1917: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


London Applauds the Allies’ Reply; Washington Sees Chance For Peace; Stir About Second Note To Spain

Wilson Seeks Senate Aid For Peace; Has Long Conference With Stone; Germans Prepare For Allied Drive

Germans Say Sword Will Answer Entente’s Rejection Of Peace; Washington Doubts U-Boat Revival

Senate Peace Resolution Held Up; Britain Anxious Over Our Attitude; Allies May State Terms To Wilson

Wilson To Send Second Note To Powers In Effort To Advance Peace Movement; The Allies’ Six Cardinal Conditions

Senate Approves Asking Terms; Wilson Plans No New Note Now; Allied Premiers Meet In Rome

London Sees Kaiser Dropping Peace; German War Party Takes New Heart; Rome Council To Deal With Greece

Peace Hopes Rise At Washington As Allies Delay Answer To Wilson; Big Events Are Planned At Rome

Lawson Faces Contempt Charge In ‘Leak’ Inquiry

Bethmann Hollweg To Speak Again On Peace Plans

Entente Reply Cabled To Wilson; Teutons Draft New Plans For War; Reported Parley On Armed Ships

Territories Overrun, Even In The Past, To Be Restored; Expulsion Of The Turk And Reorganization Of Europe; These, With Indemnities, Are The Allies’ Terms Of Peace

Kaiser Calls For Redoubled Effort Against Foe Who Would Crush Germany; Press Declares Entente’s Demands Mad

Germany Expects New Step By Wilson And Is Ready Then To State Her Terms; Berlin Scoffs At Allies’ Statement

President Likely To Keep Way Open For Berlin Terms

Lawson Names M’Adoo In Peace ‘Leak’ Charges

Big Financiers Called To Testify In ‘Leak’ Inquiry

German Raider Sinks Fifteen Ships In South Atlantic; 441 Men Missing; One Ship’s Officers Reported Shot

German Raider Arming Captive Ships; Three Now Sweeping The Atlantic Between Azores And South America

Yarrowdale Taken Into German Port; Prize Crew Of 16 Lands 469 Prisoners; News Kept Secret For Three Weeks

United States To Defend Rights Of Americans Captured By Raider; Armed Ship Issue Is Again Involved

Berlin Contending For Right To Hold Armed Ships’ Men

Wilson’s Terms For League Of Peace; Freedom Of Seas, Reduced Armaments, And Security For Weak Nations; Peace Without Victory Now Essential To Its Success

Senate To Debate Peace League; London Criticises Wilson’s Speech; Other European Capitals Puzzled

Senators Confer With President; Gerard Sends Message For Germany; Caine And Law State England’s Views

Tisza Hints Of New Teuton Move For Peace With ‘Acceptable’ Terms; Lloyd George Widens Colonies’ Aid

Russia Officially Indorses Wilson, Declaring Anew For A Free Poland And Welcoming Free Access To Seas

England Moves To Block Egress Of Enemy Ships Into North Sea; Batocki Denies Germans Starve

England Expects A Decision At Sea

Lansing May Drop The Bars Further For Armed Ships

Berlin Reply To Wilson Speech Coming; May Be Willing To State Peace Terms, If There Is A Prospect Of Negotiations


Germany Begins Ruthless Sea Warfare; Draws ‘Barred Zones’ Around The Allies; Crisis Confronts The United States

Wilson Silent, Washington Expects Break With Germany; Neutral Powers Wait Anxiously For America’s Lead; Germany Ready For All Consequences, Says Bethmann

Wilson Confers On Three Steps To Meet German Crisis; To Give Warning, Await An Overt Act, Or Break At Once; Hears Senators’ Views and Is Likely To Decide Today

Relations With Germany Are Broken Off; American Ships Housatonic Sunk, Crew Safe; Militia Called Out; German Ships Seized

Wilson Suggests Action Like His Own To All Neutrals; Berlin, Reticent About The Break, Said To Take It Calmly; Sinking Of Housatonic Found Not To Be A Cause Of War

U-Boat, Shelling Ship’s Crew In Boats, Kills An American; Berlin Not To Change Plans, Whatever The Issue May Be; Washington Hopes For The Best, Prepares For The Worst

Germans Sink 14 More Ships, 44,457 Tonnage, In War Zone; Berlin Expects This Campaign To Bring Peace By Summer; $500,000,000 For Our Navy; Washington Cool But Firm

Liner California Sunk Without Warning, Many Missing; Gerard And All Americans In Germany Held As Hostages; No Convoys Granted, American Line Cancels Sailings

U-Boats Sink Ten More Ships; One American Is Killed; Gerard Held, Berlin Presses Treaty To Guard Germans Here; Accumulation Of German Offenses May Cause Action

Wilson May Ask Only Power To Protect Americans At Sea; Gerard’s Departure, Set For Today, May Be Again Put Off; Two American Freighters To Sail; U-Boat Sinkings Fall Off

Germany Makes Informal Advances To Avert War With Us; Austria Willing To Open Mediterranean To Our Ships; Two American Ships Sail; Gerard Probably Out Of Berlin

Gerard Safely Out–How He Resisted German Pressure; Berlin Has Little Hope That War With Us Can Be Avoided; Washington Traces Origin Of New German Overtures

Wilson Won’t Compromise, Rejects Germany’s Overtures; Gerard, Under Pressure, Was Practically A Prisoner; Relief Agents Quit Belgium; Wilson Works After Midnight

Germany Repudiates Offer To Negotiate; Bernstorff Says Farewell; Hopes For Peace; Ne Demand For Release Of American Sailors

Austrian Submarine Destroys American Schooner; Berlin Repeats U-Boat War Will Be Unrestricted; Von Bernstorff Sails For Home, Ready For Any Fate

Berlin Releases Yarrowdale Prisoners As Wilson Prepares Peremptory Demand; Germany’s Aim To Have All Parleys Drag

War Nearer, Says Berlin, If We Arm Merchant Ships; England Proclaims A New Danger Zone Off Germany; British ‘Victory’ Loan Estimated at $5,000,000,000

President Confers With Senators On Arming Ships And Power To Act If That Step Brings An Overt Act; Germany To Send American Consuls Out This Week

Congress Ready To Back Wilson In Plans For Arming Our Ships; Vienna Hopes To Avoid A Break

Still See Peril Of Clash With Germany Despite The Talk Of Possible Peace Based On Settlement Of Minor Issues

Break With Austria Seems Near; Berlin Says Vienna Will Not Recede; St. Louis To Unload, Will Not Go Out

Wilson Decides To Ask Backing Of Congress; Carson Admits Ship Losses Of 304,000 Tons; Navy Has Fought Forty U-Boats Since Feb. 1

President May Go To Congress With Crisis Tomorrow

Britain Cuts Imports To Beat Foe; Food Stock Is Low, Says Premier; Day’s Report Of Tonnage Sunk, 27,500

7 Dutch Ships Torpedoed, 3 Sunk; Sailed On Agreement With Germany Which Promised ‘Relative Safety’

Germans Abandon Front On Ancre; British Patrols Harassing Retreat; Berlin Defends Sinking Dutch Ships

President Asks Broad Power To Meet U-Boat Warfare; Bill Introduced; Republicans Oppose Unlimited Grant; Liner Laconia Sunk; Two Americans, Probably More, Lost

President Finds The Laconia’s Sinking An ‘Overt Act’; Awaits Full Power From Congress Before Taking Action; Bill Reframed And Strengthened For The Senate


Germany Seeks An Alliance Against US; Asks Japan And Mexico To Join Her; Full Text Of Her Proposal Made Public

German Plot Note Authentic, President Tells Senate; Received It This Week, But Will Not Disclose Its Source; House, Stirred By Exposure, Passes Armed Ship Bill

Senate Postpones Till Today Vote On Arming Ships; Stone Seeks To Prevent Aid To Munition Carriers; Navy Now Ready To Equip Our Vessels With Guns

Berlin Admits War Plans, But Senators Block Wilson’s Bill; President May Act Alone; 68 Supporters Issue Manifesto; Senator Stone Criticised For Revealing A Naval Secret

Armed Ship Bill Beaten; President issues A Statement, Saying We Are Made ‘Helpless And Contemptible,’ Without Remedy Until The Senate Amends Its Rules; 33 Senators Already Pledged To End Obstruction

President Inaugurated, Calls For A United Nation; ‘May Be Drown On To A More Active Assertion Of Our Rights’; May Yet Find A Way To Arm Ships Without Senate Action

Ship Decision Waits; Wilson Again Assails Senators; Cloture Rule Framed For Adoption By The Senate; Austria In A New Note Tries To Avoid A Break

President Considers Convoying Instead Of Arming Merchantmen; Caucuses Approve Closure Rule

Senate Adopts Closure 76 To 3; ‘Willful Men’ Reply To President; May Call New Congress At Once

President Decides To Arm American Ships At Once; Calls Congress To Meet In Special Session April 16 To Give Him The “Support He Will Need” In The Crisis

U-Boats May Be Fired On At Sight; Berlin’s First Word Calls It War; Mexico Makes German Entry Easy

Gerard’s Party Reaches Havana; Brings News Of German Hunger; Warns Us To Prepare For Real War

Lansing Tells The World Of Purpose To Arm Ships And Supply Navy Gunner; Officers Too May Go; Details Hidden

Munition Ships To Be Protected Like Any Other

American Steamer Algonquin Sunk; Crew Unwarned And Aid Refused; Submarine War Fails, London Says

Revolution In Russia; Czar Abdicates; Michael Made Regent, Empress In Hiding; Pro-German Ministers Reported Slain

The Romanoff Dynasty Ended In Russia; Czar’s Abdication Followed By Michael’s; Constitutional Assembly To Be Convoked

Michael May Yet Accept Throne; Awaits Call From Russian People; Talk In Vienna Of An Armistice

Three American Ships Sunk, One Unwarned, 22 Men Missing; U-Boats Refuse Aid; Militia Demobilization Is Stopped And Railroad Strike Abandoned On President’s Order

Wilson Orders Navy Work Speeded; Big Fleet Of U-Boat Chasers First; 15 Of The Vigilancia’s Men Lost

Cabinet, Holding That War Exists, Urges Wilson To Summon Congress; Union League Calls For Action

Congress Called For April 2; War Preparations Under Way; Probably Co-Operation With Allies Against The U-Boats; Other Forms Of Aid And A Larger Cabinet Considered

American Ship Sunk, 21 Men Lost; Wilson Prepares War Message; Garden Meeting For Vigorous War

War For The Defeat Of Germany Now Favored By Wilson Cabinet; 7 Americans Lost On Healdton

Wilson Calls American Officials And Relief Workers Out Of Belgium; Puts No Faith In German Promises

Army Recast, Gen. Wood Sent South; Navy Strength Raised To 87,000 Men; Militia Summoned For Guard Duty

Wilson May Urge Declaration Of War; Talk Of Loan And Army For France; Western Militia Are Called Out

Cabinet Discusses Fund For War, Wilson Repudiates ‘Open Mind’ Talk; St. Louis Saw No Foe; Manchuria In

Kaisers Discuss Peace In Berlin; Rumor Of Offers To Allies And To Us; Germany Is To Detain Whitlock

Declares That If War With Us Comes, Germany Will Not Be Responsible; Chancellor Defends U-Boat’s Work

Wilson Will Ask War Declaration And Power To Call Volunteers; Reform Spirit Aflame In Germany


Congress Lining Up With Wilson; Patriotic Spirit On Eve Of War Voiced At Great Mass Meetings

President’s War Message Ready For Congress, Which Meets Today; Little Stir In Berlin Over New Foe

President Calls For War Declaration, Stronger Navy, New Army Of 500,000 Men, Full Co-Operation With Germany’s Foes

La Follette Blocks For a Day Action On War Resolution; Allies Laud Wilson; Cabinet Hurries Army And Navy Plans; Peace, Democracy, And No War On US the Talk In Berlin

Senate, 82 to 6, Adopts War Declaration; Its Opponents Scored; House Acts Today; Berlin Fears Our Influence On Russia

House, At 3:12 A.M., Votes For War, 373 To 50; $3,000,000,000 Asked For Army Of 1,000,000; Nation’s Gigantic Resources Mobilized

President Proclaims War; Warns Alien Enemies Here; 91 German Ships Seized And Spies Put Under Arrest; Navy Mobilized At Once; Cuba And Brazil May Join Us

War Loan Of Five Billions, Three-Fifths Of It To Allies; Preparing Army For Europe; Cuba And Panama Join Us; Kaiser Postpones Internal Reforms Until After War

Congress Starts Rush Work Today On War Measures; Sentiment In South America Strong For Action With Us; Kaiser’s Rescript An Attempt To Stem The Reform Tide

British Begin The Great Drive, Take 6,000 Prisoners; Plans To Discuss With Allies Our Share In The Conflict; Conscription Feature Of Army Bill Meets Opposition

Munitions Plant At Chester, Penn., Blown Up, 125 Killed; Brazil Acts, Argentina With Us, China To Declare War; We May Use German Ships; British Take 11,000 Germans

Allied Officials Coming For War Council In Washington; President At The Capitol To Urge Speed On War Bills; Hoover Heads Food Board; Mexico May Stop Oil Exports

Allied Admirals Call On Daniels; Lloyd George Welcomes US In War To Insure ‘Real Peace’ To World

British Astride Hindenburg Line; Bolivia Breaks Off With Germany; Report Kaiser Going To Holland

House Pases $7,000,000,000 War Loan; Not A Vote Is Recorded Against It; Wilson To Send Commission To Russia

Wilson Urges Nation To ‘Speak, Act And Serve Together’ To Furnish Supplies, Especially Food, And Win The War; British Patrols Enter Lens, Fighting German Rearguard

French Pierce 25-Mile Front, Take 10,000 Prisoners; British In Seven Days Have Smashed 10 German Divisions; Great General Offensive Opens; Strikes Begin In Berlin

French Pierce New 11-Mile Front; 13,500 Germans Taken In Two Days; Strikes And Warning Words In Berlin

French Again Smash The Aisne Line; German Strikers Demand Food; 75,000 Munition Workers Are Out

Nivelle’s Forces Again Drive Forward Against 240,000 Fresh German Troops; Take 3 Villages, Gain In Champagne

Hindenburg Appeals To Strikers Not To Imperil Men In Trenches; New Peace Signs Seen In Vienna

Balfour Here, Declares Our Work In War Will Astound The World; Commission On Its Way To Capital

Cheering Thousands Greet Balfour; All Washington Out For Welcome; Here Not To Suggest But To Inform US

Anglo-American Conferences Begin; Balfour Has Long Talk With Wilson; Food Assumes First-Place Importance

French Mission Reaches America; Wants US To Send An Army Abroad; Britain Gets First $200,000,000 Loan

Joffre And Viviani Are Welcomed By Cheering Throngs In Washington; President Will Greet Them Today

Victory Assured, Declares Viviani; Guest Of President At White House; Joffre Confers With War Secretary

Congress Votes On Draft Bill Today; Big Majorities For It Are Claimed; House Rejects Roosevelt Army Plan

Congress Passes Draft Bill: House, 397 to 24; Senate, 81 To 8; Command Of Entire Front In France Offered To Petain; Growing Demand In Mexico For A Stand With United States

Send Troops Soon, Joffre Urges; Says That Is What Germany Dreads; Allies Pay Homage To Washington


France Wants Our Military Forces Now To Brace Allies And Shake German Line; Envoys Urge Action, Viviani Sees Wilson

Peace Speech In Berlin Tomorrow; Chancellor To State Aims ‘Clearly’; Call For Our Troops Gains Favor

Whole World Faces U-Boat Peril, Nation’s Leaders Tell Governors; Reichstag’s Head Defies Wilson

Plan To Put All Food And Fuel In Control Of The Government; Allies To Buy Through Washington

Disorder Checked In Russian Capital After Two Days Of Mob Threats; Government’s Explanation Accepted

Deny Plan Is Found To Check U-Boats; Clash In Naval Board Statements; Wilson Could Use Embargo As Weapon

Daniels Thinks U-Boats Will Be Beaten; Saunders Again Says Problem Is Solved; Will Report To Navy Department Today

Senate Reconsiders Embargo Plan; Wilson Is Criticised In Debate; House Told Of Our Gun Shortage

Sweeping Taxes In New War Bill; Free List Dropped; All Tariffs Up; Liberty Bonds As Small As $100

French War Envoys City’s Guests; See In New York’s Warm Welcome New Hope For A Glorious Victory

Whole City Unites In Demonstrations In Honor Of Joffre And Viviani; $86,000 Gift To Marshal’s Charities

Balfour And Viviani Welcome US As Ally In The War For Civilization; Stir Diners To Wildest Enthusiasm

House For Roosevelt Division; Sends Bill Back To Conference; Senate Cuts Out Censorship Plan

British Advance Outposts North Of Bullecourt

Joseph Hodges Choate Dies Suddenly; Famous Lawyer And Statesman Was 85; Last Week’s Activities Weakened Him

Chancellor Silent On Peace Aims; Denounces Talk Of German Revolt; Proffers Olive Branch To Russia

American Destroyers In War Zone; Joined British Naval Patrol May 4; One Vessel Has Fought A Submarine

Senate Passes Draft Bill 65 To 8; Wilson May Proclaim It Tomorrow; New Army To Mobilize In September

President Calls The Nation To Arms; Draft Bill Signed; Registration On June 5; Regulars Under Pershing To Go To France

President Tells Of Food Needs; Must Have Control; Hover To Aid; 2,600 Marines To Go With Pershing

Plan To Build 3,500 War Airplanes And Train 5,000 Aviators In A Year; Roosevelt Drops Volunteer Division

Brass From Liner Mongolia’s Shell Kills Two Nurses And Wounds One; Bad Ammunition On St. Louis And St. Paul

President Restates Our War Aims; Rebukes Attempt To Cloud Issue; Drastic Food Bill Is Introduced

War Tax Measure Passed By House; 329 Ayes, 76 Noes

War Tax Slashed, Senators Aim To Relieve Business

Petain’s Valiant Army Needs Our Men To Beat Dwindling But Still Strong Foe; France Relies On Our Food And Coal, Too

Kill 76, Maim 174, In Airplane Raid On British Coast

Italians Again Break Foe’s Line Toward Trieste

Italians Push Along The Coast Toward Duino

Plotters Here Against Draft Under Watch

Must Fight Out Cause Of Human Liberty And Thus Prove Our Service, Says Wilson; U-Boat Sinkings Again Cut By Our Help


Hit Draft Plots In Many States; Arrest 3 College Students Here; Police Display Quiets Antis’ Meeting

President Warns Those Who Flee From Draft Law

Anarchists Parade Petrograd Streets; Duke Nicholas Arrested In Caucasus; Europe’s Eyes On Stockholm Meeting

British Advance Near Lens, But Are Force Back

America Enrolls Today For The Fight; Anti-Draft Agitation Loses Its Force; Police Firmness Silences Reds Here

Probably 10,000,000 Enroll For War; City’s Registration About 520,000; Count Is Slow; Very Little Disorder

American Steamer Sinks U-Boat In Fight; Our Destroyers Rival Allies In Hunt; U-Boats’ Toll Cut To Lowest In Weeks

British Smash Salient South Of Ypres; Take 5,000 Prisoners In Resistless Rush After Mines Destroy Messines Ridge

Pershing In London, Eager For Service; England Warmly Greets Our General, Who Hopes America Can Play Big Part

We Must Conquer, Wilson Tells Russia, And Exact Indemnities For Wrongs; Sees War Going Against Germany

New York Nears Bond Quota; Total Now $588,000,000

$200,000,000 New Loan Subscriptions; New York Sets Out To Raise A Billion; Country-Wide Rally For Great Total

Constantine Gives Up Greek Throne; Alexander, Second Son, Is Now King; Ruler And His Heir Ousted By Allies

German Airmen Kill 97, Hurt 437 In London Raid

Loan Oversubscribed By $500,000,000; Bonds Go To About 2,200,000 Persons; New York Takes A Billion Dollars

Nation’s Loan Bid, $2,800,000,000; Flood Of Late Offers Uncounted; New York Reaches $1,030,000,000

Russia Rejects A Separate Peace; Action By Soldiers And Workmen After Root Asks For A Firm Stand

Duma Votes For An Offensive At Once; Germany Scheming For An Armistice; Root Will Visit Many Russian Cities

Wilson Warns Foes Of Food Bill Of Nation’s Blame

Wilson To Embargo Food Exports; Sees Danger In Delay By Congress; Board To Fix Amount For Each Nation

Government Operations Of Railroads And Coal Mines Urged By Trade Board; Embargo On Exports May Come Today

Wilson Takes Firm Stand To Cut War Prices

$3,035,226,850 Subscribed To Liberty Loan By More Than Four Million Investors; Allotment Plan Favors Small Bidders

Cocchi Confesses; Slew Ruth Cruger For Repelling Him

Italy Is Likely To Give Up Cocchi, Ludovici Hints

President Takes Control Of Exports To Meet Our Own And Our Allies’ Needs; May Halt Food Bought By Neutrals

Senators Put Prohibition Up To President

First American Troops Reach France, Setting Record For Quick Movement; Frantic Crowds Cheer Their Landing

Aims To Wipe Out Neutrals’ Trade With Germany

President Stops The Prohibition Of Beer And Wine


Pershing’s First Force Is In France; General Praises Troops After Visit; Entire Port Put In American Control

French Have Named Our Men ‘Sammees’; ‘Over The Sea To Germanee’ They Sing As They March Away To First Camp

Race Rioters Fire East St. Louis And Shoot Or Hang Many Negroes; Dead Estimated At From 20 To 75

Victory For Our Navy In Two Battles; U-Boats Twice Attack Our Transports; Our Warships Sank One, Perhaps More

Baker Seizes News Dispatches, Ignoring Congress And Constitution; Root Out Spies, Says Chamberlain

Unconstitutional Censorship Ended; Baker Revokes Order Diverting Cables; “Emergency Passed” Is Stated Reason

Our Men Tell Of The Two U-Boat Attacks; One Submarine, Seen In First, Vanished; Another, Sighted Next Day, Blown Up

Germans, In Biggest Air Raid Yet, Kill 37 In London, Lose 3 Machines; 84 French Aircraft Raid Germany

Wilson Proclaims Export Control Over Food, Fuel And War Supplies To Aid Allies And Bar Trade With Foe

Kaiser Backs Chancellor In Refusal To Commit Germany To No Annexations; Crown Council Called To Meet Crisis

Bethmann Spurns ‘No Annexation’ Peace; Clings To His Post With Kaiser’s Help; May Sacrifice Zimmermann And Others

President Denounces Profiteers; Says Fair Prices Must Prevail In War; Assails Ship Owners For High Rates

Whole German Cabinet Out, Dutch Hear; Kaiser Orders Equal Suffrage Bill Drawn For Prussia, Starting Reform

Holland Has Rumor Kaiser Has Abdicated; Reichstag On Strike Stops All Business; Credit Bill Halted Till Situation Clears

Crown Prince Puts Bethmann Out; Georg Micaelis Made Chancellor; Upset Has Not Ended The Crisis

Crown Prince Aided By Hindenburg In Aim To Avert Peace Declaration; New Chancellor Seeking Harmony

Dissatisfaction Openly Voiced In Berlin; Hindenburg Still For ‘German Peace’; Crown Prince Leaves Berlin A Victor

Carson Shifted; Churchill Enters British Cabinet

U-Boats Sinking 1,600,000 Tons A Month, Nearly Thrice The World’s Production; Defeat Threatens If Loss Is Not Reduced

Chancellor Justifies U-Boat War; ‘Has Done More Than We Expected;’ Vast Tonnage Sunk Or Disabled

Drawing For Nation’s Draft Army Ends At 2:18 A.M. After 16 1/2 Hours; Missing City Lists Cause Worry

Draft “Master Sheets” Completed; Copies to Go To Governors Tomorrow; Missing Numbers Is Found To Be 4,664

Mutiny On Russian Front Spreads; North Galicia Army In Retreat; Germans At Gates Of Tarnopol

Kerensky Made Dictator Of Russia; Councils, Fearing Counter Revolt, Appeal To Army To Save Country

M’Adoo Asks 5 Billions More For War; President Ends Fight In Ship Board; Call For War Board Halts Food Bill

Senators Favor Bond Issues For New War Budget

Ask $2,500,000,000 For Coast Defense; Nation Not Awake To Peril, Says Borah, But Official Washington Is Confident

Year’s War Cost To US $11,651,194,000; Loans Many Send It To $17,000,000,000; $5,000,000,000 Bonds In Lieu Of Taxes

Board Of Seven Named To Guide War Purchases

Chancellor Renews Peace Talk; Says France Seeks Conquest; Czernin Asks The Entente’s Terms

Germany Must Be Beaten Or Free If Peace Is To Last, Says Balfour; Wilson To Keep Fats From Germany


Allies Smash Line On 20-Mile Front; Take 10 Towns And 3,500 Prisoners; May Force Enemy From Belgian Coast

Allies Exchanging Views On Austria; Believed To Have A Bearing On Peace; Czernin May Exert Pressure On Berlin

Germans Fight Vainly For Lost Ground As Kaiser Summons A Council Of War; Haig Regains Ypres Railway Position

Russian Cabinet In New Upheaval; Gen. Gurko And An Ensign Arrested; Governor Of Petrograd Murdered

Near The Summit, Says Lloyd George, But Berlin Must Offer Restoration; British Army Chief Sure Of Victory

Canadians Drive Forward Upon Lens; Allies Make New Gains North Of Ypres; British Cannade Disheartens Foe

Junker Victory In Berlin Changes; Kuehlmann New Foreign Secretary; Kerensky Forms New Russian Cabinet

Pick Helffereich To Steer Peace Plans; Leans To England, Say Berlin Critics; Outcry Against Junkerism Grows

Draft Call For 251,900 Men On Sept. 1; Third Of New Armey Will Go To Camp; Mobilization Rules To Be Out Today

President Issues Draft Call To Colors; Local Boards Must Assemble Men And Rush Them To Camps Before Sept. 5

One Exemption Board Here Removed By Direction Of President Wilson On Charges Of Irregular Conduct

Two Draft Board Members In Tombs Charged With Conspiring To Assist Men To Escape Service In The Army

Hoover Ready To Buy Whole Wheat Crop; Garfield Heads Board To Fix Price; Will Lower Cost Of Flour And Bread

Allies Won’t Pass Any Delegates To Stockholm

Pope Proposes A ‘Status Quo’ Peace; Allied Capitals Cold To Offer; Austrian Weakness Seen In Move

England Gives Out The Pope’s Note Asking Belligerents To Make Peace; Canadians Take Hill 70, Key To Lens

Allies Sweep Forward In Flanders; Win Langemarck, Begin New Advance; 1,800 Prisoners And Heavy Guns Taken

Pope’s Peace Plan Backed In Berlin; Hold War Must End In Concessions; Allies To Confer On The Proposals

America To Send Separate Reply To Pope’s Plea

Move To Demand Berlin War Aims In The Reichstag

French Break German Lines At Verdun On 11-Mile Front, Capturing 4,000 Men; Italian Drive Takes 7,600 Prisoners

Germans Routed In A Fog At Lens; French Sweep On North Of Verdun; Italians Break Austrian Lines

Germans Begin Drive Toward Riga; Russian News Worries Washington; Haig Thrusts Again East Of Ypres

Russian Troops Evacuating Riga; Kerensky Faces A Cabinet Crisis; New German Storm Over Michaelis

Army Riot At Houston Cost 17 Lives; Negro Troops Ordered Out Of State; Congress Will Take Up Race Question

Italians Conquer Monte Santo; Break Through Austrian Lines; French Increase Verdun Gains

Italians Sweep On, Shell Trieste; French Smash Ahead At Verdun; British Advance Near St. Quentin

Italians Again Smash Foe’s Line North Of Gorizia

President Rejects The Pope’s Peace Plan; Cannot Trust Germany’s Present Rulers; Her Great People Must Find The Way Out

Whole Nation Applauds Note To Pope; Washington Expects It To Spur Peace; Looks To Austria For Important Step

Teutons Gather In Switzerland For Peace Plots


German Flotilla Off Gulf Of Riga With Airplanes

Germans Resent Wilson Reply To Pope; Call It Attempt To Split The Nation; Socialists Alone See No Bar To Peace

Plot To Seize The Russian Cabinet Foiled B Arrest Of Monarchists; Germans Cross Dvina, Move On Riga

Peace Campaign Starts In Germany; Reichstag Leaders To Demand Power; Talk Of Negotiations By Christmas

Kuehlmann On Vienna Peace Mission; Sees The Emperor On Reply To Pope; Report Germans Retiring In Flanders

Big Raid On I.W.W. And Socialists; Haywood Taken

German Warships Off The Entrance Of Finland Gulf

Pan Germans Call On The Reichstag To Rebuff Wilson

Secret Swedish Aid To Germany Through Buenos Aires Legation; Dispatches Published By Lansing

Swedish Envoy At Buenos Aires Denies His Legation Sent German Dispatches; Disclosures Shock Argentine Capital

Russian Premier Deposes Army Chief For Bold Demand For Supreme Power; Korniloff Troops Move On Petrograd

Korniloff’s Army Begins Attack; Kerensky Says Advance Is Halted And He Hopes To Avoid Civil War

Mobs In Buenos Aires Burn Buildings Of Germans And Attack Legation After Count Luxburg Is Dismissed

Sweden Aided Germany In Mexico; Envoy Secretly Commended To Kaiser; Stockholm Government Now Involved

Cadorna Gains Peak Of Gabriele; Greatest Italian Victory Of The War Places The Austrians In Grave Peril

Swedish Foreign Minister Promises Reform And Stops German Messages; Explanation Demanded From Berlin

Russian Republic Is Proclaimed By Premier Kerensky

Argentina Rejects German ‘Regrets’ As Inadequate

Russia Preparing New Mighty Army To Resume Fight

Mitchel Leads Bennett In Close Race For Nomination By The Republicans; Ahead By 1,700 In Latest Returns

Haig Attacks On 8-Mile Front At Ypres, Piercing Foe’s Lines More Than A Mile; Two Towns And 2,000 Prisoners Taken

Central Powers Reply To Pope; Austria Wants Peace With Freedom Of The Seas, Disarmament, And Arbitration; Bernstorff’s Appeal For $50,000 To Influence Congress; Argentina To Declare War And Send Army To Europe

Pope In New Note To Ban Conscription; Gasparri Decries Wilson Peace Plan; Allies Scoff At Berlin Professions

Deadly Germs And Bombs Were Planted By Germans In Rumanian Legation When They Left It In American Hands

Hints Of German Bribes Stir House; Demand Inquiry

London Attacked Again By Airmen: 20 More Wounded

Germany Offers To Give Up Belgium For Trade And Military Guarantees; Terms Impossible, Says Washington

Bar Peace Speech In The Reichstag By Chancellor

Berlin War Aims To Be Held Back, Michaelis Says

Dutch Must Break German Compact To Get Our Goods


British Take Turk General And Army; Italians Begin New Drive, Capture 1,400; Haig’s Men Confident, Facing Big Events

Columbia Ousts Two Professors, Foes Of War Plans

Britain Declares Absolute Embargo On The Northern Neutrals To Stop Sending Of Supplies Into Germany

Bolo Pacha Got $1,700,000 Fund From Bernstorff

British Pierce German Lines 1 1/2 Miles In Ypres Advance On 8-Mile Front; Win Dominating Ridge, Capture 3,000

Haig Holds Gains Of Ypres Victory; Has 4,446 Prisoners

September U-Boat Losses At Low Mark, Largely Due To Our Destroyers’ Work; Washington Cuts Rates On War Risk

War Aims Debate Is Set For Today In The Reichstag

Party Councils Defer Reichstag Debate On Peace

British And French Smash Through Wide German Front North Of Ypres; Plot In The German Navy For Peace

Crews On 5 German Warships Mutinied In A Widespread Plot For Peace; Socialist Accused In The Reichstag

Britain Will Fight To Restore Alsace, No Matter How Long, Says Lloyd George; Asquith Ridicules Kuehlmann’s Speech

Von Capelle, German Navy Chief, Is Out; Ascribed To Mutiny And U-Boat Failure; May Forecast Fall Of The Chancellor

Michaelis Is Target Of Jeering Press Which Predicts His Swift Deposition; Conservatives Desert Chancellor

Wilson Proclaims Liberty Loan Day; Sets Oct. 24 For National Celebration; $358,000,000 Daily Needed In Drive

Germans Extend Oesel Invasion; Take Arensburg

U-Boat Blockade Of Our Sea Cost Is Reported Near

American Destroyer Is Torpedoed By German Submarine, But Makes Port; Petty Officer Slain; Five Men Injured

Germans Seize Moon Island; Trap 20 Ships

U-Boat Sinks An American Transport, The Antilles, Returning From Europe; 70 Men Perish, Including 16 Soldiers

French Bring Down 5 Zeppelins, Including 4 That Raided England; Germans Sink 11 Ships In Convoy

Survivors Land From Antilles; Gun Crew Heroic

To Seize Germany’s $200,000,000 Here And Put It Into Our Liberty Loan; Custodian Of Enemy Property Acts

New Sinn Fein Rebellion Nipped Here; Agent Left By Bernstorff Arrested; Lloyd George Tells Commons Of Plot

Germans Break Into Italian Lines, Take Thousands

Liberty Loan Passes 3 1/2 Billion Mark; Victory Is In Sight, M’Adoo Asserts; Total In This District $1,075,000,000

Liberty Loan Sales Near 4 Billion With Great Drive Ending Tonight; New York’s Total Now $1,275,000,000

First American Troops In Trenches; Italians Lose Over 60,000 Men, 500 Guns; French And British Begin Counterdrive

Teutons Take Gorizia, Cividale, 100,000 Italians And 700 Guns; France Plans To Help Her Ally

Italian Isonzo Front Collapses; Army Retires Toward Tagliamento; Teutons Take Cormons, Near Udine

Teutons Take Udine And Still Push On; Italians Cut Bridges To Delay Advance; America Gives Italy $230,000,000 Credit


Mitchel Declares Hylan Conspired To Create A Disloyal Press Here And Pollute Sources Of Information

Roosevelt Sees Our Great Danger In ‘Huns Within’

Berlin Announces Retirement From Asine Trenches

Teutons’ Boasted Captures In Drive Mainly Of Workmen And Machine Guns; News From Italy Cheers Washington

Last Hylan Charge At Once Disproved; Germans Organize Against Mitchel But Pulpits Speak As One For Him

Predict Record Vote For Mayor Today; Fusion Claims 50,000 For Mitchel; Soldier Vote May Hold Up Result

Hylan Chosen Mayor, Plurality 147,000; Woman Sufferage Wins Probably By 80,000; Prohibition Close, Sufferage Loses, In Ohio

Tammany Sees An Orgy Of Jobs With Hylan In

Revolutionists Seize Petrograd; Kerensky Flees; Pledge Is Given To Seek “An Immediate Peace”; Italians Again Driven Back; Lose 17,000 More Men

Russians Plan 3 Months’ Armistice; Revolutionists Now Hold Moscow; Allies Name New War Committee

Teutons Flanking New Italian Line; Take Asiago, West Of The Piave; Kerensky Gaining Support In Russia

Kerensky With Army From Front Moves On Petrograd, Routs Rebels; Loyalists Defeat Reds In Moscow

Lloyd George Sees Victory In Unity, Without Russia; Wilson Tells Labor Victory Alone Spells Peace; Kerensky Fighting Rebels; Italy Facing A Great Battle

French Cabinet Forced To Resign; War Council And Scandals Debated; Germans Cross The Lower Piave

War Board Fight Opens In Commons; Cabinet Shaken But Likely To Hold; Wedge Imperils Armies Of Italy

Northcliffe Refuses Cabinet Office, Says We May Have To Manage War; Kerensky Army Reported In Flight

Cowdray Leaves British Cabinet, Resenting Offer To Northcliffe; Italians Flood Routes To Venice

Russians Turn Against Kerensky; Seeking Strong Man To Save Nation; Italians Holding On Entire Front

President Wilson Cables Col. House Unity Of Plan And Control Is Essential To Success Of The Allies In The War

Lloyd George Defends His War Council Plan; Says America Wanted To Go Even Further; Tells Of Five Submarines Sunk In One Day

Lloyd George Asks Us To Rush Troops And Enormous Tonnage Of Shipping; Russia Said To Seek Separate Peace

Haig Hurles His Army At Cambrai, Gaining Five Miles; Hundreds Of Tanks Lead Drive, Cavalry Captures Guns; 8,000 Prisoners Taken, Foe’s Last Defenses Reached

Heavy Fighting Close To Cambrai; Germans Retake Fontaine Village; British Clinch Their Other Big Gains

Byng Renews Heavy Attack On Fontaine; Takes Hill Dominating Moeuvres; Ludendorff Peace Envoy To Russians

Byng Takes Ridge In Bourlon Wood; Tanks Join In Attack On Fontaine; Trotzky Bares Russia’s Compacts

British Rushes Win Bourlon Wood; French Break German Verdun Lines; No Separate Peace, Lenine Says

Allied Envoys Ready To Quit Russia; Second Army Backs Armistice Plan; British Still Fight For Bourlon

German Threat To Seize Denmark If Norway Lets Allies Get A Base; British Retake Part Of Fontaine

Germans Welcome Lenine’s Envoys; Great Allied Council Meets Today; Fierce Battle In Ruined Fontaine

German Chancellor Offers Parley To Russia If Envoys With Full Power Are Sent To Berlin; Lord Lansdowne Makes Peace Suggestions


Unionists Condemn Lansdowne Letter And Cable Support To Lloyd George; Washington Cool To Peace Talk Now

Germans Plunge Ahead Almost 2 Miles, Breaking British Lines Near Cambrai; 4,000 Prisoners Captured, Says Berlin

British Fall Back From Masnieres After Ten Costly German Attacks; American Engineers Join In Battle

Armistice Now On Russian Front; Rumania Reported Seeking Peace; German Blows Dent Byng’s Lines

President Calls For Immediate War On Austria; Congress Would Include Bulgaria And Turkey; Our Watchwords ARe Justice, Reparation, Security

War On Austria In Effect Saturday; Declaration Is Already Drawn Up; No Dismemberment, Says Emperor

Munitions Ship Blows Up In Halifax Harbor, May Be 2,000 Dead; Collision With Belgian Relief Vessel Causes The Disaster; Two Square Miles Of City Wrecked; Many Buried In Ruins

Blizzard Adds To The Halifax Horror; Cold Kills Those Trapped In The Ruins; Snow Halts Aid; Stops Trains Of Injured

69 American Officers And Men Lost On Destroyer Jacob Jones, Sunk By Submarine In North Atlantic

Kaledines Heads Revolt Against Bolshevist Rule

Wilson For Control Of Railroads During War; Will Address Congress; Wants Operation By Their War Board

Senate Inquires Into Failure To Equip And Clothe Our Soldiers In The Camps; Sugar And Coal Shortage Also Taken Up

German Mass Attacks Near Cambrai Win 500 Yards Of British Trenches, But Are Checked After 7-Hour Battle

Crozier Blames Baker For The Delay In Supplying Machine Guns To Army; Production Of Rifles Cut In Half

Spreckels Says Hoover Committee, ‘Trust Adjunct,’ Caused Sugar Famine Through Restricting Importation

Bolshevist Peace Schemings Widen; Treaty Formulated, Berlin Announces; Gen. Kaledine Is Reported Arrested

Armistice Is Signed By Blosheviki; Peace Negotiations To Begin At Once; Trotzky Threatens To Use Guillotine

Trotzky Demands That The Allies Pass His Agents

Senate Starts Two More Inquiries, Taking Up Shipping And Railroads; M’Cormick Controverts Crozier

Navy Has Met Every Demand In War And Trebled In Size, Says Daniels; Gunmakers Tell Of Army Rebuffs

Teutons Must Restore Territory And Repay Losses, Says Lloyd George; New Peace Feeler From The Kaiser

Uniform Delays Traced To Red Tape And Workings Of Defense Council; Hurley Promise Huge Cargo Fleet

Lewis Charges That Ordnance Ring Stops Army Getting Machine Guns; Hurley Asserts Capps Delayed Ships

Kaiser, As Russian Parley Begins, Plans To Attend Later And Call Rulers Of Europe To Peace Meeting

Teutons’ Peace Reply To Russia Today; Kaiser Threatens To Use The ‘Iron Fist’ And ‘Shining Sword’ If Peace Is Spurned

Expect President Will Take Over Railways Dec. 31

Wilson Takes Over The Railroads; Names M’Adoo Director General; Executives Of Lines Approve Act

Teuton Peace Terms Offered To All; Ten Days’ Recess For The Russians To Submit Them To The Entente

Trotzky To Issue Message To World And Ask Allies To Discuss Peace; Entente Rejects Teuton Conditions

Terms Of Peace Rouse The Fury Of Pan Germans

Germans Won’t Withdraw Troops From Occupied Provinces Of Russia Which Have Sought Independence

News Source: New York Times

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