1928: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Belize Fetes Lindbergh; He Shows Flying Perils; Off For Salvador Today

Five Marines Are Killed And 23 Wounded In Battle With Nicaraguan Rebels

Marines Again In Battle, Lose 1 Killed, 5 Wounded; Nicaraguans Well Armed

1,000 Additional Marines Are Ordered To Nicaragua To Quell Sandino Revolt

Hondurans Hail Lindbergh In Congress And Palace; Hops For Nicaragua Today

Lindbergh Flies Safely To Nicaragua; Crosses Volcanoes, Avoids Battle Zone; Cheers Of 35,000 Greet Him At Capital

Mexico Consults Morrow On Stabilizing Finances As Result Of Oil Situation

40,000 Costa Ricans Mob Lindbergh In Joy When He Lands After Hazardous Flight; Lift Him To Shoulders Of President

Nanking Seethes On Eve Of Parley To Save Revolution

Panama Joyously Greets Lindbergh, Who Lands On Field Named For Him After 4-Hour Flight From Costa Rica

Smith Refuses Clemency To Mrs. Snyder And Gray; New Legal Moves Today

Mrs. Snyder Wins A Stay Until Tomorrow Morning; New Plea For Gray Today

Mrs. Snyder And Gray Die In The Chair, She Crying, “Father Forgive Them”, He Calmly Repeating The Beatitudes

Critics Of United States Threaten Havana Parley; Coolidge On Way South

Machado Bars Judging US On Nicaragua As Outside Of Right Of Havana Parley; Capital Is Gay With Festive Crowds

Coolidge Is Warmly Welcomed To Cuba; Goes To Palace Amid Shower Of Roses; Talks To Pan-American Meeting Today

Coolidge Wins Cheers Of Statesmen By Declaration For Self Government As He Opens Pan-American Conference

Open Sessions Decreed For Havana Conference; Hughes Alters His Policy

Heflin Attack On Smith Puts Democratic Senators Into Caucus Test Today

Hughes Gives Place To Latin Leaders At Havana Parley

Curb On Our Policy Sought As Foes Of Intervention Come To Fore At Havana

Hughes Says We Will Leave Nicaragua As Soon As Possible; There By Request; Mexico In Surprise Move Against Us

Prosecution Of Mrs. Knapp And Her Aides Recommended By Le Boeuf, Charging Grand Larceny And Forgery In Census

Hughes Opposes Latin Union Change Sought By Mexico

$269,000 Sent By Sinclair To Fall Everhart Says, For ‘Interest In A Ranch’

100-Mile Gale Lashes City; 42 Hurt By Flying Debris; Ships Battered On Coast

Parley Hits Stride With Conciliation Achieved At Havana

Hughes Strategy Mollifies Mexico On Latin Union Plan

Revolution Right Upheld At Havana Conference; Curb By Boycott Rejected

Lindbergh Battles Way Over The Andes In 11-Hour Flight Through Wind And Fog; Venezuelans Acclaim Him At Maracay

Submarine S-3 Is Safe, Found Off Florida Coast After Being ‘Lost’ 2 Days


Higgins Finds Bias, Condemns System At Kings Hospital

Interborough Demands 7-Cent Fare; Asks It In Five Days, Pending Decision; Will Go To Federal Courts If Refused

City To Make Court Fight On 7-Cent Fare, Announced To Go Into Effect March 3

Senate Arrests Stewart For Refusal To Testify On Continental Profits

Bronx Fare Writ Denied As City Is Not Party To It; Untermyer Will Act Soon

French Displeased By Kellogg Urging Ban On Submarines

Walker Takes Over Fight To Save The 5-Cent Fare; City Ready To Run I.R.T.

Smith Bill To Aid Scudder Quickly Passes Assembly; Senate Will Act Today

Lindbergh Reaches Goal At Havana; Spokesmen Of Pan American Nations And 100,000 Cubans Welcome Flier

City And State Will Join In Suits On 7-Cent Fare; Fight Taken To Congress

Lindbergh Receives From Cuban Nation Its Highest Award

Oil Bonds Traced To Republican Fund; Rockefeller Assails The Continental And Urges Light On National Scandal

Hoover Comes Out For The Presidency On A Platform Of Coolidge Policies; Enters Ohio Primary; Bars Any Big Fund

Lindbergh Ends Long Tour By 15 1/2-Hour Flight In Fog From Havana To St. Louis

City Enjoins The I.R.T. In State Court As It Carries Fight To Federal Court; Wins On The $13,000,000 Subway Fund

Senate Votes 46-31, For Power Inquiry By The Trade Board

Hughes Pledges US To Non-Aggression In This Hemisphere

I.R.T. Gets A Federal Writ Halting Suits By The City To Block The 7-Cent Fare

Hughes By Fiery Speech Ends Intervention Crisis, Revived By Salvadorean

I.R.T. Stay Imperils City’s Entire Plan To Unify Subways

Britain Now Favors Mutual Money Aid In Crises Of War

Sinclair, Burns And Day Get Jail Terms For Jury Shadowing, Young Burns Fined; All, Giving Appeal Notice, Freed On Bail

Klan Doffs Mask And Changes Name

Hoover For Prohibition; Would Rigidly Enforce The ‘Great Experiment’

Walker Hits At New Plan To Finance The Subways By Selling Stock To Public

League Will Accept Bethlen Challenge Of Its Authority

City, State Board And B.M.T. Join In Plea To Legislature For New Transit Board To Take Over And Run Unified System

Los Angeles At The Canal; Makes 2,265-Mile Flight In 39 Hours, 55 Minutes

Rival Unions Threaten I.R.T. Strike As Company Refuses To Meet Walker And Asks Federal Court For 7-Cent Fare


Five Marines Are Killed And 8 Wounded In Ambush By Nicaraguan Rebels

Both Sides Set For Transit Strike; I.R.T. Mobilizing Emergency Crews; Mayor To See Union Leaders Today

Union Ready To Arbitrate; Delays Strike To Tuesday To Await I.R.T.’s Reply

Union To Vote Tuesday On Strike, Expecting I.R.T. To Reject Arbitration

Mussolini Speech Leaves Vienna Cool, Angers Stresemann

Transit Peace Hope Wanes; Vote On Strike Tonight; I.R.T. Fights Recapture

Union Defers Strike Vote Till Saturday, As I.R.T. Refuses To Arbitrate

Briand Now Favors Havana Accords For Treaty With US

Patten Bares ‘Fake’ Gift Of $25,000 To Republicans; Got Oil Bonds Hays Held

Boston Steamer Wrecked In Storm; Robert E. Lee Hits Rock In Cape Cod Bay; Hull Pierced, But 150 Passengers Stay

Byrd’s Plans For His South Pole Expedition; A $500,000 Venture To Map An Unknown Continent, With News Coming Direct By Radio To The Times

Scientists Acclaim Trip Of Byrd To South Pole; Foresee Great Results

Mellon To Testify Today On Oil Bond Deal; Hays In Perjury Peril Says Robinson; Butler Puts Refund Up To Men Involved

274 Perish, 700 Missing In Torrent Loosed By Bursting California Dam; Flood Engulfs Victims As They Sleep

Hinchliffe Plane Is Long Overdue; Loss Of Flier And Miss Mackay Feared; Vague Reports Sustain Hope All Night

Federal Court Takes Over Jurisdiction In Fare Suit; Bars Rise Pending Ruling

Senators Hear Democrats Agreed To Hide Big Gifts; Prompt Denial Is Entered

Navy Raises The S-4, Three Months Sunk; Last Voyage Begins

Capper Calls On His Party To Purge Itself Of Oil Taint, Worst In American History

Oil Inquiry Shifts To Harding Estate; Seek New Trial Of Sinclair Bonds; Smith’s Name Brought Into Oil Debate

Oil Committee Will Not Question Smith; Governor Assails ‘Demagogic Slander’; Couzens Moves To Have Mellon Resign

Oil Committee Offer To Hear Fall, But He Balks Plan, Preferring Court; Storm In Senate Over Slap At Smith

Trial Alone For Sinclair Ordered To Begin April 4; Fall, Ill, Obtains Delay

Smith Scores Legislature As Least Fruitful In Years; Lists Trivial Bills Passed

Lasker Bares $25,000 Hiden Gift In Cash For The Harding Campaign; Strife Over Smith Renewed In Senate

Secrecy To Screen Testimony Of Fall In Sinclair Case

Germans On Flight Here Reach Ireland And Will Start Over Sea Tomorrow

Mexico Ends Oil Dispute With New Regulations, Accepted By Washington

Mussolini Replies To Attack By Pope With Veiled Threat

Robinson Says Democrats Originated Oil Scandal; ‘Slanderer’, Cries Glass

Senator Willis Falls Dead At Ohio Political Rally In His Presidential Race


Briand Puts On US All Responsibility For Peace Accord

Coolidge Orders Inquiry Into Leases Of Salt Creek Field By Fall To Sinclair

Fall Says Smoot, Lenroot Urged Hiding Doheny Loan; Both Make Strong Denials

Oil Man Besought Harding And His Cabinet In Vain For Chance At Lease Bid

Smith’s Candidacy Will Be Launched By State Committee

Mrs. Knapp Is Indicted Six Times In Census Case; Faces Immediate Arrest

Not Guilty, Says Mrs. Knapp; Gives Bail, Seeks Delay; Judge To Set Early Trial

Foes Of Thompson Make Bombs Issue Throughout State

Easter Style Army Parades In Fifth Av. Under Critical Gaze

Gunmen’s Sway At Polls Feared In Chicago Today; 8,000 Guards For Primary

Thompson Machine Beaten In Illinois; Small And Smith Routed, Crowe Loses; Shootings And Kidnappings In Chicago

German Plane Starts For New York With Irish Air Chief As Co-Pilot; Take-Off Made At 5:28 This Morning

No Word In 28 Hours Of German Plane Last Seen heading To Sea Off Ireland; Sleet In Middle Atlantic; Cloudy Here

Ocean Fliers Land Safely On Island Off Labrador Coast, Descend In Snowstorm, 400 Miles North Of Their Course; First To Make Westward Passage, Relief Ship On Way

Fliers Still Isolated On Greenely Island; Ship May Arrive Today; Plane Is On The Way; Craft Wandered 4 Hours In Fog Before Landing

Fliers Tell Of Fight To Reach Land; Braved Fog And Storm With Fuel Low; Broke Through Ice In Descent On Lake

German Fliers Find Plane Repairs May Delay Start Here Several Days; Fitzmaurice Flies To The Mainland

Ocean Fliers Flew Hours Blindly With Lights Out Amid Dense Fog; Once Only 50 Feet Above The Ocean

Fitzmaurice Writes For The Times Story Of Sea Flight; Tells For The First Time Of The Bremen’s Perils And Escape; Fought Gale, Sleet, Fog And Oil Leak Off Labrador Coast

Fitzmaurice Says With A Wireless Set Aboard Plane Would Have Reached New York Easily; Rescued Baron From Icy Water After Landing

Bremen Crew Consider Flight Back To Europe; Ford Plane Will Take Parts To Greenely Today; Fliers To Hop To Murray Bay, Then Here Monday

Wilkins Flies From Alaska To Spitzbergen In 20 1/2 Hours; Covers Polar Seas In Tiny Plane And Finds No Land; Isolated Five Days On Uninhabited Island Near Goal

Wilkins Sends The Times His Own Story Of Polar Flight; Found No Land Where Peary And Others Thought It Lay; Changed Course 22 Times Before Blizzard Trapped them

Wilkins Saw Only Mountainous Ice Where He Hoped For Land In Arctic; Clouds Hid One Spot Where It Might Be

Lindbergh Takes Serum To Bennett In Quebec, Speeding Through Storm; Bremen, Repaired, Held By Weather

Bennett Dies Of Pneumonia In Quebec; Arlington Burial For Famous Airman; Bremen Crew Off Today In Relief Plane

Bremen Crew Out, Will Fly To Capital To Lay Wreath Today On Bennett Bier; Quebec Pays Dead Flier Hero’s Tribute

Floyd Bennett Buried With National Honors; Bremen Fliers Arrive In New York By Plane, Go On To Washington; Coming Back Today

Bremen Crew Dazed By Welcome Back As City Crowds Battle To See Them; Lay Tributes On Bennett’s Grave

Fliers Besieged In Church And Streetp; Cardinal Hayes Greets Bremen Crew; City And State To Pay Homage Today


Bremen’s Crew Gets A Thunderous Reception, Their Wives Arriving To Share In The Glory; City Presents Scrolls And State Gold Medals

2,600 Hail Bremen Crew At City Dinner; All Rise In Silent Tribute To Bennett; Lindbergh May Fly To Paris Via Arctic

Interborough Gets 7-Cent Fare Order, But Stay Is Likely On City’s Appeal; Walker To Run Again To Keep Up Fight

Highest Court Hears Fare Suit May 14; Bars Rise Till Then On Mayor’s Plea; Hylan Announces He Will Run Again

3,000 Besieged Japanese Fight Horde Of Chinese For 2 Days In Tsinan-Fu

Fight At Tsinan-Fu Is Over; Both Sides Charge Atrocities

200,000 Rumanians Meet And Demand Ousting Of Bratianu

Mrs. Knapp Gives The Lie To Kin On Census Work; Defiant As Defense Ends

Chiang Opesn War On Japan; Troops Attack At Tsinan; Tokio Send 18,000 More

Japanese Bombard Tsinan To Drive Out The Chinese; Americans Flee Under Fire

$92,090 Spent For Smith; Governor Tells Senators He Has Made No Promises

$250,000 Spent For Hoover, Mostly For ‘Vindication’; Good Calls Sum ‘Modest’

Twenty Waves Of Chinese Mowed Down By Japanese In Fight Atop Tsinan Wall

China Asks Coolidge Our Stand On ‘War’ By Japan In Tsinan

Fare Rise Ruling Reserved As City And The I.R.T. Clash Before U.S. Supreme Court

Japan Demands Guilty Be Punished For Tsinan Attack

Smith’s Friends Ready To Give All For Governor; Kenny’s $70,000 A Gift

Shansi’s Vanguard 7 Miles From Peking Nationalists Say

Chinese Get Tokio Warning Against War In Manchuria; Protectorate Move Seen

British Accept Principle Of Kellogg Anti-War Plan; No Bar In Other Treaties

America Warns Chinese Not To Let Unruly Troops Molest Our Nationals

Highest Court Stays Seven-Cent Fare; Waives Posting Of Bond By The City; Fixes Hearing On The Appeal For Oct. 2

Reich Army Linked To War Gas Deaths; Buyers Here Named

Coolidge Vetoes The Farm Relief Bill As A Deceptive, Price-Fixing Scheme; Senators See No Hope To Override Him

Senate, In Revolt, Overrides 4 Vetoes; Strongly Resents Farm Bill Action; Leaders Here For Endorsing Coolidge

Senate Sustains Coolidge’s Farm Veto; Both Houses Pass Muscle Shoals Bill; Publicity For Income Taxes Dropped

Italia Is Reported Down On The Ice And Sending Out Appeals For Help; Relief Ships Ready, Amundsen May Go

‘Italia In Distress,’ Say Repeated Calls For Help Heard On The Pacific Coast; No Word At Spitsbergen; Relief Ship Off

Rush Nobile Recue Plans With Airplanes And Dogs; Base Ship Blocked By Ice

Weather Balks Search For The Missing Italia; Rumor Of Landing False

Coolidge Pledges Nation To Work For World Peace In Speech At Gettysburg


Fliers Hit An Air Pocket Half Way Across Pacific, Escape Disaster And Go On

Fliers Cross Pacific In 27 1/2 Hours; Reach Hawaii With Fuel Supply Low; Call It A Perfect Trip, No Trouble

Chang Abandons Peking; Troops Entrain All Night As Nationalists Sweep On

Boston Girl Starts For Atlantic Hop, Reaches Halifax, May Go On Today; Australians Flying On Toward Fiji

Southern Cross Spans Ocean To Fiji In Longest Sea Flight Ever Made; Girl Flier Reaches Newfoundland

Earhart Plane Poised For Ocean Dash; New SOS Indicates Italia Crew Safe; Wilkins Reveals His Polar Plans

Pacific Fliers Off For Australia On 1,762 Mile Hop From Fiji Isles; Earhart Plane Tuned For Flight Today

Anti-Hoover Forces Unite To Bar His Nomination; Hilles Joins The Compact

Anti-Hoover Coalition Maps Battle; Hilles Avoids Definite Pledge To It; Borah And Hoover Draft A Platform

Kansas City Outlook All For Hoover If Coolidge Insists He Will Not Run, But Farmers Confer, Issue Warning

Hoover Gains By Delegate Switches, But Mellon Holds Key To Nomination; Farm Leaders Will Seek His Support

Nomination Of Hoover Now Appears To Be Certain; Pennsylvania, Led By Vare, To Swing To Him Today; Farm Groups Still Threaten To Bolt If He Is Named

Hoover Certain On First Ballot As Convention Opens; His Rivals May Unite On Curtis In Final Fight On Him; Wets In Force Urge Dry Law Repeal Plank In Platform

Farm Plank Battle Halts Republican Convention; Committee Kills Fee Plan, Takes Bone Dry Stand; Test Vote Gives 659 1/2 For Hoover, New York’s 90 For Him

Hoover Named On First Ballot By 837; Lowden Second With 74; Curtis Gets 64; Farmers Squelched On Floor, 807 To 277

Senator Curtis Named For Vice President On First Ballot With 1,052 Votes To 34; Hoover Promises Real Relief To Farmers

M’Nary Sidetracks Equalization Fee; Pledges Support To Hoover And Curtis; Campaign To Be Run On Efficiency Lines

Earhart Plane Soaring Over Atlantic; Reported Nearly Half Way To Ireland Eight Hours After Leaving Trepassey

Amelia Earhart Flies Atlantic, First Woman To Do It; Tells Her Own Story Of Perilous 21-Hour Trip To Wales; Radio Quit And They Flew Blind Over Invisible Ocean

Miss Earhart Gets Rousing Welcome In Southampton And Then In London; British Experts Marvel At Flight

Flier Finds Nobile And Drops Food; Fear For Amundsen, Missing 2 Days; Friendship Crew To Fly To Holland

Norway And France Order Ships To Hunt Amundsen, Not Heard Of For 3 Days

Connolly And Phillips Indicted For Conspiracy In Queens Sewer Frauds

Movement To Block Smith Collapses; Rivals At Houston Seek Harmony; Platform To Stress Economic Issues

Swedish Plane Recues Nobile From Ice, Then Upsets In Attempt To Get Comrades; Search Yields No Trace Of Amundsen

Choice Of Smith On First Ballot Now Expected, As Last Efforts Of Rivals Fail On Convention Eve; Platform To Be Silent On The League Of Nations

Bowers In Democratic Keynote Scores Corruption; Smith Certain On First Ballot As Convention Opens, Picks Robinson As Running Mate, Dictates Platform

Gov. Smith Is Put In Nomination Amid Wild Cheers; Sharp Battle On Dry Plank Will Go To Convention; Robinson’s Tolerance Plea Leads To Fights On Floor

Smith Wins Nomination On First Ballot With 849 2/3 Votes After States Shift To Him; Platform With A Dry Plank Is Adopted

Gov. Smith Declares For Change In Dry Law In Message To Party Pledging Enforcement; Senator Robinson Is Named For Vice President


Smith Hailed In Albany Celebration; Plans For Nation-Wide Speaking Tour; Southern Campaign Already Mapped

Obregon Elected Mexican President

Farm Chiefs Praise Democratic Plank As Satisfying West

Amundsen Is Safe, British Yacht Hears From A Fishing Boat

Smith Defends Tammany As Braves Roar Welcome; New Voters Also Hear Him

Mummies Of Stone Age Men Found On Aleutian Island, Morrissey Party Reports

City Greets Miss Earhart; Girl Flier, Shy And Smiling, Shares Praise With Mates

Moses On Board To Direct Hoover Campaign In East; No Headquarters Here

City Vice Conditions Worst In 20 Years, Survey Declares

Smith Meets Robinson; Promises Farm Group Quick Action For Relief

Jersey Legislature Will Oust M’Donald In Election Scandal

Flier Sights Italia Trio Missing In Arctic 42 Days; Ice Ship Creeps To Rescue

7 Italia Airmen, In Two Groups, Saved; Russian Rescuers Sight A Third Party; Malmgren Dead, Mates Guarded Body

2 Italia Searchers Saved From Island By Airplane; Long Lost, Ate Sled Dogs

Malmgren Was Left To Die, Northern Capitals Hear; Rescued Italians Deny It

Nobile Bitterly Assailed As Russia Hears Italians Dug Grave, Left Dying Man

Krassin Picks Up 9, Saves Soviet Flier; Fought Fog 70 Hours

President-Elect Obregon Assassinated At Luncheon Celebrating His Election; Mexico City Is Swept By Grief And Rage

Obregon Slayer Admits Religious Motive In Crime, Says Calles, Blaming Plot

Prisoner Kills 2 Keepers, Ends Life In Bronx Jail As He Finds Escape Foiled

Obregon’s Assassin Wins Lease Of Life; Trial To Be Public

L.I. Train Wrecked; Car With 16 Aboard Is Hurled Into Bay

2,500 Negroes Fight 150 Harlem Police

Moses Wins Party Post; Dr. Work Compromises After Long Parley Here

Obregonistas Urge No Death Penalty, Blaming Laborites

Ex-Senator Owen Bolts To Hoover On Tammany Issue

Tunney Scores Knockout Over Heeney In Eleventh; Only 50,000 See The Battle

America In Treaty Restores To China Tariff Autonomy

Athletes Of 46 Nations In Line As Olympics Open; French Team Is Absent

64 Hurt In Rear-End Crash On 6th Av. Elevated Line; 1,000 In Panic In Darkness

Home Movies In Colors, Long An Eastman Dream, Are Shown To Notables


Anglo-French Agreement Interpreted As Big Step In Disarmament Cause

Smith Plea Is Rejected On New Gas Deal Hearing By Party Vote In Board

Steamer Saves Courtney And Crew Forced Down In Middle Of Atlantic; Poles Fly From Paris For New York

Polish Fliers Over Ocean, Last Seen Off French Coast, Not Sighted At The Azores

All Trace Of Polish Fliers Lost; Not Seen Since Ship Reported Plane Heading Back For Europe; Fear Here

Polish Fliers Saved By German Ship; Forced Down By Leak, Plane Wrecked 60 Miles Off Spain; 36 Hours In Air

Kubala Tells How Flight Failed And Of Drop In Sea; Courtney Welcomed Here

Polish Flier’s Own Story Of Thrills And Perils In Flight Over Atlantic

Japan Threatens China On Treaty And Manchuria

Gas Merger Ratified By The State Board; Rate Cuts Forecast

California’s Eight Wins Olympic Title In A Stirring Race

Hoover Formally Notified, Voices Issues; Opposes Dry Law Repeal Or Nullification; Favors Hundreds Of Millions For Farm Aid

Hoover’s Speech Brings Divided Views Of Stand On Dry Law Modification

Burst Glacial Dam Loosens Huge Flood On The Indus Valley

Hoover Not Bone Dry As War Food Chief

Nanking Indignant, Sends Strong Note To Tokio On Treaty

Color Films Made by a Revolving Disc; Good for Home and Movie Use, Inventor Says

Red Mongol Troops Invade Manchuria; Cut The Railway

Curtis Formally Notified; Urges Non-Partisan Body To Solve Farm Problem

Dr. Butler Rejects Hoover’s Stand On Prohibition And Naval Program; Cannot ‘Commit Me Or Countless Others’

Gov. Smith Answers White; Assails ‘Vile Suggestions’; Blames Republican Chiefs

Hoover To Invite Lowden To Farm Aid Conference, He Says In Iowa Speech

Smith For State Control Of Liquor Traffic, Changes In 18th Amendment And Volstead Law; Rain Cuts Crowd At Acceptance Ceremony

Hassel Plane Seen Sunday Flying Low, Greenland Reports

13 Dead, 100 Hurt In Subway Crash In Times Square; Two Cars Of Rush-Hour I.R.T. Express Jump Faulty Switch; Subway Maintenance Man Arrested, Charge Is Homicide

Board Lays I.R.T. Wreck To Man Failure; Police Blame Employe; He Is Held In Bail; Hedley Says City Shares Suit Liability

15 Nations Sign Anti-War Treaty Today At Simple Ceremony In French Capital; Cheers Greet Stresemann’s Arrival

15 Nations Sign Pact To Renounce War In Paris Room Where League Was Born; Briand Dedicates It To Nations’ Dead

Two Fliers Vanish, A Day Overdue Here; Hunted In 3 States

Says Society Women “Pepped Up” Sales Of Floranada Stock

Robinson Plea For Fairness Marks Acceptance Speech To A Rain-Soaked Throng


Grand Jury Finds Ring Of Criminals Grips Philadelphia

Amundsen Pontoon Found Off North Norway Coast; Hope For Crew Abandoned

Hassell And Cramer Rescued In Greenland; Fliers Wandered Two Weeks Over Icy Wastes; Smoke Signals Seen, Saved By Hobbs Expedition

Hassell Fears Storm Wrecked Plane After He Left It On Greenland Ice; Two French Fliers Start For Brazil

Hassell’s Own Story Of Hardships In Struggle Over Greenland Ice; Quicksand Almost Caught Cramer

31 Planes Reach Columbus In First Lap Of Air Derby; Six Make Forced Landings

Smith Opens Fight Sept. 18 At Omaha On Farm Relief; Plans 6 Speeches In West

Party Peace Record Lauded By Hoover In Reply To Critics

Greatest Aerial Derby On As Planes Here Get Away; 49 Speed West During Day

Lodge Says Science Leaves God To Man; Keep Faith, His Plea

Republicans Sweep Maine, Claim Majority Of 75,000, A Record For The State

Five Powers Meet At Geneva To Hear Mueller On Rhine

Gov. Smith ‘Nails A Line In Whispering Campaign’ As To Conduct At State Fair

Goebel Flies To The Coast, Stops Once, Loses Prize; All Other Racers Down

50 To 100 Killed, 150 Injured By Tornado Which Levels Factory In Rockford, Ill.; Porto Rico Loss Big; Florida Menaced

Hurricane, Still Raging, Hits Bahamas, Leaving 40 Dead And Ruin In Porto Rico; Wrecks Ships In Sweep Toward Florida

250 Known Dead In Porto Rico, May Reach 1,000; 700,000 Homeless, Property Loss $100,000,000; Hurricane Now Lashes The Coast Of Florida

Hundreds Hurt, 33 Killed In Florida Storm, 100-Mile Swath Wrecked, Palm Beach Hard Hit; 300 Dead In Guadeloupe; Appeal By Cooldige

200 To 400 Killed In Florida Hurricane; Storm, Weaker, Sweeps Into Carolinas; Food Riots In Porto Rico; Relief Rushed

Florida Dead Put At 400, With 23,000 In Distress; Gale Lashes Jersey Coast

Florida Deaths Mounting, Now 800, Many Are Missing; Disease Imperils Living

$5,000,000 Sought For Storm Relief; Florida Dead 1,000

Smith At Denver Urges Public Hold Water Power; Hits Republican Policy

Kidnapped Negro Freed By Captors; Five Seized In Plot

Smith Calls Corruption Republican Burden; Attacks Hoover’s Silence

23 Police Caught In Philadelphia Net

Mussolini Warns On Birth Rate Drop

Smith Scores Opposition In Lively St. Paul Speech As 10,000 Shout Approval

Naval Accord Rejected By America As Limiting Only Warships We Need

Smith Tells Milwaukee He Would Lead Nation-Wide Fight For Dry Law Change


Smith To Pick State Ticket At Rochester Conference Today, May Draft Wagner

F.D. Roosevelt Drafted By Democrats, Will Make Race For The Governorship; Smith Is Hailed By State Convention

Roosevelt Yields To Smith And Heads State Ticket; Choice Cheers Democrats

Hoover Is Cheered By Campaign Talk With The President

Mae West Indicted With Cast Of Play

Smith Confronts Minister Who Denies, Then Admits Spreading Drink ‘Whisper’

Hoover Apppeals To South; Backs Dry And Quota Laws, 50,000 Cheer In Tennessee

Yankees Again Beat St. Louis, Score 7-3; 2 Homers For Gehrig

20 Speakeasies Raided In Drive Backed By Mayor As Liquor Kills 21 In Day

Yankees Win Series, Taking Final 7 To 3; Ruth Hits 3 Homers

Zeppelin Starts Trip Here, Taking Off At 1:50 A.M.; May Make It In 50 Hours

Zeppelin Soars Over Mediterranean; Retarded By Wind, Heads For Atlantic; Expected Here About Noon On Sunday

Zeppelin Far Out Over Atlantic Racing At High Speed For Bermuda; May Reach Lakehurst Sunday Night

Zeppelin Speeds North Of Bermuda And Is Expected Here This Afternoon; Damaged Fin Is Reparied In The Air

Zeppelin Much Delayed Battling Head Winds; Cruises Around Bermuda To Find Clear Course; 65,000 At Lakehurst Wait Vainly For Her All Day

Zeppelin Safe At Lakehurst After 111-Hour Flight; Soars Over The White House And Then Over New York; Moored To Mast Till Wind Drops At 2 A.M.; Now In Hangar

‘Coolidge Economy’ Myth Smith Tells Missourians; Charges Republican Waste

MacDonald Starts Across Atlantic In Tiny Plane; London His Destination

No Tidings Of MacDonald, Last Seen 700 Miles Out: Croydon Still Keeps Vigil

Smith Cites Salt Creek Oil Lease In Assault On Republcian Record; Stirs Audience Of 7,000 At Chicago

Edison Is Decorated By Nation And Hailed By The President

Hoover Arrives To Launch Final Drive In The East; Sepaks At Garden Tonight

Throng Of 22,000 In The Garden Hears Hoover Assail Smith’s Policies As ‘State Socialism’; Opposes Putting Government Into Business

Hughes In First Speech Calls Hoover Best Fitted To Fill The Presidency

Smith Calls ‘State Socialism’ Charge A Subterfuge Of Special Interests; Acclaimed By Great Throngs In Boston

New Coast-To-Coast Mark Set By The Yankee Doodle In Flight To Los Angeles

Schwab Forecasts Greater Prosperity For All Industries

No Sham Battle, Says Smith To Hughes On Prohibition As Philadelphians Cheer

43.000.000 Qualify To Vote, 14,000,000 over 1924 Poll; Great Increase Of Women

Baltimore Cheers As Smith Lists Dry League And Klan As Allies Of Republicans

Zeppelin Nears Europe At Record-Breaking Pace; May Reach Home Tonight


Zeppelin Lands At Friedrichshafen, Flying The 4,400 Miles In 69 Hours; Germany Is Wild With Enthusiasm

Vanderbilt Scion Ends Life By Shot

Coolidge Endorses Hoover In Message Praising His Fitness For Presidency; Tells Him Election Seems Assured

Smith At Garden Sums Up His Campaign As 25,000 Give Him Greatest Ovation; Denounces Republican ‘Smoke Screens’

Smith Confident, Makes Final Appeals To Nation In Two Radio Talks Today; Utah Crowds Turn Out To Greet Hoover

Hoover Urges All To Vote As A Duty To The Nation; ‘Decision Will Be Right’

Hoover Wins 407 To 69; Doubtful 55; Smith Loses State; South Broken; Roosevelt Is Elected Governor

Hoover Wins All But Eight States, Thanks Nation; Smith Out Of Politics; Roosevelt Claims His Victory By 28,959

Roosevelt Wins By 23,616; Ottinger Doubts Figures And Starts Inquiry Here

Hoover Will Visit Nations Of South America Soon On Mission Of Good-Will

Hirohito Ascends His Historic Throne With Ancient Ritual

President Calls For More Cruisers, Replies Spiritedly To European Critics; Kellog Denies Paris Pact Entangles US

339 Take To Lifeboats As Liner Vestris Sinks; Rescuers Find Some Survivors In Darkness; Nine Vessels Scour Sea At Disaster Scene

Rescue Ships Bringing 206 Vestris Survivors To Port; Five Bodies Picked Up, 116 Person Still Unreported; Some Saved After Hours In Water; Life Raft Missing

205 Vestris Survivors Land Here, Charge Negligence And Tell Of Shipwreck Horrors In Storm-Tossed Sea; Federal Inquiry Begun Of Disaster That Cost 115 Lives

Life Boats Leaky, Equipment Seized By Crew, Vestris Survivors Testify At Federal Inquiry; Valve Cracked, Coal Door Open, Stokers Say

Vestris Men Fail To Explain SOS Delay; Tuttle Charges Witnesses With Evasion On Earlier Message ‘We May Need Aid’

Four Leaks Sank Vestris, Engineer Says; Chief Officer Didn’t Inspect Coal Door Which Crew Says Let In Tons Of Water

Voltaire Log Subpoenaed As Tuttle Hunts Radios Vestris Sent Before SOS

Captain Kept Peril Secret; Vestris Said, ‘Nothing New’ 5 Hours Before The SOS

Men In Crew Say Vestris Leaked On Four Voyages; Was Fit, Inspectors Insist

Vestris Officers Refused To Man Boats, Says Chief; He Admits Chaos In Crisis

King George Worse; One Lung Congested; Specialist Is Called

Firemen Mutinied In Crisis On Vestris, Chief Engineer Says

King George Gains, Improving All Day, But He Has Pleurisy

King Has Quiet Night After A Restive Day With Higher Fever

King Restive, Fever 101.6; Lobar Pneumonia Feared; Bulletins Rushed To Heir

Nicaraguans Hail Hoover; Rival Leaders Join Him In Peace Luncheon On Ship

King George Has Fair Day; Seriously Ill, Nation Told; Heir, Worried, Now At Coast

King Makes Gain; Infection Checked; Anxiety Lessened


King Neptune Joins Hoover At Equator

Scores Die In Earthquake Shaking Southern Chile; Many Towns Laid Waste

King’s Heart Weakens, Alarm Grows; Oxygen Reported Used During Night; Heir Leaves Africa On Fast Warship

King Maintains Slight Improvement; Injections Used To Tide Over Crisis, But Doctors’ Fear For Heart Persists

King Stronger Though His Fever Rises; All Five Doctors Hold Consultation; He Names Councilors To Act For Him

King’s Fever Again Rises, Lung Infection Is Active, But He Holds His Strength

Vestris Staff Unfit, Capt. Jessop Finds, Assailing ‘Stupidity’

Roosevelt To Bar ‘Smith Republicans’ From State Posts

King Is On Upgrade; Position Is ‘Safer’, Though Fever Rises

Legislative Inquiry Into Police Is Urged Over Rothstein Case

King’s Condition Worse; Infection General Again; Doctors Admit Anxiety

Anti-Hoover Plot Bared By Raid In Buenos Aires; Reds Seized With Bombs

King Doing Well After Operations; Fluid Twice Drained From Chest; Doctors Hopeful, Public Less Anxious

King Improves Slightly; Palace Expects Recovery If Strength Holds Today

King George Not So Well During A Disturbed Day, But Pulse Stays Steady

King’s Fever Moderates But Exhaustion Persists; Ray Treatment To Be Used

Bolivia has Started War, Paraguayan Envoy Says; Asuncion Calls Reserves

King Again Loses Ground; Exhaustion More Marked After Day Of Restlessness

Whalen Takes Police Post; All Deputies Will Resign To Make Way For Shake-Up

Whalen Begins Shake-Up, Ousting Two Inspectors; Will War On Speakeasies

Whalen Tells The Police To Close All Speakeasies; ‘Gum Shoe’ Squad Ended

Whalen Abolishes The Homicide Squad; Carey Is Forced Out

Peace Through Affection Is Bond Of Two Nations, Hoover Tells Brazilians

Police In Series Of Raids Under New Whalen Policy Seize 100 Crime Suspects

Whalen Lauds Force On Record Round-Up; Few Of 183 Get Bail

Byrd Ship Cleaves Towering Ice Wall To Enter Ross Sea

Byrd Lands On Ice At Discovery Inlet On Doorstep Of The Great Barrier; Expedition Near Base In The Antarctic

King Has A Setback; Anxiety Is Renewed By Night Bulletin

Byrd Tours Barrier, Sees Sign Of Land Underlying Ice Round Discovery Inlet; Expedition Sails On To Bay Of Whales

New Concept Of God In Light Of Research Urged On Scientists

Byrd Mushes Over The Ice Barrier, Locates Base East Of Amundsen Site After Hard March With Dog Teams

News Source: New York Times

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