1872: NEW YORK TIMES (366)


The Positivist Element in the French: Academy. – Election of M. Littre and Resignation of Mgr. Dupanloup. – A Ministerial Crisis in Spain on Cuban Affairs. – Arrangement of a Postal Treaty Between France and Germany. – Reception of Foreign Ministers by Victor Emmanuel. – The Mexican Republic in a State of Anarchy. – Inability of the United States Courts to Try the Mormons.

Utter Defeat of all the Ring Combinations. – Proceedings of the Republican Caucus Yesterday. – Hon. Henry Smith, of Albany, Nominated for Speaker. – Jas. Terwilliger for Clerk of the Senate. – Both Tweed and Fields Conspicuously Absent. – Gen. Barlow Looking Sharp After the Corrupt Judges.

An Excessively Long but Interesting Document. – Review of State Affairs, Past and Present. – Gov. Hoffman’s Views on the Ring Fraud Disclosures. – Outline of a New Charter for New-York City. – Demands for Reform in the Canals and Prisons. – General Recommendations for Legislative Consideration.

THE ROCHESTER RIOT: Intense Excitement Still Existing in the City. – The Citizens Manifesting Their Animosity to the Military. – Several of the Soldiers Maltreated by the Mob – Precautions Taken to Prevent Another Outbreak – Howitzers Planted in the Streets. – Detailed Account of the Action of the Military on Tuesday Night – They Charge Upon the Mob, then Fire, and Wound Seven Persons, Four Mortally.

Trouble in Organizing the Senate and Assembly. – Gov. Warmoth and Other Prominent Officials Arrested. – Police and Military Called Into Requisition by Both Parties. – Contest Between Two Claimants for the Speakership. – Apprehensions of a Bloody Conflict Today. – Great Excitement Throughout the City of New-Orleans.

Eight Hundred Snow-Bound Passengers at Cheyenne. – Wreck of an Erie Railway Train by a Misplaced Switch. – Howard, the Rochester Negro, Safe in Auburn for Twenty Years. – Forty Kidnapped Fiji Islanders Kill their Captors and Escape. – $600,000,000 of the American Loan to be Put on the London Market. – Eight Thousand Deaths from SmallPox Last Year.

Present Aspect of the Spanish Question. – Active Progress of the Navy Preparations. – Official Confirmation of the Spanish Cabinet Changes. – Continuation of the Pacific Railroad Blockade. – Shocking and Mysterious Murder in Baltimore. – A Prominent Physician Found Dead in His Office.

Preparing for Possible Difficulties With Spain. – Orders to Put the Southern Coast in a State of Defense. – The War Department Seconding the Action of the Navy. – Determination of the Government Not to be Surprised. – Delicate Situation of Affairs on the Rio Grande. – Mexican Cattle-Stealers Invading Our Territory.

The Louisiana Senate Still Without a Quorum. – Gov. Warmoth’s Message Sent to the House of Representatives. – Proposition to Expel the Absent Carterites. – Longstreet in Command of the Militia and Police. – Gen. Emory Declares Martial Law to be Necessary. – United States Troops Parading the Streets of New-Orleans.

More Disorder and Trouble in the Crescent City. – A Member of the Warmoth House Shot Dead. – He First Attempts to Kill a Carter Sergeant-at-Arms. – Intense Excitement Manifested Among the People. – Both the Legislatures are DeadLock.

Contest Over the Mint and Coinage Bill. – A Republican Representative from Texas Admitted. – Six Young Japanese Seeking to Enter West Point. – Mr. Conkling to Speak on the “One- Term” Principle Today. – The President on General Amnesty and Civil Rights. – Major-Gen. Halleck’s Death Causes no Vacancy.

Work of the New-York State Legislature Yesterday. – Legalizing the New-York Street Improvements. – Tweed Ignored in the Senate Committees. – Hauling Superintendent Miller Over the Coals. – The Committee of Seventy and the Legislature. –  No Bill Yet Presented or Authorized by Them.

Spanish Report of Gen. Agramonte’s Surrender. – Another Cuban Colonel Captured and Executed. – Valmaseda Approves the Sentence of Dr. Howard. – Successful Landing of Ammunition for the Insurgents. – Prussian and French Demands on the Haytian Government. – Suppression of an Incipient Revolution in Paraguay.

How Government Embezzlements are Punished. – Sentences of Kendig and Marden in Washington. – Remarkable and Sad Scenes in the Court-Room. – Official Services in Memory of the Late Gen. Halleck.

Important Measure to Secure Early Specie Payment. – A Bill on the Subject to be Introduced in Congress Today. – The President to Order Coin Payments Before 1873. – Everything Rather Quiet in the City of New-Orleans. – Probability of a Congressional Investigation Being Ordered. – Trouble Apprehended Among the Hudson River Ice-Men.

The New Japanese Embassy at San Francisco. – Advanced and Enlightened Foreign Policy of the Mikado. – Burning of Four Hundred Tea-Houses in Japan. – Eighty Employed Women Perish in the Flames. – The Tichborne “Claimant” Roughly Handled by Lawyers. – Strikes in Belgium and Wurtemburg and Trouble Feared.

NEW ORLEANS: Probable Close of the Struggle for Supremacy. – A Comparatively Quiet State of Affairs Yesterday. – Gov. Warmoth Apparently Master of the Situation. – Return of Several of the Missing Senators. – Speaker Carter will Probably Not Demand His Seat. – Scathing Charge of Judge Abell to the Grand Jury.

Another Atlantic Cable to be Laid. – Important Changes in the Austrian Cabinet. – Catholic Clergy in Ireland Protesting Against Secular Education. – Departure of French Officers to Join the Japanese Army. – Unwillingness of the Dutch to Part with Their American Possessions. – Opening of the Swedish Parliament by the King in Person.

Debate Over Pages and Messengers in the House. – Speaker Smith and Mr. Alvord Defend Mr. Terwilliger. – Progress of the “Seventy” in Framing a Charter. – Wm. M. Tweed to be Notified of the Contest for His Seat. – A Democrat Threatens to Move His Expulsion. – The New-York Controller and the Unsettled Bills. – Six Lunches for Five Judges Cost Eighteen Hundred Dollars.

THE COMPLETED CHARTER: Plan Submitted to the Committee of Seventy. – New Provisions for Police, Health and Fire Departments. – Changes in the Appointment and Removal of Subordinates. – Mode of Election of City Officers and Their Powers. – The Department of Public Docks Omitted Entirely. – A Department of Public Safety Recommended.

New-York Loan in the European Market. – Shipwreck and Loss of Life on the Welsh Coast. – Friendly Relations Established Between Prussia and Brazil. – The Colombian Government Repudiate Their Debt to the United States. – More Excitement but no Trouble in New-Orleans. – The Cherokees, Creeks and Chocktaws Object to Territorial Government.

Policy of the Treasury Department in Relation to the Loan. – The Fishermen Warned by Mr. Fish Against Butler’s Leadership. – A $100,000 Bank Robbery in Trenton, N.J. – Prospect of Serious Trouble in New-Orleans Today. – Speaker Carter Announces that He will Seize the State-House. – Gathering of the Legislators at Albany for To-Night’s Struggle. – R. Thiers’ Continuance in Office Produces a Sense of Belief.

No Trouble Yesterday in the City of New-Orleans. – Prompt Action of the Government to Preserve the Peace. – Gen. Emory Ordered to Keep His Troops in Readiness. – Speaker Carter Accepts the Situation and Retreats. – The Warmothites Absurdly Undo all Their Reforms. – Comparative Quiet Restored and the Citizens Relieved.

An English Bishop Rudely Assaulted by a Mob. – The Fenians Again Threatening Trouble in Ireland. – Gen. McMahon Declines the French Vice-Precidency. – Terrible Loss of Life on the Coast of Africa. – Spain Demanding an Escaped Cuban and Slaves from England. – Capture of a Town and a Train of Carts by Cubans.

Severe Hurricane and Rain-Storm in Great Britain. – British Expedition in Search of Dr. Livingstone – Another Change in the Government of Spain. – The Sagasta Ministry are Defeated and Resign. – Proposed Reconciliation of the Houses of Bourbon and Orleans. – Convention Between Austria and the United States Passed in the Reichsrath.

A Severe Snow-Storm Driving Over the West and South. – Extent of the Damage by the Freshet in England. – Lady Franklin Offers a Reward for the Records of the Erebus and Terror. – A Passenger-Train in France Falls Through a Bridge. – Fourteen Bodies of Victims Already Recovered. – Fall of the Roof of a Drill-Shed in Montreal.

CHAPTERS ON REFORM: The Necessities of New-York and How to Meet Them. 

A Very Destructive Fire in Nashville, Tenn. – The Snow Blockade on the Union Pacific Railroad Increasing. – Safe Arrival of the Steamer Hornet at Baltimore. – Absurd Rumors About the Vessel Circulated at Havana. – Double Murder by a Negro on the Mississippi Railroad.

Vance Virtually Out of the Senatorial Field. – The Order of Business in the Senate Little Mixed. – Mudgett’s Credibility as a Witness Seriously Impaired. – Novel Mode of Presenting the Results of the Census. – Influence of “Fair-Haired and Blue-Eyed Indians.” – Another Offer from the Cunard Line for the Mails.

A Startling Array of Fraud and Corruption. – How Tweed Managed the Department of Public Works. – Evasion of the Law Governing Contracts for Repairs and Supplies. – Repetition of Items and Utter Confusion of Dates. – Millions Stolen from the Treasury on Fraudalent Bills. – Overcharges Found Everywhere in the Records

The Good Results of Gen. Grant’s Indian Policy. – Debate in the United States Senate on Amnesty. – Sensible Englishmen not Uneasy About the Alabama Treaty. – Thanksgiving for the Recovery of the Prince of Wales. – Why the State of Siege is Still Maintained in Paris. – A Snow-Bound Passenger-Train Run into on the Union Pacific.


THE NEW ORLEANS TROUBLE: A Record of the President’s Usurpation of Power. – How He Set Civil Law at Defiance. – Whence the Demand to Declare Martial Law Came. – Slanderers of the Administration Answered by History. – Importunity From All Parties and Classes Resisted. – The Military Held Strictly Subject to the Civil Power. 

Terrible Accident on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. – A Passenger-Train Thrown Down an Embankment. – Eight Passengers Killed and Others Seriously Injured. – The Calamity of Fire Added to the Horrors of the Scene. – A Frost-Broken Rail the Cause of the Disaster. – Accidents on the Batavia and Erie Railroads.

CHAPTERS ON REFORM: The Necessities of New-York and How to Meet Them. 

Accident at Palmer on the Boston and Albany Railroad. – Dissatisfaction in England at the Alabama Demands. – Riot in Ireland on the “Home-Rule” Question. – Claims of the Spanish Radicals on the Government. – Daring Attempt to Rob an Express Car on the Panhandle Railroad.

The Massacre at Wickenburg Traced Directly to Indians. – They are Found Exchanging Stolen Money. – Two More Stage-Coaches Attacked by Apaches. – Murderous Raids into Arizona by Mexicans. – Acquittal of the Camp Greek Attacking Party. – Legacy of Six Millions of Debt from the Late Canal Board.

Enforcing Papal Infallibility in Germany. – Valmaseda Gulling Spain with Glowing Promises. – Explosion of Five Gunpowder Manufactories. – A New Trial Granted to Mrs. Laura O.Fair in San Francisco. – Thirty Persons Injured by a Railroad Accident. – Shocking Murder and Suicide in Norwich, Conn.

Another Fire-Damp Explosion in Pennsylvania. – Three Miners Killed and Fifteen Said to be Buried Alive. – The Vacancies in the French Cabinet Filled. Germany Willing to Receive a French Colony on Account. – The Paris Priests Opposed to the New Archbishop. – Manitoba Indignant with the Action of a Sister Province.

A Railroad Train Telescoped in Illinois. – Four Passengers Killed and Fourteen Wounded.: – The Snow Blockade on the Union Pacific Road. – Resignation of the Speaker of the British House of Commons. – Severe Fighting with the Venezuelan Insurgents. – Execution of Another Insurgent General in Cuba.

ALABAMA CLAIMS QUESTION: No New Developments as to the Tenor of the English Note. – Explanation of the Telegram Received from Minister Schenck. – A Stupid Forgery of Alleged Diplomatic Correspondence. – Moderated Tone of the London Journals Yesterday. – The Speech of Mr. Gladstone Sharply Criticised. – Public Opinion in Favor of Governmental Action. 

CHAPTERS ON REFORM: The Necessities of New-York and How to Meet Them. 

Remarkable Close of a Ten Weeks’ Session. – Presentation in the Court of General Sessions Yesterday. – Hall, Sands, Sweeny, Tweed, Connolly and Hugh Smith Indicted. – Addresses by the Grand Jury and Judge Bedford. – Mayor Hall Makes His Appearance in Court. – His Trial to Begin on the 19th of February.

Who Defeated the Amnesty Bill in the Senate? – Massacre of Foreigners in the Argentine Republic. – Thirty-Six Killed and Sixteen Assassins Shot by the Troops. – The Absconding Scranton Pay-Master Traced to New York. – Starting Revelations Relative to the Chicago Fire Department. – Sufferings of Snow-Bound Passengers on the Union Pacific Railroad.

A Serious Accident on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. – Collision and Wreck of Two Freight Trains. – Shocking Death of a Drunken Passenger in New-Jersey. – Gov. Reed, of Florida, Impeached and Removed. – Inhuman Barbarity of Irish Laborers on the Erie Railroad. – They Deliberately Burn a Negro Boy While sleeping.

THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON: Misapprehension and Misrepresentation in England. – How the American “Case” Got to the Continent. – An Effort to Bring the Matter Up in the House of Lords. – Earl Granville Declined to Discuss the Question. – A Motion to Publish the British Case Carried. – Another Adverse Discussion on a British War Claim in Washington. 

Chief-Justice Cockburn Opposes the Indirect Claims. – Excitement in England Gradually Subsiding. – Trial and Sentence of the Assassin of Lord Mayo. – Measures Taken to Prevent Further Disturbances in Paris. – A Noted Ring-Plunderer Luxuriating in the South. – Capture of a Defaulting Paymaster in Savannah.

A Duel in New-Orleans with Rifles at Sixty Paces. – Speaker Carter and Chief of Police Baker Exchange Shots. – The Check “Raising” Swindle Tried in Scranton, Penn. – Public Reception at Nagasaki by the Mikade. – Railroad Accident at Albany and Several Persons Injured.

CHAPTERS ON REFORM: The Necessities of New-York and How to Meet Them

A Boy Beheaded on the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad. – Escape of the Cuban Leaders Loaces and Agramonte. – Farmers Frozen to Death in Nebraska Territory. – Depredations Being Committed by Apaches in Arizona. – An Express-Train Nearly Demolished on the Mississippi Central.

THE KUKLUX KLAN HYENAS: Report of the Select Committee of Congress. – When, How and Why the Secret Order was Formed. – The Most Intelligent Negroes Selected for Immolation. – Extension of the President’s Powers Recommended.- What the Minority of the Committee Have to Say.

Fierce Debate in the House on the Kuklux Reports. – Congress Deliberately Insulted by the Minority. – Sumner’s Resolution on the Sale of Arms to France. – Telling Speech of Senator Conkling On Its Animus. – Passage of the Bill Removing the Tea and Coffee Duty.

The British Government in Need of all Its Prestige. – Gladstone Replies to Disraeli’s Question as to the English Case. – Censure Voted Down in the House of Commons by 27 Majority. – Excitement in France Over the Alleged Conspiracy. – The Ecumenical Council to be Convoked in Malta or the Tyrol. – Austrian Efforts to Attach the People to the Crown.

Preparations for the Thanksgiving Celebration in England. – Appointment of a New Spanish Ministry by the King. – An Ecumenical Council to be Held in Austria or England–Excitement in Berlin Over a Plot to Assassinate Bismarck–The Alabama Claims.

The Western States Preparing for the Campaign. – Gen. Grant Indorsed by Missouri and Indiana. – Straightforward Platforms Adopted by Both Conventions. – An Executive Committee Chosen Yesterday in Missouri. – Delegates to the National Convention Elected. – National Prohibition and Labor Conventions in Ohio.

Trumbull’s Defense of the Liberal Republican Platform. – He Does Not Deny His Presidential Aspirations. – Mr. Voorhees’ speech on Cuban Recognition. – Debate on the William and Mary Reimbursement. – Appropriations Made for Harbor Fortifications.

Excitement in Antwerp Over the Ultramontanists. – Precautions Taken by the Authorities to Prevent a Riot. – Attempt in France to Limit the Liberty of the Press. – Steady Progress of the Revolution in Mexico. – Fearful Shipwreck of an English Vessel at Sea.

Sudden and Destructive Freshet on the Tay, Scotland. – Everything in the Course of the Flood Swept Away. – Five Shocks of an Earthquake at Leghorn, Italy. – “Henry V.” Receiving French Deputations in Antwerp. – The Loochais Surrender Unconditionally to the British Troops.

VENEZUELA: Guzman Blanco Succeeds in Restoring Tranquillity. – Brilliant Capture of the City of San Fernando. – Desperate Defeat and Flight of Gen. Herrara’s Army. – Many of the Fugitives Devoured by Crocodiles and Serpents. – Graphic Details of the Several Manoeuvres.

CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY: Machinations of the Kuklux Democracy in Texas. – Four Grand Jurymen Bribed to Indict Republicans. – How a Presentment was Procured Against Gov. Davis. – The District-Attorney Insists on Quashing the Bills. – How the Conspiracy was Detected and Developed.

Coalition of the Democrats Against the New Charter. – Seventy-Three New Bills Introduced Yesterday. – Testimonials to be Given by the State to Veterans of the War. – Erie Capital Stock to be Reduced One-Third. – How “Aleck” Frear was Elected in the Fifteenth New-York District.


Opposition of the Mormons to a Secret Ballot. – Arrival of the Grand Duke Alexis in Havana. – The Pope Offered Asylum by France and Austria. – Garibaldi Denies He is a Member of the International. – Latest Movements of the Count De Chambord in Holland.

The Orleans Princes Reinstated in the French Service. – Fall of an Occupied Building in Frankfort, Germany. – Fourteen Bodies Already Taken from the Ruins. – Valmaseda Proposes to Bribe the Cubans to Surrender. – Two Children Burned to Death Near Scranton.

Forcible Attempt to Suppress Republicanism in England. – Failure of Treaty Negotiations Between France and Italy. – The Austrian Emperor Refuses to Recognize the Old Catholics. – Narrow Escape of a Town from Destruction by Fire. – Steam-Boat Collision and Loss of Life at Louisville, Ky,

The Cabinet and the Answer to Earl Granville. – How the Failure of the Treaty May Affect Our Fishermen. – The French Executive and the Assembly in Conflict. – Supposed Incendiarism in a Hartford Hotel. – Another Fire-Damp Explosion in Pennsylvania.

Formal Reception of the Japanese by the President: Official Translation of Minister Iwakura’s Credentials. – Speeches of the Chief Ambassador and Gen. Grant. – A Dry but Busy Day in the House of Representatives. – No Action in the Senate on the Arms Investigation.

The Slanders of Sumner and Schurz to be Investigated. – Election of a Committee by Ballot Yesterday. – Why Mr. Greeley Wishes to Unseat Gen. Clark. – The Kansas Senators Indignant at the Reports of Bribery. – Mr. Cox’s Attempt to Prove Himself the Friend of the Negro.

Prompt Action of the Senatorial Investigating Committee. – Visit of the Japanese to the House of Representatives. – Preparations for Debate on Civil Service Reform. – Discovery of a Scheme to Swindle the Government. – The Seneca Stone Contract to be Investigated.

SUMNER’S CHARGES: Investigation of the Government Sales of Arms. – Schurz Before the Senate Committee with a Letter. – He is Invited to Put Questions to the Witnesses. – Baron Gerolt’s Request to Delay the Sale Till Germans Could Bid. – Col. Beust of the Ordnance Bureau Examined.

The Oil Region of Pennsylvania Thoroughly Aroused. – Riots in Mexico Against Forcible Enlistment in the Army. – Troops Concentrating at Paris to Prevent Trouble on the 18th. – The Pope Secretly Appoints a Primate of Poland.

A Busy Day in the Senate and House. – Difficulties in the Way of the Pneumatic Tunnel Bill. – Measures Adopted to Insure a Better Supply of Gas. – Investigation into the Frauds in the Department of Public Works. – Proposed Repeal of the Westchester Boulevard Act.

Dastardly Attempt to Disturb a Republican Meeting: The Cry of Fire Raised in a Crowded Hall. – A Fatal Panic Stopped by Gen. O’Beirne’s Presence of Mind. – Continued Enthusiasm in the Ranks of the Republicans. – The Democrats Renounce Their Hopes of Carrying the State.

A COUP D’ETAT IN ERIE: Exciting Scenes Yesterday in the Grand Opera-House. – Jay Gould Deposed From the Presidency. – Partial Reorganization of the Board of Directors. – Gen. John A. Dix Formally Elected President. – The New Directors Consider Themselves an Ad Interim Board. – Full Details of the Entire Strategical Movement.

NEW HAMPSHIRE REDEEMED: The Granite State Again Under Republican Control. – The Governor and Both Branches of the Legislature Secured. – An Earnest Canvass and a Glorious Victory. – The First Gun of the Campaign of Seventy-Two. – Grant’s Administration Heartily Indorsed.

THE LEGISLATURE: Introduction of the Election and Registry Bill. – Passage of the Act Providing for Better Gas. – Our Merchants Demand a Change in the Pilot Laws. – Frauds on the Treasury in the Name of Charity. – Report of the Investigating Committee in the Case of Senator Wood.

Laws in France for the Suppression of the International Society. – The Reply of Secretary Fish to Earl Granville Received. – France Renounces the Commercial Treaty with England. – Loss of Eleven Lives by the Capsizing of a Boat at Sea. – The Prussian Government Orders the Revocation of Excommunication.

Destruction of a School-House by Fire: – The Inmates Narrowly Escape with Their Lives. – Comments on Secretary Fish’s Note by Parliamentary Leaders. – Preparations for the Trial of Marshal Bazaine for Treason. – Visit by Members of the Japanese Embassy to Philadelphia.

New System for the Fortification of Paris. – Reported Rupture Between Great Britain and Uruguay. – Accidents to Trains on Eastern and Western Railroads. – Indians in Arizona Again on the War Path. – Massachusetts Legislative Commitiee Report in Favor of Female Suffrage.

THE MORMONS: Hopes of the Leaders of Speedy Admission to the Union Result of the Recent Constitutional Convention. – A Committee Appointed to Press the Question on Congress. – Polygamy to be Abandoned if Necessary. – Remarkable Action of the Church Party.

Fearful Double Boiler Explosion in Cincinnati. – Five Persons Killed and Several More or Less Injured. – A Flying Fragment Kills Three Children Half a Mile Away. – The Alabama Claims Again in the British Parliament. – A Duel on the Tapis Between Bourboki and Baraguay d’Hilliers.

ENGLAND’S TRIBULATION: The Government Beset by Curious Questioners. – An Alabama Claims Discussion Inevitable. – Fate of an Obnoxious Topic in the House of Commons. – Sir Charles Dilke Introduces His Civil List Motion. – Defeat of the Motion by 274 Nays to 2 Ayes. 

Destructive Fires in all Sections of the Country. – Six Hundred Men Thrown Out of Employment in Indiana. – The State of Virginia Partially Repudiates her Debt. – Shipwrecks and Disasters Caused by the Late Storm. – Chaplain of the Massachusetts Legislature on Female Suffrage.

Canada as Affected by the Treaty of Washington. – Sentence of Communists to Death and Transportation. – Attempted Assassination of President Baez. – Guzman Blanco in Pursuit of Another Rebel Force. – The Alternatives Offered to the Apache Indians.

Senator Schurz Vainly Called Upon to Prove His Charges. – He Has No Personal Knowledge of Official Corruption. – How Tweed Tried to Control the Republican Party. – More Convincing Evidence of Miller’s Extortions. – The Case of Judge McCunn Before the Judiciary Committee.

Annual Race Between the Rival University Crews. – Unusually Close Contest Over the Entire Course. – Cambridge the Winner by a Length and a Half. – Protest Against the Abrogation of the French Commercial Treaty. – Dissensions in the Ranks of the National Labor Party.

CONNECTICUT SAFE: Review of the Situation a Week Before Election. – The Election of Jewell Confidently Anticipated. – Enthusiasm and Earnestness of the Republicans. – The New Departure Troubling the Democratic Camp. – Both Parties Straining Every Nerve in the Canvass.

The Stonewall Damages Case Appealed in France. – Flourishing State of the Finances in Great Britain. – A Postal-Telegraph Surplus Over Expenses and Interest. – The Last Protestant Chapel in Madrid Closed. – Spain Demanding Satisfaction From Venezuela.

Great Britain Looking After her Coast Defenses. – The University Tests Bill Passed to a Second Reading. – Negotiations for the Withdrawal of the Germans from France. – Marshal Bazine to Justify His Conduct at Metz. – Boiler Explosion and Loss of Life in Brussels.

DECLARATIONS FOR GRANT: The Iowa Delegates Instructed to Vote for Him. – Indorsement of the Administration by the Ohio Convention. – The New-Jersey Assembly in Favor of Grant. – Progress of the Campaign in Connecticut. – Enthusiasm of the Republicans and Democratic Apathy.


Destruction by the Earthquake in California. – A Town in Ruins and the Earth Fissured for Miles. – Frightful Mining Explosion—Twenty-Nine Persons Killed. – Trochu’s Abandonment of the Empress Eugenie. – Russia Fraternizes With Central Asiatic Nations.

Twenty-Three Persons Killed by the Recent Earthquake. – Shocks Felt in the Volcanic Region Thirty Hours. – Reported Recapture of Zacatecas by the Mexican Rebels. – Cortina Hemmed in After Losing Half his Force. – The Anti-State Feeling in Utah.

Terrific Tornado at St. Louis, Yesterday. – Half of a Market House Blown Down. – A Number of People Seriously Injured by the Fall. – Serious Effects of an Explosion in an English Manufactory. – Revival of Border Ruffianism as Illustrated in a Western City.

Destruction by the Earthquake in California. – Thirty Persons Killed and Three Hundred Wounded. – A Thousand Shocks Counted from Tuesday to Thursday. – Reported Escape of a Cuban Blockade Runner from Aspinwall. – Thiers Declares that France is Not Without Alliances.

VICTORY: The State of Connecticut Heavily Republican. – Jewell Elected Governor Over all Opposition. – Majority of 200, with Ten Towns Missing. – Plurality Over Hubbard Nearly Two Thousand. – Large Republican Gains in the State Legislature.

Mormon Struggle for the Admission of Utah. – Sharp Rebuke Administered by the House to the Senate. – Prospects for the Passage of a Tariff Bill. – Both Houses Clearing off the Files for Adjournment. – The Navy Department and Its Newspaper Maligners. – Testimony of Various Officers of the Naval Bureaus.

English Estimates of the American Claims. – Curious Statement Concerning the Present Condition of Canada. – Mr. Disraeli’s Defense of English Monarchy and Aristocracy. – Success of the Ministerial Party in the Spanish Election. – Attempt to Secure the Restitution of Gibralter to Spain.

Proposed Tax on Whisky and Tobacco. – Progress in the House on the Commerce Committee Bills. – Action the Senate on the Piedmont Railroad Bill. – The Administration of Secretary Robeson Vindicated. – Chambrun Corrects His Statements Before the Arms Committee.

DANA AS A WITNESS: Secretary Robeson Pricks His Slanderous Bubble. – Bartlett and His Protege Withdraw from the Prosecution. – Humiliating Admissions Under Cross-Examination. – A Great Many New-York Sun Sensations Spoiled. – Testimony of a Miscellaneous Washington Scribbler.

WORKING WOMEN: How They Are Annoyed and Imposed Upon. – Difficulties in Obtaining Employment—The Question of Wages—A Want of Domestic Servants and Its Cause.

THE KUKLUX KLAN: Present Condition and Purposes of the Order. – Interesting Statements by Observers in the South. – The Kuklux Waiting for the Ascendency of the Democrats. – Hopes of the Latter to Regain the Control of the Nation. – Oath of the Supreme Degree of this Remarkable Order.

ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE: Half of the City of Antioch, in Syria, Destroyed. – Fifteen Hundred Persons Killed–Awful Scenes Dismay of the Inhabitants–History of Earthquakes.

Break-Up of the Ice in the Hudson River. – The City of Albany Inundated Yesterday. – Considerable Damage the Immediate Result. – A Railroad Bridge and a Steam-Boat in Collision. – Heavy Rains and Freshets Throughout the Country.

THE POLITICAL CONVENTIONS: More Indications of the Popularity of the Administration. – Grant’s Renomination Demanded by Three States. – Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Florida Squarely on Record. – Gen. Hartranft Nominated for Governor of Pennsylvania. – The Colored Men Organizing for the Campaign.

Formal Opening of the Canadian Parliament. – New Cable Communications Between Europe and America. – The International Society Fomenting Trouble in the Spanish Provinces. – The Colored Men Repudiate All But Regular Republicans. – Fall of a House and Loss of Life at Philadelphia.

Particulars Concerning the Explosion of the Steamer Oceanus. – Names and Residences of the Killed, Missing and Wounded. – Double Collision on a Railroad Near St. Louis. – Organization of a Vigilance Committee in the Spanish Provinces. – Debate in the House of Commons on the International Society.

THE MORMONS: Inside View of the Political Struggles in Utah. – What a Gentile Has to Say—The Aims of the Mormon Leaders—Why They Seek Admission to the Union—Interesting Statements. 

PRESIDENT GRANT: His Nomination for a Second Term Assured. – Delegates From Twelve States Instructed to Vote For Him His Administration Indorsed by Every Republican State Convention Thus Far Held.

Presentation of the Cases Before the Geneva Tribunal. – International Copyright in the German Parliament. – Grave Complications Feared Between France and Germany. – General Rising of Political Malcontents in Spain. – Capture of French Internationalists Implicated.

The Contest Ended in the Ways and Means Committee. – Uses for the Gold Balance in the Treasury. – Investigation of the Tenth National Bank Lock-Up. – The Arms Inquiry to be Concluded Today. – More Legislation Needed on the Soldiers’ Homestead Bill.

THE RIGHT PARTY: Great Popular Gathering at the Cooper Institute. – Imposing Demonstration in Favor of Gen. Grant. – Thousands of People Participating in the Proceedings. – Declaration of Principles and Resolutions Adopted. – Speeches by Eminent Statesmen and Merchants.

Prospects of the Civil Service Bill in Washington. – Utter Annihilation of Catacazy by the Russian Government. – The London Telegraph’s France-German Story Denied Flatly. – Japanese Exclusiveness Yielding Before Advanced Ideas. – Burning of a Theatre in Melbourne, Australia.

Debate in the House of Commons on Spanish Acts in Cuba. – Earl Russell Postpones His Motion to Withdraw From Geneva. – Official Denial of the Reported Franco-German Difficulty. – Thirty-Five Lives Lost by the Wreck of an Indian Ship. – Explosion in the Mersey and Four Persons Killed.

A WESTERN TRAGEDY: Fight Between United States Marshals and Border Ruffians. – Court-House at Talaquah, Indian Territory, Held by Desperadoes. – Seven of the Officers Killed and Several Mortally Wounded. – The Judge of the Court Shot in the Knee. – An Expedition Organized to Capture the Murderers.

Mormon Faith in the Power of the Church and the Prophet. – Preparations Against a Carlist Insurrection in Spain. – Extract From a Royal Speech to be Made Today. – Thiers Proposes to Review the Forces Around Paris. – The French Ambassador on a Good Footing at Berlin.

NATIONAL POLITICS: Reliable Advices From Twenty-Three States. – 330 Delegates to Philadelphia Thus Far Chosen. – Number of “Office-Holders” Only13 in 272!! – The “Liberal” Movement and Antecedents of Its Promoters. – A Collection of Disappointed Office-Seekers and Soured Politicians.

The Rise and Progress of the Liberal Party. – Where and How the Cincinnati Convention Was Concocted. – Greeley and Trumbull in the Leading Strings of B. Gratz Brown. – Complete Expose of the Treachery and Falsehood of the “Liberals.” – Interesting Facts for the Consideration of the People.

THE NORTH POLE: The Latest Intelligence From Capt. Hall’s Expedition. – The Polaris Compelled to Return to Greenland. – She Strikes an Ice Snag and Springs a Leak. – All the Officers and Scientific Party at the Pumps. – Fresh Discoveries Reported and All Hands Well.

Release of Brigham Young From the Custody of the Marshal. – A Mormon Probate Judge on Territorial Rights. – Destructive Fire in Harrisburg,Penn. Loss $300,000. – Kuklux Outrages in Illinois and Kentucky. – Debate on the Case of Dr. Howard in the House of Representatives.

FIRE-DAMP ACCIDENTS: Two Explosions in One Day in Pennsylvania Mines. – Three Miners Fatally Burned in the Pine Brook Shaft, Scranton. – Seven Shockingly Burned and Bruised in Hampton Mine, Hyde Park. – Naked Lamps and Ignorant Miners the First and Second Causes. – The Mine Inspector Goes Through the Legal Farco of Investigating.

AFFAIRS IN BRAZIL: Averred Ratification of the Cotegipe Treaty. – The Empire and the Plate Republic Agassiz and His Party Destructive Rains The Season.

Intensity of the Action of Mount Vesuvius Abating. – Victor Emmanuel Personally Directing Relief for the People. – Don Carlos Still in Geneva with Don Alphonso. – The Mexican Rebels Preparing to Bombard Matamoras. – Non-Combatants Flying to the American Side for Shelter.

AFFAIRS AT CINCINNATTI: Mortifying Disappointment at the Thin Attendance. – Sudden Rise in Trumbull Stock in the Sorehead Market. – Gratz Brown and Carl Schurz “Hoist with Their Own Petard.” – Frantic Efforts to Fit the Crooked Plauks of the Platform. – Democratic Influence Strongly and Busily Operating.


Conflicting Accounts of Engagements with the Spanish Insurgents. – Proclamation from Marshal Serrano to His Troops. – The Empress Augusta Expected in England on Thursday. – Passports for Switzerland Abolished by France. – Gen. De Wimpffen Protests Against the Action of the Capitulation Commission.

AFFAIRS IN SPAIN: Alarming and Rapid Progress of the Insurrection. – The Strength of the Insurgents Daily Increasing. – Numerous Desertions from the Royal Forces Reported. – Several Minor Engagements in the Interior. – Relations of Our Government with Spain.

The Carlist Movement Considered a Failure. – Announcement of the Safety of Dr. Livingstone. – The French Government to Try Gen. Bazaine by Court-Martial. – Destructive Hurricane at the Island of Zanzibar. – 150 Vessels Sunk and $10,000,000 Worth of Property Destroyed.

GREELEY NOMINATED! How the Blair Family Manipulated the Convention. – Gratz Brown Sells Out His Friends for the Second Place. – Schurz Declares Greeley the Weakest Man They Could Take. – The German Vote Irretrievably Lost to the Liberals. – Mr. Greeley Hurriedly Telegraphs His Acceptance and Thanks. 

ILLINOIS INDIANS. The Siege of Starved Rock, Near Ottawa. – An Entire Nation Wiped Out The Pottawatomies and Last of the Illinois Tribe Last War Dance at the Sauganash Hotel and Their War-Dance in Chicago.

Destruction of an Oil-Refinery Near Cleveland, Ohio. – The Cass County, Mo., Assassins Still at Large. – Gov. Brown Too Much Absorbed to Enforce the Laws. – Letter From D.W. Voorhees on What His Party Will Do. – No Change in the Situation on the Indirect Claims Question.

The Reported Capture of Don Carlos Not Confirmed, Southampton Dock Laborers and Sailors on a Strike. – American Railway Enterprises Approaching the Mexican Border. – Communist Prisoners on the Way to the South Pacific. – Democratic Embarrassment Over the Work at Cincinnati.

Sailing of a Cuban Filibustering Steamer From Kingston. – Great Loss of Life by Floods in Melbourne, Australia. – Reported Project to Lease Kurile Island to the United States. – Communication From the President on the Cherokee Massacre. – Apaches Actively Killing and Scalping About Prescott, Arizona.

Shipwreck and Loss of Life Off the Maine Coast. – Changes of Tariff in the Dominion of Canada. – Report of the Senate Arms Investigating Committee. – Passage of the Apportionment Bill in the House of Representatives. – The President’s Reply to the Workmen on the Eight-Hour Law.

Mutiny on Board an American Vessel at Sea. – Two Men Shot and the Ringleaders Put in Irons. – Somerset, Penn., Partially Destroyed by Fire. – Fresh Fires Raging in the Woods Along the Hudson River. – Great Destruction of Property in Ulster and Sullivan Counties.

THE LUMBER TRADE: History of the Business in New-York and Pennsylvania. – Where Timber and Lumber Come From Story of a Raft Location of the Saw-Mills and Statistics of the Trade.

A Terrible Mine Explosion in Pennsylvania. – Three Engineers killed and One Badly Wounded. – Shocking Midnight Murder at Pittstown, New-York. – Report of the Committee on Capitulation in France. – Pardon of the Cuban Students by King Amadeus.

Large Deficit in the Annual Budget in Spain. – Extraordinary Taxation to be Resorted to to Meet it. – Gambetta Recommends Patience and Tenacity to the Alsatians. – Defeat and Disorganization of the Mexican Revolutionists. – Telegraph Lines Restored Between Matamoras and Reynosa.

The Michigan Rioters Rescuing Prisoners from the Authorities. – Revival of the Prospects of Don Carlos in Spain. – Bilboa Said to be Occupied by His Adherents. – The Vote in Switzerland on Revising the Constitution. – Progress of the Suppression of the Mexican Revolt.

Narrow Escape of an Erie Passenger-Train. – On the Brink of a Precipice with a Broken Axle. – Violent Earthquake Shocks in the Island of Iceland. – Twenty Houses Destroyed and Many Persons Injured. – Bazaine Under Arrest to Answer for Giving an Mets.

How Horace Greeley Would Have “Saved the Union” Between 1860 and 1864. – A WARNING FROM THE PAST. – What we Might Expect if Mr.Greeley Succeeded in His Ambition. – FALSE IN ONE CRISIS, FALSE IN ALL.

Closing Scenes of the Rochester Convention. – Gov. Hoffman Heads the List of Delegates to Baltimore. – Gen. Grant Indorsed by the Michigan Republicans. – Work of the Texas Republican Convention Completed. – Fifty Democratic Congressmen Demand a Straight Party Ticket.

THE BURNING WOODS. – Thirty-Five Miles of Forest Burning in Pennsylvania. – Railway Trains Creeping Through the Dense Smoke. – Five Hundred Men with Axes and Pails Fighting the Fire. – Fourteen Houses In and About Tobyhanna Burned. – Two or Three Hundred Acres of Woods Burned near Malden, Mass. 

Particulars Concerning the Loss of the Tripoli. – Fortunate Escape of the Passengers and Crew. – Attempt to Censure the Government in the Spanish Cortes. – Mysterious Disappearance of the Leader of the Late Insurrection. – Scenes In and Around Naples After the Eruption of Vesuvius

Large Tracts of Country Laid Waste. – Graphic Description of the Ruin Already Wrought. – Extent of the Calamity in the Lumber Region. – Gloomy Business Outlook in the Devastated Section. – Total Loss of Property Not Less Than $2,500,000.

Rains Mastering the Fires and Reviving Vegetation. – Latest Complication in the Edgar Stewart Affair. – The Wyoming and the Spaniard Getting Up Steam. – Capt. Carpenter, of the Nantasket, Offends the Haytians. – Suppression of the Carlist Outbreak on Official Paper.

Opposition to President Juarez’s Dictatorial Powers. – Galleries of the Mexican Congress Cleared by the Soldiers. – Venezuela Rebels Steal a Cargo of Goods from Barcelona. – Peaceful Solution of the Spanish Difficulty Probable. – Baez Complicated in the Recent Outbreak in Hayti.

AMNESTY AND CIVIL RIGHTS: Results of the All-Night Session of the Senate. – Passage of the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill. – Civil Rights and Amnesty Bills Passed and Signed. – Congressmen, Judges and Officers Who Broke Their Oaths Excluded. – A Flurry Among the Absent “Liberal” and “Reform” Senators.

Strong Sentiment Against Imperialism in France. – Remains of King Louis Philippe to be Brought Home. – The Secret Service Fund Used in the Spanish Elections. – Loss of the Steamer Baltimore Off the English Coast. – Latest Advices from Australia and the Pacific Islands.

The Senate Still Discussing the Proposed New Article. – Gallantry of Midshipmen McLean and Galt Recognized. – Andrew Johnson Willing to be a Candidate for Congress. – A Counterfeiter Drowned in Trying to Escape Arrest. – Attempt to Assassinate a Woman at Newport, Ky.

VORHEES AT HOME: Speech at Terre Haute Yesterday on National Politics. – He Declares Himself a Thorough and Consistent Democrat. – The Absurd Claims of the Tammany Candidate Exposed. – Greeley Shown to Have Completely Indorsed Grant’s Administration. – Failure of the Democratic Party Assured Should They Nominate Him. 

Bembeta, the Cuban General, a Passenger for New-York. – Breaking up the Muincipal Rings in Havana. – Salazar, the Venezuelan Rebel Chief, Captured and Shot. – Carlists Surrendering on Serrano’s Promise of Pardon. – Napoleon’s Sedan Letter Sent to President Thiers.

TERRIBLE DISASTER: Frightful Loss of Life and Shipping. – Almost Total Destruction of the Newfoundland Fishery Fleet. – Forty-one Vessels and Three Steamers Wrecked on the Coast. – Whole Ships’ Crews Known to Have Perished. – Thrilling Scenes on Shore the Day After the Hurricane. 

CONGRESS: Mr. Trumbull Obstructing the Tariff in the Senate. – He Makes a Political Speech Without Provocation. – June 3 Fixed Upon for the Final Adjournment. – Defeat of the Habeas Corpus (Kuklax) Bill in the House. – A Test Vote on the Senate Civil Rights Bill. – Members of the Thirty-Seventh Congress Amnestied by Special Act.

Opposition of the Democrats of Pennsylvania to Greeley. – Probable Nomination of a New Presidential Candidate. – A Combination to Force Up the Price of Coal. – Spaniards Incensed at the Leniency Shown to Carlist Rebels. – Loss of a Steamer and Cargo on the New England Coast.

No Answer from the British Government on the Treaty. – The President’s Position Sustained by Men of all Parties. – Destructive Freshets in South-Western Missouri. – A Wall of Water Rolling Down Spring River Valley. – Railroad Employes in Pennsylvania Arrested for Embezzlement.


Latest Facts and Rumors Concerning the Treaty. – Substance of the Latest Message from Washington. – Mr. Gladstone Waiting for the Adjournment of Congress. – Weather in England Favorable to the Crops. – Explosion of a Powder Magazine and Loss of Life.

The Vermont Liberal State Convention a Failure. – Arrival of the Prince of Wales in England. – Celebration in London of the Queen’s Birthday. – Prospects of the Revolutionary Party in Mexico. – Graduating Exercises of the Cadets at Annapolis.

THE TREATY: Insincerity Attributed to the British Government. – The Supplemental Article Still Undecided On. – Nature and Extent of the Concession to Save the Treaty. – The President’s Last Communication an Ultimatum. – English Hesitation Interpreted as Favorable to the Article.

HOFFMAN”S GUILT. – The Beginning of the Fraudulent Warrants. –  How Gov. Hoffman Served the Ring as Mayor. – The Process of Signature and the Process of Division Proofs of Fraud Taken from the City Records. – ANOTHER REASON FOR TAMMANY SUPPORTING GREELEY.

THE CONVENTION. – Satisfactory Progress Toward Formal Organization. – Genuine Enthusiasm Displayed in Favor of Grant. – The Candidate for Vice-President Yet Undecided. – Nearly all of the State Delegations Holding Caucuses. – A Comprehensive and Sound Platform Foreshadowed. – Enthusiastic Mass Meeting at the Hartranft Wigwam.

PHILADELPHIA: Opening of the Republican National Convention. – Magnificent Spectacle Presented at the Academy. – All of the Old Leaders of the Party Present. – Eloquent and Patriotic Speeches the Order of the Day. – Addresses by Morton McMichael, Senators Morton and Logan. – Fervid Utterances of the Colored Delegates. 

GRANT AND WILSON: Work of the Republican Convention Concluded. – Gen. Grant Unanimously Renominated for President. – Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, for Vice-President. – Scenes of Unparalleled Enthusiasm Over the Nominations. – A Comprehensive and Patriotic Platform Adopted. – Enthusiastic Reception of theTicket by the People. 

Recent English Action on the Supplemental Article. – Destructive Tornado is the Southern Part of Iowa. – Houses Unroofed and Blown Down and Cattle Killed. – Heavy Rains and Damaging Floods in Illinois. – Bridges, Crops and Stock Swept Away and Two Men Drowned.

Possible Action of Great Britain Before the Geneva Tribunal. – Peremptory Demand for the Release of Dr. Houard. – The First Trustworthy Intelligence of Dr. Livingstone. – Twenty-Two Thousand Italians Made Homeless by Inundation. – The Paris Prize Won by “Cremorne,” the Last Derby Winner.

An Extra Session of Congress Probably Necessary. – The Democrats Disposed to Obstruct Public Business. – Sharp Debate During the Senate All-Night Session. – Proceedings of the Louisiana Democratic Convention. – France Desirous of Establishing a Long Peace.

Earl Granville Promises Another Treaty Statement Today. – Proposed Joint Note in Behalf of Roumanian Jews. – Successes Claimed for the Revelutionists in Mexico. – Sailing of a Supposed Cuban Privateer from Baltimore. – Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, Declines the Nomination for Governor.

A St. Lawrence Steamer Burned and One Life Lost. – Hayti and San Domingo Vigorously Preparing for War. – The Virginius Saved from Spanish Cruisers by Shallow Water. – Comments of the London Journals on the Recent Boat Race. – Destruction by Storm and Freshet in the East and the West.

CONVENTIONS: Ambiguous Action of the Democrats of Indiana. – Sharp Practice by Greeley’s Friends in Missouri. – Republican Delegates in Maine Preparing for the Convention. – Close Struggle in New-Hampshire Over the Senatorship. – The Temperance Party in Michigan Appoint a State Ticket. – Annual Convention of the Young Men’s Christian Asscoiation.

Important Statements on the Treaty by Mr. Gladstone. – The United States Refuse to Apply for Postponement. – Failure of the Alabama Case not to Affect the San Juan Case. – Appalling Loss of Life by the Floods in Bohemia. – King Amadeus, of Spain, at Loggerheads with His Cabinet.

SHERIFF BRENNAN: How he Makes his Office Pay—-Who Would Not be a Sheriff? – Thousands of Dollars Drawn Under Fraudulent Pretenses. – Entitled to 50 Cents for Each Commitment—He Charges $1.50 for Each Arrest. – Specimen of His Accounts—-His Fees in 1871 Amounted to $150,612,51. – Will the Culprit be Brought to Justice Who will Arrest the Sheriff?

THE STRIKE TROUBLE. – Violent Demonstration by the Eight-Hour Men. – Threatened Attack on Steinway’s Piano-Forte Manufactory. – The Police Disperse the Rioters With Their Clubs. – Suspension of Operations by the Sugar-Refiners. – Strike of Central Railroad Machinists and Employees. 

Explosion of a Steam-Ship’s Boilers at Marseilles. – Fifty-Five of the Passengers and Crew Killed Outright. – All the Others on Board More or Less Injured. – Bursting of a Locomotive Boiler Near Hornellsville. – Present Status of the Case of Dr. Houard.

THE JUBILEE: Opening of the International Musical Festival in Boston. – Cordial Reception of the Foreign Bands by the Mayor. – The Coliseum, the Audience and the Musical Force. – Introductions Among the Artists at the Rehearsal. – Critical Observations on the First Day’s Performance.

Political Affairs in Spain in an Alarming State. – Serrano Said to Have Gone to England in Disgust. – Zorilla Accepts the Premiership and is Sworn In. – Rapid Progress of Modern Ideas Among the Japanese. – Approaching Marriage of the Emperor of China.

Appeal of the Pope for European Intervention. – Seizure of Haytian Vessels by the Germans. – Great Storm Throughout the Northern Counties of England. – The Carlists Still Active in the Spanish Provinces. – Evacuation of France by the Germans Rapidly Progressing.

M. Thiers Refuses to Concede Anything to the “Right.” – Reimbursement of Switzerland for Boarding Bourbaki’s Army. – Smith, of the Atalantas, Contending for the Diamond Scull at Henley. – Bombardment of Port-au-Prince by the German Fleet. – Two Steamers Wrecked on the Pacific Coast.

An Open Rupture Between President Thiers and the Right. – They Refer Him to the Left for Support in Future. – Charles Francis Adams on the Cincinnati and Baltimore Conventions. – Position of Mr. Smith, of the Atalantas, in theHenley Race. – Fearful Explosion in the Ohio Penitentiary at Columbus.

AWFUL DISASTERS: An Express Train in Canada Totally Wrecked. – Twenty-Three Persons Killed and Forty-Two Wounded. – Nearly All of the Injured Expected to Die. – Destructive Explosion of Chemicals in this City. – Eighteen Members of the Fire Department Severely Injured.

Proceedings in the Louisiana Republican State Convention. – The Spanish Government to Release Dr. Houard. – Another Manifesto from the Duc De Montpensier. – Third Reading of the French Army Bill Postponed. – United States Men-of-War in English Waters. – Appointment of Masonic Officers for New-York State.

GENEVA: Reassembling of the Tribunal Today Instead of Wednesday. – Count Sclopis Summons the Arbitrators by Telegraph. – Americans-Hopeful of a Satisfactory Termination. – An Important Dispatch Received by the American Agent. – The President and State Department in Entire Accord. 

THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN: Ratification of the Philadelphia Nominations in Washington. – An Immense Meeting and Great Enthusiasm. – Horace Greeley as Painted by His Friend Horace White. – Standing of the Tammany Candidate Among New-Jerseymen. Senator Caldwell, of Kansas, Ready to Meet His Maligners.

DEMOCRATIC CHAOS: An Unpalatable Pill for the “Unterrified.” – The Greeley Mixture Nearly Kills the Patient. – Division of Sentiment at the New-Jersey Convention. – The Illinois Liberals and Democrats Trying to Unite. – Georgia Democrats on State Rights and Grant.

DEMOCRATIC DESPAIR: Tortures of the Party in its Efforts to Swallow Greeley. – The Other Side of the Recent Illinois Love Feast. – Secret History of Mr. Koerner’s Nomination by the Conference. – Fierce Opposition to the Movement in Ohio and Virginia. – How “Extra Billy” Smith Takes the Nauseous Dose.

THE KUKLUX: The Klan at Its Old Work in North Carolina. – Republican Meetings Attacked and the Stars and Stripes Insulted. – The Murder of John W. Stephens—Attempts to Intimidate Judge Settle—The Kuklux Cheering for Greeley as Their Candidate.

Visit of the Arizona Indians to Washington. – Massacre of United States Soldiers in Texas. – Fears of an Indian War in the South-West. – A New Editorial Candidate for the Presidency. – Complete Success of Gilmore’s Benefit at the Boston Jubilee.


ALABAMA: Review of the Proceedings of the Democratic Convention. – Complete Identification of the Greeley Democracy with the Kuklux. – Proofs of the Existence of the Klan–The Chief of the Order in the State a Greeley Candidate for Congress.

THE HOSTILE INDIAN TRIBES: Spotted Tail and Other Northern Chiefs Coming East Again. – Kiowas and cheyennes Menacing the Military Roads. – The Troops at Camp Supply Held on the Defensive. – Formidable Opposition to the Northern Pacific Railroad. – Gen. McKenzie and His Party Well at Fort Griffin.

THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN: A Model Greeley and Brown Club Dissected. – An Honest Democrat on the Tammany Candidate. – Grant’s Election the Only Salvation for the South. – The Franking Swindle Encouraged by Honest H. G. – Proofs of an Alliance Between Tammany and the Reformers.

Exciting Tariff Debates in the French National Assembly. – Disasters at Sea and Great Loss of Life. – Important Victory Gained by the Cuban Revolutionists. – A Little Girl Killed by Two Men in Ohio. – Four Boys and a Man Drowned at Hudson, N.Y.

THE GLORIOUS FOURTH: Ninety-Sixth Anniversary of Our National Independence. – How the Day was Observed in this City and Elsewhere. – Parade of the First Division National Guard. – Exhibition of Fire-Works in the Public Parks. –  Public and Private Celebrations Throughout the Union. 

THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN: Antecedents of the Hangers-on at the Greeley Head-Quarters. – Movements of the Tammany Gang in the “Liberal” Interest. – A Nice Coterie of First-Class New-York Reformers. – Gen. Grant’s Kindness to the Southerners in Brazil. – How Scandals are Manufactured by Neswpaper Organs. 

VANDERBILT’S ROADS: Further Details About the New Move in Erie. – Vanderbilt to Control Erie Through a Dummy President – Excitement on the Street – How the Monopoly will Work. 

THE DEMOCRATS: WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE – The Democratic Candidate on His Own Followers. – Pictures of the Democrats by Their Leader. – Horace Greeley Greets the “Murderers, Adulterers, Drunkards, Cowards,Liars and Thieves.” – THEY NOMINATE HIM AS THEIR PRESIDENT – DEMOCRATS! LOOK AT YOUR PORTRAITS. – “SCUM OF THE EARTH,” VOTE FOR GREELEY

THE DEMOCRATIC WAKE: Efforts to Reconcile the Convention To Its Fate. – Baiting the Greeley Hook With Hopes of Office. – Nomination Secured, the Party Whip to Do the Rest. – Determined Stand of the Honest Democracy. – They Predict that Greeley will Prove Their John Tyler.

Explosion of a Flour-Mill Boiler in Scotland. – Eleven Men Burned to Death and Twelve Injured. – Capture of a Cuban Privateer by a Revenue Cutter. – The Reign of Anarchy in Unhappy Mexico. – Don Carlos Said to Be on the Road to Switzerland.

MIDSUMMER MADNESS: Last Act of the Democratic Bedlamites. – Confession of the Utter Hopelessness of their Cause. – Gagged and Bound they Gulph Bown Greeley and Brown. – Tammany, in Ecstasy, Fires One Hundred Guns. – Tweed and Pals Respond to the Nomination of their Apologist.

THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN: Another Grand Grant and Wilson Meeting to be Held. – The Sort of People who are Supporting Greeley. – Spirit of the Press on the Political Situation. – Leading Connecticut Liberals Abandoning the Tammany Candidate. – Failure of the Attempt to Disguise the Democratic Party.

SPIRIT OF THE CANVASS: What Greeley Said About the Southern People in 1861. – The Tammany Gang Still Controlling the Democracy. – Payment for Slaves Expected if Greeley is Elected. – Further Evidences of Dissatisfaction in the Democratic Party. – Liberal Organs Afraid of the Plain Spoken Democrats.

Campaign Speech by Gen. Butler at Gloucester. – Destructive Fire in the Town of Alpena, Mich. – Four Lives Lost and $180,000 Worth of Property Destroyed. – A Bold and Successful Bank Robbery at Uxbridge, Mass. – Murder of a Boy by a Western Ruffian.

GRANT’S PRINCIPLES: What He Said While a Soldier and Has Upheld as President. – His Disinterestedness, Patriotism and Singleness of Purpose. – His Fidelity to the People and Support of Practical Reforms. – National Integrity, Equal Protection, Indestructible Union. – A Record to Contrast with Greeley’s. 

Reassembling of the Geneva Board of Arbitrators. – Profound Secrecy to be Observed as to the Proceedings. – Catacazy as a Vender of Stale Sensations. – Eloquent Address of Red Cloud to Hostile Indians. – What the Sioux Chief Thinks of the Great Father.

GRANT’S ADMINISTRATION: The Conduct of the Finances. – A Gratifying Record in Every Respect. – Increase of Internal Revenue on a Reduced Taxation. – Reduced Cost of Collecting Customs Revenue. – Fifty Millions Decrease in the Annual Expenditures. – Decrease of the Debt—Decrease of the Interest Charge.

THE THERMOMETER: The Temperature Ninety-three in the Shade Yesterday. – The Effects of the Heat in this City and Vicinity – The Prostrations and Deaths – Horses Dying in the Streets.

THE SOUTH AND GREELEY: Why Every Southern Man Should Vote for H.G. – His Pleas to Have Them Exterminated. – DIVIDE THEIR LANDS. – Starve their Wives and Children. – Put Them Under Martial Law. – What the Democratic Candidate Thinks of the Democrats. – They Are “Murderers, Adulterers, Drunkards, Cowards, Liars, Thieves, Assassins, Pugilists, Blacklegs, Burglars and Felons.” – Southerners and Democrats! Vote for Greeley.

Mexicans Discussing a Peaceful Settlement of the War. – The King and Queen of Spain Fired On by Assassins. – One of the Assailants Killed and One Captured. – Precautions to Keep Proceedings at Geneva Secret. – Rinderpest on a Cattle Ship from Odessa.

Appearance of the Asiatic Cholera in Russia. – Terribly Malignant Character of the Disease. – Rejoicings at the Safety of the King of Spain. – Nature of the Plot for His Assassination. – Steady Progress of the Arbitrationat Geneva.

SPIRIT OF THE CANVASS: Greeley’s Scheme to Pension the Rebel Soldiers. – Democrats from All Sections Joining the Republican Ranks. – Parson Brownlow’s Compliments to the Jersey City Democrats. – Troubles of the Recreant Senator from Illinois. – The Arkansas Republicans on Parties in the South. 

Reappearance of the Potato Disease in Great Britain. – What the Genevans Think the Arbitrators are Doing. – Investigation of the Attempted Assassination in Spain. – Threatening Demonstrations of Strikers in Williamsport, Penn. – Conviction of the Colored Intimidators of voters.

Enthusiastic Republican Rally at the Cooper Institute. – Masterly Address by Senator Roscoe Conkling. – Thorough Review of the Leading Political Issues. – A Warm and Dignified Defense of Gen. Grant. – Complete Vindication of His Administration.

THE TRUTH AT LAST: The Document Mr. Greeley Can’t Bear to Have Published. – It Reveals the Rebel Plots for an Insurrection in the North, for Firing Northern Merchant Vessels and for Burning Northern Cities. – Agents Hired and Money Paid for these Purposes. – “Papers that Would Utterly Ruin and Destroy Prominent Men in the North.” – Official Report of the Rebel Agent Whom Greeley Went to Visit in Canada. – How Greeley, in Conference with the Rebels, Helped the Rebel Cause.

Impenetrable Secresy Still Maintained at Geneva. – Strikers Attack Troops in France and are Fired Into. – Execution of Participants in the Hostage Massacre. – Catacazy Ignominiously Dismissed the Russian Service. – Tokens of Respect to the Memory of Juarez, in Mexico.

THE INFAMOUS ALLIANCE: “Tammany Responds to Greeley.” – Hands Clasped Across Tammany Hall. – Tammany Clubs Formed Again for”Honest Horace.” – The City and State to be Plundered. – Tweed and Sweeny Preparing to Return to Power. – Hoffman to be Re-elected and Andrew H. Green to be Kicked Out. – Every Rascal in the State is For Greeley. – Facts which Cannot be Answered. – Let us all Vote for Greeley and More Tammany Robbery.

Present Condition of the Alabama Arbitration. – Special Points that Have Been Taken Under Consideration. – Marriage of Christine Nilsson in Westminster Abbey. – The Japanese Embassy on its Way to Europe. – Labor Strike Among the Shoe-Makers of Massachusetts.

THE OLD NORTH STATE: Desperation of the Democratic Tricksters in North Carolina. – Agents Discovered Bribing Negro Voters to be Arrested. – Dana’s Patent Witness and His Convict Ally at Work. – Carl Schurz Rehearsing Old and Inventing New Slanders. – His Remarkable Career as a Carpet-Bagger Examined. 

NORTH CAROLINA: Gigantic Scheme of Fraud Against the Freedom of Election. – Wholesale Challenging of Republicans Where they have Majorities. – The Polls in Republican Districts to be Obstructed. – Republican Voters Advised to Assert their Right to Vote. – Tammany Tactics Introduced by Liberals from New-York. 

THE PEACE CONFERENCE: History of Mr. Greeley’s Trip to Canada in 1864. – He Enters into Correspondence with the Rebels and is Invited to Canada. – In Return He Invites His Rebel Friends to Washington. – He Misunderstands the Rebels and Misrepresents Mr. Lincoln. – After Placing Mr. Lincoln in a False Position, He Refuses to Release Him. – A Story of Cowardice, Craft and Duplicity. – Does the Country Want Mr. Greeley as a Democratic President? 


Courtesies Tendered to Our Naval Officers in England. – Harmonious Action of the Arbitrators at Geneva. – Local Difficulties in the Central American Republics. – Six Killed and Fourteen Wounded by the Mississippi Explosion. – Reported Discovery of a Diamond Mine in California.

Settlement at Geneva Said to be Nearer than Was Expected. – Supplementary Case Submitted by the English Counsel. – Visit of the Prince of Wales to Admiral Alden’s Fleet. – Narrow Escape of Mr. Gladstone from Injury by an Explosion. – Reported Appearance of Asiatic Cholera in Berlin, Germany.

THE OHIO CAMPAIGN: Important Republican Demonstration at Clifton. – Speeches by Hon. Stanley Matthews, Hon. Henry Wilson, and Others. – Mr. Matthews Formally Gives in His Adherence to Grant and Wilson. – Powerful Analyses of the “Cincinnati Movement.” – Called in Favor of Reform and Packed by Place-Hunters.

NORTH CAROLINA: The Result of the Election Still in Doubt. – One-Third of the State Yet to be Heard From. – Prospects of a Republican Victory Growing Brighter. – The Result in the Congressional Districts. – Boasted Democratic Majorities Melting Away.

NORTH CAROLINA: Seventy-four Counties give Caldwell, Republican, 1,434 Majority. – The Remaining Counties will Probably Reduce this to 300. – Two Republican Congressmen Gained for Next Session. – Sources of Democratic Strength in the State. – History of the Kuklux Democracy’s Intolerance.

THE OLD NORTH STATE: Democratic Majorities Steadily Disappearing. – Latest Returns Give Caldwell 2,000 Majority for Governor. – Merrimon, Democrat, Threatening to Contest the Election. – A Republican Majority in the House of Commons Reported. – The Democrats Postpone a Meeting for Rejoicing in Norfolk, Va.

VICTORY SURE: Caldwell Governor of North Carolina by Over 1,000 Majority. – Large Republican Gains in the Legislature. – Three Republican Members of Congress Chosen—A Gain of Two. – How Judge Settle Was Beaten in the Fifth District. – Crowds of Virginia Democrats Colonized in North Carolina.

The Geneva Arbitrators Decide the Shenandoah Claims. – Destructive Fire in a Russian Inland City. – Reported Discoveries of Gold in the South of Ireland. – Burning of a Sugar Refinery in Boston, Loss $500,000. – New Code of Sea Signals for the American Marine.

Indisposition of Members of the Geneva Tribunal. – A Turkish Village Burned and 1,000 Families Homeless. – Tranquillity Returning in Mexico Under Lerdo. – Funeral of the Late President Juarez, in the City of Mexico. – Mysterious Removal of Gov. Zabalza of Havana.

Lionizing the United States Naval Squadron in England. – The Yacht Sappho Entered for the Prince of Wales Cup. – Parliament to be Prorogued by Royal Commission. – King Amadeus Signs a Decree Abolishing Slavery in the Colonies. – Latest Intelligence from the Geneva Board of Arbitrators.

The Final Adjournment of the English Parliament. – Comments of the Queen Upon Late Political Events. – Transportation of Six Hundred Communist Prisoners. – France Has a Voice in the Coming Imperial Conference. – Statue Erected in Honor of a Distinguished German.

Prof. Winlock, of Cambridge, on Plantamour’s Comet. – The Whole Story Pronounced a Baseless Fabrication. – Points Argued Before The Tribunal of Arbitration. – Death of Mrs. Mathews, Mother of Vice-President Colfax.

Reports in Circulation in Geneva as to a Decision. – Regatta of the Royal Yacht Squadron in England. – Gwendolin the Winner of the Prince of Wales Cup. – The Crew of the Sappho Dismissed for Insubordination – Another Mexican Outrage Within the Texan Border.

The Project for Re-Enslaving the Negroes. – A Slander Retracted by the Springfield Republican. – Ex-Gov. Curtin to Take the Field for Grant. – Activity Among the members of the Straight Democratic Party. – What is Thought of Schurz and Sumner in the South.

SENATOR DOOLITTLE. – He Exacts Money for His Influence. – A SHAMEFUL DISCLOSURE. – The Facts Proved from Doolittle’s Own Letters. – Mr. Greeley’s Advocate as a Model of Honesty and Reform. – What May Be Expected from the “Liberal Party.”

What Constitutes Horace Greeley’s Republicanism. – Activity of Grant’s Supporters on Staten Island. – More Liberal Prophecies About the State of Maine. – Sample of a Greeley and Brown Club in this State. – The State Convention of the New-York Veterans.

The Party-Processions Act Riots in Ireland. – A European Congress Concerning Italy and France. – The Prospect of Awards from the Geneva Conference. – Reported Discovery of Petroleum in Silesia. – Threatening Relations Between the Argentine Confederation and Brazil.

Probable Result of the Trial of Judge Barnard. – Amicable Compromise in the Central Pacific Railroad Difficulty. – Mysterious Murder of Several Persons on a Mississippi Steamer. – The Strike of the Shoe-Makers at Lynn Ended. – Spanish-Cuban Journals Predict the End of the Rebellion.

Gen John A. Logan on Grant’s Achievements. – Mass Convention of New-England Colored Men. – A View of the Political Situation in Louisiana. – The Truth About the Speakers of the Assembly. – Liut.-Gov. Mueller, of Ohio, on the Stump for Grant.

Rioting Continues in the City of Belfast. – Several Persons Killed and Large Number Wounded. – The City to be Placed Under Martial Law. – Fears Enteratined of Another Outbreak in Spain. – Threatening Attitued of Queen Isabella’s Partisans.

The Dublin Bakers Strike and the Women Cry for Bread. – Continuation of the Riots in Belfast. – The Rioters Try to Plunder and Burn Business Houses. – England Disturbed by the Early Closing of Public Houses. – Napoleon Severely Criticises the Government Expenditures of President Thiers.

THE CONVENTION: A Patriotic and Enthusiastic Gathering. – The Platform Worthy the Great Republican Party. – Nomination of Full State and Electoral Tickets. – For Governor, Gen. John A. Dix, of New-York. – For Lieutenant-Governor, Gen. John C. Robinson, of Broome.

Continuation of Mob Rule in Belfast, Ireland. – The Rioters Still Plundering and Burning Buildings. – Feeble Effort of the Authorities to Restore Order. – Latest Reprts from the Geneva Tribunal. – The Conference Closing and Preparing for Festivity.

What the Democrats Expect from Mr. Greeley. – How False Reports of Democratic Victories Affect Rebels. – The Set-Back of the Greeleyites in Maine. – A Democratic Paper’s Comments on the Failures of its Party. – Enthusiastic Meetings of New-York City Republicans.

The Spanish Government Preparing for Another Insurrection. – Results of the Election Favorable to King Amadeus. – Renewal of the Riotous Disturbances at Belfast, Ireland. – Social Life of the Arbitrators of the Alabama Claims. – Concerts in France in Aid of the Elsatian Exiles.

Something About the Tammany Alliance. – A Prominent California Democrat for Grant. – Wisconsin Reformers Who Are Not for Greeley. – The Business Faculty of the Tammany Candidate. – Why the Mormons Desire the Success of the Democracy.

Ravages of the Cholera in the Valley of Cashmere. – Meeting of the German, Austrian and Russian Emperors. – The Ex-Empress Carlotta Reported to be Dying. – Triumph of the Ministerialists in the Spanish Elections. – Favorable Report of the Condition of the French Crops.

A Chance for Gratz Brown and Ethan Allen. – Evidences of the Great Reaction Against Greeley. – A Visitor’s Opinion of the Situation in New-York. – Democratic Determination to Carry the Next Congress. – Greeley’s Affiliations with Tammany and Its Friends.

An Old Sun-Picture of the Tammany Candidate. – Ex-Congressman Axtell’s Letter in Favor of Grant. – The Ranks of the Straigh-Out Democrats Rapidly Filling Up. – Some Specimen Reformers in the Nineteenth District. – Renewed Discussion of Greeley’s Secessin Record in the South.

An English Opinion of the Arizona Diamonds. – The Walter Scott Statue Shipped from Edinburgh. – Failure of Cotton Operators in Lancashire. – No Hope for the Recovery of the Ex-Emperess Carlotta. – The Berlin Engine-Builders on Strike.

DISASTER ON THE SOUND: Loss of the Propeller Metis Off Watch Hill, R.I. – The Steamer Run Into and Sunk in Half an Hour. – Forty or Fifty Passengers Drift Ashore on the Upper Works. – Ninety-Two of the Passengers and Crew Probably Lost. – Sixty-Three Only Out of 155 Known To Be Saved.


Advance in the Price of Coal in England. – Satisfactory Progress of the Geneva Board of Arbitrators. – Another Alleged Female Poisoner Arrested in Wisconsin. – Massacre of Army Train Hands by Indians Under Little Raven. – Fifteen Men Killed and Wounded and Fifteen in Captivity.

The Tammany Candidate to Make “Reparation.” – An Old Vermont Democrat on the Situation. – Another Leading Minnesota Democrat for Grant. – Greeley to Secure the Removal of Negro Sufferage. – How the Republicans of Illinois Are Working.

Cortina Denies Complicity in the Raids into Texas. – Fears for the Safety of the Witnesses Before the Committee. – Father Hyacinthe Defends His Contemplated Marriage. – A Banquet to the Arbitrators by the Swiss Council of State. – Congress of the International Society at the Hague.

A Political Murder. – The County Clerk of Pope County, Arkansas, Assassinated. – Democratic Method of Disposing of Republican Office-Holder–Narrow Escape of the Sheriff and His Assistant.

Official Vote of North Carolina for Congressmen. – A Republican Majority of 3,290 in the State. – The Democrats of South Carolina Set a Good Example to their Party. – An Earnest Call for Republican Organization in New-Jersey. – How the Small-Fry Greeley Orators are Paid.

The Slanders Upon the President Reviewed. – Meaning of the New-York Republican State Ticket. – Prospects of the Republican Party in Delaware. – Greeley’s Slanders on the Straight-Out Democrats. – A Texan Paper on The Tammany Candidate’s Secession Sentiments.

PENNSYLVANIA. – A Glance at the Situation of the Keystone State. – The Canvas of 1872–Vigor of the Republican Party–Confidence of the People in Hartranft–The Prospects

Terrible Murder by an Insane Man in Kansas. – A Mob in Illinois Attempts to Burn a Town. – Indians in the Indian Territory Fighting Among Themselves. – Fatal Duel in Mexico Between Two Native Women. – Mutiny and Loss of Life on a French Coolie Ship.

The Geneva Award Estimated in England at 3,000,000 – An Anti-Slavery Movement to be Inaugurated in Spain. – Demonstrations on the 22nd Prohibited in France. – Three Men Killed by a Boiler Explosion in Maryland. – Murder of Liut. Ried, United States Army by Indians.

THE HOSTILE SAVAGES. – Seven Mexicans Murdered by Apaches in Arizona. – Corporal Black’s Body Found Lacerated from Head to Foot. – The Militia Called Out by Gov. Safford. – Severe Battle Reported with Indians in the Yellowstone Valley. – Attack on Members of the Northern Pacific Railway Survey.

Seventeen Persons Lost by Wrech in the Recent Storm. – How the Geneva Decision is Regarded in England. – Indian Depredations Began in Wyoming Territory. – The Yellowstone Surveying Expeition Forced to Return. – Opposition to the New Cuban Loan in Havana.

Distribution of Honors by the Emperors at Berlin. – A Vice-President Watned for the New Republic. – Loss of an English Steam-Ship Off the Portugal Coast. – Terrible Loss of Life by a Land-Slide in Aragon. – Serious Accident on the Perth Amboy Railroad.

Address to the Mikado by a Japanese Old Fogy. – Warning Against Republicanism and Western Barbarism. – Capture of Kidnappers of Natives of Navigator Islands. – The New Government of Fiji Almost Bankrupt. – The Volcano Maunaloa, Hawaii, in Active Eruption.

THE POOR CHILDREN’S FUND. – Final Statement of Receipts and Expenditures by the Treasurer. – Total Amount of Money Received to Date, $19,296.75. – Expended for Excursions and Relief. $15,818.01 – Cash Balance in Hands of Trust Company, $3,478.74 – Interesting Resume of the Entire Fund Movement.

THE ALABAMA CLAIMS: Final Adjudication of the Entire Question. – Award to the United States. $15,500,000. – Claims on the Alabama, Florida and Shenandoah Only Accepted. – Sir Alexander Cockburn Refuses to Sign the Decison.

Opening of the New Spanish Cortes by King Amadeus. – Cuban Reforms to Begin When the Revolt is Put Down. – Vagrants from the Interior Set to Work on the Havana Defenses. – Protests of the Mormons Against Being Charged with the Massacre. – Prosecution of Bishop Smith for Murder or Perjury Demanded.

Fight Between Utes and a Cavalry Escort–Nine Savages Killed. – Visit of M. Thiers to the U. S. Steamer Shenandoah. – Dramatic Scene at a Caucus of the Spanish Cortes. – Zorilla Declares His Readiness to Die for the New Dynasty.

The Central America Foundered – Six Hundred and Twenty – Six Persons on Board.  Five Hundred and Sixty-Six Lives Lost. – Only Sixty Saved.

Mr. Greeley “Going West”: A Presidential Candidate in the Disguise of a Farmer.

An Earnest Protest Against Political Trading. – Irish Dissatisfaction with the Democratic Nominations in Missouri. – Greeley’s Silence in Regard to His Democratic Intrigues.

Pennsylvania – The Democratic Stronghold in the Keystone State. – Berks County Republicans a Unit – The Disaffection in Lancaster County – Importance of Success in October

America: Ocean Race Between the Yachts Rambler and Madeleine – Fight Between United States Troops and Apaches. – Important Changes in the Atlantic Mail Service – Excitement in San Francisco Over the Railroad Subsidy – Summary Manner of Dealing with Horse-Thieves in Dakota

The Old Catholic Clergy Looking for State Support. – Restoration of the Churches to Them Also Suggested. – Gambetta Foregoes Speech-Making an the Republican Anniversary. – Fatal Affray Between Prominent Men in South Carolina. – Mormon Women Admitted to the Bar in Utah Territory. 

The Imperial Meeting in Berlin Not Hostile to France. – Reported Withdrawal of the German Minister from Paris Denied. – Germany Ready to Pay Off its Five War Loans. – Reductions of the Army of Occupation Contemplated. – A Cunard Steamer Puts Back to Liverpool Disabled

The Tammany Candidate and the Soldiers. – A Leading Wisconsin Democrat Declares for Grant. – The Republican State Ticket in Pennsylvania. – Something More About Fernando Wood’s Check. – Despair of Greeley’s Organs in the South.

The Emperor’s Meeting at Berlin and its Results. – A Cipher Dispatch of Napoleon’s Stopped in Prussia. – Offensive Attitued of a German Bishop Toward the State. – Friendly Expressions of the Czar Toward Turkey. – Mr. Stansfeld’s Estimate of What Was Done at Geneva.

Horatio Seymour on the Democratic Candidate. – A Hard Hit at the Cant About Reconciliation. – The Merchants of Philadelphia for Hartranft. – What Democratic Misrule Has Cost Delaware. – Yeterday’s Political Gatherings in New-York City.

The Imperial Meeting – Incidents of the Interview–It’s Closing Scenes. – The Fete at Potsdam–A Military Pageant–The Czar’s Birthday–Dark Side of the Rejoicings.

Reception of Ex-Gov. Curtin by the Copperheads. – Failure of a Prominent Boston Banking Firm. – Conclusion of the Fair Trial in San Francisco. – Assassination of the Vice-President of San Salvador. – Indian Attack on the City of Belize, Honduras

What Greeley Knows About Law and Finance. – The Republican Party’s Treatment of the South. – How the Erie Canalmen Mean to Vote. Greeley’s Insult to the Soldiers of the Union.


The Pope’s Ventures Beyond the Vatican at Last. – Spain Talking of “Alabama” Claims Against the United States. – Gambetta’s Course Condemned by the French Government. – Shipwreck and Loss of the Entire Ship’s Company. – English Railway Employees Discussing Immigration to America

Greeley’s Dishonest Cry About the Use of Money. – Nomination of a Republican Congressman in New-Jersey. – Grant’s Speeches and Greeley’s Begging Appeals. – Hon. William F. Havemayer Nominated for Mayor. – Interesting Features of the Canvass in All Sections

Old Houses: Description of an Ancient New-York Landmark. – The Kennedy Mansion – Its History and Present Appearance – Interesting Reminiscences of the Olden Time.

The Georgia Outrage: Infamous Treatment of Colored Voters Throughout the State.  They Abandon the Polls at Noon, Unable to Cast their Ballots — Their Orderly Conduct Alone Prevented Serious Trouble — Greeley’s Kuklux Allies Sworn as Deputy-Sheriffs.

Caught In The Act: Enourmous Scheme for Fraud by Greeleyites Discovered. – Thousands of Bogus Naturalization Papers Prepared. – Democratic Counties in Pennsylvania to be Flooded with Them. – The Fraud Traced Direct to McClure and Randall. – Information Lodged with the United States Authrorities

Rebellion Again: Legitimate Fruits of Greeley’s Secession Speeches – Gov. Smith, of Georgia, Defies the National Courts. – United States Authority to be Resisted With all the Power of the State. – History of the Disfranchisement of the Negroes. – Democratic Mass-Meetings at the Polls to Shoot Republicans.

Republicans Firm and Confident of Success. – Infamous Plots of the Greeleyite Desperadoes. – Discovery that the Imported Negroes Were Democrats.  – Democratic Reliance Upon Fraud to Elect Hendricks. – Probablility of a Complete Failure of Their Plans.

Frenchmen Required to Show Passports to Enter Germany. – Bradlaugh’s Journal Refused Registration in England. – Explosion and Loss of Life on a Steamer in Liverpool. – Coal-Mine Explosion at Morley and Thirty Miners Killed. – Wreck on the Coast of England and All Hands Lost

Exit Greeley. – Enormous Republican Victories. – The “Tidal Wave” Sweeps Away Greeleyites and Tammany. – Common Sense Beats Political Knavery. – “As Goes Pennsylvania, So Goes the Union.” – Ohio Responds to the Key-Stone State – Indiana Joins The Republican Phalanx.

The Elections: Hartranft’s Majority in Pennsylvania 32,000 to 35,000. – Republican Gain of Nine Members of Congress. – The Democrats Disgusted with Their Sorehead Allies. – Republican Majority in Ohio Certainly 15,000. – Hamilton County Carried by the Democrats Through Fraud. 

Fearful Ravages of the Famine in Persia. – Discussion on Cuban Affairs in the Spanish Senate. – The London Press on the American Elections. – More Executions of Communists by the French Government. – Fears of a Massacre of Persians in Turkey.

France: Current Topics in the Parisian Capital. – Superstition Among the Peasantry Results of French Religious Instruction Movements of the Executive General Intelligence

Another Republican Insurrection in Spain. – Louis Blanc Forbidden to Lecture in Italy. – Marine Disasters Reported in the British Channel. – Prince Nepoleon and the Princess Clothilde Leave France. – President Theirs Requests the Recall of the Italian Minister.

The Revolt in Ferrol, Spain, Virtually Suppressed. – Disheartened and Hemmed In, the Rebels Begin to Desert. – Probable Murder of a Wealthy Bank Director Boston. – Partial Destruction of Iron-Works in Johnstown, Penn. – Conversion of an Indain Chief to Christianity.

The Brooklyn Republicans – A Grand Demonstration by the Patriots Last Night. – Stirring Speeches by Senator Brown, of Indiana, and Gen. Bruce, of Madison County

Six of the Passengers of the Lac la Belle Probably Lost. – Curious Confession of a Former “Pal” of William Forrester. – Streamers Fired to Divert Attention From a Great Robbery. – Termination of the Cuban Cigar-Makers’ Strike. – A Fresh Conspiracy and Eight Participants Shot.

The Georgia Election: Detailed Statement of the Frauds and Outrages by which the Democracy Carried the State. – Republicans Murdered for their Politics — Thousands of Voters Driven from the Polls by Armed Bands of Kuklux — Unparalleled Frauds Upon the Ballot Openly Committed.

Wrech of a Railway Passenger Train in England. – One Lady Killed and Twenty-Three Passengers Wounded. – Abolition of Flogging in Newgate Prison Under Discussion. – Dispersion of the Ferrol Insurgents Before the Troops. – Confession of a Communist and an Accomplice of Troppmann.

Italy: Papal Relations with France and Austria. – The Roman Convent Question–Tactics of the Clericals–A War Against the Jesuits–The Army–The Newspaper Press.

Terrible Results of a Duel in Georgia. – Riot in Chili Between the Military and the Police.- Unsuccessful Attempt at Rovolution in Costa Rica. – Marriage of a Distinguished German to an American Lady. – Great Destruction of Property by Fire at the West.

Prince Nepoleon’s Prosecution Against the French Authorities. – The Administration of Ollivier and Palikai to be Investigated. – Impeachemnts of Napoleon’s Ministers for Provoking the War. – Prohibition of Further Increase of the South Carolina State Debt. Reducsed Production of Oil in Pennsylvania.

Illustrations of Greeleyism in the West and South. – The Stars and Stripes Hauled Down in Missouri. – The Rebel Flag Displayed in Their Stead. – A Republican Newspaper Office Destroyed in Louisiana. – Democratic Journals Repudiating the Coalition Candidate.

Vice-President Colfax to Speak in the West. – What the Tammany Candidate Would Ignore. – One of the Things the War Has Settled. – The Outrages Committed on Colored Men in Georgia. – Political Gatherings in this City Yesterday.

Japan Preparing for a War with Corea. – Cruel Desertion of a Sinking Vessel at Sea. – Attempt to Raise a Rebellion in Southern Russia. – Efforts in England for the Release of Fenian Prisoners. – Biennial Meeting of the National Unitarian Conference.

Notes From Washington. – Another Letter of Horace Greeley of Interest to Colored Men. – Hearless and Impertinent Interference with a Scheme of Benevolence Toward Colored Women–The Senate Committees To Be Reformed.

North Carolina: Spirit of the Kuklux-Greeley Democracy. – Vance and the Swepson Frauds–How the State Was Plundered–Enforcement of the Kuklux Law by the United States Court.

Boiler Explosions at Oswego and at Norfolk. – The Steamer Guatemala Wrecked and Twenty-three Lives Lost. – Fearful Ballon Accident at De Kalb, Illinois. – Great Destructions of Property by an Overflow of the Po. – Probably Addition of Important Amendments to the French Constitution.

The Cortes Propose to Impeach Sagasta and His Ministers. – Mr. Bancroft Conveys the Nation’s Thanks to Kaiser William. – Appeal to Orleanists to Aid Henry V. with “Heart, Soul, and Sword.” – Italy Strengthening and Reoganizing Her Alpine Defenses. – Apostle Cannon’s Election to Congress to be Contested.

European News: Extent of the Inundations on the River Po. – Thirty-Two Persons Killed by a Hurricane in Sicily. – The Pope Snubs Cardinal Cullen and the Irish Priests. – President Grant Congratulates M. Thiers on Republican Progress. – Conflicts Between the Two Branches of the Prussian Diet.

The Truth About Proscription in Arkansas. – Democratic Falsehoods About Oppression in the South Exposed. – A Ring Nominations for the Assembly on Staten Island. – Who Supports Greeley, Rebels or Union Men? – Another “Reformer” Seeking for Office in Brooklyn.

A Rousing Rally. – Immense Republican Meeting at Cooper Institute. – Enthusiastic Manifestation in Favor of the National and State Tickets. – Speeches by Boutwell, Speaker Blaine, and Others. – Thorough Exposition of the Financial Policy of Gen. Grant. – The Record of His Administration Forcibly Reviewed.


Reckless but Successful Attempt at Prison-Breaking. – The Prussian Diet Dissolved by Order of the Emperor. – Fatal Accident on a NewJersey Railway. – Attack on a Colored Man’s House by Kuklux. – Their Complete Defeat and Death of Their Leader.

A RALLY FOR HAVEMEYER. – An Enthusiastic Meeting of Merchants and Business Men. – Three Thousand Citizens Declare in Favor of Reform. – An Important Address by the Committee of Seventy. – Elequent Addresses by Jackson S. Schultz.William M. Evarts and JosephB. Varnum. 

SIR WALTER SCOTT. – Unvailing the Statue at Central Park Yesterday. – One Hundredth Anniversary of the Poet’s Birthday. – A Large Number of Caledonians on the Ground Eloquent Addresses by Richard Irvin, William Wood, Andrew H. Green, and William Cullen Bryant.

No Expense to the United States in the German Arbitration. – Remonstrance Against Ducrot’s Bitter Expressions Against Germans. – Councils-General to be Revived in Elsass and Lorraine. – Sir Charles Bright Keeps His Hand on the Panama Telegraph. – Later Details of the Coolie Emeute in Demerara.

Result of the Presidential and State Election Yesterday. – The State Republican by 30,000 Despite Fraud and Intimidation. – Re-Election of Congressman Sypher in the First District. – Returns Come in Slowly—-United States Supervisors of Election Scrutinizing the Vote.

Gen. Grant Carries Thirty States. – The New-England and Middle States Republican. – Overwhelming Majorities for Grant in the West. – Pennsylvania in Line with 100,000 Majority. – New-York Takes Her Place in the Column. – New-Jersey Redeemed from Democratic Misrule. – Large Gains in the Congressional Delegations.

What the People Accomplish- ed on Tuesday. – Gen. Grant’s Popular Majority Over 700,000. – Composition of the Next House of Representatives. – New-York’s Contribution to the General Result. – The Keystone State Rolls Up 125,000 Majority. – Republican Gains in Every State in the Union.

Lerdo Unanimously Elected President of Mexico. – His Policy Little Politics and Much Administration. – Friendly Comment in England on Grant’s Re-Election. – French Rejoicing Over the Evacuation of Rheims. – The New Spanish Loan to be Issued in December.

THE DONOGHUE MURDER: Investigation in the Case Before Coroner Young. – Evidence of the Eye-Witnesses and Others. – John Scanneil Positively Identified as the Murderer. – A Verdict Found Against Him by the Jury.

ANOTHER CHICAGO – Terrible and Destructive Fire in the City of Boston. – Granite Warehouses Melted by Intense Heat. – Vain Efforts of the Firemen to Check the Flames. – A North-West Wind Carries the Fire Before it. – The Loss Already Estimated at Millions. – Startling Scenes of Panic Among the People.

BOSTON: Terrible Work of the Fire Fiend. – An Accurate Account of the Destruction. – Saturday Night’s Alarm and Sunday’s Agony. – Seventy Acres of Buildings in Ruins. – Ninety Millions of Property Destroyed. – A Number of Lives Known to be Lost. – The Progress of the Flames at Last Checked. – Effect of the News in This City. – A Public Meeting Called for Today. – How the Tidings Were Received Elsewhere.

THE BOSTON FIRE: Additional and Interesting Details of the Disaster. – Mansard Roofs the Cause of the Spread of the Flames. – The Merchants Imitating their Chicago Brethren. – Business to be Resumed Without a Moment’s Delay. – The Dry-Goods and Shoe Dealers Commencing Operations. – No Apprehensions of Business Panic or Distress. – Impressions from the General Aspect of the City.

Perilous Voyage of the Helvetia from New-York to London. – The British Movement for Suppressing the East African Slave Trade – The Swiss Government Sustained Against the Pope. – New Political Combinations in the French Assembly. – Russian Relations with Central Asiatic Nations Insecure.

THE CITY OF BOSTON: Progress of the Merchants in Resuming Business. – The Fire Entirely Extinguished by a Heavy Rain. – Bank Safes and Valuables Recovered from the Ruins. – Meeting of Citizens to Adopt Relief Measures. – Report of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department.

Attitude of the Conservatives in the French Assembly. – Combination Against a Republican Form of Government. – Peers to be Created to Carry the Prussian Reform Bill. – Cuban Insurgents Vigorously Raiding Plantations. – CIrcular of Controller Hopkins Regarding the State Deficit.

GOSSIP FROM FRANCE: Men and Things in the New Republic. – Death of a Bibliographer—The Story of M. Pincon—Among the Bookstalls—How a Barber Became a Savant—Books and Razors—Effect of the Revolution—A Successful Career.

Severe Storm Throughout the North of Europe. – Over One Hundred Vessels Wrecked and Many Lives Lost. – Improvement in the Health of King Amadeus. – Reported Discovery of Diamonds Near Salt Lake City. – Terrible Murder of a Woman and Her Child.

Indians Ascertained to Have Taken Part in the Loring Massacre. – No Tidings of the Steamer Arizona at San Francisco. – Prayers Offered in France for the National Assembly. – Bodies of the Missing Boston Firemen Exhumed. – Probably the Last Religious Service Held in the Old South Church.

Boston Threatened With Another Conflagration. – The Fire Confined to a Portion of State-Street Block. – A Mexican Commission on Rio Grande Outrages at Matamoras. – Serious Complication in the Alabama Legislature. – Sharp Shock of an Earthquake in New-Hampshire.

Minister Washburne and the Illinois United States Senatorship. – Explanation of the Democratic Scheme in Alabama. – Notice of New Russian Custom House Regulations. – President Guarda, of Costa Rica, to President Grant. – Balance of the Contribution of the District to the Chicago Sufferers.

Further Action on the Reform Bill in Prussia. – Disordered State of Affairs in the Spanish Provinces. – Proposed Restoration of Property to the Orleans Family. – Diabolical Attempt to Throw a Railroad Train Off the Track. – Burning of a Large Printing-House in Boston.

The March Session Canard Effectually Demolished. – Senator Trumbull to Resign the Judiciary Chairmanship. – Social and Other Preparations for the Winter. – Practical Operation of the New Steamboat Act. – Report of Mr. Nimmo, the Supervising Inspector.

Arrest of Jay Gould, the Great Erie Conspirator. – A Suit Brought to Recover Over $9,000,000. – What Leading Financiers Think of the Matter. – Unexpected Result of a Corner in Stocks. – A Scene of Intense Excitement in Wall-Street.

An Honest Count of the Louisiana Vote. – Grant and Kellogg Carry the State by 12,761 Majority. – Discovery of Counterfeit Central Pacific Railroad Bonds. – Arrival of the Steamer Arizona at San Francisco. – Public Reception of American Naval Officers at Madrid.

Parties in the French Assembly Still Divided in Policy. – The City of Brooklyn Puts Back to Queenstown Disabled. – Meeting of Radicals in Rome Prohibited by Government. – Conscription in Madrid Attended with Disturbance.- The Khedive to Send Troops to Suppress the Slave Trade.

PERILS OF THE SEA: Dismantling of a British Bark in a Hurricane. – Eleven Men Washed from the Wreck and Drowned. – Sufferings of Four Others Found in the Rigging. – Mark Twain’s Account of the Rescue of the Survivors. – Destructive Gale on Saturday in the British Channel.

Recognition of Equal Rights Urged in the Message. – The President’s Reply to a Delegation of Colored Men. – Wholesome Effect of the Indian Visits to the East. – Abstract of the Report of the Chief of Engineers. – Interesting Suggestions Regarding Harbor and Coast Defense.

Postal Telegraphing as Affecting the Appropriations. – Excitement on the Political Questions Subsiding in Paris. – Continued Reports of Disasters in the Recent Gales. – Slow Progress in Settling Difficulties in the South. – Trial of the Alleged Bigamist, Tenison, in Poughkeepsie.

THANKSGIVING: A General Observance of the Holiday. – Happiness in the Households of the Rich and Poor. – The Charitable People and their Generous Provisions. – Services in the Churches, Chapels,and the Institutions. – The Events of the Day in this City and Elsewhere.

Victory for the Thiers Government in the Assembly. – M. Dufaure’s Resolution Carried by a Vote of 370 to 344. – Hepworth Dixon Obtains a Farthing Damages in a Libel Suit. – Electoral Reform Contemplated by the Austrian Government. – The Spanish Insurrection in Andalusia Suppressed.


Intelligence from the English Capital. – Losses of the Insurgents in Spain. – The Political Situation in Paris.- Nn Concentration of German Toops in France Ordered. The Cholera Raging in the Russian Territory.

Probable Congressional Action on Mr. Greeley’s Death. – Opposition to the Civil Service Rules Cropping Out. – Mr. Sumner Adds Valuable Relics to His Collection. – Pursuit of a United States Senatorship Under Difficulties. – Comparative Statement of Esti-mates for Several Years.

President Grant’s Annual Address to Congress. – Our Relations With Foreign Nations Generally Satisfactory. – There Should be No Further Reduction of Taxation. – Schemes Recommended to Facilitate Inland Navigation. – The Indian Policy of the Government Reaffirmed.

Temper of the House on Proposed Naval Improvements. – Remarks Mr. Sumner Intended to Make on Mr. Greeley’s Death. – Political Considerations Not to Weigh in Post-Office Removals. – Caucus of the Republican Senators Last Night. – Mr. Cox’s Credit Mobilier Committee and the Democrats.

Twenty-One of the Passengers and Crew Drowned. – Consternation in London at the Prospect of “No Gas.” – The French Assembly Debating on its Own Dissolution. – Blood-Hounds as Auxilaries of the Spanish Troops in Cuba.

Election of the French Committee on Public Powers. – King Victor Emmanuel Sends a Medal to Dr. Livingstone. – Another Inundation Along the Course of the Po. – Four English and American Schools Closed in Rome. – London Under Oil, Candle, and Calcium Light.

The French Assembly Committee on Public Powers. – Increased Agitation of the Subject of Dissolution. – Friendly Tone of English Conservatives Toward America. – The Counties Reform Bill in Prussian Upper House. – Disappearance of all Spanish Insurrectionary Bands.

DIAMONDS: Additional and Interesting Particulars of the Great Swindle. – Statement of One of the Origina- tors of the Scheme. – How the Diamonds Were Bought and How Distributed. – Experiences of the Projectors Among the Men of Wall-Street. – Some Curious Speculations from Our San Francisco Correspondent.

ALABAMA: The Course of the Republican Party Justified. – A Record of Democratic Rascality and Fraud. – How the Democracy Played the Old Tammany Game of “Counting In”– Sound Reasoning on the Subject from Gov. Lewis.

A STATE IS RESCUED: Exciting Scenes in the Louisiana State Senate. – Warmoth’s Midnight Visit to Pinchback to Bribe Him. – Resolution to Impeach Him Adopted by the House. – The Senate Organized as a Court of Impeachment. – Attempt by Warmoth’s Agents to Get the Case to Washington.

SUFFOCATED: Terrible Calamity at the Fifth-Avenue Hotel. – Twenty-Two Women Smothered and Burned by Last Night’s Fire. – Worse than the Black Hole of Calcutta…A Fearful Sight…The Hotel Damaged to the Extent of $100,000.

Novel Scene in the Capitol at Montgomery, Ala. – Attempt of the Sheriff to Seize the Senate Chamber. – He is Arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms for Contempt. – Warmoth still Insists He is Governor of Louisiana. – The “Fusion” Legislature Convene to Re- ceive His Message.

Efforts of the Warmoth Faction to Incite Violence. – Important Action of the United States Attorney-General. – Acting Gov. Pinchback Recognized as the Legal Executive Argument in the United States Supreme Court Judge Elmore’s Abolished Court.

Col. McComb Before the Credit Mobilier Committee. – How a Democrat Kept “His Side of the House” Friendly. – Infidelity to the Professions of the Last Campaign. – Constitutionality of the Tobacco Export Stamp. – Recent Appointments in the New-York Custom-House.

Further Opposition to Civil Service Reform. – The Case of the Colored Cadet at the Naval Academy. – An Order from Secretary Robeson on the Subject. – Fractional Currency and the Duties of Depository Banks. – The Cases Under the Civil Rights Law.

Rejection of Petitions Asking to Dissolve the French Assembly. – Doom of the Jesuit Establishments in Italy Foreshadowed. – Bishop Nanczanowsky and the German Disciplniary Court. – Four Men Killed by the Explosion of a Saw-Mill Boiler. – Gen. Crook’s Expedition Against the Hostile Apaches.

Fatal Result of a Quarrel Between Lottery Dealers. – Nicholas W. Duryea Killed by John E. Simmons. – The Victim Stabbed Four Times with a Bowie-Knife. – Unconcerned Coolness Displayed by the Murderer. – A Complete Chain of Evidence Obtained Against Him.

Railways Impeded and Rivers Swollen by a Heavy Snow-Storm. – Cortinas Adopting Tammany Tactics in an Election. – Returning Officers Attacked by His Ruffians in Matamoras. – Spain Buying Horses in Mexico for Her Army in Cuba.

Spanish Republicans Hostile to Slavery in the Colonies. – Demand on Spain to Restore Two Towns to Morocco. – Duke of Grammont on the Cause of the Franco-German War. – Austria Pledged to Support Napoleon Against Prussia. – Report of Prince Bismarck’s Resignation Confirmed.

Attacks on the Pilgrims to the Lourdes “Miracle.”  – Removal of a Mayor for Not Protecting the Devotees. – Paris and Ghent Under the Water of the Swollen Rivers. – Loss of the Boston Ship Matchless, with All on Board. – Negotiation of a Loan by Egypt in Constantinople.

Unearthing the Frauds of Warmoth’s Government. – Secret of the New-Orleans Times’ Interest in His Fate. – Warrants Uncashed Which Might Avert a Seizure. – Doings of the Committee of a Hundred, More or Less. – Prospective Visit for Sympathy to the Metropolis.

The Paris Students Unite in a Demonstration in Favor of Atheism. – A Notorious Woman Banished from French Territory. – The Abolition of Slavery in Porto Rico Promised. – Sudden Rise of the Thames and Flooding of the Country. – The Khiva Campaign Determined on by the Russian Government.

Complicity of the Tenth National Bank in Smith’s “Corner.” – Legal Resources Exhausted to Find Punishment for it. – Check Upon “Shyster” Claim-Agents’ Pretensions. – Models for the Statue of the Late Gen. Rawlins. – Consular System of the United States a Source of Revenue.

Part of the Business Section of Portland, Oregon, Burned. – Reported Destruction of Helena, Ark., by Fire. – Official Status of Bismarck Defined by the Emperor. – Conflict Between Russian and British Interests in Asia. – Thirty Persons Washed from a Wreck on the French Coast.

Nineteen Persons Killed on a Pennsylvania Railroad. – Casualties and Disasters from the Intense Cold. – Two Persons Frozen to Death and Sixty Engines Disabled. – Emancipation Under Discussion in the Spanish Cortes. – The Crew and Passengers of the Germany Reported Safe.

Victims of the Recent Disaster in Pennsylvania. – Twenty-One Bodies Found and Five Still in the Wreck. – Names of the Killed and Wounded as far as Known. – A Passenger-Train Telescoped by a Freight-Train. – Thrown off the Track by a Broken Rail.

Eighteen Hours of Wind and Snow. – The Most Severe Gale in Twenty Years. – General Suspension of Railway, Steam-boat and Local Travel. – Blockade of Mail Trains on all the Roads. – Glimpses at the Condition of the Homeless Poor.

The Large Fire on Long Wharf, Boston, Yesterday. – Probable Abolition of the Papal Legation at Luzerne. – An English Broker Badly “Short” of Erie Shares. – Two Soldiers Killed and Scalped by Modoc Indians. – The Stronghold of “Captain Jack” to be Bombarded.

The Threatened Danger from the Memphis Ice Gorge. – The River Rising and the Boats Still in Peril. – How the Avalanche Fell at Cottonwood, in Utah. – A Man Stabbed to the Heart in Louisville. – General News and Gossip from the National Capital.

THE CUBAN REVOLT: Successful Raids on Towns by the Insurgents. – Capture of the Town of Holguin and Fort Perriquera. – A Recapturing Force Repulsed with Heavy Loss. – The Cubans Withdraw in Good Order, Carrying Their Dead. – Excitement in Havana Over the Custom-House Frauds.

Arrival of the Yantic, Capt. Wilson, at Zanzibar. – The Sultan Promises to Try to Prevent Kidnapping of Slaves. – Germany Resents the Insults in the Papal Allocation. – Journals in Prussia Forbidden to Publish It. – The German Embassy to the Vatican Closed.

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