1922: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


France To Raise New Submarine Issue; Hughes Gives Yap Cable Agreement, Proposes 6-Power Treaty To Bind It

New Year Liquor Kills 3, One A Woman

Rodman Wanamaker Near Death In Fire

France Accepts Principle Of Root Ban On Submarine

Indict Hart And Orr In $10,000,000 Rum Plot With 18 Others

Five Powers Adopt Ban On Submarines; Ask World To Join

All Europe Called To A Conference At Genoa In March For Economic Restoration; Russia And Germany In It, United States Invited; Gas Warfare Opposed Here

Dail Eireann Votes 64 To 57 To Accept Irish Free State; De Valera Says He Will Resign; Dublin Wild With Joy; Washington Adopts Gas Ban; Premiers Summon Germans

Eight Elders Collapse in Church, Two May Die, After Drinking Varnish from Communion Cups

Anglo-French Defense Treaty Drafted; Italy And Belgium May Be Included; Left Optional With Dominions To Join

Defense Treaty May Be Put To Vote Of People And Britain And France; Briand Attacked In Cabinet And Press

Briand Gets Text Of Treaty Changed And Rushes To Paris From Cannes To Meet His Foes In Chamber Today

Briand Resigns, Poincare To Form New French Cabinet; Cannes Conference Quits; European Plans Are Upset; Hope That Washington Decisions Will Not Be Reopened

Poincare Cabinet Ready By Sunday; He Confers With Lloyd George Today; Genoa Parley Called Despite Crisis

Poincare And Lloyd George Decide To Abolish The Supreme Council; France Is Opposed On German Policy

Poincare Takes Charge, Sees Briand; Confers On British Alliance Terms; Lloyd George Won’t Extend Compact

Policeman Slain On A Rampage By Another Officer

Hughes Proposes International Board To Maintain The Open Door In China; Conference May Last Another Month

Open Door Board For China Accepted, But Retroactive Article Is Blocked By The Japanese, French And British

Poincare Promises To Make Germany Pay; Threatens Control Of Her Finances; Deputies Vote Confidence, 472 To 107

Pope Is Close To Death; Faces End Unafraid While World Prays For His Recovery

Pope Benedict XV. Passes Away Early This Morning; Lingers Hours After World Gets Report Of Death; Tributes Paid To The Pontiff By Men Of All Religions

Body Of Pope Benedict XV. Lies In State; Gasparri Takes Charge At The Vatican And Has Strong Support For Succession

Woman Is Accused of Writing Poison Notes That for 3 Years Scandalized French Town

Jury Sent to Luncheon With Seized Whisky; Evidence Vanishes; Six Defendants Freed

Builder Will Erect $100,000,000 New Tenements At Cost

Rome Reports 190 Dead in Cairo Riots, But Allenby Mentions No Serious Trouble

Big Powers Decide To Draft War Rules On New Weapons

Washington Theatre Is Crushed By Snow, 50 To 100 Dead; Roof Caves In On Audience Of 500; Many Still In Ruins; 29 Inches Of Snow Bury Capital; Fringe Of Storm Here

107 Dead In Collapse Of Theatre; All Are Identified; Some Taken From Ruins Alive, Brave Awaiting Rescue; Congress May Start Inquiry Today To Fix The Blame

Held By His Heels, Fireman Saves Five


Asks Guard After Telling That Detective On Trial as Slayer Sought to Bribe Him

Five Powers Adopt Navy Limit Treaty, Agree To Forbid Gas, Curb Submarines; ‘Greatest Step Forward,’ Says Hughes

Movie Director Found Murdered In Los Angeles

Fail To Elect Pope In First Two Votes Taken In Conclave

Conference Finishes Work, Approving Two Treaties; Leaders Of All Delegations Hail Big Achievements; Japan And China Formally Sign The Shantung Treaty

Question An Actor And Camera Man In Taylor Murder

Cardinal Ratti New Pope As Pius XI.; Shows Amity To Italy; Keeps Gasparri; O’Connell An Hour Too Late To Vote

Film Star Faints At Taylor Funeral; Sands Is Accused

Police Say Facts In Taylor Murder Are Not Revealed

President To Get Report On Agencies For Russian Relief

Ratify Quickly, Harding Urges Senate, Unless World Peace Hopes Are To Fail And America Is To Be Discredited

Committee Takes Up Four-Powers Treaty And Will Press It

Siren Calls Town To Hunt Thugs Who Shot 2 Policemen

Wave Of Protests Halts Bonus Tax Plan; Payment By Bonds Now Put Up To Harding; Borah Puts Cost Of Disabled At 75 Billions

Priest Is Accused Of Killing Brother To Get Insurance

World Court Opens In Hague Palace With Much Color

Pay Bonus By Sales Tax Or Delay It, Harding Advises Republican Leaders; Congress Strongly Opposes Sales Levy

Tokio Bars Mrs. Sanger From Making Tour Of Japan to Lecture on Birth Control

Landis Quits Bench For Baseball Job; Boomed For Mayor

How Czar Was Slain Now Told By Reds

Leader Asks Doukhobors to Kill Children, Also Aged, and to Migrate as Tax Protest

Giant Army Dirigible Wrecked; 34 Dead, 11 Are Saved; Victims Perish When Roma Bursts Into Flames After Fall; Collapse Of Rudder Causes Tragedy On Short Trial Flight

Weeks Begin Inquiry Into Roma Crash; Full Report On Our Lost R-38 Shows She Was Not Built To Fly, But To Stand Still!

Girls Seize Slayer As Men Back Away

Lloyd George Plans A Ten-Year Truce, To Be Signed By All Europe And To Pledge Reduced Armies And Intact Frontiers

Lloyd George And Poincare In Accord; Genoa Conference To Meet April 10; Anglo-French Compact To Be Signed

Anglo-French Alliance For 20 Years, Instead Of 10, Agreed On By Premiers; To Protect Poland Against Germany

German Armament Secrets, Sold to Japan; Seven Germans Tried for High Treason


Princess Mary Wed In Regal Splendor To Lord Lascelles In Westminster; All London Joins In The Rejoicing

Germany Holds Up Our Reparation Dyes, Selling Here Meanwhile at Great Profit

Plans to Cut Our Army to 115,000 Men, Ignoring the Pleas of General Pershing

Vendetta Cross Cut Into Face Of Woman Almost Beheaded

Scottish Rite Buys Manhattan Opera House For A Home

Quakes Start Eruption Of Vesuvius; Prof. Malladra Enters Crater, Is Scorched

Report Plesiosaurus Found Alive; Likened to Crocodile With Swan Neck

Tries To Free Soul To Learn Hereafter And Dies By Ether

Harding Declines Invitation To Genoa; Holds That Conference Is Political; Balks Also At Presence Of Russians

Declares Japanese And British Framed 4-Power Treaty

Gandhi Arrested On Charge Of Sedition; London Reports India Quiet Thus Far; Lord Derby To Take Montagu’s Place

Bombs Kill Strikers, Troops Slain As Gold Mine War Sweeps The Rand; Montagu Assails Premier On India

Troops Capture 1,500 Rand Rebels; Airplane Bombs Kill Many Strikers But Miners Hold Most Of Johannesburg

Washington Nettled By Allied Doubt On Accepting Our Rhine Army Bill; Poincare Opposes It But Seeks Accord

Chicago Block Gone In $10,000,000 Fire; Flames Spreading

Armed With 4 Guns, Knife And Club, He Kills A Policeman

Mayor Now Has Dug-out in City Hall With Bath and Private Stairway

$500,00 In ‘Scotch’ Seized In A Battle With 20 On Rum Ship

Gandhi Sentenced To 6 Years In Jail; Revolt To Go On

New Mint Director Takes Charge Today Of Third of World’s Gold, $3,000,000,000

$50,000 Shoe Theft; 6 Tons Carried Off

Harding’s Wrath Rises As Congress Ignores His Advice

Oklahoma Governor Put Under Arrest

British Submarine Lost With All Crew; H-42 Rammed by Destroyer Off Gibraltar

Four-Power Treaty Is Ratified, 67 To 27 With The “No Alliance” Reservation; Harding Gains Power As Party Head

Five Died At Sea In 56-Hour Drift On Disabled Plane

$400,000 Plundered From 164 U.S. Ships Held At Peekskill

Smoking In Public Barred For Women; Police Enforce Law

Fleet of Eighty Fords to Combat Crime; Only One Robbery Reported in the City

Irish Rebels Wreck Freeman’s Journal; Fire The Building

Four Dry Law Violators Get 4 Years Each; Longest Terms Yet Imposed in Jersey


600,000 Coal Miners Are Now On Strike; 100,000 Non-Union Men May Also Go Out; Government Not To Act At Present

6,000 Of Nations Coal Mines Are Idle; Real Test In Strike Comes Tomorrow; Borah Warns Of Government Ownership

$60,000 Robbery In Washington Sq. Home; Thieves Imprison A.R. Shattuck’s Family; One Caught And Part Of Loot Recovered

Lloyd George Wins Victory In Commons For His Genoa Policy, 372 Votes To 94; Plans Cautious Recognition Of Soviet

Crime Wave Unites Shattuck Neighbors In War On Bandits

‘New York Can Be Made Safe To Live In,’ Says Governor, Admonishing Officials; Petition Out For Enright’s Removal

Senenoff, Cossack Chief, Is Arrested On Arrival Here

Enright Gets 1,192 More Patrolmen; Citizens’ Court Of Crime Inquiry Urged; Lawyer Shot Dead In Fight On Thieves

Day Is Exonerated After Telling Jury Why He Killed Beck

Lloyd George Confident Of Success As Great Genoa Conference Opens Today; Soviet Not Expected To Be Recognized

Genoa Conference Opens With Clash Of French And Russians On Armament, But Lloyd George Restores Harmony

Republican Plurality of 29,740 Cut to 3,087 On Wet Issue in Special Congress Election

Shattuck Robbery Confessed By Alien Caught In Jersey

Ex-President Wilson’s Repudiation of Message Attributed to Him at Democratic Dinner

Russians Fight All The Allies Plans, Demanding Peace On Their Own Terms; Meet Allied Chiefs In Long Conference

Russians Put In Big War Bill To Allies; Lloyd George Responds With Warning They Must First Accept Allied Claims

Russia’s Real Aim Is A Foreign Loan; Britain Only Ally Likely To Make One, So Lloyd George Terms May Be Accepted

Germans Astound Genoa Conference By Announcing Compact With Russia Granting All That The Allies Reject

Allies Condemn Germany And Bar Her From Genoa Discussions On Russia; May Stay To Consider Other Issues

Drop Treaty Or Quit Russian Debate, Lloyd George Tells German Envoys; Wirth Tears Up First Reply To Censure

Lloyd George Says Conference Is Saved; Germans Will Accept The Allied Ban; Russians Want A 15-Year Moratorium

Russia Agrees To Take Over Old Debts And Settle Private Foreign Claims, But Demands Recognition And Loan

French Cause Another Genoa Crisis; Demand New Russo-German Pledges; Soviet Leader Joins In Greeting King

Sharp Note By Power To Germany And Lloyd George’s Warning To France End Clash And Start Work At Genoa

Editor Kills Editor on Durango (Col.) Street; Scandal Story After Row Over Dry Law

Lloyd George Gives Soviet 48 Hours For ‘Reasonable’ Answer To Allies; Russians Send Poland Menacing Note

Lloyd George Fears A Welter Of Blood From Russo-German Peril If Genoa Fails; Wishes America Would Help Save Europe

Enright Asks for 25 $5,000 a Year Sleuths To For a Special Secret Service Staff

Russia Must Respect Private Property, Powers Will Tell Her In Note Today, Forcing The Issue On Nationalization

100-Mile Battle Rages Near Peking Wu Pei-Fu Tries To Drive Manchus Out; Southern Fleet Taken By Air Attack


Battle For Peking Continues All Day With Lines Holding

Taft To Pick Arbitrator On Soviet Debt; British And Dutch Get Russian Oil Fields; Hughes Against Soviet Recognition Now

Crisis At Genoa As Soviet Gets Terms; Belgians And French Refuse To Sign; Russians Demand Loan Of $1,500,000,000

France And Belgium Fight Lloyd George; Accuse Him Of Aiding Russian Oil Grab; Stand Together Against Offer To Soviet

Germans Reject French Peace Terms Unless Allies Are To Act In Concert; Oil Excitement Spreads At Conference

Peking Recognizes Control Of Gen. Wu; President To Stay

Failure At Genoa Now Believed Near; Barthou And Lloyd George Meet In Vain; Russian Reply Awaited Without Hope

Lloyd George Sees His Hopes Deferred But May Salvage Something At Genoa; Soviet May Leave Negotiation Open

Girl, Woman, 4 Men Shot In Battle Of Two Bootleg Bands

Russians Still Want To Bargain; Answer Today Won’t End Conference; Hughes’s Stand Is Upheld By Cabinet

200 Labor Chiefs Arrested In Chicago After Two Policemen Are Shot Dead And Industrial Plants Are Bombed

Russians Withdraw All Concessions, But Suggest Experts Review Finances; Future Of Conference Is In Doubt

Power Would Have Russian Commission; But Poincare Refuses To Meet Russians, Sees No Need To Prolong Conference

France Asks US To Join The Allies In Effort To Solve Russian Problem; Lloyd George Offers New Compromise

Allies Plan Meeting At Hague June 15 To Try For An Agreement On Russia; Hope United States Will Join Them

Hughes Declines Hague Invitation; Sees No Chance To Aid Russia Now; Soviet Decides To Attend Meeting

Russians May Seek To Meet Our Terms; Hughes Note Has An Effect At Genoa; Invitation To Hague May Be Repeated

Soviet Accepts Hague Proposals; Genoa Ends Friday

Negro Boy Tortured and Burned at Stake In Georgia After Killing White Woman

Allies Hopeful As Genoa Parley Ends; Lloyd George Gives Russians Warning; Must Agree At The Hague To Pay Debts

Two Killed, One Hurt in Automobile Crash; Six Are Injured in Roller Coaster Mishap

Trotzky Talks War As Russian Guns Sink Italian Ship

Ulster M.P. Slain In Belfast Street; Terror Grips City

Ward Admits Taking Poison; Blackmail Mystery Deepens

Ward Quits Police Post; Must Prove Blackmail Story

Ward Rearrested, Dines With Sheriff But Sleeps In Jail

Women Democrats Repudiate Hearst

Wilson Commends Anti-Hearst Women; Hylan Assails Them

Cannibalism Still Prevails In Volga Famine Districts

Ward Blackmailed Before Over A Girl; $1,000 Hushed Case

Harding Dedicates Lincoln Memorial; Blue And Gray Join


Search Ward Home But Find No Clue To Death Mystery

Discrimination Against Jews Suspected In New Harvard Policy on Admission

Cunninghamp Story Baffles Officials In Ward Mystery

Untermyer Tells Schiff He Is Taking Chances Of Jail

Drink-Crazed Giant Shot By Police Hero

Union Held Suable For Strike Damage By Supreme Court

$60,000,000 Is Cut From Pay Of 400,000 Railroad Shopmen

43 Klansmen Indicted for California Raid; Accused of Kidnapping and Intent to Murder

Schiff Denies Firm Is Bound To Finance New Steel Merger

Will Raise $500,000 For G.O.P. Campaign To Retain Congress

Harrison Charges Republicans Seek To ‘Buy’ A Congress

50 Or More Dead In City’s Worst Storm; 40 Probably Drowned At Beaches; 6 Dead, 27 Hurt In Ferris Wheel Crash

Dry Agents Accuse Three Big Hotels

Gold Coins Minted By Croesus Found In Ruins Of Sardis

Lasker Stands by Selling Of Liquors On Our Ships At Sea

400 Buildings Burned At Arverne; 10,000 Made Homeless, 60 Injured; Loss $4,000,000 In Half Square Mile

Third Rail Pay Cut Takes $26,500,000 From 325,000 Men

Women Assigned to Pick Twelve Greatest, Feeling Their Limitations, Ask Men to Aid

Murderer Escapes Sing Sing; Hundreds Join Night Man Hunt

Harvey’s Son-In-Law Held In Arms Plot

Marconi, With New Device, Guides Radio In Chosen Direction

5,000 Strikers Storm Illinois Mine, Forcing Surrender Under White Flag; 14 Reported Killed, Score Wounded

Field Marshal Wilson Assassinated By Irishmen Before His London Home; Dies Sword In Hand, Drawn Too Late

No Regret In Mine Field Over Massacre; Strikers Defend Attack, Blame Guards; District Quiet, Troops Ready To Move

Berlin Assassins Slay Rathenau; Minister’s Death Laid To Royalists; Germans Rally To Defend Republic

Shooting Follows Reine Davies’ Party; Victim’s Wife Held

Ireland Warned, Must Stop Disorder Or Britain Will Again Be Free To Act; Lloyd George Policy Upheld, 342 To 75


400,000 Rail Shopmen To Strike July 1 Unless Ordered Wage Cuts Are Held Up; Ultimatum Is Sent To Railroad Heads

Bielaski Escapes, Pays No Ransom; Flees Barefoot, Falls Over Cliff, Swims River, Safe In Mexico City

Part Of Dublin Four Courts Captured; Stormed By Free Staters, 33 Men Taken; O’Connor Is At Bay In Small Building

400,000 Railroad Shopmen Quit Today But Way Maintenance Men Will Delay; Jewell Defiant, Flouts Labor Board

Rail Strike On, 90% Of Shopmen Out; A Few Trackmen Join, Little Disorder; Trains All Run, Some Delays Here

Strike Fails To Delay Train Service; Hundreds Here Flock To Strikers’ Jobs; Act Today On Strike Of 400,000 Way Men

Way Men Defer Strike For Labor Board; Will Confer Today, Expecting Wage Rise; Strikers Outlawed A Few More Quitting

Way Men Abandon Their Plan For Strike; To Discuss Wages With Separate Roads; Union Pickets To Be Doubled Here Today

Strikers Show Readiness To Talk Peace; Conciliation By Labor Board Indicated; Many Return To Work After The Holiday

150 Passengers In Subway Overcome By Smoke And Fumes From Chemicals; Mayor Blames Fire Extinguisher

British Preparing For Republic’s Fall In German Turmoil

Illinois Troops Out, Missouri To Act; Rail Guards Fire Into Mob, Kill Youth; Federal Action Authorized At Chicago

Fear Trouble Today As Shops Reopen And Time Limit To Rail Strikers Ends; Troops In Six Central States Ready

Roads Now Showing Strike Effects In Freight Embargo And Fewer Trains; Harding Proposes Coal Peace Plan

Harding Proclaims Trains Must Run, Warns Strikers Not To Interfere; Chicago Reports Settlement Near

Rail Heads Refuse To Meet Strikers; Insist They Return To Work First; N.Y. Central Averts Clerks’ Strike

Weeks Ready To Move Troops In Texas; Holds States Responsible For Order; Jewell Says He Holds Out For Justice

98,000 More Vote To Join Rail Strike; Hooper Brings Rival Chiefs Together And Washington Is Hopeful Of Peace

Miners Reject Harding’s Peace Plan; He Seeks To Avert Rail Strike’s Spread; Settlement Moves Halt At Chicago

Trackmen Now Threaten To Join Strike; Asked To Do Strikers’ Work, They Say; Effort To Wreck Trains And A Bridge

Seven Killed In Attack On A Non-Union Mine; Harding Tells Coal Operators To Reopen Mines; Hooper Renews The Rail Strike Conferences

Harding To 28 States; ‘Protect Mining’; Promises Government Help If Needed; Labor Board Blocks Rail Strike Spread

Most Governors Support Harding; Operators To Resume With States’ Aid; Hooper’s Efforts For Rail Peace Fail

Harding Pledges A Coal Commission; Ohio And Pennsylvania Troops Out; Rail Conference In Washington Fails

Harding To Act For Rail Settlement; Summons Hooper To Give Information; Hoover Plans To Pool And Ration Coal

Harding At Work On Rail Peace Plan; Confers With Hooper And Senators; Also Hears Plea Of Coal Field Mayors

Harding Urged To Start Coal Inquiry; Move Today To Control Distribution; Hooper Denies New Move For Rail Peace

Daugherty Finds Coal Control Legal; Joint Commission Will Ration Supply; Cabinet To Consider Rail Action Today

Federal Rail And Coal Control Taken To Assure Food And Fuel Distribution; Harding Stands By Rail Labor Board

Harding Strongly Urges Strikers To Go Back; Defends Use Of Troops To Protect The Workers; Confers With Rail Heads, Calls Union Leaders

148 Major Roads Call Meeting Here To Consider Rail Peace On Tuesday; Harding Suggests Basis To End Strike

Harding Draws Up Plan For Rail Peace; Strikers Meet On Tuesday, May Accept; Fuel Directors Named; More Open Mines

Harding Mails Plan To Leaders; Roads Show Hostility, Union May Accept; Protracted Negotiations Are Expected

Washington Hears Roads Will Accept Harding’s Plan, But Under Protest; Regarded As A Command To Be Heeded


Harding Presses Both Sides To Settle As The Conferences Meet Today; Executives Here Oppose Seniority Plan

Rail Executives Reject Harding Peace Plan; Will ‘Fight To A Finish’ On Seniority Issue; Strikers Talk Long, Likely To Accept Today

Harding To Defer Further Rail Action; Will See Whether Roads’ Service Gains; Indiana Takes Mines, Troops On Guard

Eastern Roads Send Shop Recruits To Man Four Southers Coal Carriers; 12 Non-Striking Unions Plan To Confer

Brotherhoods Asking Harding To Confer; Shop Craft Heads To See Him Today; Illinois Coal Operators Offer Terms

Rail Strike Leaders Meet President; Want Labor Board To Restore Seniority And Rescind Order ‘Outlawing’ Strikers

Third Rails Torn Out Of Line At Night, In Attempt To Block Long Island Trains; Coal Conference Today, Lewis Hopeful

Shopmen Criticise Call By Harding To Return; Ask For A Conference Of All The Rail Unions; Miners And Owners Get Peace Plan, May Accept

President May Seek Broader Powers In Rail Strike, Asks House To Return; Coal Conferees Expect Results Today

Quit If Endangered, Says Big Four Heads; Back Joliet Walkout, Threaten More; Coal Conference Waiting More Owners

Brotherhoods Tie Up The Santa Fe By California Walkout Against Guards; Western Governors Want Mines Seized

Rail Executives Take Plan To President That ‘Neither Rejects Nor Surrenders’; Strike Spreading Rapidly In The West

Railway And Labor Heads Meet To Settle The Strike After Both Sides Had Conferred With The President; Arbitration Of The Seniority Question Now Proposed

Rail Peace Fails; Unions Reject Harding’s Plan; Government Action To Be Considered Tuesday; West Shore Train Bombed, 20 Passengers Hurt

Rail Union Chiefs Go To White House, But Harding Declines New Mediation; Near Agreement In Soft Coal Strike

Roads Accept Unions’ Plea To Confer; Harding Plans To address Congress; National Soft Coal Peace Is Assured

Harding To Defer Going To Congress Pending Rail Peace Move Here Today; Will Urge Law To Control Coal Prices

Seniority Divides Rail Conference; Still Hope For A Peace Basis Today; Harding Will Ask For New Legislation

Harding To Congress; ‘Law Must Rule’; Asks Coal Inquiry, Stronger Rail Law; Rail Peace Put Off Until Next Week

Senate By 48 To 25 Passes Tariff Bill; Borah Alone Of Republicans Votes ‘No’; Uproar Over Last Rush For High Duties

Congress Balks At New Strike Laws; Rail Labor Chiefs See Peace This Week; Two Die In Wreck Due To Drawn Spikes

Rail Peace Not Assured, Say Executives; Gompers Asks All Labor To Aid Strike; House To Rush Bill For Coal Inquiry

U.S. Steel Gives 20% Wage Increase To 156,000; Coke Men Also Get Rise; Hard Coal Conferences End In A Break

Irish Appalled At Death Of Collins; Fell Fighting With Victory At Hand; Dail Meets Soon To Seek New Leader

Coal Mine Seizure Proposed In Senate; Warning Of Hardship If Strike Goes On; 20 Roads Confer For Separate Peace

Harding For Mine And Road Seizure Unless The Strikers Are Settled Soon; Rail Mediation Ends; Finish Fight On

Ford Short Of Coal, To Close Plants; Leaders Balk At Giving Harding Power To Take Over Coal Mines And Roads

Drastic Action On Strike In Doubt As Harding Weighs The Opposition; Miller To Propose A Fuel Dictator

Miller Asks Drastic State Fuel Law; Wants Coal Distributed At Fair Prices; Harding Has Dropped Mine Seizure Plan

Harding Revives Plan For Wider Power; Coal Shipments Hindered By Sabotage; State Fuel Law Passed And Signed

House Votes No Extra Power To Harding; Arranging End Of Anthracite Strike; Say Two Are In Labor Board Illegally


Hard Coal Peace By Saturday Promised If Public Gives Mandate, Say Operators; House Passes Coal Distribution Bill

Government Gets Sweeping Strike Injunction; Bars Interference With Railroads Or Workers; Gompers, Protesting, Talks Of A General Strike

Anthracite Coal Strike Is Settled; Operators Yield On Plea By Harding; Gompers Sends Pledge To Rail Strikers

7 Shopmen Die In Fire Laid To Strikers; Harding Bent On Maintaining Traffic; Anthracite Mines To Reopen Monday

Gompers Declares Injunction Illegal; Labor Fund Started Here To Fight It; Our Normal Delay On Big Travel Day

Daugherty Defends Strike Injunction; No Intention To Curb Personal Rights; Rail Strike Peace Rumors Are Denied

Move For Peace On 52 Roads Reported; Toning Down Strike Injunction Likely; Robinson Denounces It In The Senate

Union Starts Counter-Injunction Suit; Daugherty Will Modify His Complaint; Prospect Of Partial Rail Peace Grows

Mrs. Harding Worse; Recovery Not Sure; Specialists Called

Mrs. Harding Still In Critical State; Shows Slight Gain

Daugherty To Push For Drastic Power In Rail Injunction

Rail Injunction Is Extended Ten Days As Court Hears Strikers Denounce It; Daugherty Offers No Modifications

Brides No Longer Need Say “Obey”

End Of Railway Strike Is Authorized By Shopmen, Beginning With 52 Roads; Individual Agreements To Be Made

Smyrna Burning, 14 Americans Missing; 1,000 Massacred As Turks Fire City; Kemal Threatens March On Capital

Smyrna In Ruins, Probably 2,000 Dead; Allies Agree To Keep Straits Neutral; British Fleet Will Bar Kemal’s Army

Britain Prepares To Fight For Straits; Calls On Dominions To Send Troops; Smyrna Wiped Out, Killings Continue

Eyewitness Story Of Smyrna’s Horror; 200,000 Victims Of Turks And Flames; Kemal Demands Greeks Quit Thrace

Britain Sends Lord Curzon To France To Get Backing For Free Dardanelles; French Cabinet Is Hurriedly Called

Kemal Promises To Halt His Advance If Turks Are Assured Eastern Thrace; Cabinet Backs Poincare, Opposes Force

Bonus Killed In Senate, Lacks 4 Votes, After House Overrides Veto, 258 To 54; Bill Believed Dead For Harding’s Term

Allies Hear Turks Draft An Ultimatum Asking Evacuation Of Thrace In 48 Hours; British Rebuff French, Stay In Chanak

Turks Take Position Near Dardanelles And Mass More Forces Toward Capital; Paris Frames New Plan To Avert Clash

Allies Promise East Thrace To Turks, Straits To Be Free Under The League; Lloyd George States Britain’s Case

Turks Receive Proposal From Allies; Army Is Reported Getting Out Of Hand; French Are Rushing An Envoy To Kemal

3,000 Turkish Cavalry Near Chanak; Main Forces Reported Close Behind; British Send Column To Halt Invaders

Greek Army Revolts, King’s Abdication Reported; Turks Entrench In Neutral Zone, Along Straights In The Face Of 48-Hour Ultimatum From British

George Made King As Constantine Quits; Revolutionists Marching On Athens; Turks Make Promises, Still Advance

Turks Overrun Whole Neutral Zone; Invest British Positions At Chanak; George On Greek Throne, Rebels Rule

Kemal Defiant, Tells British To Retire; Harington Gives A Counter Ultimatum, And Clash At The Straits Seems Near


Turks Evacuate On Straits Position As Kemal Is Reported Concilliatory; British Suggest A New Military Line

Kemal Orders All Chanak Moves Halted, But His Troops Remain Close To British; Armistice Meeting Set For Tomorrow

Allies Find Turks’ Terms Unacceptable; May Modify Them At Conference Today; Hughes Using Influence For Peace

Georgia Woman, 87, Is Named As Senator

Turks Concilliatory, Accept Allied Note, Terms In Principle

Giants And Yankees Tie In 10 Innings, 3-3

Harding Prohibits Liquor On Our Ships And On Foreign Craft In American Ports; Backs Sweeping Ruling By Daugherty

Allies Will Give Thrace To Turks If Terms Are Met

Plan To Reorganize I.R.T. Is Accepted By Security Owners

Youth, Accused By Comrade, Held For Hall-Mills Murder

Arrest Of Youth Fails To Halt Hunt For Hall’s Slayer

Rival Of Mrs. Mills Sought As Slayer; Town Backs Hayes

Hayes Is Set Free; Murder Hunt Turns To Mrs. Hall’s Coat

Hall Family Ask Governor To Name New Investigator

Artist Finds Lenin At Work And Fit

New Letters Prove Hall-Mills Intrigue Declares Detective

Man And Woman Will Be Arrested Today For Murder Of Rector Hall And Mrs. Mills Who, Letters Show, Planned Elopement

New Woman Witness Confronts Mrs. Hall But Gives No Sign Of Recognition; No Arrest In Sight, Says Prosecutor

New Evidence Places Hall-Mills Murder Five Miles From The Phillips Farm And The Time At 10:30 P.M. Sept. 14

Lloyd George Government Resigns When Conservatives Bolt Coalition; Bonar Law Tries To Form New Cabinet

Saw Couple Murder Hall And Mrs. Mills; Woman Now Swears

Woman And 2 Men Face Indictments In Hall-Mills Case

Death Of 14 In Fire Traced To Madman; Police Search City

Havey Raises Question: ‘Have Women Souls’; If So, They Need New Commandments, He Says

Tablet Of 2100 B.C. Makes Adam Victim Of Jealous Gods

Fascisti to Seize Italy, Leader Swears, Unless Power Is Given Them Peacefully

Coup By Fascisti Forces The Fall Of Italy’s Cabinet

Fascisti Reported Seizing Control Of Italian Cities

King Victor Rejects State Of Siege Edict; Fascisti Cheer Him

King Victor Bows To Fascisti Power; Calls Mussolini

Mussolini Forms Cabinet For Italy With Fascisti Aids


‘Black Shirts’ Hold A Roman Triumph In Assuming Power

Mrs. Hall Answers Queries For An Hour From 25 Reporters

Warrants For Two In Hall Murder – Await Signatures

Four Girls Killed, 6 Person Hurt, In Celluloid Fire

Lloyd George Calls For A Centre Group To Curb Extremists

Kemalists Seize Constantinople; Order Allies Out

Powerful Influence Hinted By Officials In Hall-Mills Case

Smith Sweeps The State, Wins By 375,000; Copeland elected; Legislature Near A Tie; Democrats Appear To Have Won The House

Republican Margin In Congress Is Slender; Wets Say They Will Have 185 Seats In House; Smith By 390,000; Has State Senate By 1 Vote

Harding To Try To Rally Republicans; Calls Congress In Extra Session, Nov. 20; Wets Demand Action, Talk Third Party

Scotland Yard Head Secretly Poisoned Amid His Sleuths

Poison Clue Is Lost, Scotland Yard Says

Allies Are Seeking To Avert Explosion In Constantinople

Rules Japanese Can’t Be Citizens

New Political Group Planned By Radicals May Be Third Party

Conservatives Lead Election With 160; Labor, 69; Asquith, 23; Lloyd George, 24; Less Than Half Of Results Reported

Mussolini Demands Chamber Obey Him Or Be Dissolved

Grand Jury Calls Dry Enforcement Here A Disgrace

Drop 50 Dry Agents Who Got No Results

Louisiana Governor Comes To Washington To See What Can Be Done With The Ku Klux; Mentions Disappearance Of Several Men

Louisiana To Fight The Klan Without Federal Aid Now

Clemenceau Appeals To US For France; Sees Peril In German Militarists, Who May Destroy German Democracy

Senators Denounce Clemenceau’s Plea

Clemenceau’s Bid For Our Aid Abroad Assailed In Senate

Ku Klux Denounced By Masonic Leader; Police Fight Starts

American Demand For The Open Door And Ban On Near East Secret Treaties Presented At Lausanne Conference

Irish Rout Police And Repel Firemen In A Broadway Riot

Thompson Assails Clemenceau Airms, But Receives Him

Greek Ex-Premiers Shot For War Rout; Britain Offended, Breaks Relations; Our Charge Warned Against Killings

Greek King Is Held Captive In Palace; His Plea To Leave The Country Refused; Fear For Prince Andrew, Soon To Be Tried


President Moves To Block Radicals Planning For War

Turks Proclaim Banishment Edict To 1,000,000 Greeks

Filibuster Kills Anti-Lynching Bill

Turks Won’t Accept Russian Proposals For Straits Regime

Russians Demand Closing Of Straits On Turks’ Behalf

No Forts In Straits, Allies Are Agreed; Warships Must Pass

Internal Gold Loan Planned by Germany

America Opposes Ouster Of Greeks In Constantinople

Harding Message Hints At Peace Move; Clmenceau Hails It As An Overture; New Rail Policy, Dry Strictness Urged

Bonar Law Moves To Cancel French Debt For Reduction In German Reparations And Abandonment Of A Policy Of Force

Masked Klansman In Brooklyn Pulpit Defies Police Ban

Clemenceau Tells Farmers Isolation Blocks Prosperity

American Envoy Asks Guarantees For Minorities

America Is Heeding Cry Of The World, Harding Declares

Bonar Law Says Britain Cannot Pay Us Until The Allies Or Germany Pay Her; Talk Of Big Loan Here To Save Germany

Harding To Help Europe, Ponders Plans; World Loan To Germany May Be One Way, But Debt Cancellation Is Barred Out

Washington’s Plans To Aid Europe Reported As Cautious But Active; Paris Reports Receipt Of A Feeler

Borah Opens Fire On Harding Plans To Assist Europe

Bandits Rob Truck Before Denver Mint; Flee With $200,000

Atrocities Marked Greek Executions Of Former Leaders

America Asked to Fix Reparations; England Said To Have Consented, Hughes Awaiting France’s Answer

Business Men Here And In Europe Join In Effort To Solve Reparation Problem; No Official Move Made By Cabinets Yet

Explosion Reveals Wire-Bound Bodies Of Supposed Ku Klux Victims In Lake; Louisiana Governor Sends More Troops

First Arrest Made In Supposed Klan Mer Rouge Murders

Hooded Murderers Of Mer Rouge Men Known To Agents

Prisoner Held For Mer Rouge Murders Denies He’s In Klan

Arrest Dr. M’Koin, Reputed Klan Head, As Mer Rouge Slayer

Harding Moving For World Conference, But Lodge In Senate Opposes Borah Plan And Majority Will Block The Proposal

Harding, Asking More Freedom To Act, Condemns Borah Plan To Aid Europe And Restrictions Put On Debt Funding

Washington For Financiers’ Tribunal To Fix Reparations; Ready To Take Part; Hughes Announces It; Borah Plan Dies

Britain To Insist On Reparations Cut And A Moratorium For Germany; Washington Sees Hope For Our Plan

News Source: New York Times

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