1916: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


Lusitania Settlement Now Likely, Following Austria’s Compliance With All Our Demands On Ancona

Liner Persia Torpedoed; Hundreds Perish; Three Americans, One A Consul, On Board, Washington Sees A New Crisis Threatened

Persia Sunk Without Warning; American Consul Among 250 Lost; Washington Hears Liner Was Armed

Submarines Sink Four More Ships; 11 More Persia Survivors Land; President Hurries Back To Capital

President Awaits Persia Details; To Act Promptly When He Gets Them: Is Suspending Judgement Meanwhile

Second American Lost On The Persia; Lansing Again Cables For Details; War Debate Starts In The Senate

Three Labor Members Quit Ministry As Unions Vote Against Conscription; Bill Passed By Commons, 403 To 105

Germany Pledges Humanity At Sea; Will Also Pay Lusitania Indemnity; Austria And Turkey To Join In Pledge

Wilson Administration Sees A Victory For All Nations In German Pledge; Note On Frye Yields Another Point

Allies Abandon All Of Gallipoli, Escaping From Turks Without Loss; Mine Sinks Battleship Edward VII.

British Rushing To Save Kut-El-Amara; Pursue Huge Turk Army After Defeat; German Offensive In Champagne Fails

Montenegrins Lose Mount Lovcen; Teutons Move Bases Back In Russia; 30,000 Germans Fell In Champagne

Lansing Demands Carranza Punish Bandits Who Massacred Americans; Senate Debates Armed Intervention

Gen. Almeida Shot, Rodriguez To Die; Their Villa Forces Routed In Battle; Wilson Stands Against Intervention

Von Papen Paid Horn, The Dynamiter; Sent Funds Before Seattle Explosion; Facts Disclosed In His Seized Papers

Gas Explosion In Submarine Kills 4, Injures 10, At Brooklyn Navy Yard; Edison’s New Safety Battery Blamed

Carranza Orders Death Of Bandits

Allied Troops Land Near Athens; King To Move Capital, Berlin Hears; Montenegro Agrees To Surrender

50,000 More Men For Britain’s Navy; Kitchener Has ‘Troops Enough To Win’; Lord Derby Is Sure Of Victory Now

Montenegro Rejects Terms Of Peace; Greek King And ‘Highest Man In France’ Have It Out In Newspaper Interviews

Fight In Senate Over Blockade

Nicholas Forced By His Own Army To Continue War

Nicholas’s Army Will Join Serbs

German Aeroplanes Raid London, Killing One Person And Wounding Six; May Forecast A Dash By Zeppelins

Germany In New Lusitania Proposal Virtually Ceases To Defend Sinking; Austria May Attack Armed Liners

Wilson Rejects Lusitania Note; Asks Disavowal

Grey Wins Fight Against Making Blockade Tighter

‘Prepare,’ President Wilson Pleads, ‘No Man Can Be Sure Of The Morrow;’ Says He Is Ready To Fight For Honor

Germany Must Settle On Lusitania On Our Own Terms And Without Delay; Wilson To Act Quickly If She Refuses

May Not Be Able To Keep Out Of War And Maintain Our Honor, Says Wilson; Middle West Cheers His Speeches

New Zeppelin Raid On Paris Fails; 24 Dead, 30 Injured In Saturday’s Raid; Majority Are Women And Children


Navy Ready For War If It Comes, President Tells Chicago Audiences; Great Ovation To Him At Milwaukee

German Raider’s Prize Crew Bring British Steamer Appam To Norfolk; Elude All Foes Crossing Atlantic

Appam’s Captives To Be Freed Today; Count Dohna Named As Raider Captain; Conflict Over Liner’s Status Begins

Canadian Parliament House Burns; 6 Persons Dead; $5,000,000 Loss; Fire May Have Been Caused By Bomb 

Germany Delivers A New Note; Lusitania Case Hinges On ‘Legality’ Washington Officials Are Hopeful

Washington Now Believes Crisis Over Lusitania Sinking Is Past; Outline Of Germany’s New Offer

Germany Admits Full Liability For Loss Of Americans On Lusitania And Our Right To Claim Indemnity

Lusitania Case Before Cabinet Today; ‘Nearly Settled,’ Says Senator Stone; Berlin Still Takes Pessimistic View

Lusitania Terms Are Agreed Upon, Germany Admitting Full Liability; Berlin Now To Send A Formal Vote

Change Of A Word Needed To Settle Lusitania Case

Secretary Of War Garrison Resigns After Dispute With The President Over Defense And Philippine Bill

President Leaves Capital On Yacht To Select A Successor To Garrison; Goethals, Baker And Polk Mentioned

House Democrats Call Upon Kitchin To Lead Fight For Preparedness Or Make Way For Speaker Clark

Germans Make Five Assaults At Hill In Artois

Germans Battle To Hold Heights, The Key To Lille

America To Hold That Liners May Arm For Defense

German Order To Sink Armed Ships Holds Up The Lusitania Settlement; United States Must Have New Pledge

Germany Must Give New Pledge Of Safety At Sea

Berlin Pledges Covered Only Unarmed Ships

Teuton Envoys’ Methods Here Arouse Wrath

German Fliers Drop Bombs On English Towns

Wilson Confers With Leaders On Foreign Policy

9 Dead, 65 Hurt In Triple Wreck On The New Haven

Germans Hurl 280,000 Men At Verdun; Battle Now Raging On 25-Mile Front; Berlin Reports Piercing Line 2 Miles

Germans Drive Back French Wings, Taking Town Six Miles From Vurdun; Kaiser Reported At Battle Front

President’s Stand Halts Congress; Restates Policy To House Delegation, Declaring Time Will Vindicate Him

French Recapture Verdun Fort Which Germans Took By Assault; Battle Goes On With Heavy Losses

German Guns Blow Up Verdun Forts; Four Shots Destroyed Douaumont; Single Shot Levels A Second Fort

German Drive At Verdun Checked; Battle Still Rages At Douaumont Where Kaiser’s Force Is Hemmed In


President Startles Congress; Demands Vote On Armed Liners To Clarify Our Foreign Policy

Rumors Of German Staff Dissensions As Battle Slackens Before Verdun; Kaiser And Crown Prince Leave Front

President Denies He Favors War As Gore Charges In Senate Debate; Britain’s Orders To Armed Liners

Senate Tables Gore’s Resolution; House Votes Today On Direct Issue Of Right Of Travel On Armed Ships

French At Night Regain Douaumont But Germans Again Enter Village And Fourth Day’s Battle Is Intense

9-Inch Shells Now Falling In Verdun But Germans Advance No Further; Northcliffe At Front, Sees Victory

Turkey Makes Overtures To Russia; Neutral Nations To Try For Peace; Germans Gain In New Verdun Drive

President Wins By Vote Of 276 To 142 In Final Test Of Armed Liner Issue; 93 House Republicans Support HIm

French Check Germans West Of Verdun; Retake Most Of The Corbeaux Wood, But Lose Village Of Regneville

Plan To Send A Force Into Mexico To Punish Villa Raiders For Killing 17 Americans In Columbus, New Mexico

Funston To Lead 5,000 Men To Mexico With Orders To Capture Villa Band, Now Menacing American Colonists

Troops Moving On Mexican Border; May Be Across, Washington Says; Rumored Revolt Against Carranza

Carranza Forbids Villa Pursuit Without Same Right For Mexico; Funston Awaits Patrol Troops

Pershing Now At Head Of 3,500 Men, First Force To Cross Into Mexico; Agreement Made With Carranza

Carranzaistas Race To Catch Villa; Funston Hides Troop Movements; Carranza Won By Wilson’s Answer

Our Army Has Entered Mexico In Two Columns, 4,000 Men In One; Carranza Troops Go With Them

Gen. Pershing’s Columns Push On Twenty Miles In Pursuit Of Villa; Reports Of Sniping Unconfirmed

Our Cavalry Near Casas Grandes; Carranza Commander Is Forbidden To Let Troops Pass Through City

American Troops Chasing Villa To Mountains From Casas Grandes; Bandit Seeks Ammunition Stores

Villa Is Hemmed In At Babicora; Pershing Has Made 110-Mile Dash; Carranza Troops Now Face Test

Mexicans Fight Villa To Drive Him To The Advancing Americans; Carranza For Full Co-Operation

Pershing Sends A Flying Column To Cruces, Where Villa, Fleeing, Is Again Attacked By Mexicans

Gen. Herrera And 2,000 Troops Reported To Have Joined Villa; Gen. Funston Orders Precautions

Villa Surrounded Near Namiquipa; Carranza Force Twice Defeats Him, And Americans Close In On His Rear

Ring Closing In On Villa At El Oso; Pershing’s Troops Using Railway; Bandit Turned Back From Passes

Villa Evades Pursuing Troops; Pershing Needs No Greater Force; Wilson Denounces Alarmist Talk

Pershing’s Men Still On Villa’s Trail Advance 230 Miles Into Mexico; Bandit Broke Carranzista Ring

Cavalry Half A Day Behind Villa; Pershing Advances His Base; Pursuing Bandit To The South

Dodd Hunts Villa From New Base West Of Sierras

New Submarine War Brings America To Verge Of A Crisis With Berlin; Germany’s Acts Amaze Washington

Villa Massacres 172 In Garrison At Guerrero And Then Turns North; Pursuers Are Closing In On Him


Our Cavalry Routs Villa Band After Riding 55 Miles In 17 Hours; 30 Slain; Villa Escapes, Wounded

Villa’s Carriage Tracks In Snow Followed By Dodd’s Cavalrymen; Aviators Scan Mountain Wilds

Zeppelins Make Two More Raids On England And Have Killed 59 Or More In Last Three Nights

French Regain A Foothold In Vaux, Winning Most Of Area Lost Sunday, But Lose Ground West Of The Meuse

Our Troops Kill 30 Villistas In Fight Near Aguascalientes; Railroad Problem Is Pressing

Will Yield No ‘Arms Of Defense,’ Chancellor Tells The Reichstag; Sussex Torpedoed, Say U.S. Navy Men

Funston Calls For More Troops On The Border

Britain Spurns Berlin Peace Terms; German Parties Back Chancellor; Wilson Wants Answer From Berlin

Germany Denies Sussex Attack; Wilson Soon To Pass On Evidence;  Gerard Expresses Faith In Berlin

Sussex Denial Proves A Puzzle To The Cabinet

Germans Hurl Fresh Hosts At Verdun; Penetrate French Lines On Hill 295 But Fail In Other Furious Assaults

German Faith Broken, Cabinet Agrees In The Recent Submarine Disasters; Action Waits On Further Evidence

Germany Denies Attack On Sussex; But Tells Of Hitting Another Boat, Same Time And Place, Same Result

Mexicans Fire On Our Men, Kill Many; Carranza Reports Second Heavy Fight, Again Urges Americans To Withdraw

Mexicans Attack A Supply Train; Lansing To Treat With Carranza While American Troops Go On

Wilson Fixes Terms As A Basis For Negotiation Toward Recall Of Our Expedition From Mexico

Report Villa Dead And Body Found, Showing That He Died Of Wound; Carranzistas Attacked Our Men

Doubt Of Villa’s Death Grows; Reports From Mexico Delayed; Treachery At Parral Charged

President Will Address Congress On The Crisis With Germany Today; Both Houses Suddenly Summoned

President Addresses Congress And Notifies Germany That Submarine Warfare On Merchantmen Must Stop Or We Shall Be Compelled To Sever Relations With Her

Bernstorff Works To Avoid A Break, But Political Situation In Germany May Prevent Meeting Our Demands

Washington Frowns On Berlin’s Hint Of Delay In Considering Demands; Both Capitals Admit Crisis Is Grave

Chancellor Hurries Back To Berlin, It Is Supposed, With Kaiser’s Reply; Answer Expected By Wednesday

Berlin Believes The Crisis Is Past; Kaiser’s Reply Is Already There; Expected To Prevent Break With Us

Berlin Ready To Reaffirm Pledges, May Balk At Further Limiting U-Boats; Kaiser Again To Consider The Reply

Troops Crush Revolt In Dublin; Take Post Office Seized By Rioters; Many Killed In Street Fighting

Lansing Issues Armed Ship Decree To Forestall Any Parley By Berlin; Hint Of Further Delay By Germany

Irish Revolt Spreads West And South; Whole Island Now Under Martial Law; Colonial Irish Roused Against Rebels

Troops Seize Dublin Rebel Positions, Liberty Hall Gone, Trenches Taken; Eyewitnesses Describe Outbreak

Dublin Revolt Is Near Collapse; Post Office Rebels Seized Is Burned; Wimborne Tells Story Of Rising


Irish Rebel Leaders Surrender, Ordering Followers To Disarm; Countess Markievicz A Prisoner

Berlin Says Relations With Us Are Viewed ‘With Less Apprehension’ As Gerard Ends Visit To Kaiser

Gen. Scott Gains Points In Parley With Gen. Obregon

Four Irish Rebel Leaders Executed; Three Others Get 3 Years In Prison; Birrell Resigns As Irish Secretary

Berlin’s Answer Handed To Gerard; Washington Still In Dark, But Ready For A Break If Terms Are Not Met

Germany Agrees To Modify Submarine War, But Insists We Oppose Britain’s Blockade; Wilson May Wait To See If Pledge Is Kept

President Waits To See If Germans Will Observe New Submarine Order; Berlin Public Thinks Break Averted

Villistas Kill 6, Wound 2, Kidnap 1, In Raid On Texas Border Towns; Four Cavalry Troops In Pursuit

President Wilson In Final Note To Germany Accepts Promise Of New Submarine Policy, But Rejects Any Condition As To Blockade

4,500 Militia Called For Mexico; 4,000 More Regulars Also To Go; Coast Artillery Force Depleted

Berlin Hails Note As Ending Crisis; Admits The Sussex Was Torpedoed; Punishes Captain; Offers Indemnity

Border Conference Abruptly Ended; Carranza Insists On A Time Limit; Wilson Will Keep Troops In Mexico

Oral Agreement To Prevent Raids On Mexico Border

136,683 Earnest Americans Emphasize Demand For Preparedness In Parade That Marches For 12 Hours

Peace Craving Spreads In Germany, Hear Wilson May Offer To Mediate; Poincare Says Peace Hints Are Futile

Casement’s Plot Made In Germany Bared In Court

We Should Keep Out Of The War To Help Europe Reinstate Peace, Wilson Says In Press Club Speech

Our Cavalry Kill 5 Bandits, Seize 2; Rescue Captives

Seymour Wires Were Tapped To Catch Morgan Clerk Who Sold War Secrets; Mayor Denounces Thompson’s Meddling

Woods Tells Of Police Wiretapping; National Issues In It, Says Marshall; Resolution In Congress For An Inquiry

Italians Abandon The Santo Ridge, Flanked By Foe

Cossacks Join British On Tigris; Rome Expects Great Allied Drive; Furious Battle Rages At Verdun

French Are Back In Douaumont; Storm Trenches

Catholic Priests Conspired To Wreck His Administration, Declares Mitchel; City Officers Indicted For Wiretapping

Thompson Committee Hears Mayor Read The Details Of Conversations Heard Over Priests’ Telephone Wires

Priests Deny The Mayor’s Charges; His Tapped Wire Records Falsified To Justify Himself, They Declare

America Will No Longer Tolerate Illegal Seizure Of Mails At Sea, Lansing Warns Britain And France

America Ready To Join A Peace League, Says Wilson, After Europe Has Ended The War As Its Interests Demand

Capital Dissects President’s Idea Of Peace League

Berlin Limits Mediation To Proposals; Won’t Have Dictation Of Peace Terms; Expects New Crops To End Foes’ hopes

100,000 Cheer Col. Roosevelt At Kansas City


Carranza Demands Immediate Withdrawal Of The United States Troops From Mexico And Challenges Our Motives In Staying

Leaders Say It Will Be Hughes Or Roosevelt

25 Warships With 7500 Men Lost In Battle Off Denmark; British Fleet Has 14 Vessels Sunk And The Germans 11; Germany Acclaims It A Victory, But England Is Calm

British Now Claim Success In Great Sea Fight; Beatty Held And Jellicoe Routed Foe, Says London; Berlin Denies Defeat; Westfallen Reported Lost

British Admiralty Claims Victory; Puts German Losses At 18 Vessels; Says Berlin’s Reports Are False

‘America First, Allegiance Undivided’ Says Hughes To Girl Graduates; Cortelyou Goes To Act For Colonel

Kitchener And Staff Perish At Sea; Lost On Cruiser, Perhaps Torpedoed; England Suspects Spies Of The Deed

Republicans To Discuss Harmony With Progressive Committee Today; Conventions Hold First Sessions

Conferees Meet Without Result; Republicans Begin Balloting Today; If No Nomination, To Confer Again

Hughes, With 328 1/2 Votes, Leads On Second Ballot, Then His Opponents Force An Adjournment, Peace Conference Again Fails To Reach Agreement

Hughes Accepts Republican Nomination For President; Declares For Upholding American Rights On Land And Sea; Roosevelt, Named By Moose, Declines; He’s ‘Out Of Politics’

Dubno Fortress Falls To Russians; Whole Austrian Line Is Crumbling; 108,000 Prisoners Taken In 8 Days

Stronger Mexican Policy Promised Handling Of European War Defended In Platform To Be Adopted At St. Louis

Wilson Sends Anti-Dumping Tariff Plant To Be Inserted In St. Louis Platform; Convention Assembles At Noon Today

Democrats Cheer Lustily For Peace As Glynn Eulogizes The President For Keeping Us Out Of European War

Democrats At Midnight Renominate Wilson And Marshall; Fight Over Platform And Adjourn Until 11 A. M. Today; Hear Bryan And Cheer The President’s Work For Peace

Carranza Threatens Open Warfare If Our Army Makes Further Move; Crisis With Mexico Brought Nearer

American Troops Again Enter Mexico; Carranza Sends Word He Will Attack; Wilson In Night Conference On Crisis

Wilson Calls Militia From All States For Mexico; 100,000 Men To Mobilize; Warships Also Going; Border Disorders Continue As Bandit Chase Ends

Wilson Will Flatly Reject Mexico’s Demands Today; Carranza Tells Times Americans Must Not Enter; State guard Quickly Begins Mobilization In Force

Carranza Demands Rejected; Conflict Believed Near; Pershing’s Forces Make Ready For Expected Attack; New York Guard Offers To Start For Border At Once

American Cavalry Ambushed By Carranza Troops; Scores Including Mexican General, Reported Slain; Pershing Shifts Army; Washington Expects Break

Our Men Say Mexican Attack Was Unprovoked; Captured Guide Counted 13 American Dead; Lansing Tells Latin America Our Plans

Massacre Of Two Troops In Carrizal Ambush Feared; Pershing’s Search Parties Fail To Report Survivors; Washington Issues New Rush Order For The Militia

First American Survivors Describe Carrizal Fight; President Demands Prompt Release Of Prisoners; Wood Orders New York Militia To Start Wednesday

President Sends Virtual Ultimatum To Carranza; Will Address Congress; Start Militia South Today; Capt. Morey Rescued, Wrote Story Of Carrizal Fight

Rushing War Measures Pending Mexico’s Decison; Morey Says His Negro Troopers Faced Death Singing; Advance Of State Troops To The Border Has Begun

Washington Gets Hint Carranza Will Refuse; Three City Regiments Speeding Toward The Border; Roosevelt Organizing An Army Division Of His Own

Carranza Orders Captive Soldiers Freed; Immediate War Averted, Washington Thinks; But Large Questions Are Left Unsettled

Captive Soldiers, Back, Charge Mexicans Bayoneted Wounded; Our Demands Not Fully Met


No War Unless Necessary, Says Wilson; Carranza In Defiant Statement Charges America With Bad Faith

British Smash 7 Miles Of Foe’s Line, Take 2 Towns and 2,000 Prisoners; French Join Attack, Take 3 Towns

Allies Forge Ahead On The Somme; Take Fricourt, Frise And Curlu; 9,500 Germans Captured In 2 Days

French Thrust Nears Peronne, Capturing Five Towns On The Way; British Win La Boisselle, Push On

Allies Drive Steadily Forward; French Capture Two More Towns; Toll Is 14,000 Germans And 40 Guns

French Advance On 7-Mile Front; Reach The Outskirts Of Peronne And Cut The Railway To Chaulnes

Allies Slacken Their Somme Drive In Preparation For Another Stroke As Russians Increase Their Blows

British Crush In The German Line At Five Points By New Offensive Teuton Lines In Russia Retreating

New French Stroke Wins 2 Towns; British Join And Gain Half A Mile; Russians Push On Toward Kovel

German U-Boat Reaches Baltimore, Having Crossed Atlantic In 16 Days; Has Letter From Kaiser To Wilson

Giant U-Boat Held To Be A Trader; Unarmed And Brings Only Dyestuffs; Captain Tells Of Trip; More Coming

British Push On Into Contalmaison, Get Grip On Mametz And Trones Woods; 22,000 Captives In West, 271,000 In East

British Again Push Germans Back, Retaking Whole Of Mametz Wood; Russians Press The Fight For Kovel

Allies May Grant Peace To Austria; Russia Is Willing To Discuss Terms; Czar’s Cabinet To Join Him In Field

British Capture German Second Line In Fierce Charge On Four-Mile Front And Hold Gains Against All Attacks

British Cut The German’s Third Line In Faureaux Wood And Reach Pozieres; Using Cavalry Now To Scatter Foe

Preparing New Battle Lines In The West; Portugal Sending An Army To Aid Allies; Truce Suggested For German Election

British Approach German Third Line By An Advance On 1,500-Yard Front; Russians Defeat Linsingen’s Army

British Gain North Of Ovillers; Germans Launch Fierce Attack At Longueval And Delville Wood

British Pushed Back By Hard Attacks But Recover Most Of Ground Lost; Russians Now Threaten Hungary

French Take More German Defenses And Capture 2,900 Men On The Somme; British Fight Ahead For 1,000 Yards

British Advance Into Foureaux Wood Checked By Heavy Counterattacks; Russians Again Defeat Foe On Lipa

Russians Pierce Hindenburg’s Line; Take 12,300 Prisoners In The South; Sazonoff Out As Foreign Minister

British Strike Another Hard Blow Along Whole Of Their Somme Front; Fight Into Pozieres And Guillemont

Irish Issue Threatens Cabinet Crisis In The Midst Of The British Advance; Lloyd George Offers His Resignation

Lingsingen Stops The Russian Drive; Tells Times Foe Can’t Get Through; Turkish Army Is Coming To His Aid

British Occupy Whole Of Pozieres; Russians Take Erzingan From Turks; Linsingen Describes Kovel Situation

Delville Wood Won By British In Fierce Fighting

Russians Take Brody, Menace Lemberg; Break The German Line In Volhynia; British Win Long-Contested Ground

Munitions Explosions Shake New York; Wreck $7,000,000 Jersey Storage Plant; Many Killed, Alarm And Damage Here

Munitions Explosions Cause Loss Of $20,000,000; 2 Known To Be Dead, Many Missing, 35 Hurt; The Harbor Raked By Shrapnel For Hours


Russians Cross The Stokhod River On 27-Mile Front In Drive At Kovel; Haig Says Allies Are Winning Now

Germany Defies Foes’ Hunger War As Second Year Of Conflict ends; Allies See Teuton Strength Waning

Casement Put To Death For High Treason

Interboro Gets Loyalty Pledge From Trainmen

Strike Begins On City Surface Lines; Police Called For Disorder In An Hour; Threaten Tie-Up Of Every Transit Line

All Surface Cars In 4 Boroughs Stop; Fear Of Night Riots Causes Shutdown; Companies Promise Service Again Today

Great Car Strike May Be Settled Today; Shonts And Mahon Agree On The Terms; Both Directors And Strikers To Vote

Shonts Makes Terms With Strikers, But Union Fails To Win Recognition; Lines To Resume Operation At Once

Allies Win 4-Mile Front On Somme; Italians Take Gorizia Bridgehead; Russians Close In On Stanislau

Italian Flag Over Gorizia; Victors Push On

Italians Push On, Capture Village East Of Gorizia

Czar’s Army Takes Stanislau; Italians Occupy Doberdo Plateau; French Win A Ridge And A Quarry

French Smash The German Line On 4-Mile Front

President To Avert Railway Strike, Calls Both Sides To White House Before They Take Final Action

President Halts Railroad Strike; Will Meet Both Sides Again Today; Puts Burden Of Concession On Roads

President To Name R.R. Peace Terms; Will Demand Mutual Concessions; Calls 600 Union Chairmen To Capital

Allies Somme Attack Has Failed, German Commander In Chief Asserts; Yet New Drive wins Two-Mile Front

Somme Fight The Real Death Grapple Of The War And May Decide Conflict, Is German View Of Terrific Struggle

New Combined Attack On The Somme Nets Allies Gains On A Wide Front; French Win More Ground At Verdun

Wilson’s Peace Plan Again Rejected, He Summons 63 More R.R. Presidents; Calls 8-Hour Day The Worker’s Right

Both Sides Gain In Saloniki Fight 150 Miles Wide

Railroads Again Balk At Wilson Terms; Urge That Workers’ Demands Go Before A Public Tribunal For Final Decision

Rumanian Army Mobilized For War As Five Allies Strike In Balkans; Russians In Force Join The Serbians

Bulgars Wipe Out 2 Greek Garrisons; Heroic Defense Sets Greece Aflame; Volunteers Flock To Resist Invasion

French Take All Maurepas And Push On; British Tightening Grip On Thiepval; Russia Ready To Strike In The Balkans

Near Crisis On Railway Strike; Railroad Heads Propose New Terms; Men Insist On Ending Negotiations

Railways Firm And Men Belligerent; President Seeks Help From Congress As The National Strike Looms Nearer

Italy Declares War On Germany; Rome Expects Rumania To Follow; Bulgars In Kavala Shelled From Sea

Rumania In War, Attacks Austria; Germany Declares War In Answer; Europe Expects Greece To Fight

Wilson Goes to Congress For Law To Avert Railway Strike And Make Such Dangers Impossible In Future

Congress Leaders Hope To Avert Strike By A Quick Eight-Hour Law; Guardsmen Coming To Keep Order


Railroad Strike Crisis Passes; Congress To Give the 8-Hour Day, Unions To Suspend Strike Order

House Passes Railway 8-Hour Bill; Senate To Take Same Action Today; Measure Denounced In Both Debates

8-Hour Bill Passed, Signature Today; Railway Strike Order Is Rescinded; Roads To Begin Court Fight At Once

Allies Smash German Somme Front, Take 3 Towns, Over 2,000 Men, 62 Guns; Greek King Switches To Entente

Interboro Rejects Demands Of Union; Prepares For Subway-Elevated Strike; Mayor Asked To Give Police Protection

Allies Drive the Somme Wedge Further; British Now A Mile beyond Guillemont; French Nearing Peronne From North

Subway And Elevated Strike Is On; N.Y. Railways Surface Cars Stop; Strikebreakers Running Trains

Strike Affects Only Street Cars; Subway And Elevated Run As Usual; Strikers Feel They Have Failed

Tinterboroa Strike Over, Says Shonts; Surface Lines Offer Jobs To Strikers; Mayer Seeks Cause Of Broken Pledges

Second And Third Av. And Bronx Strike; Carmen Appeal To President Gompers To Call To Their Aid 800,000 Unionists

Seek City-Wide Strike Of Unionists; Cars In 3 Countries Stop At Dark; Subway And Elevated Swamped

Strike Grip On Transit Tightening; Jammed Interboro Trains Less Sure; City-Wide Strike Threat Wanes To 70,000

Shonts Refuses To Arbitrate Contracts Pledges Faith To His Loyal Employes Despite Public Service Board Demand

Mayor Finds Transit Strike Deadlock; Roads Determined Not To Arbitrate; All City Lines Make Gains In Service

Whitridge Denies Anti-Union Compact; Mayor Blames Carmen’s Leaders; Lines Hold Their Own In Strike

British Pierce German Lines 2 Miles, Smash 6-Mile Front, Taking 2,300 Men; Three Towns Taken; Combles Doomed

British Enlarge their Somme Gains As Harassed Germans Slacken Fire; 4,000 Men, 56 Guns Taken In Two Days

French Smash Lines South Of Somme, Capture Two Towns And 700 Prisoners; British Troops Take Mouquet Farm

Bulgarian Right Wing Crumpled, Florina Captured, Monastir Menaced; Allies Again Pushed Forward Somme Line

Bacon Probably Wins For Senator In A Close Contest With Calder; Whitman Carries Moose Primary

Calder’s Majority Is 6,750 With 333 Districts Missing

Mayor Ready To Use Troops In Strike; Warns Unions Against Sympathy Tieup; Leaders May Order Walk-Out Today

Labor Answers Mayor’s Appeal By Ordering Walkout Wednesday Of Every Unionist In New York City

Workers Show Far Less Enthusiasm Than Leaders For Sympathy Strike; 59,500 Ordered To Quit; Few Will Obey

British Take Zeppelin Crew Alive; Another Crew Perish With Airship; Bombs Kill 28 In London, Hurt 99

Allies Take A Deadly Grip On Combles In Sweeping Advance North And South; Capture 3 Villages, Many Prisoners

Combles Overwhelmed By The Allies; Thiepval And Gueudecourt Also Won; 3,500 Prisoners And Much Booty Taken

Greek King Yields, Will Enter War; Rebel Warships Join Entente Fleet; New Allied Strokes Win On Somme

British Capture Point Dominating Valley Of Ancre

Chancelor’s Speech Leaves Berlin Uncertain On Submarine Warfare; Press Criticises Our Neutrality


Wilson Thrills Crowd; Bitterly Flays Opponents

British Sweep On Toward Bapaume, Taking Trenches On 3,000-Yard Front; Russians Resume Drive At Lemberg

Rumanians Flank Mackensen By Crossing Danube

Mackensen Quits Dobrudja Forts, Rome Report Says

Mackensen Coup Drives Rumanian Army Over Danube

Girl Drives Auto With Uncle Dead And Father Shot

Rumor Of Gerard Peace Mission Quickly Denied

German U-Boat Reaches Newport; War Craft Brings Embassy Message; In Port 3 Hours And Sails Away

German Submarines Sink 6 To 9 Ships Off Nantucket; One A Liner With Many Americans, But All Are Saved; Washington Sees Grave Peril In Raids Off Our Coast

U-Boat Sent Six Ships Down, All Aboard Saved; Supply Boat Believed To Be With The Raider; Wilson Insists German Pledges Must Be Kept

President And Lansing Confer On New Issues Raised By U-53; Gerard To Tell Of Berlin Plans

President Holds U-53 Has Raised No New Issue

Reichstag Hears Plain Peace Talk; Members Mention Restored Belgium And The Dardanelles For Russia

Warships Scout Coast For U-Boat And Supply Base

King Of Rumania To Lead Armies Against Teutons

Hidden Explosive Shakes Wide Area On Maine Coast

French Stroke Gains A Grip On Sailly-Saillisel

Athens In A Riot Against The Allies, Whose Sailors Occupy Chief Points; King Urged His Advisers To Flee

King Of Greece Tries To Placate Entente Powers

Balkan Blunders Charged To Allies

French Officer Rules Athens

British Advance As Foes Attack French Lines

Rumanians In Retreat On The Dobrudja Front

Mackensen Captures Constanza And Cuts Railroad To Cernavoda In Great Offensive In Dobrudja

French Break German Verdun Line On 4-Mile Front, Advancing 2 Miles; Rumanians Lose Three More Towns

Cernavoda, Head Of Danube Bridge, Taken By Mackensen In Dobrudja; Falkenhayn Captures Vulcan Pass

Plan Villa Raid To Injure Wilson, Baker Charges

Mackensen Again Strikes At Foes

Wilson Sees Peril In Republican Row

Rumanians Take Alpine Corps Guns

President Denies Lodge’s Charge; No Postscript To Lusitania Note ‘Every Written OR Contemplated By Me’


Six Americans Lost In The Marina; She Had No Warning, Survivors Say; Deutschland Reaches New London

Wilson To Hold Berlin To Pledge In Marina Case

Great Throng In Garden Hears Wilson Appeal For Justice To All Mankind; Hits At Wall St. In Waldorf Speech

Italians Push Drive On Trieste; Take 3,498 Men

Tariff The Theme Of Hughes’s Final Campaign Speech

Central Powers Proclaim Poland Again A Nation

Rumanians Force Mackensen Back

Election Close, Wilson 264, Hughes 251; Two States In Doubt; House May Be A Tie

Election Unsettled; Wilson 251, Hughes 247; Depends On California And Minnesota

With 272 Electoral Votes, Wilson Wins; Gets California, North Dakota, New Mexico

Wilson Now Has 276 Votes; His Plurality 400,000

Belgians Exiled For Their Good, Says Von Bissing

Times Man Visits Fort Douaumont In Rain Of Shells

British Assault Breaks Foe’s Line On 5-Mile Front

Lansing Cables Remonstrance On Exile Of Belgians

Germany Holds All Armed Ships Legitimate Prey

Fall Of Monastir Expected; Allies 4 Miles From City

Germany To Deport 300,000 Belgians; Nation Is Wild With Grief And Terror; Allies Plan Strong Counterstroke

Allies Closing In On Monastir; Gain On Struma

Ruth Law Flies 590 Miles Without Stop; Beats Both Victor Carlstrom’s Records; Due to Reach New York At 9 A.M. Today

Allied Forces Pursue Bulgars Beyond Monastir

Emperor Francis Joseph Is Dead After 68 Years On Austria’s Throne; Carl Francis Joseph Is Now Emperor

Hospital Ship Britannic Sunk; 50 Lives Lost

Hostile To Urge Peace On Britain, Says Northcliffe

Teutons Capture Turnu-Severin And Orsova

Rumanian Army Trapped In West Makes Its Escape

Teuton Armies Meet 50 Miles From Bucharest

Alexandria Lost, Rumanians Quit Alt River Line

British Destroy 2 Big Zeppelins; Both Crews Lost

Russians Start New Big Drive To Aid Rumania


King Of Greece Defies The Allies; Army To Land At Piraeus Today, Ready To Take Greek Guns By Force

Russians Launch Great Offensive To Save Rumania

Peace Can Only Come With Liberty, Not While Destinies Are Ruled By Small Selfish Groups, Says Wilson

Break Comes In British War Cabinet; Asquith Advises A Reconstruction After Conference With Lloyd George

Asquith Gets Time To Rebuild Cabinet With A New War Council; Allies issue A Plea For Belgium

Asquith Out As British Premier; King Offers Post To Bonar Law; Hint Of Sweeping Changes In France

Lloyd George To Be British Premier; Teuton Hosts Occupy Bucharest; Joffre’s Retirement Considered

Cabinet Framed By Lloyd George; Labor Party Won

Greek King Mobilizing His Army To Attack Flank Of Allied Front As Teutons Try Drive From North

Call For A Dictatorship In France; Newspapers Demand ‘The Strong Man’; Deputies Propose A Smaller Cabinet

Lloyd George Names Full Cabinet, But Picks Board Of Four To Aid Him In Directing Conduct Of The War

Parliaments Of Teutonic Allies Called To Hear Statement Of ‘Worldwide, Historical Importance’

Germany And Her Allies Offer To Negotiate For Peace; No Terms Named In Notes To Neutrals And The Pope; London Skeptical, But Will Consider The Proposals

Germany Plans A Round-Table Conference At The Hague To Decide Whether Peace At This Time Is Practicable; England Will Not Lightly Disregard Germany’s Note

Berlin Says Terms Will Be Liberal; Hint Of Disarmament Put Out Here; ‘Reparation And Security,’ Says Law

Czar And Duma Reject ‘A Premature Peace’; Foreign Minister Says Decision Is Inflexible And That All Russia’s Allies Agree With Her

Russia Ready For Any Sacrifice Till Foe Offers Fair, Lasting Peace; Berlin Terms Await Conference

Germans Expect Stern Demands From Entente

Lloyd George Answers Germany Today; May Demand That Allied Territory Be Evacuated As First Step To Parley

Lloyd George Demands For Allies Complete Restitution, Full Reparation, Effectual Guarantees For Future-Surer Guarantees Than Those Germany ‘So Lightly Broke’

President Wilson Calls Upon All The Warring Nations To State The Terms Upon Which The War May Be Ended; Our Interests, Seriously Affected, Must Be Safeguarded

Washington In No Fear Of War At This Time; London Receives Wilson’s Note Coldly; Bonar Law Says Germany Must Be Curbed

Germany Likely To Submit Terms Asking Wilson To Act As Mediator; Must Push War, Says King George

We May Abandon Our Policy Of Isolation To Enter A World-Wide League Of Peace; Secretary Lansing Explains Our Position

Switzerland Supports Peace Move And Is Willing To Join World League; Other Neutrals Likely To Follow

Russia Appreciates Wilson’s Motive But Will Not Talk Peace With Germany Until ‘Right And Justice’ Win Triumph

Berlin Replies, Withholding Terms, But Again Proposes A Conference; Wilson For A Moral Peace League

Allies Agree On Reply To Germany; Czar Says Peace Now Unthinkable; Sweden Appeals To The Belligerents

Germany Wants Her Colonies Back When She Restores Other Territory; Willing To Give Peace Guarantees

Scandinavia Unites In Peace Move, Three Powers Send Note To Wilson; Gerard Cables Important Report

Allies, Replying to Teuton Proposal, Call It A ‘Sham,’ ‘Not An Offer Of Peace,’ But A ‘War Manoeuvre;’ Reparation And Guarantees Again Declared Essential

News Source: New York Times

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