1930: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Republicans Pledge Aid To Governor On Prisons On Eve Of 1930 Session

Governor Stiffens Water Power Plan In Message Read To The Legislature; Wants Crime Breeding In Prisons Ended

Byrd Geologist Discovers Coal Strip On Mt. Nansen Inlaid In Sandstone Cap

Fire Menaces The Capitol But Is Quickly Subdued; Historic Documents Saved

Senate Factions Agree To Put Tariff To Front; Bar Prohibition Debate

Republican Rift Widens As Macy Demands Maier Quit State Leadership

Hoover Speeds Delegates To Navy Conference Today; Hopes For Real Reduction

Hoover Says Advance Of World Peace Rests On Navy Conference At London; Tells Hopes At Farewell To Delegates

Our Delegates Sail Today For London Naval Parley, Confident Of An Accord

Washington Ready For Wide Navy Cuts In Agreement With MacDonald’s Plans; Our Delegates Sail With High Hopes

Law Enforcement Fails, Wickersham Board Finds; Full Report On Monday

Snowden Warns Germans To Stop Needless Delays And Accept Young Plan

Britain Sees Peace Pacts Real Basis For Navy Cuts; Sends Reply To France

Hoover Urges Congress To Rebuild Dry Law Enforcement Machinery; Backs Message With Board’s Reports

Republican Power Bill Approved By Roosevelt; 10-Year Deadlock Ended

Abolition Of Battleships By All Powers Of World Is Urged By MacDonald

Blaine Moves For Repeal As Wets And Drys Battle In Both Senate And House

Stimson Hastens To See MacDonald; Battleship Issue To Fore In London; Washington Doubts Ban Will Be Placed

Washington Might Scrap Battleships To The Extent Of Cuts By Britain, But Abolition Is Not On Our Program

Stimson Cheered By Parley Prospects After Meeting French And Italians; Issue Of Battleships Is Made Clear

Stimson Pledges Success Of Parley At Dinner Of Welcome By Britain; King Opens The Conference Today

Work Starts For Navy Limitation After World Hears King Open Parley; Stimson Presses Effort For Unity

Powers Bar Disputes At Parley Today; Will Spend Week In Cautious Approach; Cruisers Likely To Be First On List

Stimson Presents No Details Offer As Conference Opens; Stands On Parity With Britain; Other Aims Are Stated

Security Pledges Urged To Obtain Cuts In Navies; Our Aid Will Be Sought

$1,000,000,000 Saving Likely In New Battleship Holiday, Now Chief Issue At London

Eielson Plane Found A Wreck In Siberia; Bodies Of 2 Fliers Believed Under Snow; Food They Carried Untouched In Cabin

Mitchell Bans Drinkers In Dry Enforcement Jobs; Senators Attack Chiefs

Spanish Dictator Quits; Parliament To Be Elected; King Acts To Guard Throne

First Wet Bill Hearings Since Prohibition Came In Set By House Committee

Committee To Draft Plan Of Compromise At London; Italy Defers Parity Bid


Phone Rates Cut 20 Per Cent By Utility Board’s Order, Making A $3,000,000 Slash

Tardieu Tests The Pace In London Conference; Outlook Now Promising

Stimson Prepares To Tell Our Minimum Naval Needs; Transfer Concession Seen

President Names Hughes Chief Justice As Taft Resigns Because Of Ill Health When Trip To Asheville Fails To Aid Him

Stimson And British Agree To Scrap 8 Battleships Now And Build None Until 1936

Assassin Wounds President Ortiz Rubio Soon After 50,000 See Him Take The Oath; Wide Plot For Coup Charged To Rivals

Stimson Gives Out Naval Program, Parity With Britain At 15 Battleships And Right Of Duplication In Cruisers

British Would Abolish Battleships; Submit Plans For Naval Cuts Now And Further Reduction At 1935 Parley

House Approves Dry Shift To Department Of Justice, First Of Hoover Reforms

France Disturbed By Move To Condemn Submarines At Conference Tomorrow

186 Indicted In Rum Plot By Grand Jury In Chicago; Hotel Manger Here Raided

Blasts And Fire Wreck Liner Muenchen; Ship Sinks At Pier, Imperils Hudson Tube; 2 Killed In Explosions; Loss $2,000,000

Senate Battles All Day Over Hughes Nomination; Confirmation Today Seen

Hughes Confirmed By Senate, 52 To 26; Vote Comes At End Of Four Day Fight; He Restates Ideals Of Public Service

Increase By Britain Looms To Meet French Program; Hope For Navy Cuts Wanes

Bar Asks Vitale Removal On Corruption Charges; Court Hearing Set For Him

Byrd Ship, Blown Far West, Gains Shelter Of Barrier And Heads For Her Goal

Tardieu Cabinet Falls On Minor Issue, Holding Up French Part In Navy Parley; We May Move To Bolster Kellogg Pact

7 Killed, 61 Hurt In Blasts In Jersey Alcohol Plant; Many Victims May Be Blind

Byrd Party On Ship Homeward Bound; City Of New York Loaded Over Night; Polar Plane Left At Antarctic Base

Coudert Sees ‘Civil War’ If ‘Real’ Attempt Is Made To Enforce The Dry Law

Grundy Calls On Old Guard To Halt Coalition Tariff; Sees Hoover Aiding Cuts

Hoover Compromise Move Expected In Tariff Fight; Watson Cheerful On Bill

Briand Ready To Accept Hoover Security Pledge Without Senate Approval

Hoover Warns Congress To Economize Or Be Faced By Tax Rise Of 40 Per Cent

Senators Assail Hoover On Warning To Economize As He Denies Criticism

Dry Law Repeal Urged By Atterbury And Others Before House Committee

Cry ‘Down With The King’, Wave Red Flag In Madrid; Rioters And Police Clash


5-Cent Fare Held Binding Even If It Is Unprofitable; I.R.T. Loses In State Court

‘Home Rule’ For States Demanded By Roosevelt; Reaffirms Liquor Stand

Woll Lays Red Riots Here To World Plot Of Soviet; Stalin For Curb In Russia

Senators Demand Action To Check Unemployment; Hoover’s Stand Attacked

Fess Lauds Hoover’s Year, Answering Senate Critics On Tariff And Prohibition

Drys Portray Prohibition As Basis Of Prosperity; Edison And Ford For Law

Reds Battle Police In Union Square; Scores Injured, Leaders Are Seized; Two Dead, Many Hurt In Clashes Abroad

More Work, Says Hoover, And Depression Is Passing; 36 States Are Now Normal

Ex-President Taft Dies At Capital, Succumbing To Many Weeks’ Illness, Five Hours After Justice Sanford

Byrd And His Men Reach New Zealand; Welcoming Cheers Mark The Return Of The Expedition From The Antarctic

Whalen Tells Employers Of 300 Reds They Hired; All Will Be Discharged

Taft Borne To Arlington, Receives Soldier’s Burial As The Nation Pays Homage

Prohibition Stands Test Say Scores Of Women Drys, ‘Speaking For 12,000,000’

Ninth Planet Discovered On Edge Of Solar System; First Found In 84 Years

Basis For 3-Power Treaty In Agreement With Japan Announced By Americans

Move For 5-Power Treaty Goes On With Tardieu’s Aid; He Bids For British Help

Churches Here Denounce Soviet War On Religion; Thousands Join In Prayer

Dry Enforcement Gaining And Corruption Declines, Wickersham Testifies

Governor Cuts $12,000,000 From Budget; Veto Assails Items Republicans Put In

Taft Shifted To Dry Side, Brother Says At Hearing; Others Praise Prohibition

Roper Urges A Dry Council , With 7-Year Truce By Wets, To Give Law A Fair Trial

Won’t Resign, Says Whalen After A Talk With Mayor; Rumor Had Him Out May 2

Senate Completes Revision Of Tariff After Weary Fight Of 6 Months, 18 Days; Final Vote Is Deferred Till Tomorrow

Hoover Board Tells Facts Of The Business Situation; Retarding Factors Fading

Senate Passes Tariff Bill, 53 To 31, After Opponents Assail Rate Boosts; House To Act On Conference In Week

Stimson Again Bars Any Security Pact; Would Consider Consultative Pledge With No Obligation Of Military Aid

Liquor ‘Control’ Failure, Says Ontario Ex-Premier; Cites Rise In Lawlessness

New Move For All-European Peace Pact Under Way In View Of American Stand; Senators See Bar To Conference Pledge

We Will Set Strict Limits To Any Consultation Pact; French For Pacific Model

Hoover Is In Full Accord With Delegates In London; Tokio To Accept New Ratio

French Ask British Pledge To Act On League’s Advice; Italy Joins In Opposition


Stimson Urges Agreement Of Briand And M’Donald, But 3-Power Idea Grows

Yancey Plane Is Down Off Bermuda; Sea Calm, Don’t Worry, Crew’s Word; Plan To Finish The Trip This Morning

Yancey Reaches Bermuda; Tells Of Night In Plane And Take-Off From Ocean

No 5-Power Pact, Says Italy If France Refuses Parity; Mussolini Will Not Yield

Americans Put Pressure On Parley As Hope Wanes; New Hitch With Japanese

Briand Takes New Plans On Security To Tardieu; Hope For Treaty Revives

Board Plans To Sacrifice Five-Cent Fare Clause To Save The Transit Bill

France Against 5-Power Treaty Now, Preferring To Stay Out If Italy Does; M’Donald Meets Threat In Commons

Mrs. M’Cormick Is Winner Over Deneen In Primary For Illinois Senatorship

France And Italy Are Out Of Main Treaty But May Sign Two Other Accords

Three-Power Agreement Is Reached And London Parley Will Adjourn With Way Open For Others To Join

Hoover Hails Naval Parley’s Success; Points To Big Savings For US And Others And Sees End Of Competitive Building

Naval Experts Draft Plan For Scrapping Battleships; Britain Seeks Safeguards

Stimson Predicts Further Naval Cuts Will Follow London’s Achievements; Hails Limitation And End To Rivalry

Hoover Sure We Will Enter World Court, He Tells D.A.R., Which Has Opposed It; Stresses Our Duty To Maintain Peace

Fierce Riots In Calcutta With Mobs Barricaded; Ten Europeans Injured

Curran Defends Wets Under Heavy Fire; Revolt Is Justified, He Tells Senators; Beer Permit Bribe Hint In Trial Here

Hoover Sounds Senators On Navy Treaty; Borah Indicates He Is For Ratification; Pact Is Completed For Signing Tuesday

Hoover Pictured In Doubt Of Enforcing The Dry Law; Obey It, Says Wickersham

Gunmen Invade Prison, Arm Convicts; 2 Die, 3 Hurt As Outbreak Is Quelled

Lindbergh Sets A Record From Coast Of 14 3/4 Hours With Wife As Navigator; Flies 180 Miles An Hour At 14,000 Feet

335 Convicts Die In Ohio Prison Fire; Troops Subdue 2,000 Free In The Yard; Three Other Fires Set In Escape Plot

Delay In Freeing Convicts Trapped By Fire Revealed By Inquiry; 317 Perished

30 Killed In Indian Fights, Spread Over Wide Areas; Mob Burns Soldiers In Car

Ontario’s Dry Law Failed, Says Liquor Control Head; Roper Says Students Drink

Seize 11 Hip Flask Patrons In Broadway Night Club; New Federal Raid Policy

Whalen Won’t Aid Hip-Flask Campaign; Doran Approves It

Better Trade Conditions In All Lines Portrayed By Hoover Survey Head

Hoover Demands Passage Of Dry Enforcement Bills; Stresses Need In Message

Hoover Backs Mass Drive To Stamp Out Crime Rings Linked To Liquor Traffic


Hoover Gets Naval Treaty; Senate Favor Is Indicated By Reception Of Robinson

Worst Of Depression Over, Says Hoover, With Cooperation Lessening Distress; Plans Study To Avert Future Crises

Hoover ‘Not Dry At Heart,’ Stayton Said In Letter; Denies Giving Wet Party

Farm Debenture Rejected In House Under Veto Hit; Flexible Tariff Retained

Gandhi Seized By British For Indefinite Detention; Troops Posted For Crisis

Fires Gain In South Jersey; Other Areas Winning Fight; Hunt For Incendiaries On

Bishop Cannon Got $65,300 To Use In Defeating Smith; Asked Name Be Concealed

Senate Rejects Judge Parker, 41 To 39; Spirited Attack By Johnson Precedes Final Vote On Hoover’s Choice For Bench

Gandhi Forces Seize City In Fierce Fight; 25 Killed; British Rush More Troops

Troops Fire On Texas Mob, Wounding Two In Battle After Burning Of Negro

Civil War Raging In China On 170-Mile Battle Front; Nanking In Grave Peril

Treaty Contest On Today; Naval Experts Divided On Key Issue Of Cruisers

Stimson Challenges Foes Of Naval Pact On Parity, Opening Senate Hearings

Home Brewing Is Lawful, Sometimes, Says M’Bride; League Aids Drinking Drys

Senate Treaty Critics Press Attack, Sharply Examining Stimson And Adams; Pratt Explains Shift To 6-Inch Guns

Morrow Demands Repeal Of Dry Law With Control Of Liquor Left To States; Opens Race For Senate In Newark

Whalen Successor Chosen, Walker Says On His Return; Shift Expected On Tuesday

Full Text Of Briand’s Pan-European Plan; Federal Union Under League Proposed For All Matters Of Common Interest

Zeppelin Nearing Spain On Way To South America; Flying Fast, 1,000 Feet Up

Senate Drops Debenture And Its Flexible Tariff; Ends Impasse With House

Mulrooney Heads Police; 34 Years On The Force; Whalen Farewell Today

Hoover Applies Pressure For Passage Of Treaty; Borah Acting In Accord

Zeppelin Lands In Brazil, Completing Ocean Flight Of 4,000 Miles In 61 Hours

Avalanche Engulfs Party On Kanchenjunga Climb; Porter Is Killed, 2 Hurt

Duce’s Hearers Cry ‘Down With France!’

Hoover Hurries To Capital And Settles Tariff Snarl; Flexible Plan Agreed On

Buyer Of Liquor Commits No Crime, The Supreme Court Rules In Test Case; Modified Jones Law Reported To House

Tariff Bill In Jeopardy As Curtis Ruling Sends It Back To Conference

Fort Now Declares Homes Cannot Brew Intoxicating Drinks

Flexible Tariff Revised; New Power For President But He Cannot Cut Rates

President At Gettysburg Extols Lincoln’s Ideals As Guide For Nation Now


Zeppelin Lands After Battling Squalls, Covering 13,400 Miles In 204 1/2 Hours; Fuels To Fly Home At 10 P.M. Tomorrow

Islip Asylum Fire, Fourth In A Year, Injures 3 Seriously

Zeppelin Off For Home, Circles Over New York; Fair Weather On Course

Cannon Refuses To Tell Senators Of War On Smith; Warned Of ‘Consequences’

Cannon Gives Fund Data To Press After Defying Senate Committee Again

Mercury Again At 90; Two Die, Ten Felled

Rockefeller Offers City 56-Acre $13,000,000 Park To Include Art Museum

Carol Will Be King Today By Vote Of Parliament; Rumanian Cabinet Resigns

Carol Proclaimed King Amid Rumania’s Cheers; Coronation In October

Simon Report Reaffirms Goal Of Indian Self-Rule, But People Must Reform

Senate To Vote On Tariff Friday, House Saturday; Bankers’ Head Hits Bill

Liners’s Captain Accused After Sinking Of Tanker; 48 Died In Fire Or Sea

Reed And Grundy Assail But Accept Tariff Bill; Passage Is Now Expected

Senate Passes Tariff Bill By 44 To 42; Five Democrats Help ‘Regulars’ To Win; Europe Takes First Move In Reprisal

House Passes Tariff Bill 222-153, Ending Long Fight; Hoover Expected To Sign

Hoover Said He Will Sign The Tariff Bill; Hails Flexible Clause As Giving Power To Correct Faults, End Foreign Protests

Democrats Turn Tariff Fire On Hoover As Senate Sends Bill To White House; Break In Stock And Commodity Prices

Hoover Signs Tariff Bill As Borah In Senate Seeks Cuts By Flexible Clause

City Welcomes Admiral Byrd Today; Marine Pageant And Parade To Greet Him After Two Years In Antarctic

Byrd And His Men Acclaimed By City; Wildly Cheered In Broadway Parade; Walker Bestows Medals Of Merit

Six Climb Jonsong Peak, 24,340 Feet In Himalayas; Highest Scaled By Man

Virginians Acclaim Byrd In Gala Fete In Richmond; State Gives Him A Sword

Son Born to Col. And Mrs. Lindbergh On the 24th Birthday of the Mother

Kingsford-Smith Hops From Ireland With 3 Aides For Non-Stop Flight Here; He Radioes ‘All O.K.’ 4 1/2 Hours Out

Kingsford-Smith Crosses The Atlantic Ocean; May Land In Newfoundland Or Nova Scotia; Messages Direct To The Times Tell Of Flight

Kingsford-Smith Flying To New York From Harbor Grace; Due About 4 P.M.; His Own Story Of Fighting Fog At Sea

Ocean Fliers Land At Roosevelt Field After Circling City; 10,000 Rush Plane; Kingsford-Smith Tells Flight Details

10,000 At City Hall Hail Ocean Fliers, Mayor Decorates Them, Lauds Daring; Leader Writes Of Compass Mystery

Rhineland Regains Freedom Tomorrow

Williams Flies To Bermuda And Back, Making Non-Stop Dash In 17 Hours; Endurance Fliers Set Record, Keep On


Campbell, Out, Charges Deals In Liquor Permits To Aid State Republicans

M’Campbell Makes 7 Raids, Opening Dive To Dry City; House Inquiry Here Urged

New Clue To Cyclops’ Loss, Telling Of Dynamite Plot, May Solve War Mystery

Congress Adjourns With Hoover Victor On Law Board Fund And Veterans’ Bill; Senate Bows To The House Amendments

Endurance Fliers Forced To Quit After Setting Record At 553 Hours; Break In Oil Gauge Upsets Plans

Nation’s Death Rate Halved Since 1900; Diphtheria Cut 95%

Senate Convenes Today But Faces Lack Of Quorum; Treaty Action Tomorrow

Hoover Message Opens Treaty Fight; Opposition Calls For Secret Documents; 58 Senators Sit In Special Session

Fight Over Treaty Papers Occupies Senate Session; Swanson Pleads For Pact

Senate Wrangles 5 Hours On Secret Treaty Papers; No Vote On Them In Sight

Senate, 53-4, Asks Hoover For Secret Treaty Data, But On His Own Terms

Hoover Refuses Pact Data And 2 Senators Join Foes; Norris Moves Reservation

Hoover Confers At Camp To Speed Treaty Action; Loss Of Quorum Feared

Treaty Forces To Seek Ratification In Ten Days; Plan Mapped With Hoover

Ewald Quits The Bench; Now Faces State Charge Of Falsifying His Records

‘Secret Navy Plan’ Produced By Reed; Virtually Same As Draft Made Public; ‘Freedom Of Seas’ Reservation Planned

Red Riots in Shanghai Result in Martial Law; Communists Stone Cars as Civil War Protest

Treaty Backers To Force Continuous Session If Foes Do Not Agree To Cut Debate

Walker Orders An Inquiry On Graft In City Bureaus; Gives Higgins Wide Power

100 Hurt In P.R.R. Wreck; Coaches Leap Off Trestle Into Street At Elizabeth

Roosevelt Rejects Plea For City Inquiry Session; Demands More Evidence

Senate Ratifies Naval Treaty, 58-9; Only Norris Reservation Is Accepted; Extra Session Then Quickly Adjourns

President Signs Treaty; Calls Our Action A Move To Renew ‘World Faith’

679 Killed In Italian Earthquake; Injured Put At 1,500; Relief Rushed; Naples In Terror As Houses Crumble

Quake Deaths Put Officially At 2,000, But May Exceed 2,500; 10,000 Injured; Italian Nation Mobilised For Relief

Five New Quakes In Italy, Razing Weakened Houses; Known Dead Put At 1,883

Einstein Evolving Yet Another Theory

Heat Of 89 Kills 6; 12 Bathers Drown

Canada Goes Conservative; Liberals Beaten On Tariff; We Face Big Trade Loss

Hoover Opposes Barring Soviet Trade In General; Ban On Convict Goods Only

R-100 Plows Through Fog Over The Coast Of Canada; Due To Land Late Today


R-100 Arrives At Montreal Airport; Battles Storm As She Nears Her Goal; Damaged Fin Repaired As Ship Drifts

R-100 Was Near Disaster; Shot Skyward 2,500 Feet By Storm Over Quebec

5 Big Oil Companies To Sell Auto Tires At Service Stations

Roosevelt Attacks Rise By 1,000,000 Small Users By Electric Meter Levy

Farmers Ask Hoover’s Aid To Meet Drought Menace; 90-Degree Heat Here, 3 Die

Hoover Takes Up Drought Relief Plans; Says He Will ‘Leave No Stone Unturned’; Two Die Here As Record Heat Persists

Walker Suspends Healy For Silence On Charge Ewald Bought Bench Job

Mayor’s $228,000,000 Price For B.M.T. Brings Deadlock; $160,000,000 Urged By Board

Hoover To Call 12 Governors To Confer On Drought Relief, Bets Hyde Survey; 1,000,000 Farm Families Are Affected

Rail Rates Cut For Drought Relief; Hoover At Rapidan Camp Speeds Plans; Red Cross Mobilizes All Chapters

Hoover Perfects Plans For Drought Relief Body; States To Name Members

Drought Cut In Corn Crop Put At 690,000,000 Bushels; Food Shortage In 2 States

Mayor Denies $10,000 Got Ewald His Job, Or That Healy Was Consulted About It; Olvany Backs

Hawks Flies From Coast In 12 1/2 Hours, 2 1/2 Under Mark Sent By The Lindberghs; Exceeds 200-Mile Speed All The Way

Nine-Point Program For Drought Relief Adopted By President And Governors; Widespread Rains Break Dry Spell

Governor Calls For All The Records In Ewald Case When Dr Wise Protests; Healy Had $10,000 When He Got Loan

Freak Hail Storm Hits City, Batters New England Crops

Mystery Plane Build for 300 Miles an Hour Flashes Over Course Here in Racing Test

Racketeers Keep City Food Prices High, Witnesses Reveal At State Inquiries; Death Threats And Sabotage Charged

Van Lear Black Missing From Yacht Off Jersey; Wide Hunt By Air And Sea

Governor Maps Wide City Bench Inquiry; Formal Announcement Expected Today; Healy Quits As Ward Gets Crain Data

Governor Asks City Bench Inquiry By Appellate Court, But Limits Ward; Baldwin Seeks Action Against Walker

Bodies Of Airmen Lost 33 Years Found Near Where Balloon Fell In Arctic; Andree And Comrades Frozen At Camp

Warship To Bring Andree’s Body Back; He Had Neared Pole

Appellate Justices Act Today On Inquiry Into Magistrates

Cash Says He Paid Healy $2,000 For Marshal’s Job; Inquiry On Bench Decided

German Fliers Alight At The Battery; Hailed By City For Crossing Atlantic By Way Of Greenland In 47 Hours’ Flying

Mayor Admits Widespread Petty Graft; Asks Civic Groups To Help Wipe It Out; Critics See Evasion Of Blame For Evils

Guns Guard Buenos Aires; Troops Protect Irigoyen; Revolution Plot Mooted

Thinks Andree Lived Two Years In Arctic

Ward Consults Bar On Widening Scope Of Ewald Inquiry


Find Treasure Ship With Lost $5,000,000 400 Feet Under Sea

Andree And Aides Died Of Exhaustion; Bodies Found Are Mere Skeletons; Identified By Labels On Equipment

Coste Does It In 37 Hours, 18 1/2 Minutes! First To Make Paris-New York Flight; Hoover, Lindbergh And Byrd Hail Feat

City Greets Fliers In Gay Pageant; Gets Medals; Off For Dallas At 6 A.M.; Good-Will Tour Of Nation Planned

Santo Domingo Wrecked By Hurricane; 800 Dead, Hundreds Hurt In City Alone; Washington Rushing Relief To Island

Hurricane Toll Now 1,200; Dominicans Burning Dead To Save City From Plague

Revolution Triumphs In Argentina; Junta Assumes Power As Troops Oust Irigoyen’s Regime And Arrest Him

Argentine Revolt Sweeps The Nation; Army Men Replace State Governors; Martial Law Curbs buenos Aires Mobs

Counter-Revolt In Buenos Aires Mars The Inauguration Of General Uriburu; Irigoyen And His Aides Are Arrested

Argentina Quells Riots; President Uriburu To Ask Prompt Recognition Here

Uriburu Talks To Times In A Wireless Interview; Requests Our Friendship

Briand And Henderson Clash At Geneva; Latter Demands Disarmament At Once; Former Asks Federation For Security

Columbus in America Before 1492, But Via Greenland, Savant Finds

Enterprise Victor In First Cup Race, Leading The Shamrock All The Way; Gay Newport Is A Colorful Setting

Fascists Make Big Gains In Germany, Communists Also Increase Strength As Moderates Drop In Reich Election

Justice M’Cook Allows Full Job-Buying Inquiry By The Ewald Grand Jury

Tuttle Sends Hoover Resignation, And Declares For Dry Law Repeal; Wets Fail To Gain In State Primaries

Capital Sees Big Wet Gain In Primaries With Unrest Aiding In Upsets Of Drys; Leaders In Quandary On Tuttle Stand

Enterprise Wins Series And American Keeps Cup; His Last Try, Says Lipton

Ewald And Wife Indicted With Healy And Tommaney On Office-Buying Charge

Roosevelt Men Expect Close Race, Due To Scandals

Hoover Men Move To Bar Repeal In State Platform; Wets Ask Official Dictum

Soviet Undersells Our Wheat Abroad; Report Of 10-Cent Cut Halts Export; Chicago Pit Asks Hyde For Full Facts

Tuttle Insists On Repeal In Final Word To Albany; Hopes Of The Wets Rise

Nomination Of Tuttle By Republicans On Repeal Platform Appears Certain; Drys May Run Independent Candidate

Republicans Agree On Repeal Plank; Tuttle On First Ballot Is The Forecast; Stimson, As Keynoter, Omits Dry Issue

Tuttle Nominated On Wet Platform; Makes Tammany Defiance The Issue; Repeal Plank Is Adopted, 733 To 258

Dictatorship For Germany, With Hindenburg At Head, Bruening’s Threat To Foes

Roosevelt Demands Tammany Testify, In Letter To Walker Scoring Immunity; Mayor To Tell District Chiefs To Do So

Democrats Adopt Straight Wet Plank And Bar Immunity Pleas In Platform; Curry Ends Aides’ Revolt On Testifying


Roosevelt Nominated By Acclimation, Challenges Tuttle On State Dry Law; Smith Says Party Will Oust Grafters

Waive Immunity Or Go, Walker Tells His Aides; Gives Them Day To Decide

Hoover Asks Bankers to Take Lead In A Speedy Revival Of Prosperity; Upholds Our High Standard Of Living

Governor, Accepting, Calls Tuttle Both Wet And Dry; Charges Hoover Influence

British Airship R-101 Is Destroyed In Crash And Explosion In France; 46 Aboard Perish, 7 Badly Injured

Weight Of Rain Forced Down R-101; Dipped Twice, Hit Hill, Then Burned; Survivors Battled Through Flames

80,000 Rebels Move On Rio And Sao Paulo From South; Long Struggle Forecast

Hoover Warns Of Perils Of Red Doctrines In Talk To Kings Mountain

Judge Bertini Refuses To Testify; Roosevelt Asks Senate To Be Ready To Take Quick Action On His Removal

Governor Tells How Crater And Bertini Were Appointed By Him To The Bench; Ward Resents Roosevelt Jury Move

Britain To Reject Demand Of Dominions On Tariff; For Bulk Buying Instead

3 Indictments Likely In Bertini Case; Todd, Tracing $100,000 Funds, Studies Bank Records Of Judge And Kohler

Jack Diamond Shot 5 Times By Gunmen In A 64th St. Hotel

Governor Criticizes Ward, Insisting On Bertini Data; $30,000 Reported Traced

Flynn Is Questioned On Bronx Judgeship; Roosevelt Plea Up

First Uncensored News From Brazil’s Loyal Area Reveals Grave Situation

Reds Invade City Hall; Heckle Mayor And Fight Police, Who Hold Sixteen

President Acts To Spur Employment, Naming Cabinet Board To Devise Plans; City Votes $1,000,000 To Aid Jobless

Bruening Is Victor In Reichstag Voting; Disorders Continue

Up-State Fails To Show Big Registration Gain; Apathy In Dry Counties

Roosevelt Assails Hoover ‘Prosperity’: Hit’s Inflation Orgy’

Tammany Combats Corruption Charge; Smith And Walker Uphold City Regime As Tuttle Presses Graft Issue Here

Trade Revival On Big Scale Predicted By Business Leaders Meeting In Chicago; Plans For Relief Of Idle Here Speeded

Government And Industry To Create Jobs For Idle; City To Feed 12,000 Daily

Revolution Triumphs In All Brazil; President Prisoner, Prestes In Hiding; Rioting In Rio; Sao Paulo Joins In Coup

Brazil Now Faces Fight For Control; Anarchists Loot And Burn In Sao Paulo

Vargas Takes Presidency Of Brazil In Rio Today; Order Restored In Nation

Roosevelt Replies On Corruption; Scores ‘Loose’ Charges Of City Graft; Tuttle Denies Dodging On Liquor Issue

Stimson Urges Election Of Tuttle For Clean-Up; Calls Roosevelt ‘Unfit’

Roosevelt Denounces ‘Whisperers’; Says ‘Half Truths’ Will Defeat Rivals; Tuttle Charges Governor Is ‘Bluffing’

Earthquake Wrecks Wide Area In Italy, Centring On Ancona


Roosevelt Scores Attack By Stimson As ‘Hypocrisy’: Purge Bench, Tuttle Urges

Convict Slain, 3 Wounded As Four Men Try To Shoot Their Way Out Of Sing Sing

Germany Seeks Showdown On Disarming ‘Hypocrisy’; Won’t Stay Unarmed Alone

Final Roosevelt Plea On State Issues; Tuttle Stresses Need For Honest Rule; Both Major Parties See Victory Today

Democratic Landslide Sweeps Country; Republicans May Lose Congress Control; Roosevelt Winner By More Than 700,000

Republicans Lose Grip On Congress; Insurgents Hold Balance Of Power; Wets Have 134 In House, 18 In Senate

Bloc Control Likely In New Congress; Republicans Cannot Get House Majority; Can Organize Senate By Farm-Labor Aid

Democrats Pledge Business Their Aid And Offer Cooperation With President; House Republican By 1 On Latest Count

Hoover Plans More Jobs For The Idle; Will Ask Congress To Provide Funds; Seed Loan For Farmers Proposed, Too

Offer Of Democratic Aid In Ending Slump Accepted After White House Parley

1.7% Decline In Jobs Spurs Relief Groups To Rush Aid For Idle

Hoover Hits At Wider Kellogg Pact In Armistice Day Plea To Guard Peace; Again Calls For Entry In World Court

Hoover Asks Democrats To Aid Congress Program, Averting Special Session

Hoover Announces Truce By Rival Senate Leaders; Now Fears No Filibuster

Priest Is Beheaded By Chinese Bandits; 4 In Mission Seized

Rioters Terrorize Madrid; Revolt Brewing In North; Troops Are Ready To Act

Governor Plans Loan Funds For Idle Through His Board

Roosevelt Will Invite Six Governors To Confer On The Jobless Problem

$1,400,000 Raised In Drive To Provide Jobs For Idle; Harkness Gives $500,000

Hoover Calls Upon Nation To Give Child ‘Fair Chance’ In Stress Of Gruelling Era

Wide Federal Drive On Racketeers; New York And Other Cities To Get Aid; $5,000,000 Fund Backs Chicago’s War

Grip Of Rackets On City Bared In Fifty Complaints; Vast Toll Exacted Yearly

Threat Of Dry Party If Hoover Is ‘Moist’

Way Opened For France To Ask Hoover To Implement Kellogg Anti-War Pact; Geneva Expects Paris To Act Quickly

Got $20,000 To Free 900 In Vice Cases, Prosecutor Confesses, Exposing Ring

Silbermann Used Bench To Aid Friends, 2 Swear; Girl Tells Of ‘Frame-Up’

28 Policemen Named As Vice Grafters; Informers Admits Aiding 150 Frame-Ups; Walker And Mulrooney Act Quickly

Quick Action By Governor Demanded In Vice Expose; Jury Disagrees On Healy

President Will Submit World Court For Senate Action In This Congress; Opposition Rises, Extra Session Looms

Long World Court Fight Now Considered Likely, Upsetting Congress Plans


Stalin Sees Capitalists Drifting Surely To War; Puzzled By Our Attitude

Congress Truce To Help Business Indicated As Short Session Opens; Tear Gas Drives Reds From Capitol

Hoover Asks $150,000,000 To Aid Idle; Warns Of Deficit And End Of Tax Cut; His Control Of Works Fund Opposed

Hoover Urges Congress To Economize As He Presents Record Peace Budget; 4,860,000 Idle In Nation, Green Says

Hoover Lists Public Works Projects, Urging Congress To Speed $150,000,000; $8,000,000 New Goal Of Job Fund Here

Scores Die, 300 Stricken By Poison Fog In Belgium; Panic Grips Countryside

Hoover Asks Congress Aid To Avert A Tax Increase; House Bill Cuts Job Fund

4 Escaped Maniacs Seized In Brooklyn By Lone Detective

First Relief Bills Ready, But Walsh Hits Program; Hyde Warns Against Dole

Hoover Lays Flood Of Job Measures To Politics And Senators Attack Him; $170,000,000 Relief Bills Advanced

Robinson Asks Cooperation On Relief, But He Condemns President’s Criticism; Hoover Submits World Court Protocol

Bank Of U.S. Closes Doors; State Takes Over Affairs; Aid Offered To Depositors

Revolt Starts In Spain; Rebels Take Border City And Advance On Another

Einstein Receives ‘Keys’ to The City

Forty Detectives Accused As Criminal Court ‘Fixers’ Operating With Lawyers

Madrid Air Force’s Revolt Crushed by Artillery Fire; Spain Under Martial Law

Federal Judge Holds Prohibition Void; Finds Method Of Its Adoption Illegal; Ruling In New Jersey Stirs Washington

Mitchell Hastens Appeal On New Jersey Wet Ruling; Dry Raids Will Continue

Congress Conferees Agree On $45,000,000 Drought Aid; Hoover Wins Senate Fight

Stalin Dismisses Rykoff As Soviet Prime Minister; Dictator Is Now Supreme

Hoover Victor As Congress Adjourns; His Relief Measures Passed And Signed; All Power Board Nominees Confirmed

High Tammany Men Named By Kresel In Inquiry On Funds

NYE Bares $40,000 Republican Fund As Linked To Lucas’s Fight On Norris; Party Crisis Over Insurgents Forseen

Republican Leader Visits Hoover, Then Backs Lucas; ‘Party Plot,’ Says Norris

All Needy To Share City’s Feast Today In Record Charity

Dewey Asks Norris To Lead New Party; Lucas Row Is Cited

Norris Declines To Head New Party; Still A Republican

Crain Acts On Bank Of U.S.; Calls Grand Jury Inquiry; State Also To Seek Fraud

$489,804,000 Price Set For B.M.T. And I.R.T. By Untermyer For A Unified System With 5-Cent Fare; Dahl Accepts Figure

Seabury Inquiry ‘Illegal,’ City’s Counsel Charges; Corrigan Shifts 150 Aides

Court Inquiry Will Go On, Governor Says, Promising New Legislation If Needed; Knight Pledges Aid Of The Republicans

News source: New York Times

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