1920: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Tumulty Sees Hitchcock About Treaty; Grey And White Warn On Voting Change; Allies To Call Root In Shaping Court

League Foes Open Quiz Of Aspirants For Presidency

Reds Raided In Scores Of Cities; 2,600 Arrests, 700 In New York; Deportation Hearings Begin Today

Reds Plotted Country-Wide Strike; Arrests Exceed 5,000, 2,635 Held; Three Transports Ready For Them

‘Red’ Concentration Camp Here Urged; Soviet Counterfeiting Liberty Bonds; Palmer Counts On 2,720 Deportations

50 Reds Bagged In Night Raids Here; Martens’s Chief Aid Under Arrest; House Gets Sedition Bill With ‘Teeth’

Novy Mir Raided, 15 Reds Caught; 3,000 To Be Taken

Albany Assembly Bars Out Five Socialist Members; Palmer Agents Hunt Martens With Warrant To Deport; Smith Asks Legislature To Rescind ‘Dry’ Ratification

President And Bryan Split On Treaty; Wilson For 1920 Issue, Bryan Would Yield; Lodge Sees Compromise Now Impossible

Both Parties Shun Treaty Referendum; Senators Revive Compromise Moves; Democrats Try To Lessen Bryan Split

Peace Signed In Paris And The Treaty Is Now In Force; Wilson To Summon First League Meeting For Friday; Lodge Rebuffs Kendrick Compromise Proposals

20 Democrats Plan A Compromise; Bryan Urges Haste On The Treaty; Germans Still Asking Easier Terms

Assembly Refuses, 71 To 33, To Reconsider Vote On Socialists; Bar Association To Defend The Excluded Members; Senators Back Move For Round Table Treaty Parley

Mobs, Rushing Richstag, Shot Down By German Troops; Trial Of Assembly Socialists Set For Next Tuesday; Hughes And The Bar Association Bitterly Assailed

42 Dead, 105 Wounded In Berlin Riots; Martial Law Declared For The Country; Noske’s Troops Keep Order In Capital

Britain, Facing War With Reds, Calls Council In Paris; Allies To Arm Poles, Demand For the Kaiser Drafted; Senate Chiefs Join In Bipartisan Parley On Treaty

No War With Russia, Allies To Trade With Her; Blockade Suddenly Raised By Paris Council After League Of Nations Is Organized

Sims Arraigns Navy Department, Saying He Was Warned That We ‘Would As Soon Fight The British As Germans’; Lloyd George, Backed By Nitti, Ended Russian Blockade

Daniels Denies He Slurred British; Benson Won’t Say Who Warned Sims; Inquiry On Navy To Follow Charges

Order Senate Inquiry On Sims Charges; Daniels Wants To Call Navy Court Also; Holds Chief Task Was To Convoy Troops

Socialists, On Trial At Albany, Challenge Judges; Allies To Erect A Caucasus Barrier Against Reds; Hylan’s Ready Letter Writer Was A Hearst Editor

Motions In Aid Of Socialists Are Denied; Submission Of Evidence Begins Today; 38 Communists Indicted In Chicago

Evidence Against Socialists Admitted In Face Of Bitter Protests By Counsel; Radical Speech By Claessens Put In

Dutch Refuse To Give Up Ex-Kaiser; Declare Treaty Imposes No Obligation; Tradition And Honor Forbid Surrender

Soviet Spurns Allied Trade Offer Without An Armistice; City’s Business Hours Changed In Fight On Influenza; Gain Of 2,361 Cases Prompts Move To Break Traffic Jam

2,855 New Cases Of Influenza; 30 Deaths Reported

Troops Out To Curb Berlin Royalists; Fear Revolt On Kaiser’s Birthday Eve; Ex-Officer Tries To Kill Erzberger

Influenza Gains 3,663 Cases In Day, With 57 Deaths

5,589 New Cases In One Day Break Influenza Record

U.S. Steel Grants 10 Per Cent. Rise In Laborers’ Pay

Conferees On Treaty Break Finally; Lodge Rejects Taft Plan On Article X; Fight To Be Reopened In Senate Feb. 10


700 Civil-Labor Delegates At Albany Demand Reseating Of Five Socialists; Federal Agents Take Note Of Speeches

Capital Takes Grey As Showing Readiness To Accept Reservations; Say Lloyd George Cabled Approval

Lodge Will Call Up Treaty Monday And Offer Modified Reservations; Johnson Equal Vote Plan Revived

British Financiers Confer In London As Exchange Makes Lowest Record; Production Urged On Labor Leaders

May Permit Holland To Keep Ex-Kaiser, But On One Of Her Islands, Not In Europe; Demand For Culprits Sent To Berlin

Allies Prepare To Waive Demand For Extradition Of War Culprits; France May Keep Left Bank Of Rhine

Snow-Bound City Near To Paralysis; Mayor Calls On All Citizens To Help As Mountains Of Slush Turn To Ice

Volunteers And Sunny Skies Fail To Break New York’s Snow Blockade; Mayor Makes New Appeal To Citizens

Treaty Up Today, Wide Demand For Action; Big Organizations Bringing Pressure; Bryon On His Way To Take Part In Fight

House Democrats Rebuff Wilson; Vote Against War Training, 106 To 17; Treaty Revived, Debate Next Week

Passage Of Treaty Now Seems Assured; “Bitter Enders” Concede Their Defeat; France To Hold Rhine As A Guarantee

President To Pass On Wage Demands Of 2,000,000 Workers On The Railroads; Hines And Union Leaders Fail To Agree

Prosecute Socialists, Newton Demands; Sends Evidence To Federal Officials; Shoot Or Seat Them, Says Laguardia

Lansing Out, Rebuked By Wilson For Calling Cabinet; Letters Show Year Of Clashes That Began Over Treaty; President Sees Railway Men, May Ask Congress’ Aid

Congressmen Deplore The Forcing Out Of Lansing; Assert That A Crisis Exists In The Executive Branch; Railroad Men Accept Tribunal Proposed By President

Wilson Rejects Allies’ Adriatic Plans; ‘No More Concern With Europe’s Affairs’ Unless They Yield; This They Refuse To Do

Allies Will Tell Wilson They Want Our Co-Operation And Ask Him To Offer Solution Of The Fiume Problem; His Note Declared To Relate To Adriatic Settlement Only

Wilson’s Not Said Treaties Might Have To Be Withdrawn, As Allies’ Action Might Involve Grave Commitments; Talk Of New Conference On Adriatic And Other Questions

Text Of Wilson’ Postscript Out; Reply Here, But Not Made Public; Firm Stand By President Forecast

Wilson Backs Up His Adriatic Stand In New Reply, But Does Not End Parleys; Allies’ Note Showed Concern On Treaty

Wilson Demands Adriatic Settlement On The Basis Of December Agreement; Washington Wants Notes Made Public

France And England Reversed Themselves On Adriatic; Condemned In December What They Voted Afterward; Texts Of Two Agreements Sustaining Wilson Protest

Federal Prohibition Agents Resisted; Declare Michigan County In Rebellion; Expedition Going To Enforce The Law

Senate Votes 47 To 17 For Rail Bill; President Expected To Make It Law; Swift Action Shocks Union Leaders

Allies Will Not Recognize Soviets Till Bolshevist Horrors Are Ended, But Announce Readiness To Trade

Washington Astonished By Nomination Of Bainbridge Colby To Succeed Lansing; Appointment Criticised On Many Grounds

Peace Offer From Soviet Russia On A Democratic Basis; Would Establish Assembly, Pay 60% Of Nation’s Debts; Adriatic Notes Out, Premiers See No Bar To Settlement

Washington Rejects Soviet Peace; Will Not Even Publish The Offer; Allies Reopen Adriatic Question

Railroads Go Back Tomorrow, Wilson Signs The Bill; Refuses Labor Demand To Name Separate Wage Board; Rail Executives Optimistic On Eve Of Resuming Control


Railroad Systems Pass To Owners; Executives Appeal For Public’s Help; Labor Expected To Accept Settlement

Order Anti-Saloon League Investigated; Many Republicans Support Motion For It In The State Assembly, Opposing Leader

Sweet Drops Fight To Block Inquiry Into ‘Dry’ Lobby

‘Dry’ Lobby Inquiry By Assembly Sure; Senate Won’t Act

Pastor Who Quit Anti-Saloon Body Assails Its Work

Frank H. Hitchcock Made Co-Manager Of Wood Campaign

All City’s Unions Threaten Strike On Rent Gougers

Wilson Issues New Adriatic Warning; Hints We May Not Follow Allies If They Discard December Terms

Wilson Says Changes Nullify Treaty; Insists On Obligation Under Article X., But Senators See No Compromise Bar

Senate Declares For League Vote Limit; New Draft On Article X. Gets Backing, But Treaty Compromise Hope Wanes

Report Wilson Will Pocket The Treaty If Pledge Under Article X. Is Killed; Threats To Lodge Set Back Compromise

Three Votes Lacking To Ratify Treaty; Ashurst Warns Wilson On Attitude; Canada Threatens To Bar US From League

Article X. Substitute Splits Senate; Democrats Cool To New Lodge Draft; Bitter-Enders Charge Surrender

Junkers And Army Seize Power In Berlin; Ebert Government Flees To Dresden; Foch Orders More Troops Across Rhine

General Strike Spreads In Germany; Ebert’s Cabinet Rallies Supporters; Armed Clashes In Many Districts

Revolution In Germany Breaks Down; Kapp Negotiating For A Compromise; Workers Rise; Seize Control In Cities

Kapp Quits Revolt ‘In Favor Of Ebert’; Cruiser Fires On Kiel, 500 Reported Killed; Lenroot Proposes New Article X. Policy

Kapp Surrenders Power To Ebert And Flees Berlin; Spartacides Attack Troops, Barricade Berlin Streets; Ex-Kaiser Gives Pledge To Dutch, Must Stay In Zone

Senate Adopts A Reservation For Irish Self-Rule; Declared To Kill Treaty; Lodge Loses Fight To Amend; Noske Takes Control In Berlin; Ebert Returns Today

Senate Defeats Treaty, Vote 49 To 35; Orders It Returned To The President; German Disorders Grow, Hundreds Slain

Ebert Ends German Strike By Socialistic Concessions; Reds Gain In Rhine Districts; Near Civil War In Saxony; Treaty Back At White House, Peace Resolution To Wait

Ebert Cabinet Back In Berlin, Ends State Of Siege; 3,000 Reported Killed In Defeat Of Reds At Leipsic; Communists Spread Control In Rhine Districts

Noske Out Of Tottering Berlin Cabinet; Scheidemann Talked Of For Premier; Minister Goes To Parley With Ruhr Reds

Ebert Yields To Extremist Demands; Germany To Have All-Socialist Cabinet; Reds Start A New Drive On Lower Rhine

Reds Hold Half Berlin Against Ebert; Train Sent To Get Americans Out Of City; Armistice And Parleys In Ruhr Region

Red Attack On 400-Mile Polish Front Timed To Aid Bolshevism In Germany; Ruhr Leaders Break Off Armistice

Two New York Grand Juries To Sift Vice Graft Counter Charges Made By Smith And Inspector Henry

New Lexow Inquiry Here Demanded; Tammany Leaders Admit City Crisis; Call For Grand Jury In Smith Inquiry

Tornado Kills 25 In Or Near Chicago; Another In Georgia Takes 35 Lives; A Third Sweeps Ohio, Killing Many

Graft Inquiry Asked In Assembly; Caucus Called On Cuvillier’s Move; Senate Votes Light-Saving Repeal

Hoover Out For Republican Nomination; Wires California Friends He’ll Accept, While Republicans Here Attack Him


Democratic Filibusters Delay Vote On Expulsion Of Socialists In Stormy Debate In Assembly

Railroad Boatmen In Harbor Strike; 6,000 Men Out: Ferry Service Crippled’ City’s Food And Coal Supply Menaced

Women Post Pickets At British Embassy, Demand Irish Freedom, Attack England; Colby Apologized, But Picketing Goes On

Troops Are Massed Throughout Ireland To Avert Threatened Easter Rebellion; Women In Washington Drop Picketing

France To Enter Germany And Seize Four Cities Because Germans Have Sent Troops To Ruhr Basin Where They Have Routed Red Bands In Pitched Battle

French Will Seize Frankfort Today; Declare Ebert Yielded To Junkers; German Troops Closing In On Essen

Johnson And Hoover Beaten In This State; Both Parties’ Delegates Uninstructed; Johnson Has 42,733 Lead In Michigan

French Kill 7 In Frankfort Riot; Paris Now Divided On Occupation; Premier Requests Allies’ Views

Inspector Henry And Six Others Indicted; Jury Sees His $80,000 Wall St. Account; Two Detectives Charged With Perjury

‘Outlaw’ Strike Cripples Every Railroad In New York; Food Crisis Near; Hudson Tube Men Vote To Quit Today; 30,000 Men Out Elsewhere, But Chicago Strike Weakens

Strike Ties Up Freight; Curtails Passenger Service; New Union Agitators Aim To Paralyze Nation’s Traffic; Palmer Orders Federal Agents To Inquire As To A Plot

Pennsylvania Electric Crews Quit, Their Places Filled; All Roads Move Some Trains; Local Traffic Crippled; France Out Of Parley Unless British Attitude Changes

Strike Ties Up Another Road, Local Conditions Worse; Food Getting Scarcer And City Appeals To The Men; Brotherhoods Upset False Rumor Of Secret Sympathy

Washington Strikers Back, Making First Break In The East; Labor Board Named; Jersey Strikers Vote To Stay Out; Illinois For Lowden, Wood Wins Chicago, Johnson Third

Teamsters Who Handle Food Vote To Go On Strike Today; ‘Outlaw’ Union Losing Its Grip On Passenger Service; Palmer Warns That Foster Leads The Malcontents

Roads Give ‘Outlaws’ Till Sunday To Go To Work; Food Strike Ends; 17,000 Elevator Men To Quit Here Today; Arrest Grunau And 22 Others; Labor Board Meets Today

‘Outlaw’ Strikers Ordered Back At Philadelphia Meeting; Decision Said To Apply Here And Throughout The East; Strike Was Already Crumbling At New York Terminals

Hundreds Of Strikers Go Back To Work; Lackawanna Enginemen Vote To Resume; Firemen Cast Tie Ballot On Returning

Lunatic Kills Dr. James W. Markoe At Service In St. George’s Church; Wounds Dr. G.E. Brewer And J.M. Jones

‘Outlaw’ Strike Still Holds On, Despite Optimism

Tornado Kills 140, Injures Hundreds In Southern States

Railroads Refuse Plea To Extend Their Ultimatum

Rail Strikers Vote To Stay Out; Breach Widens

Assembly Buries Governor’s Bills By Caucus Order

Legislature Ends After 37-Hour Session; Passes Beer And Anti-Socialist Bills; Favors Teachers’ and Ex-Soldier Bonus

Armenian Mandate Offered To Us; Allies Divide Asia Minor Control; Nitti Appeals For End Of War Spirit

Allies Threaten New Occupation To Enforce Treaty

Wood-Johnson Fight Close In Jersey; Harding’s Lead In Ohio Is Small; ‘Old Guard’ Group Wins In Bay State

Wood’s Lead In New Jersey Is 612; He Wins 15 Delegates Out Of the 28; Harding Now Has 15,186 Lead In Ohio

Nation-Wide Plot To Kill High Officials On Red May Day Revealed By Palmer; Plotters Acting With Radicals Abroad


Old Guard Brings Out Knox For President To Make The Issue On The Peace Treaty; Penrose Puts Him Up After Conference

Plot For Red May Day Revolt Fails; No Rioting, Few Arrests Or Strikes; All Demonstrations Are Peaceable

Ask For Johnson Votes In Indiana From Democrats

Red’s Death Plunge, 14 Stories, Bares Long Bomb Trail

Wood Leads Johnson In Indiana; Lowden Next, Harding Far Behind; Big Johnson Majority In California

California Gives Johnson 155,000 Lead Over Hoover

State Democrats Uphold Unit Rule By 64 Votes To 8

Duponts Threaten Wood On Dye Bill, Denyon Declares

1,200 Marines Called For Mexico Duty; Obregon Reported As Seizing Capital; Four More States Claimed by Rebels

Carranza In Flight, Pursued By Rebels, After Reported Slaughter Of Enemies; Obregon And Gonzales Hold Mexico City

Report Carranza Captured Unharmed; All But 3 States Join The Revolution; Dreadnought Is Ordered To Key West

Carranza At Bay But Holding Out Against His Foes

Carranza Leads Desperate Fight Against His Foes

Railroads Urge Help Of Congress To End Congestion

Carranza Breaks Through Foes’ Line Escapes To Hills

Carranza Out For Defying Militarists And Planning, After Bonillas’ Term, To Become Another Diaz, Says Ibanez

Prepare To Break Big Freight Jam By Priority Order

Urges All States To Join In Efforts To End Freight Jam

Price Cutting Wave In East And West; Wide Range Of Goods Is Now Affected; Bankers Pledge Help To End Inflation

Price Cutting Movement Still Spreading, Although Some Merchants Attack It; Bankers Here Cut Loans On Luxuries

Direct Routing Of Freight Cars Ordered; Big Shift Of ‘Empties’ To End Rail Jam; More Cities Join In Cutting Of Prices

House Adopts Knox Resolution To Hasten Veto

Carranza Killed By His Own Troops; Six Of His Companions Also Are Slain; Obregon Censures ‘Cowardly Officers’

Barragan Describes Carranza’s Murder; Surprised At Dawn, He Tells Obregon, And Fought Valiantly In Semi-Darkness

Wilson Urges We Take Armenia Mandate; Says Nation’s Voice Is For Extending Aid; Congress Likely To Deny Grant Of Power

Armenia Mandate Goes Before House Committee Today

Put Wood Fund Near $1,000,000; Procter Lent Half

Wilson Vetoes The Peace Resolution As Yielding Rights, Staining Our Honor; House Will Attempt Today To Repass It

Governor Allen And Gompers Debate Kansas Law And Labor’s Right To Strike; Public Is Paramount, Governor Holds

$1,180,043 Raised For Wood; Johnson Had Over $200,000

All France Unites In Paying Honor To American Dead


Urge Gen. Wood To Lead Convention Fight

Old Guard Using Harding To Help Knock Out Wood

Frost Hits Governor Lowden’s Boom As Result Of Primary Fund Disclosure; He Disowns Delegates Who Got Checks

Chicago Crowds Cheer Johnson, Who Promises Fight In Convention; Beeckman Hits Senate Oligarchy

Leaders Say ‘No’ To Johnson’s ‘Must’ On His League Plank In Platform; Moses Condemns Awards To Lowden

Leaders At Sea On Nomination; Johnson Would Run On Lodge Plank; Lowden 88, Wood 34, In Contests

Big Candidates’ Chances Drop At Chicago; Sproul Looms, Backed At Atterbury; Talk Of A Platform To Suit Johnson

New Life In The Wood Boom And More Talk Of Hughes; New York Splits On Butler; Sproul Holds Pennsylvania; Johnson Still Talks Fight At Big Convention Eve Rally

Platform Fight Starts As The Convention Opens; Johnson Flatly Demands Repudiation Of The League; Apathy In The Convention; Lodge Permanent Chairman

Text Of The Republican Platform, Except League Plank; Dispute Over That, And Threat Of A Bolt By Borah; Wood Men See Gains; New Yorkers Balk At Butler Pledge

Platform Adopted With Anti-Wilson League Plank; ‘My Victory,’ Says Johnson; Balloting Starts Today; Wood Men Claim The Lead; Midnight Move For Lowden

Four Ballots, No Nomination, Wood Leads; He has 314 1/2 Votes, Lowden 289 And Johnson 140 1/2; Midnight Conferences Bring No Results

Harding Nominated For President On The Tenth Ballot At Chicago; Coolidge Chose For Vice President

Harding Victory Leaves Sore Spots; Johnson Won’t Bolt, La Follette May; Third Ticket Of Radicals Certain

Harding Confident Of Victory, But Sees A Genuine Fight Ahead; Tammany Now Said To Favor Gov. Cox

Harding Plans To Make League Stand Feature Of His Acceptance Speech; Democrats Discuss The Davis Boom

Housekeeper Admits Shielding Woman By Hiding Garments In Elwell Home; Now Breaks Down And Reveals Her Name

Wilson Talks On Campaign Issues; Sees League As The Dominant One; His Condition Described As Improved

McAdoo Refuses To Enter Race For Presidency; Democrats Likely To Accept A Wilson Platform; His Interview Called Bid To Hold Party Leadership

Cox And Palmer Men Claim Gains; Talk Of ‘Wilson Again’ Persists; President Confers With Glass

600 Rail Workers In Baltimore Area Go Out On Strike

Plan To Bar Reed From Convention In Support Of Wilson And League; Colby Sees President, Starts West

Leaders Plan Convention Program; See Wilson In Control On Platform And Field Left Open To Candidates

Glass Booms M’Adoo At San Francisco Says Talk Of Naming Wilson Is Absurd; Arrives With Draft Of Treaty Plank

Cox Now Looms Up At San Francisco, But M’Adoo Sentiment Is Insistent; Wilson Not Dictating, Says Cummings

M’Adoo Boom Is Growing Rapidly; Moderate Dry Stand Is Proposed; Reed Wins Point In Fight For Seat

Wilson, Bryan And Tammany Fight For Lead; Delegation Poll Shows A Dry Majority; Committee Unseats Reed By Vote Of 34 To 12

Murphy Drops Cox, May Go to M’Adoo; Ex-Secretary’s Boom Gaining Fast And Backers Say He Will Accept

Democrats Wildly Acclaim Wilson, Tammany Alone Silet; Chairman Puts League To The Fore And Delegates Cheer; With 21 Candidates, It Is Now The Field Against M’Adoo

M’Adoo’s Foes Organize, Marshall And Davis Talk Grows; Convention Approves Ousting Of Reed, Breaks Unit Rule; Irish And Wet Plank Pleas; Nominating Speeches Today


M’Adoo Named In A Few Words, Cheered For 40 Minutes; Demonstrations Nearly As Long For Palmer, Cox, Smith; Foes Say They Can Block M’Adoo; Platform Fight Goes On

Convention Stops For Platform, May Run Into Next Week; No Wet Or Dry Plank; League And Irish Planks Finished; Anti-M’Adoo Forces At Odds; Davis Leading Dark Horses

M’Adoo Leads; 289 Votes On Second Ballot; Convention Adjourns To 9:30 A.M. Today; Platform Adopted And Bryan Defeated

Convention Adjourns To 10 A.M. Monday; Ballot 22–Cox 430, McAdoo 372 1/2, Palmer 166 1/2; Recess Efforts To Break Deadlock Fail

Conferences Fail To Solve Convention Deadlock; Candidates Refuse To Quit, Balloting Goes On Today; Wilson Still Silent; Bryan Offers 12 As Eligible

Cox Nominated For President On 44th Ballot, After Palmer Quit

Democratic Ticket Is Cox And Roosevelt; New Yorker Unopposed As Running Mate; Bryan Is Sad, But Other Leaders Rejoice

Cox Asks Louisiana To Ratify Suffrage; May Confer With Wilson On Campaign; Roosevelt On Way East To See Him

Allies Give Germany Six Months More To Fulfill The Terms Of Disarmament; Final Answer Must Be Given Today

Cox Will Make Ratification His Issue And Start Active Campaign In Far West; For The League With Two Reservations

Cox Will Seek President’s Counsel; Confident Of His Full Indorsement And Co-Operation On League Views

Cox’s War Record His Reply To Those Who Quote His Paper

Cox And Roosevelt To Tour The Country; Decide To Wage Fight For Every State; Third Party Plan Again Near Wreckage

Cox To Consult Wilson On Issues Sunday; Harding Accepts Challenge On League; La Follette Ready To Lead Third Party

Cox Retorts To Harding On League; Harding Roused By Suffrage Attack; Third Party Nominates Christensen

Resolute Disabled, First Race Is Won By Shamrock IV; Defender Leading When Halyard Parts And Mainsail Drops; Ready For Race Tomorrow; Lipton Regrets Fluke Victory

Cox Pledges Aid To Swing Tennessee; Tells Women He Wants No Votes As Pay; Starts For Capital To Consult Wilson

Wind Fails, Cup Race Called Off With Resolute Leading; Lack Of Breeze Robs The American Yacht Of Victory; Shamrock, Caught In Doldrums, Once Five Miles Behind

Cox And Wilson Reach Full Acord; Pledge Fight To Keep War Promises; Harding Issues Challenge To Cox

Pennsylvania Lines To Drop 12,000 Men In The East To Reduce Operation Costs; $600,000,000 Railway Wage Rise Forecast

Shamrock Wins Second Race With Burton At The Wheel; Resolute Beaten By 2 Min. 26 Sec.; Third Contest Today; ‘Justified In Hoping I’ll Lift Cup This Time,’ Says Lipton

Resolute Wins By Her Handicap Allowance, 7 Min. 1 Sec.; Both Sail The Course In Equal Time; Blimp Falls Into Sea; Shamrock Calls Off Today’s Contest To Go Into Drydock

Harding For Declaring Peace First; Then For New Agreement Of Nations; 30,000 Serenade The Senator’s Porch

Resolute Leads All The Way, Wins By 3M. 18S. Actual Time; Shamrock Shortens Sail In Squall, Rival Sweeps To Victory; Fate Of America’s Cup To Be Decided By Today’s Race

Final Cup Race Put Off Till Tomorrow; Breeze Too Stiff For Both Contestants; Resolute To Be Drydocked For Repairs

Soviet Offers Peace To All The Allies; Truce Parley Is Begun With The Poles; Adrianople Falls; French In Damascus

Allies To Discuss Soviet Parley Plan; This Government Is Watching Closely; May Be Interested In Terms To Poland

Resolute Wins Final Race And Keeps The America’s Cup; Shamrock Loses Slow Contest By 13M. 5 Sec., Actual Time; ‘Best Boat Won,’ Says Lipton Who Will Build Shamrock V.

Miller And Wadsworth Win At Saratoga; Thompson And Hugo To Fight At Polls; Dry Issue Shelved; War On State Primary

White Declares League Secondary In Cox Campaign

Red Army Chief Defies Lenin’s Orders; Keeps Up Big Drive Against The Poles; Caucasus Army Revolts From Soviet


Reds Order Warsaw Taken, Delay Truce; Reach Prussian Border And Fraternize; French Reorganizing The Polish Army

Red Army Now 75 Miles From Warsaw; Lomza And Brest-Litovsk Forts Fall; British Soldiers At Danzig Mutinous

Poles And Reds Start Truce Parley; Lomza Reported Retaken From Cossacks; Czecks And Magyars Move To Fight Reds

Wilson And League Hailed At Saratoga; Lunn Is Crushed, 434 To 16, In His Fight; Ovation To Smith; Damp Plank Favored

2.75 Beer Plank Wins At Saratoga; Backing For Irish

Allies Move To Protect Poland; Soviet Sends Another Evasive Note; Germany Refuses To Let Troops Pass

Premiers To Meet On Soviet Note; Red Sweep On Warsaw Delayed; Italy Refuses To Coerce Russia

Cox Stands Squarely For League With No Devitalizing Changes; Wants Treaty Ratified At Once

Soviet Rejects Allied Truce Terms; Premiers Decide To Back Up Poland; Bolsheviki 36 Miles From Warsaw

Premiers Decide Against War On Russia; British Labor Resolved To Prevent It; Commons To Hear Plan For Aiding Poles

America And Allies Both Declare Poland Must Be Saved; Lloyd George, Hopeful For Peace, Warns Soviet Chiefs; We Denounce Soviet Rule, But Would Preserve Russia

France Backs Wrangle In Russia, But Step Mystifies Lloyd George; Poland Seeks Arms Here At Once

Big Battle On For Defense Of Warsaw; France And Britain Clash On Advice To Poland As To The Peace Terms

British Labor Bars War Aid To Poland; France Delays On Help For Gen. Wrangle; Bolsheviki Sweep Faster On Warsaw

Poles In Last Stand Before Warsaw; Rally 12 Miles From City; Parley On; Text Of French Reply To Colby Note

Reds Attempt To Storm Warsaw; Barbed Wire Checks First Assault; Soviet Plan For World Rule Told

Polish Armies Take The Offensive; Beat Back Reads Before Warsaw; Lloyd George Defies Labor Threat

Poles Break Reds’ Grip On Warsaw; Throw Foe Back Along Entire Front; Washington Sounds Allies On Giving Aid

Tennessee Completes Suffrage Victory; Move To Reconsider Is Feared Today; Parties Spur Battle For Women’s Votes

Poles Rout Reds, Take 10,000 Prisoners; Smash 3 Divisions, Mass For New Drive; Refuse At Parley Demand To Disarm

Reds Flee Before Poles, Abandon Guns; 30,000 Cut Off, Brest-Litovsk Captured; Soviet Pledges Polish Independence

Red Forces Caught, May Seek Refuge On German Soil

Red Army In Corridor Fleeing To Escape; 35,000 Prisoners Taken By Poles So Far; Clash Over Munitions At Danzig Acute

Reds In Desperate Rally To Save Army; Poles, Warned By Wilson, Won’t Invade; Premiers Bar Demand To Disarm Poland

British Send Ultimatum To Soviet, Demand Keeping Faith With Poles; Poland Almost Freed Of Invaders

$16,000,000 Rise In Phone Rates Is Sought Here

61 Cities Assessed For $8,145,000 Fund, Cox Charges Against The Republicans; Says Total For Country Will Be Double

Root’s Plan For International Court As Washington Receives It In Outline; Its Functions Intertwine With League

Cox Stirs High Enthusiasm As He Speaks Twice Here; Heads Parade Afoot And Holds A Reception For 2,500; Harding Again Repudiates League; Wants World Court

Entire B.R.T. System Practically Shut Down By Strike; Men Override Union Leaders, Company Taken By Surprise; Trolleys Suspend; Subway And Elevated Trains Few

Chaos In Brooklyn Travel On Second Day Of B.R.T. Strike; No Trolleys; Subway And Elevated Service 7 Per Cent; Judge Mayer, Receiver And Strikers Reject Peace Plans


B.R.T. Men To Vote On Mayer’s Terms Today; Judge Acts Through Board Of Estimate; Will Arbitrate All But Wage Demands

B.R.T. Men Reject Offer, Make New One; Violence Grows As Service Improves; Leader Threatens Extension Of Strike

8% Wage Advance Offered By Mayer To End B.R.T. Strike

Wigwagging Shirt Brings Rescuers To Entombed Crew

Strike On B.R.T. Settles Down To Endurance Test

Mahon In Charge Of B.R.T. Strike; Seeks Settlement

Mobs Fight Police In B.R.T. Riot; 1 Shot, Many Hurt

Senators Clash At Fund Hearing; Moore Threatens

Admit Cleveland ‘Quota’ As Cox Said; Blair On Stand

Republican Quota Plan Was Broader Than Cox Charged

Workers Increase Republican Quotas; Edge Quits Inquiry

Harding Talks To Business Men; Will Quit Porch

7 Plunge To Death As Big Auto Skids At Dobbs Ferry

Republicans Sweep Maine By 65,000, With Women Casting A Heavy Vote; Democrats Barely Hold 1916 Total

Organization Candidates Sweep State; Miller And Wadsworth Win Primaries; Walker Beats Lunn; Voting Is Light

Thompson Men Lead In Illinois; Sweep Chicago

Wall Street Explosion Kills 30, Injures 300; Morgan Office Hit, Bomb Pieces Found; Toronto Fugitive Sent Warning Here

Seek Owner Of Truck That Carried Bomb To Wall Street; Fischer, Who Sent Warnings, Under Arrest In Canada; Red Threats Mailed Near Scene Just Before Explosion

First Arrest Made In Bomb Inquiry, 3 Others Sought; Russian Radical Near Scene Shortly After Explosion; Churches And Public Buildings Put Under Guard Today

Explosives Found To Be Missing In Hunt For Bomb Plot Clue; Fischer Starts For New York

Bomb Victim Describes Three Men He Saw Fleeing Before Explosion; Fischer Insane, Sent To Bellevue

Assembly Again Expels Three Socialists; Decides To Oust Them By Vote of 90 To 45 De Witt And Orr Seated, But Resign

Clash On Charge That Cox Profited In Wall Street

Wave Of Lower Prices Sweeps Country; Cost Peak Passed, Business Men Say; Cuts In Textiles And Other Commodities

Summary Ejectment Cases Barred In Supreme Court By New Housing Law; Measure To Check Evictions On Oct. 1

Jacob H. Schiff, Noted Financier, Dies In Fifth Av. Home After A Long Illness; Stricken By Heart Disease 6 Months Ago

Kill 3 To Avenge Police In Belfast: Riots Start Anew

Three Auto Bandits Caught As Shots Fly In Harlem Chase

Eight White Sox Players Are Indicted On Charge Of Fixing 1919 World Series; Cicotte Got $10,000 And Jackson $5,000

Indicted Two Gamblers In Baseball Plot; Men Named By Williams In Confession; Inquiry Here To Guard The 1920 Series


Baseball Inquiry Will Go Through To End, Says Judge

Borah Now Out Of Harding Fight; Fears Over League

Dodgers Cleared Of Any Suspicion In Coming Series

Wall Street Bomb Suspect Caught; Carries Dynamite, Fights Police; Left Brooklyn Just Before Explosion

Borah Spurns All Linking Of Nations, But Is For Harding

Soviet’s Position Never So Critical, France Is Told

Spencer Retorts To The President On Paris ‘Pledge’

Harding Rejects The League Outright; Wants Troops Back After Peace Vote; Cox Accepts Issue, Says ‘I’m For League’

Harding Answers Wilson On League; Herbert Parson Disowns Harding; Will Support Cox On League Issue

Wilson Gets Text Of Disputed Speech; Said To Uphold His Denial To Spencer; White House Will Make It Public

Cox Shows Wilson Heeded Taft’s Advice In Revision Of The League Covenant; Gives Out Messages They Exchanged

American Text Of President’s Speech Contradicts Charge Made By Spencer; Republicans Insist Meaning Is Same

Poles Sign Peace With Bolsheviki; In Effect Oct. 18

Reports Of Unlawful Killing Of Hatians By Our Marines

Harding Declares Big Powers Give Assurance Of Plan

Daniels Orders Haitian Inquiry And Punishment

1,000,000 Miners Strike In England; Millions Other Workers Affected; Premier Announces A Finish Fight

Sing Sing Fugitives Terrorize Towns, Hold Up Autoists

Sharp Letter By Wilson To Harding Brings Reply That He Saw No Agent Of French Government On League

Root For Modified League Of Nations; Against Article X.

Secret Codes Used By Builders To Cut Out Competition

Builder Held Up For $25,000 In Strike, He Tells Legislative Committee; Papers Seized In Lawyer’s Office

Contractor In Terror Of Labor Boss; City Cancels Court House Contracts; Special Jury Asked On Building Graft

Cox Would Take Reservation To Article X. ‘No Obligation To Use Military Force Unless Congress Approves In Each Case’

Cox And Wilson Now Confident Of Party Victory

Macswiney Dies After Fasting 74 Days; News Excites Ireland; Riot In Belfast; Second Hunger Striker Is Dead In Cork

Irish Republicans At Macswiney Bier Plan State Funeral

Wilson Urges Article X. As Pledge; Shows Illness In Plea From Chair; Cox Debates League With Heckler

Witnesses Paint Brindell As Despot, Ruling And Ruining Labor And Capital; Strikes Ordered As Payment Lagged

College Ousts Professor Chancellor Because Of Circulars On Harding; Denounces His “Unworthy Methods”

Cox Says America Must Serve World As Good Samaritan


Cox Says Fight For League Is Won; Rests After Tour

Cox Is Sure, Harding Complacent; Wilson Expects Victory On League; Record Vote In This State Assured

Harding Wins; Million Lead Here; Big Republican Gains In Congress; Miller Leads Smith For Governor

Harding By 6,200,000; Has Oklahoma, Maybe Tennessee; Congress Republican By 20 In Senate, 143 In House; Smith Beaten, Bonus Carried; Picking New Cabinet

Harding Now Has Electoral Vote Of 404; Wins Both Tennessee And New Mexico; Swann Beaten For Supreme Court Here

Backer, Builder, Held In Graft Case; Rake-Off Of 150% For Court House; Further Bribes Of $20,000 To Brindell

Hylan Threatened With Graft Grill; Untermyer Accuses Mayor Of Delay; Wants Building Contracts Canceled

Hylan To Confront Untermyer Before Graft Investigation

Heckschers Give $4,000,000 Home To Children’s Society

Seven Women Quit Children’s Society In Angry Protest

Benson To Aid Ship Graft Inquiry; Payne, Hurley, Schwab To Testify; Piez Attacks Committee’s Methods

Hylan Admits Limestone Boss Fooled Him Into Signing Hettrick Letter To Use Stone Only In Public Schools

Hylan At Stormy Hearing Tries To Show His Hettrick Letter Failed To Gain Preference For Limestone In Schools

41 Nations Raise Flags In Geneva As League Meets

Six Children Trampled To Death, Ten Hurt In Movie Theater Panic; Caught In Rush On Gallery Stairs

League Assembly Opens, Hails Wilson; Motta Appeals To America To Come In; Bar Removed On Austria’s Application

‘Whitewashing’ Untermyer’s Term For City Inquiry

Brindell Indicted, Out On $100,000 Bail; Charged With Attempted Extortion; Asked $7,500 Of Contractor He Ruined

Says Builders Backed Boss Brindell; $47,620 Added To List Of Bribes Paid; Mayor And Untermyer Wrangle Hotly

Building Material Trust Grips Country By Collusive Bidding And Rong Control; Lockwood Inquiry Sent Prices Down

Wilson Will Get Nobel Peace Prize, Sweden Reports

Officers Lodgings Invaded In Dublin, Fourteen Killed; Police Fire On Crowd At Athletic Park, Killing Ten; Government To Send Troop Reinforcements To Ireland

Incessant Firing In Dublin, Two Killed; Troops Comb The City And Other Towns; News Starts Fight In British Commons

Lockwood Committee Bares Combination To Fix Fireproof Prices And Profits; Whalen Threatens To Sue Untermyer

Tammany Fails To Stop Graft Inquiry; More Brindell Bribes Before Board; Pipe Prices Controlled By 13 Firms

5,000 Irish In British Flag Riot In 5th Av.’ M’Swiney Mourners From St. Patrick’s Smash Five Windows Of The Union Club

Powerful Reds Aid Mrs. Sheridan, Suspected As Spy

Ship Repairs Cost $70,000,000 A Year; Overcharges Bared

18 Warehouses Fired In Liverpool, Sinn Fein Accused; Foil London Plot; $1,000,000 Damage By Fires In Cork

Sinn Feiners Kill 16 Police Cadets; New Reprisals Near Scene Of Attack; England And Scotland Under Guard


$466,000 Hold-Up In Williamsburg; 2 Brother Held

Building Collapses On Broadway; One To Six Believed Dead In Ruins; Many Hurt, Saved By Daring Rescuers

Brick And Lumber Combines Exposed At Housing Inquiry

Builders’ Minutes Tampered With; Sent To Grand Jury

Argentina Quits League Assembly; Move To Drop Art. X.

50 Ten-Inch Shells Explode On Pier; Bombard Brooklyn

Harding Urges Co-Operation In Senate; Will Call Extra Session After March 4; Meets Leaders, Seeks Unity On Treaty

Wilson Urges Nation To Lead Democracy; Would Lend To Armenia, Free Philippines; Advises Tax Revision, Silent On Treaty

City Nearly Lost $1,240,000 On Stone On Court House Job

Cable Deadlock With Japanese Referred To Senate

Martial Law And Irish Negotiations Is Premier’s Policy

Japan Can’t Disarm If We Arm More, Ishi Tells League

Cork Is Swept By Incendiary Fires; Property Loss Estimate $15,000,000; Military Party Shot At From Ambush

Battles Rage Over Two Irish Barracks; Dublin-Britain Telephone Line Stops; Ruins Of 300 Houses Over 5 Acres Of Cork

Gunmen Stampede 200 In Bayonne Cafe; Get $15,000 In Cash

Two Couples Rout Bandits In Battle In The Hotel Astor

Bandits Kill Fifth Avenue Jeweler; Bind And Gag 3 And Take $50,000 Gems; Vigilantes Proposed To Halt Crimes

More Hold-Ups, One Victim Dying; Fifth Av. Organizes For Defense; Mayor Suggests Arming Messengers

Adopt Police Zones, Call Reserves To Reduce The City’s Crime Wave; One Hold-Up Yesterday, Robbers Caught

‘Strong Arm’ Work Of Police Sends Criminals To Cover

Drastic Orders Follow New Murder; Mayor Asks For 769 More Patrolmen; Curran To Demand Police Inquiry

20 Policemen Sharpshooters With Rifles Sent Out In Autos To Seek Robbers; More Police Voted, Five More Holdups

Harding Would Have Five Chief Powers Offer World Court And Conference Plan; No One Yet Invited To Enter Cabinet

$1,000,000,000 Credit To Berlin Opposed; Security Doubtful

Slain Dry Agent Found At Bayonne; Seek Bootleggers

Robber’s Cigarette Starts $75,000 Fire; Reveals Burglary

‘Monk’ Eastman, Gangster Murdered; Found In Union Square Shot Five Times; His Partner In Bootlegging Suspected

Police Guard Put At Gates Of City To Bar Criminals

3 Trapped In Auto As Bank Robbers; Hundreds Look On

Giant Star Equal To 27,000,000 Suns Like Ours

Two Women Taken In $1,000,000 Fraud Laid To Whiskey Ring

News Source: New York Times

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