1921: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


Sober Crowds Jam Streets Of City On New Year’s Eve

Julian Dick Shot By His Best Friend At New Year Party

Lost Ballon Safe Near Hudson Bay: All The Men Alive

Police Send Aid To Naval Airmen In Canadian Wilds

Federal Power Offered To Crush Building Graft

Governor Miller Shocks Politicians With Drastic Program Of Economy; Plans Not Only State But City Reform

$100,000,000 Fraud In Liquor Released On Forged Orders

Caribou Moss Diet Helped Save Fliers From Starvation

Mrs. W.K. Vanderbilt To Live In Avenue A

2 Whisky Deaths A Poison Mystery

Harding Vetoes Elaborate Inaugural; Time To Set An Example Of Thrift; Ceremony Simple, Ball Abandoned

Airmen, Safe At Mattice, Brawl over Reports Sent Home; Farrell, Enraged By ‘Suicide’ Tale, Knocks Hinton Down; Congress Likely To Order Investigation Of Flight

Police Raid Cafes Under Excise Law

Police On Guard At Public Buildings, Churches And Homes Of Prominent Men; Officials Silent; Rumors Of Bomb Plot

Warning Given Of Plot To Blow Up Custom House

Club Halts Horse Diving Into Subway

Radicals Dynamite Union Chief’s Home

Say Holland Has Asked Hohenzollerns To Leave The Country Because Of Plot By Crown Prince To Invade Germany

Senators Demand Root For Cabinet In Place Of Hughes

Mail Thieves Get $700,000 In Loot

‘Dry’ Enforcement Put Up To Police By The Governor

Plot To Take Life Of Lloyd George Rumored In Paris

Wilson Asks Powers To Give Russia Guarantee Against External Attack To Hasten Peace And Test Bolsheviki

Auto Bandits Raid Westchester Roads Near Rockefeller’s

One Man’s Head Blown Off, 3 Other Hurt, When Workman Chops Into Lead Pipe Bomb

Miller Rebuffs Hylan In Traction Plea; Says State Only Has Regulative Power; Lawmakers Limit Lockwood Inquiry

Mob Burns Negro After 100-Mile Trip

Miller Tells League Of Women Voters It Is A Menace To Our Institutions; Attacks Its Social Welfare Program

Fix German Indemnity At $55,500,000,000, In Graded Annual Payments For 42 Years, Plus 12 1/2 Per Cent. Tax On German Exports

Ten Die As Fire In Hoboken Sweeps Hotel At Midnight

Allied Reparation Terms Bar Germany From Negotiating A Loan Abroad; Warned Against Disarmament Delay


Quitting Of Ford By Many Officials Causes Commotion

German Cabinet Rejects Entente Indemnity Plan

Palmer Puts Ban On Wholesale Liquor Releases

Brindell Guilty; Faces 15-Year Term; Jury In Extortion Trial Out 80 Minutes; Building Grafter Hears Fate Calmly

La Guardia Hints At Transit Scandal

Lloyd George Says Demands Of The Allies Are Reasonable And Germany Must Pay; Report Of German Approaches To US

Wilson Rejects Rail Men’s Plea For New Hearing

Wilson Will Keep Secluded 6 Months

Geddes Coming To Press Disarmament And Urge Call For World Conference; Washington Expects Harding To Act

Britain Repudiates Reported Warning Of Drift To War

Two Men Killed In Whisky Hold-Up On Jersey Road

Says Slain Bandit Was ‘Stool Pigeon’ In Whitman Inquiry

Police Aid Charged In Whisky Murder

50 Passengers Hurt, 15 Seriously, In Long Island Railway Crash; Motorman Ran Past A Red Signal

Full Power Over Fares And Franchises Given To The New Transit Commision In Bill Made Public By Gov. Miller

Mustard Gas Drives Off Safe Robbers Who Blow Open a Michigan Bank Vault

Typhus Case Found In Bronx Hospital

Business Man Kills Detective, Wounds Two In His Office

Drug Raiders Seize $60,000 Narcotics On Lower East Side

Floating Poolroom Raid Nets 11 Women

Admits Millionaire Was Man Arrested As Suspect In Ritz

Daugherty Agrees To Take Place Of Attorney General

Hoover Invited To Enter Cabinet; Denby For The Navy

Continent Spanned By Airplane Mail In 33 Hrs. 20 Min.

4 Die As Locomotive Is Blown To Bits

Bank Clerk Walks Out Of Institution With $772,000 Bonds

Dry Agents Sweep City In Big Raid; 100 Are Arrested

30 Or More Killed, 100 Are Injured In Double Train Wreck At Porter, Ind.; Engine Plows Through Derailed Car


12,000 In Garden Under Police Guard Attack France

German Offer Of $7,500,000,000 Rejected; Lloyd George Ends Parley Abruptly; Military Chiefs Called In Council

Germans Today Must Make New Offer Or Allies Will Enforce Penalties; May Seize Ruhr Coal Ports On Rhine

Lloyd George Sternly Rebukes Germans; Gives Them Four Days To Accept Terms Or Make New Offer And Cites Penalties

Harding Inaugurated, Declares Against Entanglements; Wilson, Weakened By Illness, Unable To Join In Ceremony; Gen. Pershing Slated To Go To France As Ambassador

Hughes’s First Act Is An Ultimatum To Latin Republics To Stop Fighting; Ready To Employ Force On The Isthmus

Germans In Eleventh Hour Conferences Amend Their Proposals To Allies, But London Doubts Terms Will Satisfy

Foch’s Armies Advance To Seize More German Towns As London Reparations Conference Ends In Failure; No Peace Till Germany Makes Definite Settlement

Germany Passive As Towns Are Seized; May Make New Proposal To Entente; Simons Mission And Envoy Quit London

No Legal Limit On Beer And Wine Doctor Can Order

Brewers Jubilant Over ‘Medical’ Beer

Fourteen Negroes Shot In Race Riot

Aged Man Shoots 4, Fearing Return Of Three Hold-Up Men

Woman Organist Slain By Ripper 50 Feet From Home

Six Irishmen Die On Dublin Gallows As Crowds Pray

Call On Germany To Pay By May 1, 12 Billion Marks

Call On Germany To Pay A Billion Within 8 Days

Fight On Border With Mexicans

Ten Airships Free To Any Operator

Grain Dust Ignites; Explosion Kills 4

Germany Rescues 200,000,000 Francs Held In France

Hoover Opposes Trade With Russia

Soviet Begs Harding To Open Relations; Tons Of Gold On Way Here To Start Trade; Lloyd George Defends Deal With Soviet

German Reds Rise At Soviet’s Call; Seize Or Destroy Public Buildings; Moscow’s Offer To US Is Given Out

30 Die In Hamburg, Saxony Quieter; Moscow Blamed For German Riots; France Roused By Indemnity Default

Hughes Rejects Soviet Proposals; No Trade Until Moscow Reforms; Russian-Led Germans Still Rioting

Detective Killed Raiding Card Game

Bomb Set Off In Berlin; 3 Dead In Riots; Saxon Reds Hold Out In Two Towns; Officials Find Proof Of Moscow’s Guilt

Taft Selected As Chief Justice Of Supreme Court

Chicago Fireworks Explosion Kills 8 And Injures 75

Bogus Lawyer Here Sold Fake Divorces


Rally To Charles Apparently Fails; He May Now Go Back To Switzerland; Little Entente Threatened Invasion

Bolsheviki’s Own Record of Their Crimes; 4,300 Executed, 29,000 Jailed, in 6 Months

Prof. Einstein Here, Explains Relativity

Ex-Emperor Charles, Pleading Illness, Delays His Departure From Hungary; His Staff Declares He Will Not Yield

Soviet Trade Agents Ordered by Lenin To Foment Strikes and General Discontent

Monroe Doctrine For All The World Republican Senators’ New Policy; No Alliances, But A Stand For Peace

Hughes Note Demands Equal Rights For US In Seized German Colonies; Rejects League Mandates As Invalid

Premier Holds Out Hope Of New Parley; Miners Reject His Plea To Man Pumps; Warned Of Menace To British Industry

King George Calls Up Armed Reserves; British Triple Alliance Votes To Strike; Plan Distribution Of Food By Airship

Call Meeting To End British Strike; Owners, Men And Cabinet To Confer; Protection To Mines Is Assured

Harris Admits His Elwell Murder Tale Was All A Lie

Strike Conference Starts In London With Jarring Note

Harding Rejects League Outright; Wants Altered Versailles Treaty And A Modified Peace Resolution

Triple Alliance To Strike Friday; Electricians Will Darken London; Premier Sends Warning To Unions

British Miners Open Way To New Parley; Offer To Confer On Temporary Wages; Last Effort Now To Avert Big Strike

Labor Split Averts British Strike; Alliance Cancels Its Order To Quit; Miners To Consider Action Today

Miller’s Full Program Put Through; Final Action On Charter Revision; Senate Adopts Change In Income Tax

First Woman Executed by Sinn Feiners; Taken From Home at Midnight and Shot

Japanese Curt In Reply On Yap; Hit Bad Faith

Ready To Fight For Monroe Doctrine, Plans To Invite World Disarmament, Says Harding At Bolivar Unveiling

Jack Cudahy Kills Himself By Shot From Hunting Gun

Harding Rejects Germany’s Plea That He Mediate And Fix Total Amount Of Reparations She Must Pay; Suggests Making New Offer He Might Send To Allies

Germany To Make New Offer At Once; Submits Plan To Restore War Ruins; Hughes Note Disappoints France

Germany Sending US New Proposal; Basic Offer May Be 50 Billion Marks; Hughes Working With Allied Envoys

New German Offer Now On Way To US; Close To Paris Demand, Berlin Hears; Premiers Await It And Our Action

New Berlin Note Now In Washington; Germany Offers 200 Billion Marks, Guarantees And Flexible Payments

German Offer Received, France At Once Rejects It; Reply To Hughes’s Sounding Sent Within Three Hours; Full Text Of Rejected Offer — New One Already Coming

German Offer Rejected, Allies Present Bill For 132 Billions; Formally Handed To German Agent In Paris Last Night; Hughes Awaits Notice Of Allied Attitude On Berlin Note

France Determined To Occupy Ruhr; Lloyd George Repeats Pledge To Aid; Briand Calls German Offer A Trick

Berlin Cabinet May Have To Quit Now; See No Way To Avert Further Penalties But Full Surrender To Paris Demands


Senate Votes Peace With Germany; Allies Divided At London Council; German Cabinet Decides To Stay

Allies To Give Germany An Ultimatum, While France Mobilizes Her Forces; Briand Agrees To Delay Invasion

Hughes In Midnight Message Advises Germany To Make New And Definitive Proposals Direct To The Allies; 10 Days’ Grace To Germany; France Calls 200,000 Troops

Allies Invite America To Join Councils; Agree On Ultimatum To Germany; Berlin Heeds Hughes, Drafts New Note

German Cabinet Resigns Office As Allies Complete Their Ultimatum; French Troops Moving Toward Ruhr

Ultimatum Presented To Germany; Lloyd George Calls Demands Fair; Allies Never Unduly Harsh, He Says

America Back In Allied Councils; Harding Agrees To Limited Part; France Fears Loss On German Bonds

German Cabinet Of Surrender May Be Formed Today

Germans Now Swing To Rejection; Say French Will Get Ruhr Anyhow; Civil War Is Raging In Silesia

Germany May Yield To Allies Today; Parties Vote To Accept Ultimatum As 100,000 Entente Troops Move Up

Reichstag, 221 To 175, Yields To Allies; Accepts Cabinet Headed By Wirth; He Warns Of German Peril In Delay

Germany’s Surrender Unconditional; Commons Cheers News By Premier; France To Keep Army Ready To Advance

Charge Poisoning Of Four Husbands

Lloyd George Says Germany Must Get Fair Play In Silesia

France And Britain Clash On Silesia; Briand Bans Use Of German Troops; London Thinks Break Will Be Averted

Sinn Feiners Raid Houses In London; Burn And Shoot There And In Liverpool; Score Slain In Red Week-End In Ireland

33 Slain In Ireland In 2 Days’ Fighting; Woman Shot Dead

Germany Ready to Pay $37,500,000 at Once On Account of the $250,000,000 Due May 31

Hughes Rejects Polish Plea For Aid; Silesia Solely Of European Concern; Lloyd George Warns The French Press

America will Not Enter The League, Harvey Declares In London Speech; Will Sit In Silesian Conference

Albany Rioters Stone Street Cars And Fight Police

Mob Fights Police In Raid On Saloon

Bottles Bombard Police After Raid

France Warns Germany That Invasion Of Silesia Would Be Regarded As War; Lloyd George Decides To Send Troops

Belfast Fights, Parades And Votes In First Election

Sinn Feiners Burn Dublin Custom House; Fight Pitched Battle In The Streets; 18 Killed Or Wounded, 111 Prisoners

Justice White’s Will Contains Only 51 Words; Leaves Estate of About $150,000 to Widow

Anti-Bolsheviki Take Vladivostok; Fly Imperial Flag

Offer US A Place On Board To Check German Payments

Seven Die In Crash Of Ambulance Plane As Potomac Storm Downs Army Fliers; Brig. Gen. Mitchell In Thrilling Escape

20 Per Cent. Mortgage On German Wealth Planned To Finance Reparation Fund; Berlin Completes Payment Of A Billion


Harding Seeks Association Of Nations Based On Supreme Council And Court; Puts Out Feelers On Sea Armament Cut

85 Whites And Negroes Die In Tulsa Riots As 3,000 Armed Men Battle In Streets; 30 Blocks Burned, Military Rule In City

Tulsa In Remorse To Rebuild Homes; Dead Now Put At 30

Irish Kill Eleven, Fire Shell Plant And Raid Prison

Floods Sweep Over Eastern Colorado, 500 Dead In Pueblo; Part Of City Engulfed As Cloudburst Swells Streams; Houses Are Toppled Over And Fire Adds To Horror

New Floods And Rains At Pueblo But Dead May Not Exceed 350; Platte River Menaces Denver

Pueblo Conscripts All Men For Labor To Clear Flooded Area; Death List Drops; Harding Asks People To Help The City

Chicago Packers Ask New Reduction in Wages; Want 100,000 Workers Cut Five Cents An Hour

‘Babe’ Ruth Plays After Day In Jail

Kill Maniac In Attic In Gun Battle After Two Policemen Die

Says Hired ‘Ghosts’ Murdered Kaber

Negro Is Mobbed After Shooting Two

Mob Goes to Lynch Girl’s Negro Slayer

Boston Printers In Sudden Strike Cripple 5 Dailies

Harris Lipschitz, Accuser Of Marines, Murdered In Haiti

Parley With Japan For Full Agreement Opened By Hughes

Bolshevist Revolt Starts in Silesia; Berlin Reports Polish Officers in it

Firebugs Attempt To Burn Princeton

League Is Shocked To Find That Danzig Sells Mexico Arms

3 Killed, Scores Hurt In Havana Rioting At Gomez Funeral

Piracy Suspected In Disappearance Of 3 American Ships

Planes In War Test Drop 12 Bombs, Sink U-117 In 16 Minutes

Two More U-Boats Sunk In Sea Tests; Two Fliers Killed

Propaganda In Navy Urged ‘Committees’ Of Enlisted Men

Maniac Preachers Slain By Police

Fugitive In ‘Irons’ Swims Four Miles

11 In Burned Home Believed Murdered

Pass Anti-Beer Bill In House 250 To 93

Injunctions Denied To Stop Big Fight; Indictment Sought

War Veterans Invade Socialist Convention; Warn Against Sedition and Offer to Fight


Ex-President Taft Succeeds White As Chief Justice

All Ready For Great Fistic Battle; Last Effort To Stop Bout Fails; Final Betting Is 2 To 1 On Dempsey

Dempsey Knocks Out Carpentier In The Fourth Round; Challenger Breaks His Thumb Against Champion’s Jaw; Record Crowd Of 90,000 Orderly And Well Handled

100,000 Anti-Drys Expected to Parade Today; Believe Volstead Act Violates Their Liberty

Johnson to Demand Return of Our Troops Unless Harding Acts Under Peace Resolution

New Gun Marvel May Shoot 5 Tons 200 To 300 Miles

Irish Conferences Renewed In London; Smuts Raises Hopes Of Settlement; Drift From Extreme Demands Seen

Three Planes Fall; One Beheads A Boy

Truce In Ireland Declared, To Begin On Monday At Noon; DeValera Agrees To Meet Lloyd George On Peace Terms; Dublin Crowds Cheer British Commander And Unionists

Terms Of Irish Truce Are Agreed On; De Valera Warns On Over-Confidence; Meeting With Lloyd George This Week

Harding Proposes Armament Parley; Sounds Britain, France, Italy, Japan; Suggests Conferring On Pacific Also

Lloyd George Endorses Harding Plan; Briand Also For Disarmament Parley; Washington Looks For All To Accept

Police In Battle On 20-Story Roof Take 4 Burglars

Japan Alone Delays Arms Parley Stand, But Washington Expects Her To Accept; London Outcry Against Premier Going

Reparation Solution Believed Found in Plan To Let Germany Pay in Kind Instead of Cash

White House Bolt Startles Harding at Desk; Shocks Policeman Near and Puts Out Lights

Lasker Says Loss On Wartime Fleet Was Four Billions

Russia Arming As If For War; Millions Starve

Compact to Live Together but Never Speak, Kept 9 Years, Is Renewed by Husband and Wife

Burns Tells Story Of Plot To Throw 1919 World Series

Gov. Small Indicted For Theft And Fraud In Illinois Funds

Japan Takes Stand On Sovereign Right In Powers’ Meeting

Ford Tells How He Foiled Wall Street When It Demanded $60,000,000 He Owed; Raised $87,000,000, Turned Banker Out

A Second Brother Victim In Twelfth Rum Feud Murder

Plague Threatens 100,000 Victims In The Cotton Belt

Gunmen Rob Office At Boxing Bout; Escape 100 Police

South Resents Federal Alarm Over Pellagra

Women of Washington Fight Ban on Smoking; 24 to 1 Against It at Public Hearing

Sleuth Runs Wild, Blackjacks 25 In Streets After Raid

King Denies Warning The Prime Minister; Northcliffe, Who Is Mistakenly Accused, Cables Denial To The King’s Secretary

Soviet Accepts Hoover’s Terms For Famine Relief


Germans Open Fight To Get $350,000,000 Seized During War

Famine Is Driving Russia To Revolt; Myriads Of Victims Move On Cities; Peasant Vanguard Routs Red Troops

Found Starving Russian Children Bound To Keep Them From Cannibalism

Britain To Continue Her Navy Building, Pending Conference

America Can Lead World To Peace, Harding Declares

Musicians in 100 Movie and Vaudeville Theatres to Strike Tonight and Sunday

Harvey In Paris For Crucial Council On Silesian Crisis

Our Changsha Consul Seizes Ton of Opium; American Troops Land to Guard Him

Senate Puts Curb On Liquor Raiders In Passing Beer Bill

Hylan Pleads Ignorance On City Finance; Debt Limit Exceeded, Brown Charges; Mayor Blames Legislature In Defense

Hylan Plans Wage Cuts, None In Salaries; Told That 1921 Tax Levy Violates Law; Brown Threatens To Quit Meyer Inquiry

Released American’s First Story of Russia; Terror Worse Than Ever; What Caused Famine

Cabinet Finds Waste in ‘Dry’ Enforcement; Bootleggers’ Profits $500,000,000 Yearly

4 Shot In Crowd In Chrystie Street Bootleggers’ War

Dominion Rule For Ireland Rejected; De Valera Insists On Independence; Lloyd George Says No To Arbitration

‘Catastrophe Boom’ on the Berlin Boerse Precipitates a Stampede of Frantic Buying

De Valera For Complete Separation, He Tells Dail In First Open Session; Members Take Irish Republic Oath

Germans Balking At Admitting Guilt In American Treaty

Tempest In Senate On Anti-Beer Bill

27 Are Wounded As Knoxville Mob Tries To Storm Jail

Fight By Senators To Curb Rum Raids Dims Recess Hopes

Marines Are Rushed To Canal Zone After Warning To Panama

Panama Orders Out Troops To Resist Enforcing Award

Two Tell Of $900 Public Market Bribes; O’Malley Revokes Permits, Drops Aid; Brown Calls It Terrorizing Witnesses

16 Americans, 27 British, Die In ZR-2 Wreck; Only 5 Are Saved; Explosion Rends Airship; She Falls Blazing Into The River Humber

Peace Treaty With Germany Is Signed; We Hold Versailles Compact Rights, But Assume No League Obligations

Irsih Reject British Peace Offer; Lloyd George Replies, Defending It; Keeps Door Open, Warns Against Delay

Policeman Slain In Dark Lot Trying To Rout Gangsters

President To Call A Conference Soon On Unemployment

Soviet Reveals Famine Horrors; Confirms Rumors

Harding Threatens Troops For Mingo Unless Miners Disperse By Tomorrow; Clash On Boone-Logan Line Imminent


Bandits Rob Los Angeles Limited Coaches; New Yorker and His Wife Among Victims

Bandholtz Telegraphs For Troops To Be Sent To Mingo Area At Once; Says Miners Won’t Obey President

Fighting Continues In Mountains As Federal Troops Reach Mingo; Planes Reported Bombing Miners

400 Miners Surrendered With Arms As Troops Surround Fighting Area; Quick Peace In Sight In West Virginia

Sinn Fein Again Rejects British Offer; Denies That It Grants Dominion Status, But Will Confer On A Basis Of ‘Consent’

Stricken Russia, Patient Under Famine; Pen Pictures From Two Correspondents Of Her Deep Suffering And Fortitude

De Valera Warns War Will Follow British Ultimatum On Irish Terms; Cabinet Meets Today To Discuss Crisis

League In Dilemma Over Chile’s Appeal To Monroe Doctrine

New Offer To Irish Backed In Britain As the Absolute Limit Of Concession; Dail Eireann Is Expected To Accept

5 Shot In $1,000,000 Drug Raid, 1 Missing; Greek Liner Seized

40 Known Dead, Fear 250 Perished In Flood That Sweeps San Antonio; Property Loss Is Put At $3,000,000

Arbuckle Is Jailed On Murder Charge In Woman’s Death

Arbuckle Dragged Rappe Girl To Room, Woman Testifies

Curran Defeats La Guardia by 60,000; Haskell Third; Gilroy Wins; Hines Loses; Hines’s Manager And A Candidate Shot

Arbuckle Accused Of Manslaughter By Coroner’s Jury

Premier Cancels Irish Conference When De Valera Reiterates Claim Of Sovereign Status For Ireland

Fumes Overcome 60 As Explosion Routs 1,500 From Homes

De Valera Is Conciliatory In New Note And Irish Conference Seems Assured; Premier Barred ‘Sovereignty’ Plea

Fourteen Balloons Leave Brussels in Race For Bennett Trophy; May Go Over Atlantic

Police Clubs Break Mobs Of Idle; Bar Food And Meetings

Boll Weevil Costs Growers Of Cotton Up To $400,000,000

Mayor Assails Press in Proclamation; Defends Police Handling of Unemployment

If Britain Falls There’s No Help for Europe, Lloyd George Says in Plea to ‘Pull Together’

Hines Stops Count; Sees Fraud Of 4,500 By Tammany Men

Hylan Denounces ‘Subsidized Press;’ Defends His Policies

Chicago Police Under Federal Scrutiny; Chief Says Prohibition There Is a Failure

Democrats Name Scudder For Judge; Omit ‘Wet’ Plank

Police In Multiple Liquor Shake-Down

Arbuckle On Bail For Manslaughter

Reports 4,000,000 As Highest Mark Of Idle Workers


‘Stolen’ Cars Used In Police ‘Joy Rides’ Says Investigation

Posse Fights Klan In Lorena, Texas, Streets; Sheriff Wounded by Paraders, 8 Others Hurt

Grand Jury To Act On Ku Klux Clash

Harding Appeals For Aid Of States On Unemployment

Army Experts Develop a Flashless Powder, Which Enables Firing at Night Without Lights

Yanks Win, 3 To 0; Mays Curbs Giants; Ruth Bats In A Run

Yanks Win 2D, 3-0; Hoyt Allows 2 Hits; Errors Beat Giants

Giants Win, 13 To 5; Four Yank Pitchers Mauled For 20 Hits

M.F. Farley Killed By Anthrax Germ On Shaving Brush

Ruth Gets A Homer, But Giants Win, 4-2; World’s Series Tied

Ruth Near Collapse After His Bunt Wins For Yankees, 3 To 1

Barnes Ties Series; 10 Yanks Strike Out; Giants Win, 8 To 5

Giants Win 7th, 2-1; Errors Beat Mays; M’Nally Is Injured

Wizard Collapses Defending Ku Klux

Republicans Fret At Harding’s Delay In Giving Out Jobs

Rail Union Leaders Order Nation-Wide Strike For Oct. 30; 750,000 Men Quit Then On 17 Roads; 1,250,000 More Follow; Peace Move By Harding; Food Rationing Considered Here

Labor Board Group Asks Railroads To Reduce Rates And Workers To Accept Wage Cut Allowed; Railway Heads Confident, Say Fight Is On Government

Let Nation Take Roads, Says Stone, Or Railroads Drop New Requests; Harding To Offer Rail Peace Plan

Labor Board Has Harding’s Backing As It Calls Union Chiefs To Confer; Important Cuts In Rates Imminent

Rail Board And Unions Confer Today; Two Big Labor Groups Balk At Strike; Plan To Mobilize New England Troops

Labor Board Fails To Halt Strike Plan; Unions Oppose Public Group’s Project; Harding’s Move Next, Both Sides Think

Labor Board Orders Rail Strike Halted; Calls Both Sides To Confer Wednesday; Asserts Its Power To Act In The Crisis

Eight Rail Unions Refuse To Strike; 600,000 Shopmen Lead The Break; Grain Freight Rates Ordered Cut

Charles Wins First Battle For Throne; Moves On Capital, My Have Entered It; Horthy Troops Flee Or Join Ex-Ruler

Charles And Queen Zita Taken Prisoners; Lose 200 Killed 1,000 Wounded, In Battle; Will Be Deported As The Allies Demand

Labor Board Asks Roads Not To Seek New Reductions, But They Refuse; Will Take Up Rules Before Wages

Labor Heads Refuse To Stop Strike Without ‘Settlement’; Tie-Up May Be Forbidden By Board And Enjoined

Railroad Strike Is Called Off By Unions’ Unanimous Vote On Basis Of Labor Board Putting Wage Cases After Rules; Found They Were Going To Fight Government, Leaders Say

History Is Bunk, Says Henry Ford

New Bid By Soviet To Great Powers For Recognition

Chinese Welcomed For Arms Meeting


Commons Backs Premier’s Irish Policy; Unionist Revolt Defeated, 439 To 43; Lloyd George Warns Break Means War

Lloyd George Cancels Trip To America; Won’t Attend Arms Conference Opening; Irish Crisis May Cause Him To Resign

Milk Dealers Rejet Arbitration, Ready For Finish Fight On Open Shop; To Rush Plans For Serving Public

Strikers Rioting All Over The City, Dump Thousands Of Gallons Of Milk; Hylan Threatens To Seize Plants

Japanese Premier Stabbed To Death By Korean Fanatic

Irish Negotiations Face Collapse As Craig Takes Firm Stand For Ulster In Conferences With Lloyd George

Hughes Note Puts Pressure On China

Train Bandits Fire Car With Gasoline; Flee With No Loot

Mayor Hylan Is Re-Elected By 420,000; Andrews For Appeals Judge 14,000 Ahead; Amendments, Save Literacy Test, Losing

Lloyd George Says Disarming Is Road To World’s Safety

90,000 Pay Honor To Our Unknown, Lying In State

Our Unknown Warrior Buried, The World Honoring Him; Harding Pleads For A Ban By Civilization On War; Delegates Enter Arms Parley Today In Hopeful Spirit

Hughes Proposes To Nations A 10-Year Naval Holiday; Wants 66 Capital Ships Scrapped, 30 Of Them By America; Bold Conference Plan Impresses British And Japanese

Far East Accord Now Sought To Precede Naval Holiday; Japanese Leaders Declare Agreement Seems Assured; British Favorable, But Urge Empire’s Special Needs

British Want Submarines Cut Below Hughes Figures; Japan Hopes For 10 Per Cent. Increase In Big Ships; Both Accept ‘In Principle’; France And Italy In Harmony

Britain And Japan Accept Naval Plan Amid Cheers; Far East Issue Up Today; Japan Wants Manchuria Open; Lodge May Negotiate To End Anglo-Japanese Alliance

America Ready For Naval Cut While Other Problems Wait; China Demands Territorial And Political Integrity; Japanese Welcome Proposals, Incline To Accept Them

Japan Gets Two-Day Delay On Far East Discussion; Also Asks For More Ships; British For Curb On All Navies; France Takes Stand For A Pacific Settlement First

American Will Oppose Japan’s Plea To Change Navy Ratio; British Stand With US; Stop Work On Their New Ships; Agreement On Navy Cut May Not Need Congress Sanction

Japan’s Ship Demands Now The Big Conference Issue; Hughes, Balfour And Kato Confer On Disputed Ratio; Japan Voices Good-Will To China; Other Nations Join

France To Cut Her Army In Half; Settlement Of Shantung Near; Far East Agreement Now Likely

France Not To Defend Liberty Alone, Conferees Tell Her, When Briand, Announcing Army Cut, States Her Case; Eight Powers Sign Basic Plan For Policy In China

Navy Experts Defend Rival Claims; Chinese Revenue Problem Taken Up; Kato Admits Manchuria Is China’s

Concern Over French Navy Plan; Briand Sarcastic On British Fears; No Land Armament Limitations Now

Briand Says For France To Disarm Would Invite War; Curzon Warns Her Against A Policy Of Isolation; France’s Position As Affected By Rivalry Of Britain

Harding Plans Yearly Meeting Of Powers As A Basis For New World Co-Operation; China Asks Recognition Of Her Courts

Nations Favor Harding Plan, Want Details; Approval May Be Final Work Of Conference; Lloyd George Now Plans To Sail Saturday

Borah Assails Harding ‘Association’; Says Plan Must Have Senate Assent; Germany Considers Peace Guarantee

Naval Experts Uphold Our Ratio And Japan Is Expected To Yield; Conference Outlook Is Brighter

Crisis On Naval Ratio Plan Passed; Agreement Likely In Session Of Dec. 5; China Asks Withdrawal Of All Troops


Ask China And Japan To Settle Shantung As Japan Tries For Higher Naval Ratio; America And Britain Firm For 5-5-3

Japan’s Stand May Be Diplomatic Move To Gain Concessions In The Far East; Conference On Sangung Is Opened

Seek To Break Navy Ratio Deadlock; Hughes Talks With Kato And Balfour; Far East Treaty Reported Under Way

Powers Agree To End Some China Leases, But Japan Refuses To Yield Port Arthur; Naval Issue Waits On Tokio Decision

Naval Cut, But With Holiday Modified, And Far East Accord Now Predicted; Japan Seeks Firmer Hold In Manchuria

Lloyd George Reaches Agreement With Sinn Fein; Formula For Allegiance Found; Ulster To Be Consulted; Washington Discusses Separate Treaties On Far East

Ireland To Be A Free State Within The British Empire; Agreement Signed Giving Her A Status Like Canada’s; Ulster Can Stay Out; Parliament Called To Ratify

Chicago Police Fight A Mob Of 100,000; Stock Yard Rioters Shielded By Women; 9 Persons Shot, 1 Drowned By Strikers

4-Power Treaty, In 300 Words, Pledges Consultation, Mediation, Arbitration And Ends The Anglo-Japanese Alliance

All 4 Powers Accept Pacific Treaty; Plenary Session Is Called For Today To Make Text Public And Perhaps Sign

Four-Power Pacific Treaty Acclaimed By Conference; Limited To 10 Years; Provides Against Outside Menace; Lodge Presents It; Senate Ratification Seems Sure

Hitchcock Favors Four-Power Treaty; Senate Ratification Considered Sure; Congress To Cut Navy Personnel In Half

Yap Agreement Made, Japan Concedes US League Rights; Navy Settlement Near; 4-Power Treaty To Be Signed Today; Borah Attacks It In The Senate As An Armed Alliance

European Conference Now Likely; May Go Beyond Economic Problem; 4-Power Treaty Is Formally Signed

Daily Treaty Debate Opens In Anger; Premier Is Acclaimed In Commons; Explains Compact, ‘Die Hards’ Attack

Japan Accepts Hughes Navy Ratio And Keeps Mutsu; America And Britain Shift Tonnage, Get Newer Ships; Protection For Japan In Four-Power Treaty Admitted

French Ask Navy Ration Above Japan’s; Will Upset 3-Power Deal, Say British Who Assail Plan Sharply In Committee

Hughes Offer France 1.75 Navy Ratio; France Invites New Reparation Plan As Briand Goes To Meet Lloyd George

Hughes Sends Plea To Briand On Navy; Harvey Sees French Premier In London; French Expected To Yield Big On Big Ships

France Will Cut Capital Ships Demand If Assured Big Ratio On Small Craft; Briand Looks For No Early Aid Here

Harding First Disputes, Then Accepts 4-Power Treaty Scope To Cover Japan; Finds Our Delegates Had Agreed To It

French Want 300,000 Tons Of Light Ships; Harding’s Treaty Shift Cited In Senate And Foes Plan Reservation To Clarify

Four Powers Oppose Plea Of Britain To End Submarine, But All Favor Curb; Paris Press Resent Hughes Ration Note

Harding Deplores Treaty Criticism And Commends American Delegates; France Wants 90,000 Tons In Submarines

Hughes Offers One-Third Submarine Cut For Britain And US, Status Quo To Others; Britain Says Yes, Japan No, France Waits

Egyptian Disorder Spreading; Armed Ships To Go Up Nile

Japan Ready To Cut Submarine Claims; Hughes Insistent On His Proposals; France May Ask Later Conference

French Cabinet Rejects Hughes Offer On Submarines, Urges New Conference; Japan Wants Mainland Out Of Treaty

Balfour Declares Britain Menaced When French Block Cut In Submarines; Root Proposes Anti-Piracy War Rule

Stern Limits On Use Of Submarines Urged By All American Delegates; Britain Wants Five-Power Agreement

Ratio For Airplane Carriers Settled; Submarine Ban Waits On Paris And Tokio; French Deny Any War Aim In Naval Plans

News Source: New York Times

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