Search On

Lindbergh Hopeful, Is Ready To Ransom Son; Nation’s Greatest Hunt For Kidnappers Pushed; All Clues Thus Far Futile; Country Is Shocked

No Trace Of Lindbergh Kidnappers; 300 Questioned, Servants Exonerated; Parents By Radio Ask Return Of Boy

Friend Of Lindbergh Nurse Is Seized At Hartford Where Card Was Mailed; No Reply To Parents’ Appeal For Son

Lindberghs In Message To Abductors Name Two Men To Represent Them In Negotiations For Return Of Baby

Lindberghs Fail To Reach Kidnappers Through Underworld Go-Betweens; Sailor Held In Jersey, Chum Questioned

Two Notes Received From Kidnappers; Police To Let Col. Lindbergh Negotiate Directly For Return Of Stolen Child

Progress Made In Search For The Lindbergh Baby; Lawyer On Secret Mission

Lindbergh Search Pressed Near Home; Moore Is Confident

Hindenburg Appeals For Votes To Avert Victory Of Radicals

Police Issue Appeal To Nation In Search For Lindbergh Baby

German Election In Doubt On Eve Of The Vote Today; Discontent Aids Radicals

Hindenburg Barely Fails Of Election; Polls 7,333,165 More Votes Than Hitler; Considered Certain To Win In Run-Off

Eastman A Suicide; Note To His Friends Says ‘Work Is Done’

Japan Agrees To Go From Shanghai Area

Builder Denounces Flynn For Persecution And Ruin; Bronx Official On Stand

Hitler Centres Raided on Civil War Rumor; He Admits Order to 500,000 to Fight Reds

Coalition Routs Leaders On Tax Bill, Forcing War-Time Surtax On Wealth; Vote 153 To 87; Sales Levy In Peril

Legal 4% Beer Proposed By Senate Subcommittee As An Economic Measure

Tokyo’s War Office Halts Peace Plans; Armies Near Clash

Shanghai Foes Sign Truce Agreement

De Valera Notifies Britain Irish Will End Royal Oath; Conflict May Go To Court

Britain Warns Irish Oath Is Mandatory; Negotiation Hinted

House Kills The Sales Tax, 223 To 153; ‘Nuisance’ Levies Now To Be Proposed; Coalition Refuses To Take Leadership

Hoover Demands Budget Be Balanced As Keystone Of Business Recovery; Beer Tax Beaten; Oil ‘Tariff’ Is Voted

New Coalition Votes Tariff On Coal; Pleas By Crisp And Other Leaders Halt Drive To Put More Duties In Tax Bill

Seabury For Reform Of Lower Courts To Rid Them Of Politics And Graft, Ending Mayor’s Right To Name Judges

Flies to Lindbergh To Report Contact With Kidnappers

Garner Gets Pledge To Balance Budget; House Votes $158,500,000 Sales Taxes; President Warns He Will Veto Bonus

Governor Backs M’Quade, Denouncing Ouster Move; Walker ‘Ready To Testify’


Angry Democrats Block Seabury On Hastings Writ; Flynn Talks, Avoids Jail

House Completes $1,032,400,000 Tax Bill; Surtax Rates Cut; Dividend Levy Voted; Treasury Holds Budget Not Balanced

4-Year Federal War On Chicago Gangs Told By Prosecutor

Hoover Expected To Ask A $300,000,000 Budget Cut; Tax Bill’s Foes Mobilize

Mrs. Fosdick Kills 2 Children And Self

Hoover Outlines Economy Program; Demands Congress Set Up Joint Board; Legion Head Backs President On Bonus

Curtis Says He Met Kidnappers’ Agent; Told Baby Was Well

Offer Of ‘Favors’ For Willard Data A Joke, Flynn Says

Stimson Is Hopeful Of New Curb On War; Sails For Geneva

Lindbergh Paid A Ransom Of $50,000, But Kidnappers Did Not Return Child, He Announces After Waiting For Days

Hindenburg Wins Election; Hitler Is 6,000,000 Behind; Communists Lose Heavily

Liquidation, Not Shorts, Upset Stocks, Says Whitney; Promises List Of Bears; 11% Salary Cut Is Pushed In House

Condon Deals Anew With Kidnappers And Reassures Them

Smith’s Call For New War Debt Deal And Veiled Challenge To Roosevelt Stir Democrats At Jefferson Fete

Massie Tells Jury Of Attack On Wife; Insanity Is Defense

Tammany Controls State Delegation; Smith And Davis On It; Wet Plank Voted; Walker Plans Big Beer Parade May 14

Massie Takes Blame In Hawaiian Murder; Can’t Recall Firing

Soviet Army Force Doubled In Far East; Japanese Disturbed

Whitney Says Short Sales Saved Market Last Fall; Bears’ Names Kept Secret

British Budget Omits Debt Payments; Does Not Provide $171,500,000 Due To US; Official Washington Is Not Surprised

Senate’s Sharp Economies Worry Hoover And Mills; Loss Of 6,000 Jobs Is Seen

Tokyo War Minister Defies The League

Inquiry Denounced In Ruling By Court As Defaming City

Experts Say Massie Did Not Lose Sanity

Nazis Lead In Four States; Win 162 Seats In Prussia; Liberals Now In Minority

Japan Strengthens Manchurian Army

Smith Sweep In Bay State; His Race With Roosevelt In Pennsylvania Is Close

Hoover Asks Nation-Wide Tax Reform; Calls On Governors To Help Recovery; Senate Bill Doubles Income Tax Rate

Bomb At Shanghai Wounds 5 High Japanese Officials; Shirakawa And Uyeda Hit

Manslaughter Is Verdict For Four In Massie Trial; Jury Asks For Leniency


Honolulu Divided By Massie Verdict; Patrol Guard City

Atom Torn Apart, Yielding 60% More Energy Than Used

Capone Plea Denied By Supreme Court

House Votes Economy Bill With Only $38,124,000 Left Of Its $206,000,000 Saving

All In Massie Case Freed After Serving One Hour; Will Drop Assault Charge

Hoover Sends Congress Sharp Message, Saying Its Inaction Disturbs The Nation; Demands Quick Balancing Of Budget

French President Dies Of His Wounds 14 Hours After Being Shot By Russian; Two Other Wounded Defending Him

French Seek Unity As Nation Mourns; Slayer Called A Red

Left Triumphs In France; Tardieu Coalition Beaten; Herriot Likely Successor

Young To Be Put Up As A ‘Dark Horse’ If Roosevelt Fails

Hastings In Rage Menaces Seabury, Causing Uproar; ‘Blackmailer,’ He Shouts

$2,300,000,000 Relief Proposed To Senate In Democratic Plan

Lindbergh Baby Found Dead Near Home; Murdered Soon After The Kidnapping 72 Days Ago And Left Lying In Woods

Hunt For Slayers Of Lindbergh Baby Centres On Gangsters Who Got Ransom; President Orders Relentless Search

Condon Knows Man He Paid $50,000 In Lindbergh Case; Planes Hunt Gang At Sea

Militarists Kill The Premier In Tokyo, Bomb Banks, Police In A Day Of Terror; Seventeen In Uniform Then Surrender

Lindley Expedition Scales Mt. M’Kinley; Descending, Finds Carpe And Koven Dead; Young Scientists Fell Into A Crevasse

Curtis Admits He Hoaxed Lindgergh In Kidnap Hunt; Grew ‘Insane On Subject’

Curtis Is Jailed For Hoax; Peacock Asked Lindbergh To Post $25,000, Police Say

12 Bankers And Industrialists To Find Ways To Use Federal Reserve Credit; Hoover Approves New Recovery Move

Walker Used $10,000 Letter Of Credit Bought By Bus Man For Trip To Europe; Got It Day Before Signing Franchise

Financier Of Walker Trip Forced Back From Europe; Mayor Defies His Accuser

Roosevelt Demands ‘National Income’ Be Redistributed

Walker’s Income Tax Under Inquiry; Sherwood Collected Fees For Mayor, Got $51,960 For Stocks Worth $29,000

Europe Will Pay US Delayed Annuities Over 10-Year Period

Mayor On Stand Angrily Defends Acts And Accuses Seabury Of Persecution; Admits Gift Of $246,692 Stock Profit

Walker, Concluding, Derides Charges; Denies Link With Sherwood’s $700,000; Rebukes The Inquiry As Destructive

Hoover Condemns ‘Pork Barrel’ Relief; Calls On People To Halt Garner Plan; Senate Votes $270,000,000 New Taxes

Sales Tax Quarrel Grips The Senate; Hoover Criticized

Seabury Is Ready To Draft Charges Against Walker

Tax Agreement Is Reported Reached At Parley Of Hoover And Democrats;, Balancing Budget Without Sales Levy


Senate Passes $1,115,000,000 Tax Bill; Balances Budget After Hoover Plea; $238,000,000 Economy Measure Reported

Dr. Walker Admits Doctors For City Split Fees With Him; Banked $431,258; Mayor Proved Unfit, Seabury Declares

Action To Remove Walker Is Left To Gov. Roosevelt; Seabury Delays Charges

Roosevelt To Get Walker Case At Once; Seabury Accepts Challenge To Act As Governor Scores ‘Political Sniping’

Socialist Revolt In Chile Upsets Montero Regime; Davila In The New Junta

Hoover And Finance Board Propose Loans For Jobless And New Aid For Farmers

John D. Rockefeller Jr. Out For Repeal; Says Dry Law Evils Outweigh Benefits; Urges Wet Planks In Both Platforms

Leaders Of 2,500,000 Wets Unite To Fight For Repeal; Spurred By Rockefeller

Seabury Puts Walker Data In The Hands Of Roosevelt; Gives No Opinion On Course

League Body Asks World To Go Back To Gold Standard

Morrow Maid Ends Life; Suspected In Kidnapping; Friend With Record Seized

Prohibition Battle Lines Are Drawn By Republicans Gathering At Chicago; Fight Over The Vice Presidency Looms

Republican Repealists Begin Drive; New York’s Delegation Takes Lead; Hoover Aides Striving For Control

Hoover Men Draft Mild Wet Plank; Repeal Fight On Floor Held Certain; President Likely To Speak For Curtis

Hoover Approves Dry-Wet Prohibition Plank; His Steam Roller Crushes Threatened Revolt; Convention Receives Keynote Speech Coolly

Convention Adopts Hoover Dry-Wet Plank; Repealists Wage A Futile Battle On Floor; Uproar Among Delegates And In Galleries

Hoover, Curtis Renamed On First Ballots; Dry-Wet Plank Is Defended By Stimson

President Takes Up Plans For Campaign With Aides; Economic Issue Put First

France Sees Europe United Against US On War-Debt Issue

Vannie Higgins Dies, Silent On Slayers; Police Mystified

Borah Bolts Hoover On The Wet Plank; Holds Republicans Pledged To Repeal; Intends To Carry Issue ‘To The People’

Herriot Rejects Our Plan For Reductions Of Armies; Bars Ending Reparations

Hoover Asks Arms Cuts Of One-Third To Save More Than $10,000,000,000; Italy Accepts, Others To Ask Changes

Drive To Abolish The Two-Thirds Rule Agreed Upon By Roosevelt Delegates; Smith Admits Governor Has 570 Votes

Roosevelt Forces Spurn Compromise; Stake All On Ending Two-Thirds Rule; Smith And Glass Lead Fight To Keep It

Lewis Quits Race, Frees Delegates; Roosevelt Gets 28 Of Illinois Votes; Plank For Submission Of Repeal Ready

Roosevelt Has A Lead On Rule Change Despite Loss Of 65 New York Votes; Platform Draft Links Debts And Arms

Roosevelt Orders Two-Thirds Rule Fight End, But Backers In Committee Take Issue To Floor; Delegates Wildly Cheer Barkley’s Repeal Plea

Roosevelt’s Forces Seat Walsh, 626 To 528; Forced To Yield In Two-Thirds Rule Fight; Revolt By Ultra-Wets Holds Up Platform

Democrats Pledge Party To Repeal Of The Dry Law And Quick Modification To Legalize Beer, 934 3/4-213 3/4; Plank Against War Debt Cancellation Is Submitted


First Ballot: Roosevelt 666 1/4; Smith 201 3/4; Tammany Poll On Floor Delays The Vote

Roosevlet Nominated On Fourth Ballot; Garner Expected To Be His Running Mate; Governor Will Fly To Convention Today

Roosevelt Puts Economic Recovery First In His Acceptance Speech At Convention; Garner For Vice President By Acclamation

Roosevelt Plans Aggressive Campaign, Carrying Fight To ‘Republican’ States; Wet Victory In South Spurs Beer Drive

Italy Urges Europe To Cancel War Debt And End Reparation

Hoover Halts Relief Bill; Holds A Night Conference To Have Measure Changed

Hoover-Garner Tilt Halts Relief Bill; President Opposes A Broad Loan Basis; Speaker Charges ‘Class Legislation’

British Ask Cut Of Third In Size Of Ships And Guns; Would Limit Air Bombing

Lausanne Accord Ends Reparations; Berlin To Issue $714,000,000 In Bonds; Washington Open To Debt Overtures

Hoover Would Consider Capacity To Pay But Still Opposes Canceling War Debts; Pact Signed, Ratification Waits On US

Ibanez Vainly Tries Army Coup In Chile; Is Again A Refugee

Commons Told We Joined In Lausanne Debt Talks; Reich Disowns Secret Pact

No Debt Pledge Given By Washington, No Secrecy, M’Donald Tells Commons; Stimson Insists That We Kept Aloof

$5,000,000 Blaze Sweeps Coney Island; Four Blocks On Boardwalk Destroyed; Huge Crowds Watch Six-Hour Battle

Hoover Warns Europe On United Front On Debts, Denying We Were Consulted; Britain Insists Pact Will Not Affect US

Deadlock Over The Relief Bill Broken; Congress Expected To Adjourn Today; Hoover Cuts Pay $15,000, Cabinet 15%

72D Congress Adjourns Near Midnight; Relief And Home Loan Bank Bills Pass; Senate In Flurry Over Dry Law Repeal

10,000 Die In Battles In 5 Areas Of China

13 Policemen Suspended As Nassau Inquiry Bares Third Degree Brutality

Prussian Dictator Demanded By Nazis

Reich Seizes Prussia, Names Dictator; Army Ousts Officials And Rules Berlin; Papen Acts Under Hindenburg’s Orders

I.C.C. Approves 4 Eastern Rails Systems; New England Consolidation Deferred; Wabash-Seaboard Project Is Canceled

Walker Calls On 147,000 City Employes To Give Up Month’s Pay, Saving $26,000,000; Warns Albany Will Act If They Don’t

Employes Of City Accepting Pay Cut As Necessity Now

Italy Now Building Warships In Secret, Says British Expert

Court Backs Papen On Dictatorship; He Will Curb Army

Reich Ready to Arm in Defiance of Treaty, Says Schlicher, if Others Don’t Disarm

Warn City To Slash Budget, Cut Realty By $3,000,000,000

Troops Drive Veterans From Capital; Fire Camps There And At Anacostia; 1 Killed, Scores Hurt In Day Of Strife

Bonus Stragglers ‘Mopped Up’ By Troops; 36 Reds Seized; Grand Jury Inquiry On; Hoover Denounces Attempt At Mob Rule

Bonus Army At Johnstown Stirs Protest By Citizens; State Guard Is Refused


Right Parties Fail To Carry Germany; Nazi Seats Doubled

7 Firemen Killed, 31 Injured By Blast In Ritz Tower Hotel

Reich Would Seek Private Debts Cut At World Parley

B.E.F. Begins Disbanding; Going To Homes By Train; Hurley Defends Hoover

Firemen Reject Pay Cut By A Vote Of 4,900 To 278; Block Walker Economy

Carr Of U.S. Wins Title At Olympics; Sets World Record

Cotton Mills Organizing To Buy Out Farm Board; Stocks Rise 2 To 12 Points

State Asked To Void Dr. Walker’s License For Splitting Fees

Walker Insists On Right To Cross-Examine Seabury At The Roosevelt Hearing

Reich Will Enforce Curb On Riots Today; Nazi Coup Rumored

Hitler Is Expected To Be Chancellor In Cabinet Shake-Up

Governor Queries Mayor On Sisto Bonds; Curbs Oratory But Allows Witnesses; Walker Pleads For His Official Life

Mayor Denies Block’s $246,000 Was Gift; Contradicts Hastings’s Bus Testimony; Writ Suit Aug. 19; Won’t Halt Roosevelt

Hitler Demands Office As Dictator; Hindenburg Bars It

15 Injured As Bomb Explodes In Movie

Walker Must Explain Sherwood Deals, Governor Refusing To Drop Charges; Mayor Wants To Subpoena 12 Witnesses

‘Wish Sherwood Were Here,’ Cries Mayor, As Governor Presses His Questioning; ‘Unnamed Person’ Revealed As Woman

Walker Defends Brother On Split Fees; Mayor Will Summon 12 Witnesses Today; Curtin, Rebuked, Calls Governor Biased

Mayor Gets Writ To Bar Removal Action; Governor’s Powers To Be Argued Today; Defense Subpoenas Republican Chiefs

Mollison Flies Atlantic To St. John, N.B., Keeping Course Despite Winds And Fog; Visits Montreal Today; New York Later

Roosevelt Demands Federal Control Of Stock And Commodity Exchanges; Denounces Hoover Economic Policies

Roosevelt Ponders Appeal For Funds To ‘Forgotten Man’

Witnesses Defend Mayor On Taxi Law, Denying Favoritism Or Monopoly Plan; Won’t Block Governor, Court Indicates

Block And Ungerleider Deny Asking Or Getting Favors From The Mayor; Roosevelt Amazed By Sherwood Deal

Governor Bars Republicans From Stand, Holds Testimony On ‘Plot’ Irrelevant; Delaney Testifies At First Night Session

Governor And Hilly Clash On Ethics Of Split Fees; Walker Backed On Buses

Hoover Sees Major Crisis Overcome; Conference Adopts Revival Program; Bank Foreclosures On Homes Halted

Revival Program Begun With Move To Spread Jobs; A.F. Of L. Backs The Drive

‘Ma’ Ferguson Ahead In Close Texas Race

Court Refuses To Halt Walker Hearing, Upholds Governor’s Power Of Removal, But Calls Procedure At Trial Unfair

Clouds Threaten To Mar The Eclipse In Wide Area Today


Millions Here Watch Solar Eclipse; Clouds Mar Spectacle For Science At Many Points In Totality Belt

Walker Resigns, Denouncing The Governor; Says He Will Run For The Mayoralty Again, Appealing To ‘Fair Judgment’ Of The People

Fusion Ticket Against Walker Likely; Tammany Opens Fight On Governor; M’Kee Takes Office, Pledges Economy

Walker Likely Not To Run, As Leaders Seek To Avoid Open Break With Governor

100,000 In Military Review Cheered By Berlin Throng; World War Chiefs Hailed

Paul Bern A Suicide; Wed Jean Harlow

M’Kee Slashes Own And Aides’ Pay, Breaks Up City Printing Monopoly; M’Cooey Will Work For Roosevelt

M’Kee Is Boomed To Oppose Walker If Latter Runs In Election On Nov. 8; Mayor To Force Cuts In Fixed Salaries

Raymond Robins Vanishes On His Way To Visit Hoover; Threatened By Liquor Ring

37 Dead, 64 Hurt In Explosion On Boat Crowded With Rikers Island Workers; 8 Missing, Many Saved In East River

Walker Sails For Italy On Health Trip Of 20 Days; Doubt On Candidacy Grows

Hutchinsons Feared Lost; Plane With 8 Down At Sea; Aid Goes From Greenland

M’Kee Discharges Dwyer For Bronx Market Failure; Sues To Bar Fall Election

Hoover Asks New And Stronger Effort, Laying Maine Upset To The Depression; Democrats And Wets Hail Their Victory

Roosevelt Maps Farm Relief Program, Pledges Tariff Aid In Topeka Speech; Hoover Policies Declared A Failure

Hoover Calls On Nation To Let No One Go Hungry Or Cold In Coming Winter

Papen Overcoming Hostility Of States To Reform Of Reich

Roosevelt Outlines 6-Point Rail Plan; Would End Competition, Control Buses, Protect Owners And 1,700,000 Workers

Britain Condemns German Arms Plea; Backs French View

3,000 Besiege Police After Boy Is Slain In Jersey Labor Riot

Hoover Wants The Reich To Remain In Arms Parley; Aloof On Equality Plea

Regulation By Government Of Utilities And Federal Ownership Of Power Sites Urged By Roosevelt To Protect Public

France Supports US On Manchuria Issue; Japan Scents A Deal

Roosevelt Renews Demand For Repeal; Praises Smith Amid Cheers Of 16,000; Tammany Decides To Fight For Governor

Hindus Sign Accord; Gandhi Gives Assent

M’Donald Approves Pact Among Hindus To End Gandhi’s Fast

De Valera Declares League Is On Trial As Assembly Opens

Hurricane Kills 200 In Puerto Rico, Hurts 1,000, Causes Huge Property Loss; Virgin Islands, Domincan Republic Hit

Germany Puts Off Debt Payment To US

Tammany, In A Deal, Flouts Roosevelt, Names Hofstadter For Supreme Court; Election Of Mayor Nov. 8 Is Ordered


Berry Strips M’Kee Of Budget Powers; Roosevelt Asks M’Cooey To Aid Lehman; Curry Seeks Deal With Walker Threat

M’Kee Now Ready To Run As Independent; To Carry Budget Row To People By Radio; Roosevelt Will Make Fight For Lehman

League Experts Find Japan At Fault, With Treaties Violated, In Manchuria; Can’t Undo What’s Done, Tokyo Retorts

Lehman’s Nomination Appears Certain As Roosevelt And Smith Warn Curry; Republicans To Name Donovan Today

Col. Lehman Nominated For Governor; Curry Routed As His Allies Desert Him; Smith And Gov. Roosevelt Shake Hands

M’Kee Holds City Convention Illegal; Bronx To Bolt If One Is Held Tonight; Smith Leads Fight To Block Walker

Surrogate O’Brien Is Nominated For Mayor As Walker Withdraws; Leaders Ignore M’Kee; Court Of Appeals Orders Election On Nov. 8

O’Brien Pledges Economy, 5-Cent Fare; Pay Cuts Unlikely; M’Kee Won’t Run; Republicans Press Hunt For Candidate

Republicans Name L.H. Pounds For Mayor; Candidate Pledges Fight For Economy; Bench Deal Won’t Block ‘Tin Box’ Issue

Rebels Now Control Most Of Manchuria

Einstein Will Head School Here, Opening Scholastic Centre

Coolidge Says The Nation Needs Hoover; Recovering Starting, He Tells Rally Here; He Assails Roosevelt Silence On Bonus

Canada And Britain Adjust Tariff In Favor Of Empire; Our Exports Will Be Cut

Roosevelt Holds Relief An Obligation Of Nation; For ‘Sound’ Public Works

Reich Bars Geneva For 4-Power Talks On Equality Demand

Banks Bar City Loan Pending Economies; Hold Walker Promises Were Not Kept; Berry Rebuffed, Nov. 1 Pay Is In Peril

Hoover Appeals To Nation For ‘Neighborhood’ Relief; Baker Sees ‘Call To Duty’

Banks Force $75,000,000 City Budget Cut; 50-Year Subway Financing Is Adopted; 5-Cent Fare Sacrificed, M’Kee Asserts

Roosevelt Calls Donovan Utility Ally In Two Speeches For The State Ticket; Lehman, Here, Pledges Liberal Rule

Roosevelt Opposes Cash Bonus Now; Urges Beer Tax To Balance Budget; Smith Pledges Loyalty In Speech Here

Threats To Voters’ Jobs Are Charged By Roosevelt As Indianapolis Hails Him

Profound Changes Forecast In China

Hoover Denounces Roosevelt Program; Scores Democrats As Trouble Makers; Lists Ten Signs Of Economic Recovery

Mussolini Appeals To US To Cut Debts; Will Stay In League

Smith Assails Hoover’s ‘Broken Pledges’ As Newark Throng Cheers Him Wildly; Governor, In Atlanta, Talks Of Markets

Roosevelt Likens The Administration To Four Horsemen

Japan Tries To Get Franco-Soviet Help In Manchurian Issue

Smith Appeals For Roosevelt In Boston; Hoover Off To Indiana On Fighting Trip

Hoover In Direct Attack On Roosevelt Charges ‘New Deal’ Is Now A ‘Shuffle’; Scores Remark On The Supreme Court

London Fears Riots Of Jobless Today

Banks Lend City $18,500,000 But Demand Real Economy And A Cut In All Salaries


Roosevelt, In Boston, Urges 5-Day Week, Federal Aid For Idle, Saying Hoover Failed To Use Own Economic Program

London Police Repel Raid By Jobless On Parliament In Three Hours Of Rioting

Jobless In Retreat, Mission A Failure; London Is Relieved

Roosevelt Denounces Hoover’s Tactics; Charge Rule ‘By Guess And By Gamble’; Young Condemns Republicans’ ‘Threats’

Hoover Sees Wets Misled By Promises Of Democrats; Defends Dawes Bank Loan

Hoover And Roosevelt End Campaigns, Governor At Big Tammany Rally Here, President With A Speech At St. Paul

Hitler’s Vote Cut, Communists Gain, In Reich Election

Hoover And Roosevelt Make Final Pleas, With Nation Going To The Polls Today; Leaders Of Both Parties Claim Victory

Roosevelt Winner In Landslide! Democrats Control Wet Congress; Lehman Governor, O’Brien Mayor

Roosevelt Pledges Recovery Fight; Latest Count Assures Him 42 States; Quick Action On Liquor Is Expected

1,000 Are Dead In Hurricane In Cuba; Town Wiped Out, Cane Fields Ruined; Heavy Damage Caused Here By Gale

Roosevelt Is In Bed With A Slight Cold; 3-Day Rest Planned

Churchmen Favor Anti-War Embargo

Hoover Invites Roosevelt To Confer With Him On War Debts, Armaments And Economic Parley; London And Paris Debt Revision Notes Given Out

Roosevelt Agrees To Informal Talk, Puts Debt Responsibility On Hoover; Congress Action By Dec. 15 Doubtful

Row Over 50-Year Bonds Imperils The New Subway And City Budget Savings

President Will Not Request Congress To Suspend War Debt Payments Dec. 15; Further Study Depends On Roosevelt

M’Kee Gets Strong Backing; Tammany Chiefs, Alarmed By Crusade, Plan Savings

Dry Agents Find Robins In North Carolina Hills; Called Amnesia Victim

Hoover Plans $700,000,000 Cut In Costs To Balance Budget Without New Taxes; Will Seek The Cooperation Of Congress

Japan Relies To Lytton On Eve Of League Debate; Makes Self-Defense Plea

Hoover For Debt Delay And Settlement Review If Roosevelt Will Agree

Hoover Will Oppose Debt Suspension But Make Move For Possible Revision; Roosevelt Non-Committal In Parley

Roosevelt Opposes Debt Commission As Proposed In Statement By Hoover, But Would Hear Debtors Separately

France Will Offer Political Reasons In Another Request For Debt Revision; Washington Awaits New British Rule

House Vote On Dry Repeal Agreed To By Both Parties; First Business Of Session

Britain Prepares ‘Human’ Debt Appeal To Win Our Public Opinion To Delay; Business Here Opposes Cancellation

Cold Kills 2 Here; Lodging Houses Full With Mercury At 12

Persia Cancels Vast British Oil Concession; Teheran Rejoices, London Will Fight Decree

City Balked In Financing Its December Relief Fund; New Economies Demanded


City Asks Governor For Special Session In Move To Slash Salaries $20,000,000; Bankers See Real Economy Under Way

Britain Warns Dec. 15 Payment Imperils Lausanne, Recovery And Trade With US; Plea Moves Hoover But Not Congress

France Holds President Obligated To Debt Delay As Sequel To Moratorium

Democrats Expect Soviet Recognition

‘Lame Duck’ Congress Assembles Today To Act On Debts, Taxes, Beer, Farm Aid; House To Take Up Repeal As Gavel Falls

Dry Repeal Loses In House Vote, Vote 272-144, Wets Short 6 As 81 Lame Ducks Say Nay; Extra Session Of New Congress Likely

Hoover Message Calls For Sales Tax, Pay Cuts, Economy And Bank Reform; House Is Working On 2.75% Beer Bill

$40,000,000 Loan Averts Default By City; New Budget Cut Of $20,000,000 Pledged; Bankers Dictate Step, Curry Backs It

Hoover Offers Britain Review Of Debts In A New Note, But Bars Cancellation; Will Accept ‘Any Appropriate Agency’

Roosevelt Asks Sweeping City Reforms And State Control Of Defaulting Towns In Calling On Legislature For Pay Cuts

Japan Seeks A Rise In Her Naval Ratio And Tonnage Slash

British Offer Payment In Gold On Dec. 15 On Condition It Apply In New Deal On Debts; Stimson Promptly Rejects Terms As Illegal

Herriot Lays Debt Snarl To Hoover; Says France Will Pay With Conditions; Britain To Meet Stimson’s Objections

Herriot Falls, Deputies Vote Default, Refusing Payment Without New Deal; Britain Will Pay, Belgium Will Not

Hoover For Debt Review With Britain; Will Ask Congress To Join Discussion; Confusion In France; Poland Defaults

Hoover Plans To Seek Roosevelt’s Aid In Arranging Debt Parley With Britain; London Pays; Paris Still Seeks Cabinet

M’Kee On City Tour Hails Relief Work*

Senate Votes Bill To Free Philippines At End Of 12 Years

20,000 Jobless Get Work Clearing Snow From City’s Streets

Hoover Asks Congress For Debt Board; He Wants Roosevelt To Help Name It; Governor, Silent, Expected To Refuse

Roosevlet Bars Bipartisan Debt Action; Declines To Cooperate In Naming Board, But Won’t Hamper Immediate Review

House Authorizes 3.2% Beer, 230 To 165; All Of Drys’ Amendments Defeated; Senate Gets Bill Today, Fate In Doubt

Hoover Leaves War Debts To Roosevelt; He Suggested Naming Young Or House; Governor Denies Refusing Cooperation

Beer By Christmas Defeated As Senate Demands More Time

Boy Is Lost In Creek; 12 Rescuers Hurt

Chinese In Jehol Battle Japanese; New Invasion Seen

MIllion Soviet Reds Face Party Ouster To Cut Inefficiency

Seabury Offers Draft Of City Charter To Oust Tammany And To Unify Boards; Final Report Assails Budget Waste

‘Prince Mike’ Seized Near Fifth Av. Shop; Trapped by His Taste for Costly Tobacco

O’Brien Plan Merges City Bureaus, Rejects Any Basic Charter Change; $18,000,000 Pay Cuts Voted For Jan. 15

Mussolini Will Curb Industrial Output As a Means of Combating Depression

News source: New York Times

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