1924: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Arms Sale To Be Fought In Congress; Mexican Rebels Protest To Hughes; Obregon Predicts Speedy Victory Now

Two Movie Stars See C.S. Dines Shot

‘Harding Doctrine’ Barring Arms Sale Proposed As Law

40 Dead Or Missing In Starch Explosion At Pekin, Illinois

View Of Huge Coffin Of Tut-Ankh-Amen Shows Body Is There

Record Cold Wave Sweeping Country; 12 Die In Midwest

$50,000 Bok Peace Plan Announced; Provides For Entry Into World Court, Conditional Help To League Of Nations

Police Get 48 Hours To Rid Philadelphia Of Vice Or Quit Jobs

Butler Begins War; Undesirables Flee From Philadelphia

2 Killed, 1 Wounded As Posses Battle Everglade Bandits

House Republican Caucus Bars Bonus Until Tax Reduction Bill Is Reported; Soldier Bloc Is Beaten By 109 To 87

Ku Klux Klan Ousts Simmons And Clarke

Enright Starts Record Police Shake-Up As Result Of Lax Dry Law Enforcement; Charges Ordered Against 13 Inspectors

Missionary Is Dead Of Bandit Wounds

‘Help Germany Get Well,’ Urges Dawes As First Common Sense Step By Allies; Political Effects Not To Be Considered

New York Gets Democratic Convention With $225,000 Bid, Chicago Dropping Out; June 24 Is Fixed As Date For Opening

Shenandoah, Torn From Her Mast By Gale, Reaches Home After Riding Out Storm; Kept In Touch With Land By Radio

Black Fleet Scores In Surprise Attack On Canal Defenses

‘Enemy’ Shatters American Fleet In Panama Canal

Seven More Warships Sent To Mexico To Confront Rebels At Gulf Ports; Obregon Troops To Cross Texas Today

Cruiser Richmond Goes To Tampico; Admiral Ordered To Keep Port Open; Rebels Expected To Call Off Blockade

Archie Roosevelt, Quitting Oil Company, Tells Senators Sinclair’s Secretary Reported $68,000 Paid To Fall’s Foreman

Lenin Dies Of Cerebral Hemorrhage; Moscow Throngs Overcome With Grief; Trotsky Departs Ill, Radek In Disfavor

Doheny To Tell Oil Lease Story Today; Fall ‘A Traitor,’ Caraway Says In Senate; Walsh Favors Barring Out Daugherty

Doheny Lent Fall $100,000 In Cash, Sent In Bag, No Interest, No Security; All For Friendship, Not Oil, He Says

Coolidge Prepares To End Oil Leases And Prosecute If Evidence Warrants; Sinclair Lent Fall $25,000 In Bonds

Coolidge, In Midnight Statement, Takes Up Oil Scandal; Promises Facts Will Be Revealed And Guild Punished; Special Counsel From Both Parties To Bring Out Truth

Walsh Says Committee’s Plan ‘Leaked,’ Hastening Coolidge Move On Oil Leases; Daugherty Out Of Case, May Retire Soon

Demand In Senate That Denby Quit; House Votes Oil Prosecution Fund; Coolidge In Conference On Scandal

Strawn Of Illinois And T.W. Gregory Chosen As Counsel In Oil Scandal; Move In Senate To Oust Daugherty

Senate Refuses To Soften Resolution, Declaring Oil Leases Illegally Made; Wants Coolidge To Submit His Counsel


Senate Orders Oil Leases Canceled; Fight Starts Over Move To Oust Denby; President Has Talks With Democrats

Ex-President Woodrow Wilson Dying; Told End Is Near, He Replies, ‘I Am Ready’; Oxygen Keeps Him Alive In Early Morning

Woodrow Wilson’s Life Slowly Ebbs As Night Passes; Doctors Now Report Him In Complete Prostration; Heart Action Failing, Conscious Only Part Of The Time

Woodrow Wilson Passes Away In Sleep; End Comes At 11:15 A.M.; Nation Sorrows And Tributes Are Voiced In All Lands

Simple Rites For Wilson Tomorrow; Burial To Be In National Cathedral, Without State Or Military Display

Wilson Will Be Laid In Crypt Today, With Services At Home And Cathedral, As Nation Mourns Its Fallen Leader

Wilson Buried In Cathedral Crypt With Simple Rites As Nation Mourns; New York Pays Tribute Of Silence

Criminal Prosecution Of Fall Looms; Denby Scored In Senate As ‘Partner’; M’adoo Gives Up His Doheny Retainer

Denver Editor Tells Of $250,000 Paid By Sinclair For Rights In Teapot Dome; New Fall Inquiries Voted By Senate

Denby Expected To Resign This Week; Daugherty And Roosevelt May Follow; Bonfils Accused In $1,000,000 Oil Deal

New Chief To Guide Shenandoah Flight To The North Pole

Coolidge Defies Senate On Denby; Ignores Call For His Resignation; Will Act Only On Counsel’s Report

Coolidge Pledges Criminal Action To Punish Guilty In Oil Scandal; Opposition Develops To His Counsel

Oil Investigators Call Vanderlip To Tell Of Rumors About The Sale Of Harding Newspaper At High Price

Fall Had Planned Least To Sinclair In March, 1921, Shaffer Testifies; McLean Called On ‘Slush-Fund’ Story

Vanderlip On Stand Pleads A Desire To ‘Scotch’ Rumors About Harding; President Makes Roberts Oil Counsel

J.P. Morgan Gives Library To The Public For Reference And Literary Research, With Fund Of $1,500,000 To Maintain It

Three Faiths Unite To Teach Religion To School Children

Denby Resigns With Challenge To Foes; Daugherty’s Retirement Is Imminent; Senate Committee On A New Oil Trail

Daugherty Is Denounced In The Senate As Letting Friends Sell Immunity; Name Of A Senator On Brokers’ Books

Daugherty Should Go, Coolidge Is Told; Lodge Speaks For Republican Senators; Elkins Admits Deals In Sinclair Stock

Wheeler Says Daugherty Had Oil Stock; Attorney General Turns On Senators And Threatens Appeal To The People

Slemp To Be Called By Oil Committee; Walsh Back To Press Scandal Inquiry; Party Rift Widening Over Daugherty

Daugherty Must Go, Borah Tells Senate; He Is Ready To Support Impeachment, Robinson Says Adams Injects Politics

New Yorkers Fight Immigration Bill As Racially Unfair

Slemp Urged Fall To Tell Everything; Bankers Reveal M’Lean Cash Balances; Daugherty Admits Buying Oil Stock

Daugherty Will Be Forced To Resign If He Does Not Quit Within 48 Hours; Political Advisers Convince Coolidge

Daugherty Flatly Refuses To Resign; ‘Won’t Consider It,’ Pending Inquiry; 26 Messages To M’Lean Made Public

M’Lean Had Tip From Daugherty Aid; Fought To Avoid Summons By Walsh; Daugherty Hires Counsel For Fight


Senate In 5-Hour Storm Over Daugherty; Palmer Under Fire Denies ‘Influence’; Forbes Indicted In Veteran Scandal

20 Killed, 100 Injured And 12 Missing In Nixon, N.J., Explosion Which Wrecks 40 Buildings And Is Felt 50 Miles Away

Weeks Of Sensation Forecast In Capital; Burns To Figure In Daugherty Inquiry; Doheny Defends Hiring Of M’Adoo

Demand In House Today For The Names Of 2 Congressmen In Veterans’ Fraud; Program Fixed For Daugherty Inquiry

Coolidge Orders Grand Jury Inquiry Into Congressmen In Veteran Fraud; M’Lean Still Daugherty Aid, Says Burns

Daugherty Retirement Believed Near As The President Considers Successor; Heflin Says ‘Principal’ Is Coolidge

Senate Debates Coolidge Telegrams To M’Lean Read Before Committee; Lodge Answers Democratic Attacks

Daugherty Told M’Lean ‘Not To Worry,’ Says Editor; Calls Curtis ‘Principal’; Oil Men Offered Wood Backing In 1920

A.H. Smith Killed by Fall From Horse; President Of New York Central Thrown In Avoiding Collision In Central Park

30 Bodies Found In Utah Coal Mine; No Hope For 145

Oil Committee To Show Fall Messages; More Light On M’Lean Meeting Sought; Counsel Off To Sue For Navy Reserves

More Figures In M’Lean Code Identified; Slemp And Baruch Prove To Be ‘Parties’; ‘Harry’ Was Daugherty, Declares Major

M’Lean Told Talk Of Loan To Aid Fall; Denies Speculating, Doubts Slush Fund; Daugherty In Stock Deals, Says Woman

Woman Now Accuses Daugherty Of Deals In Liquor, Oil, Fight Films And Paroles; Sinclair Enjoined As Oil Suit Starts

Means Says He Carried $100,000 Bribe To Smith In The Aircraft Inquiry; Tells Of Spying On Many Officials

Fight Film Maker Says He Split Profits Of $125,000 With Friends Of Daugherty; Ranger Tells Of Smuggling On Border

Italy Takes Over Fiume In Triumph

Daugherty And Burns Cited In “Deal’ By Federal Investigator Of Fight Film; Doheny’s Naval Oil Lease Is Enjoined

Daugherty And Slemp Dealt In Oil Stock; Orr Tells Of Payments In Liquor Deals; Wheeler Subpoenas Mellon And Weeks

Committee Calls Will Hays To Testify If Party Debt Was Paid With Oil Stock; Story Of Oil Men’s Offer To Wood Revived

Rickard Sought ‘Influence’ For Film, But Was ‘Bunked,’ He Tells Senators; Hays Goes To Answer On Stock Gift

Tells Of $1,000,000 Graft In Liquor; Was Split In Six Ways, Senators Hear; Sinclair Fights Further Questioning

Hays Admits $75,000 Sinclair Gift On Campaign Deficit, But Not In Stock; Miss Stison Charges ‘Frame-Up’ Plot

Johnson Men To Sue Meyer For Slander

Pope Pius Bestows Rank Of Cardinal On Archbishops Hayes And Munderlein; Pays Glowing Tribute To Our Charity

Seventy Senators Vote To Impeach Fall’s Son-In-Law

Expedition Starts For Everest Climb

Jennings Tells Story By Jake Hamon Of Spending Million To Name Harding; Action On Daugherty Is Expected Today

Daugherty Is Ousted By Coolidge; Turns On President And Accusers; Inquiry On Mellon Is Asked In Senate

Scaife Declares Aircraft Inquiry Was Blocked In Daugherty’s Office; Democrats Hesitate Now On Mellon

Wheeler To Press Inquiry On Pardons; Plans To Clean Up Justice Department; Daugherty ‘Still Coolidge’s Friend’


Indict Sinclair For Contempt Of Senate; Mellon And Roosevelt Again Under Fire; Republican Senators Rush To Defense

Daugherty Is Named In Two Inquiries; Blamed For Delaying Land Fraud Cases; New Story That He Shared In Oil Fund

H.F. Stone Named To Succeed Daugherty; Scaife Charges Weeks Helped To Block Prosecution For Big Aircraft Fraud

Charge Weeks Ousted War Fraud Expert And Took His Papers To Check Inquiry; Committee Calls For The Documents

Harding’s Brother-In-Law Halted Drive Against Big Drug Ring, Burns Testifies; Daugherty Assails Pepper For Speech

Klansmen Kill 4 In Crowd By Shots

25 Klansmen Face Trial For Murder For Lilly Killings

G.B. De Long Killed With R.L. Coleman In Albanian Wilds

Senator Wheeler Indicted In Montana, Charges “Frame-Up” To Halt Inquiry; Du Ponts Now Accused Of War Frauds

Experts Declare Germany Able To Pay And Require Payments To Begin Now; Failure To Fix the Total Vexes Berlin

Germans See Basis For Negotiations In Experts’ Report

Coolidge Sends Warning To Senate; Demands Return To Legal Methods As Mellon Protests Couzens Attack

Pinshot Inspired Anti-Mellon Inquiry, Watson Charges In Defending Coolidge; Reed Moves To Expunge President’s Note

Predict Close Vote In Senate Decision On Ban On Japanese

Japan Is Aroused By Exclusion Move

State Democrats Put Smith In The Race For Presidency And Give Him Ovation; Hughes Says People Will Keep Coolidge

Senate Reaffirms Ban On The Japanese By Formal Vote, 71-4

Coolidge Concerned Over Japanese Ban But Veto Is In Doubt

Masons Take Over Broad Street Hospital; Intend to Make It One of the Greatest

Bridge Panic Starts When Girders Break

Cooney Girl Sought As Bobbed Bandit Caught In Florida

Says Officials Kept Confiscated Liquors For Use Of Friends

Coolidge For A New Arms Conference; Demands Constructive Federal Thrift; Favors Participation In German Loan

Bobbed Girl Pleads Guilty Of Robbery With Her Husband

Means’s Spy Records Have Disappeared; Forgery Charged

Charles F. Murphy Dies Of Indigestion; Triumvirate Likely To Govern Tammany; Nation-Wide Tributes Paid To Leader

Navy Is Outranked, Expert Critic Says, In Ships, Guns, Fuel

Marx Warns Reich Against Isolation; Backs Dawes Plan

114 Believed Dead In Mine Explosion

Baring’s Girl Friend Sought As Witness In Wife-Poison Case


Prohibition Attack By Butler Brings A Barrage From Drys

Choice Of New Chief Causes A Revolt Of Tammany Leaders

Coolidge Bars Arms For Cuban Rebels By Proclamation

Armed Bands Clash In Cuban Rebellion; Zayas Goes To Scene

Hearst And Cohalan Seen Back Of Hylan In Row In Tammany

Navy’s Deficiency Under 5-5-3 Ratio Put Up To Congress

Bobbed Bandit Gets Ten Years In Prison; Warns Other Girls

Ban On Japanese Deferred 8 Months As Coolidge Insists

Senators Attack Coolidge’s Action On Japanese Issue

Smith By Veto Kills 19 Salary Increases

Senate Passes The Tax Bill, 69 To 15, And Talk Of Possible Veto Is Started; Rates Similar To Those In House Measure

Poincare Beaten In French Elections; Left Gains Control Of The Chamber With Radical Socialists Biggest Group

Tammany For Foley, Says He’ll Accept; Curry Attacks HIm

Klan Issue Rises And Is Bothering Both Big Parties

Senator Wheeler Is Exonerated On All Charges

Coolidge Vetoes Soldier Bonus Bill; House Plans To Re-Pass It Tomorrow; Congress Adopts Early Japanese Ban

$300,000 Protection Paid To Jess Smith, Says ‘Bootleg King’

Ex-Policeman Held In Bootleg Murder

U.S. Team Is Hissed By French When It Wins Olympic Title

Senate Overrides Bonus Veto, 59-26; Mellon Sees Tax Cuts Imperiled; Immigration Veto Is Now Forecast

5,000 At Funeral Of Slain Klansman Join War On Liquor

Tax Bill, With $472,000,000 Cut, Agreed To; Conferees Expect Coolidge To Sign It Despite bonus and $100,000,00 Deficit

Wilbur Admits Britain Outranks Our Navy By 5 To 4

Hoffman’s Brother Swears He Received Pistol After Crime

Senate Adopts Revised Tax Bill, 60 To 6, Smoot Estimates The Cut At $390,900,000; Surplus Above Bonus In 125 Indicated

M’Adoo, If Beaten, Expected To Swing His Votes To Glass

House Passes The Tax Bill 376 To 9; Mellon Studies It, May Not Ask Veto, Coolidge Signs The Immigration Bill

Reds And Royalists Raise Pandemonium In The Reichstag

Japan Dispatches A Strong Protest On Exclusion Law

Rockefeller Gives Fund To Restore Rheims Cathedral

Coolidge Demands Harding Court Plan, No ‘Doubtful Or Ambiguous Position; Favors Further Cut In Armaments


Japanese Kills Himself Near Tokio Embassy; Hara-Kiri Victim Assails Us, Asks Vengeance

Chancellor Seipel Shot By A Socialist

Coolidge Assails But Signs Tax Bill As Better Than Existing War-Time Law; Will Seek Revision In Next Congress

Mondell Is Chosen By The Republicans As Convention Head

Marx In Reichstag Says Dawes Plan Will Save Germany

None But Coolidge Likely To Be Named For The First Place

Threat Of Contest For A Beer Plank Stirs Republicans

Cleveland Vainly Hungers For Thrills; Sees Only Hope In Choice Of Second Man; Coolidge’s Wishes Will Fix Platform

Lowden Refuses To Be Second Man; Withdrawal Confounds Old Guard, Already Resentful Over Slights

Kenyon Leads For Second Place On Convention Eve, New Move To “Draft” Lowden Fails; Hoover Strong; La Follette Starts Fight For A Radical Platform

Convention Cheers Keynote Attack On Congress And Praise Of Coolidge, Who Dominates The Session; Leaders Hold Night Conference On Second Place

Borah Agreed Upon As Vice Presidential Nominee In Midnight Conference Of Convention Leaders; Cooldige’s Platform Adopted, Wisconsin’s Spurned

Coolidge And Dawes Nominated; General Is Named For Second Place After Lowden, Chosen, Refuses It

Dry Chief Scents A Convention Plot To Let A ‘Wet’ Win

Senate Democrats Lay Foundations Of Party Platform

Everest Climbers Again Forced Back; Mercury 24 Below

Herriot Opens Ruhr To 7,000 Germans Exiled By Poincare

Fascista Militia March Into Rome Singing War Songs

Smith-Hearst Political Peace Reported; M’Adoo Arrives To Direct His Campaign; Longest Convention On Record Forecast

Klan And Dry Issues To Bring First Test Of Strength Between Smith And M’Adoo; Boom For Davis In Capital And Chicago

‘Have M’Adoo Stopped,’ Foes Assert; Boom For John W. Davis Shows Gains; Smith Now Says He’s Sure Of Victory

Smith-M’Adoo Skirmishing Is Growing Brisker As Delegations Arrive To Join Convention Battle; Talk Of Changes In Rules Wanes, Platform Issues Rise

Anti-Klan Plank Pushed Forward To Eliminate M’Adoo; He Fights Back, Assailing City Papers And Wall Street; More Booms Arrive In Town With Incoming Delegates

League Comes To The Front For Democratic Action, Rivaling The Klan Issue In The Late Manoeuvring; Convention, Opening At Noon, To Hear Keynote Speech

Harrison’s Keynote Speech Stirs A Furor Over Wilson; Chaos As To Candidates After Convention’s First Day; Klan And League Contests Begin Before Committee

Anti-Klan Outburst, Hour Of Cheers For M’Adoo Stir Convention; Smith’s Name Up This Morning; Drive Starts For Ralston; Pro-League Plank Sure

M’Adoo Forces Lose In The First Test Vote, 513 To 559; Leaders Said to Have Released Delegates On Klan Issue; Outsiders Help Stage 73-Minute Uproar For Smith

Klan Issue Overshadows All On Eve Of Balloting; Plank Splits Platform Makers, M’Adoo Wins On League; Last Nominees Are In, Underwood And Davis Stronger

Convention, By One Vote, Defeats Plank Naming Klan, Bryan, In Bitter Debate, Pleading For Party Unity; Proposal For League Referendum Wins, Despite Baker

Smith And M’Adoo Managers Predict Swift Victory With Balloting For President Beginning Today; Klan Fight Hurts Ralston; Antis Loss By 4.30 Votes


M’Adoo Ahead On 15th Ballot With 479, Smith 305 1/2; Governor Gains 64 1/2 During Day To His Rival’s 47 1/2; J.W. Davis Third With 61; Adjourn To 10:30 A.M. Today

M’Adoo On 30th Ballot Sags To 415 1/2, Smith Up To 323 1/2; J.W. Davis Spurts To 126 1/2; Bryan Starts War On Him; Leaders’ Hopes Dimmed; Adjourn To This Morning

Convention In Uproar As M’Adoo Pushes His Vote To 505 1/2, But Fails In Fierce Night Drive To Gain A Majority; Bryan Wages Furious Afternoon Battle With Hecklers

Democrats Take 61 Fruitless Ballots, Breaking Record; Smith Gain Of 10 Overmatched By Swing Of 65 To M’Adoo; Ralsont Up To 97, Then Drops; Adjourn To 1 P.M. Today

M’Adoo In Night Spurt Reaches 530, Ralston And Cox Out; Convention Rejects Pleas To Hear Smith And Rivals; Governor’s Friends Angry Over Rebuff By M’Adoo Votes

Candidates’ Managers Begin Parleys To End Deadlock; Weary Delegates After 77 Ballots Cheer Taggart Idea; Smith Votes Reach 368, Enough To Veto Rival’s Hopes

All Candidates But M’Adoo Agree To Free Delegates; Reject Counter Offer To End Two-Thirds And Unit Rules; Both Plans Go To Convention; M’Adoo Says He Won’t Quit

Allied Drive Sends M’Adoo Below Smith On 86th Ballot; Governor Has 361 1/2 To Rival’s 333 1/2; Both Lose Veto Power; Ralson In New Boom Gets 93; Talk Of A Choice Today

M’Adoo Frees Delegates For Meredith; J.W. Davis Gets 203 1/2 On The 100th Ballot, Then Convention At 4 A.M. Quits Till Noon

Democrats Nominate Davis And C.W. Bryan; Former, Acclaimed, Calls Party To Battle; Smith Promises To Work Hard For The Ticket

President’s Son Buried In Vermont On Ancestral Hill

10,000 Sent Sympathy to Coolidges by Wire; President’s Father With Him in White House

Find Missing Pastor In Delirium, Branded On Back With K.K.K.

Branded Minister Tells Of Horrors As Senses Return

Olvany Succeeds Murphy As Leader Of Tammany Hall

Huge Property Loss Done By Raging Fires In Western Forests

Presence Of Americans Cheers Allies As London Conference On Dawes Plan Opens With A Warning By MacDonald

Fuller And McGee To Testify Against Former Associates

Nominate Wheeler For Second Place Wtih La Follette

Foes Of Foreigners Slew Major Imbrie; Hundreds Arrested

Playwright Leave Note That He’s of ‘No Use,’ Waves to His Friend and Kills Himself

Hughes Says Europe Will Have Our Help; Presses For Dawes Plan To Avert Chaos; Bankers Oppose Conference Loan Terms

No Henry Ford Employe May Have Liquor On His Breath or at Home and Keep His Job

Americans Present Blackstone Statue

33 Witnesses Link Chain Of Evidence On Franks’ Slayers

Morgan Declares Allies Must Satisfy American Investors

State Socialists Denounce Klan; Back La Follette

MacDonald Presses To Have The French Evacuate The Ruhr

80-Year-Old Slayer of Brother, 72, Killed By Posse After He Opens Fire From Ambush

Bootleggers Kill Two Officers in Ambush; Carolina Posse Finds Dog Slain With Them

1 Dead, 36 Hurt In Long Island Wreck; Haste In Opening A Switch Derails 3 Cars With 700 Commuters


Darrow Presents Plea Of Mercy For Slayers Of Franks

‘Dual Personality’ Of Franks Slayers Bared By Alienist

Allies Agree On Dawes Plan Program; At Once Invite The Germans To Come And Make Compact For The Settlement

Vast Berlin Crowds Week For War Dead; Beat Jeering Reds

Alienist Declares Leopold And Loeb Are Devoid Of Soul

Leopold And Loeb Sane, Judge Rules; Jury Trial Denied

Expert Says Loeb Admitted He Was The Actual Slayer

$1,500,000,000 Rail Merger Arranged

La Follette Scores The Ku Klux Klan

Leopold Suffers Gland Disorders, Alienist Declares

LaGuardia Bolts Republican Party

Davis Declares Honesty The Issue; Indicts Republicans And Executive; Promises Fight Without Kid Gloves

Klan Losing Fight In Ohio Primaries

French Savant Calls Gulf Stream a Myth; Says Tides Separate Warm and Cold Waters

Coolidge Appeals To ‘Common Sense,’ Basing The Campaign On His Record; Defends The Government As Honest

Germans Give In On Ruhr Evacuation; Full Accord Near

Allies And Germans Sign Agreement; French Will Quit Ruhr Within A Year; Paris And Berlin Expected To Ratify

French Quit Two German Towns Today; Paris Prepares To Acclaim Herriot; Coolidge Sees His Policy Justified

Bryan Declares For Farmers And Labor And Says The Platform Is Progressive; Scores ‘Mobilization Demonstrations’

Dawes, Notified, Attacks Radicals Calling For Brass Tacks, Not Bombast; Wants World Court, Sees League Dead

Fliers Ready To Go At 3 This Morning Across The Atlantic

American Fliers Arrive In Greenland, Covering 825 Miles In About 10 Hours; No Word Of Italian, Accompanying Them

Davis Denounces Ku Klux Klan By Name; Challenges Coolidge To Do Likewise And Take That Issue Out Of Campaign

‘Ma’ Ferguson Routs Klan In Texas; Majority Of 100,000 Now Indicated; Dawes Attacks Ku Klux In Maine

Coolidge To Confer With Dawes Today; May Discuss Klan

Locatelli Found Near Exhaustion After 3-Day Hunt

Davis Attacks Coolidge On Dawes Plan, Saying He Claims Credit Not Due Party; ‘Surprised’ At Statement On Oil Scandal

12 Gassed In Blast At Perfume Plant

China Nears War Of Rival Tuchuns

Prince Of Wales Welcomed In Harbor; Slips To Long Island, Escaping Crowds; Glad To Be In America On Holiday Trip

Six Killed In New Klan Clash At Herrin; Sheriff And Men Besieged In Hospital; State Rushes Troops To Rioting Town


Our Army Fliers Arrive In Labrador, Returning To The American Mainland 5 Months And 14 Days From Their Start

Coolidge Says Tariff Is Workers’ Boon; Davis Advocates Laws Labor Is Seeking; La Follette Opens His Radio Campaign

Maine Democrats Show Republicans Raised Klan Issue

Big Chinese Forces Engage In Battle Along Wide Front

Shanghai Defenders Halt Kiangsu Force In All Day Battle

Shanghai Battle Goes On Unabated

League Unanimous For World Parley On Disarmament

War Against Peking Declared By Chang

City Welcomes American World Fliers; 8 Planes Escort Them To Mitchel Field; Prince Of Wales Joins In Cheers For Them

Gillett Is Victor In Senate Contest; Couzens Is Trailing

Franks Slayers Get Life Imprisonment; Youth Averts Noose

Dawes In Wisconsin Calls La Follette ‘Master Demagogue’

16,792,000 Join In Defense Day Test; Pershing, By Radio, Talks To The Nation; Industry Mobilizes, Day A Success Here

Americans Defeat British At Polo, 16-5; 35,000 See First International Match; Prince The Centre Of Brilliant Throng

France Will Close Devil’s Island Prison, Where Many Famous Convicts Were Confined

9 Political Murders In 3 Days In Bulgaria

Coolidge Recalled Wilbur From Coast Because Of Speeches

German-American Held as Rum Fleet Pirate; Accused in Paris of Attack on French Ship

Revolt Shatters Shanghai Defense; Tuchun Lu Flees

Defenders Likely To Yield Shanghai

League Now Moving To A Great Decision To Outlaw All War

100,000 Catholics Cheer Coolidge Talk On Religious Liberty

Draft Of Protocol To End All Wars Offered To League

German Cabinet Decides To Request Entrance To League

Roosevelt’s Nomination Seems Certain; Republican Platform Will Name Klan; Demand by Hylan Upsets Democrats

Roosevelt Nominated For Governor; Anti-Klan Plank Is Forced Through; Oil Issue Injected By The Democrats

Democrats With Acclaim Name Smith; Governor Responds In Fighting Speech, Declaring ‘Myth’ And ‘Name’ Can’t Win

Germany Is Ready To Join The League Without Conditions

Japanese Imperil League Peace Plan By New Demands

Roosevelt To Make 185 Talks In 18 Days In Record Campaign


Protocol Amended To Satisfy Japan; Now Goes To League

Roosevelt, Notified, Attacks The Klan; Wants State Dry Law Enforcement Act; Bolt By Brookhart Expected Tomorrow

13,000 In Garden Cheer Davis And Smith; Davis Scores Republican ‘Alibi Factory’; Governor Prods The Stay-At-Home Voter

Brookhart Assails Coolidge’s Record; Declared A Bolter

Giants Defeat Senators In Opener, 4-3; 40,000, Including Coolidge, See Johnson Lose A Thrilling 12-Inning Struggle

Aluminum Company Declared Monopoly In Federal Court

Coolidge Sees Gain In Anti-War Ideas

La Follette Charges Republicans Raise Big Corruption Fund

Labor Is Defeated In British Commons; Loses 364 To 198 Over Halting Red Trial; Election Early In November Forecast

Klan’s Hand Seen In Veterans’ Bureau

Senators Win World Championship, Johnson Pitching Them To Victory Over Giants, 4 To 3, In 12-Inning Battle

400 Banks To Offer Germany’s Bonds In America Tuesday

Zeppelin ZR-3 Over Ocean On Way Here; Makes 55 Miles An Hour Towards Azores After Crossing France And Tip Of Spain

ZR-3, ‘All Well,’ 600 Miles Past Azores, Her Speed Reduced By Engine Trouble; Signal Heard Here; Due Early Thursday

ZR-3 Is Expected Over City This Morning; Was About 120 Miles Off Boston At 3 A.M.; Moving Fast After Passing Nova Scotia

ZR-3 Ends 5,060-Mile Flight In 81 Hours; Circles City 5 Times After Transatlantic  Trip; Now Safe In Hanger, American Crew In Charge

Davis Again Scores The Ku Klux Klan

‘How’s Oil?’ Shouts Roosevelt Heckler

Smith Denounces Coolidge’s Silence On Ku Klux Klan

Smith-Davis Blimp Bursts at Polo Grounds, Setting Fire to the Roof of One of the Stands

Ebert Dissolves Reichstag For Marx; Elections Ordered

Tear Bombs Scatter Detroit Mob of 5,000 Which Masses Before Anti-Klan Meeting

Thousands Of Peking Troops Die in Battle When Chang Explodes Mines Under Them

Income Tax Returns Made Public; J.D. Rockefeller Jr. Paid $7,435,169; Ford Family And Company Pay $19,000,000

Nation-Wide Chaos On Tax Publicity; Collectors Are Confused by Rulings; More Payments Made Public Here

Treasury Fails To Act On Tax Chaos; Says Collectors Must Interpret Law But Are Wrong To Bar Press From Lists

Odd Gas Kills One, Makes Four Insane

Davis Asks Coolidge To State Position On Corruption Issue

Stone Will Test Tax Publicity In Court, Basing Suit On Publication Of Lists; Informal Opinion Upholds Blair’s View

British Conservatives Win Big Victory, With 58 Majority In Early Returns; Laborites And Liberals Lose Heavily

Gifts By Holders Of Alcohol Permits To Aid Republicans


Republicans Raised Total Of $3,742,962, Democrats $552,368

Klan And Foes Riot, Wound 12 In Niles, 0. Troops Hold Town

Davis, Gov. Smith And Roosevelt All Sure They’ll Win

Record Vote Likely In Election Today; Coolidge And Davis Radio Final Pleas, Smith And Roosevelt Each Confident

Coolidge Wins, 357 To Davis’s 136; La Follette Carries Wisconsin, Smith Beats Roosevelt By 140,000

Coolidge Gets 379 Votes, Davis 139; Popular Plurality Above 6,800,000; Smith Only One On His Ticket To Win

Winston Churchill Gets Leading Post In Baldwin Cabinet

Emerson Reports Campaign Surplus For Republicans

Duel Challenges Fly Rapidly About In New Rome Crisis

Democrats Analyze Causes Of Defeat With Eye To Future

Fascisti In Italy Face Grave Crisis

Nations Of World Pay Solemn Tribute On Armistice Day

Murders Disclose Big Smuggling Plot Begun In New York

Baldwin Reopens the Russian Question; Inquiry on Red Plot and Soviet Relations

3,000 Imperiled By Jersey City Fire; 50 Are Hurt, 100 Families Homeless; 2 Blocks Razed, With $1,000,000 Loss

Mussolini Wins In First Test Vote; Revolt Tale Denied

Aqueduct Is Seized; Los Angeles Water Turned Into River

Atlantic City Fire Razes Two Hotels, Attacks Steel Pier

Reorganization Afoot In Both Parties; Democrats Plan A New National Deal; Republicans Bar Fusion On Mayoralty

British Army Ruler Shot By Egyptians In Streets Of Cairo

Anderson Paroled; To Leave Sing Sing On Christmas Eve

Britain Cancels Russian Treaties; Warns The Soviet

Allenby Presents 24-Hour Ultimatum To Egypt’s Premier

Egypt Agrees To Indemnity And Apology, But Denies Blame For Killing Of Sirdar And Balks At Evacuation Of The Sudan

British Seize Alexandria Customs; Zaghlul Resigns, Ziwar Succeeds Him; Egypt Will Now Appeal To The League

Ziwar Government Eases Cairo Crisis; British Send Troops

Federal Judges Ask Shift Of Dry Unit From The Treasury

Crazed By Religion, Maid With Axe Kills One And Gashes Two

200 Sudan Troops Mutiny In Khartum; Kill 3 Physicians

British Suppress Khartum Mutiny; Survivors Yield


Pictures By Radio Sent From London Here In 20 Minutes

Esthonia Crushes Communist Revolt

Hylan Challenges Smith On Transit; Political War Is On

Coolidge Message Stresses Economy; Urges World Court

Coolidge Urges Cooperation For Peace, Declaring No Nation Can Travel Alone; Chicago Speeches Predict Prosperity

Red Propaganda Taken Up By Britain At Paris Interview

Herriot Opens War On Reds In France; Police Seize 300

Republicans Lead, ‘Fascisti’ Wiped Out In German Election

J.B. Duke Creates $40,000,000 Trust Fund To Found A College And Aid Charities; Eastman Gives $12,500,000 To Education

America Accepts Invitation Of League To Join Arms Traffic Parley At Geneva; Rome Conference Puts Off The Protocol

Death Threat Sent To Jersey Priest By Bootleg Ring

Trotsky Is Reported Out as War Minister; Army Said to Be Backing Him Against Soviet

Bootleggers Defy Jersey Authorities; Try To Land Liquor

Samuel Gombers Dies In San Antonio, Blessing ‘Our Great Institutions;’ Nation Mourns The Great Labor Chief

Riots Over Trotsky Are Reported in Moscow, With Hard Fighting Between Two Factions

All Transit Ills Due Chiefly To Hylan, M’Aneny Testifies As Inquiry Begins; Bus Activity And Growth Of Taxis Cited

Lawyers For City Quit Transit Hearing When Barred From Cross-Examination; Hylan Expected To Protest To Smith

City Lost Millions by Hylan’s Subway Delay, Says M’Aneny

Moves To Check Agitation Over Japan Made By Washington; Offer Of Visit By Fleet Declined, Tokio Premier Says

Coolidge Joins In Move To Allay Anti-Japan Spirit

War On Trotsky Absorbs Russians In Bitter Debate

Britain Contests Berlin’s Agreement To Pay Our Claims

German Note Asks Free Hand In War As League Member

2 More Indictments And 44 Liquor Raids In 2 Jersey Cities

Hylan, On Witness Stand, Sees A Trap In Transit Queries And Ignores Many; Says Common Sense Fixes His Policies

French Losing Hope Of Lasting Peace With The Germans

Report Discovery Of Immense Stocks Of German Arms

Big Allies Decide To Hold Cologne, Ignoring Protest

Germans Resent Allied Decision

Senate Democrats Clash Over Causes Of Party’s Defeat

Threat In Congress To Stop Future Loans To Nations Failing To Refund War Debts; France Sends Note Denying Repudiation

News source: New York Times

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